DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Il For Direct Classified Ad Service, Phone NO 2-
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(Continued from Page 4)
For any additional information con-
tact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528
Admin Bldg., NO 3-1511, Ext. 489.
The following companies will inter-
view at the Engrg. Placement Office,
128H W. Engrg. Bldg.
Feb. 23 and 24:
Raytheon Co., all divisions. All de-
grees: EE, Physics. BS: E Physics. Feb.,
June and Aug. grads. Must be male
U.. citizen
Feb. 24:
E. I, du Pont de Neinours & Co., all
du2ont Divisions and locations. BS and
r MS: ChE, EE, EM, IE, Mat'ls, ME, and
Met., Gen'l Chem., Physics and Math.,
(Statistics). BS: E Math, E. Physics,
Science. MS: Instru., and Nuclear. Also:
Industrial Mgmt., Sales and Purchas-
ing (Students from Bus. Ad. who hate
undergraduate training in Engrg. or
Kaiser Industries, Kaiser Steel Corp.,
Fontana, Calif. BS: ChE, EE, IE, ME
and Met. Feb., June and Aug. grads.
Must be male U.S. citizen.
Koppers Co., Inc.. throughout the
U. S. BS and MS: ChE, CE, EE. Feb.
June and Aug. grads. Citizenship re-
Leeds & Northrup, Philadelphia area
and sales offices coast-to-coast. All de-
grees: ChE, EE, ME, and Met. BS: E
Physics. MS and PhD: Nuclear and
Physics. PhD: Instrumentation. June
and Aug. grads. Men only.
Pittsburgh-Des Moines Steel, Pitt-
burgh, Pa. BS and MS: CE. June and
Aug. Grads. Must be male U.S. citizen.
U.S. Govt., National Security Agen-
cy, Fort George G. Meade, Maryland
and Wash., D.C. All degrees: EE. BS:
E Math, E Physics. BS and MS: ME.
June grads. Must be male U. S. citizen.
Whirlpool Corp., Ind., Ohio, Mich.
and Minn. BS: EE, EM, IE, ME. Elec-
tro-Mech. Engr. for work in acoustics
and noise control. MS: Mat'ls.' PhD:
ChE and ME. June graduates. Must be
male U.S. citizen. Summer employment.
The Wickes Corp., The U. S. Graphite:
Co., Res. and Dev. Labs., Saginaw,
Mich. BS: ChE, EE and Met. June
grads. Must be male U.S. citizen.
Feb. 23, 24 and 25:
Westinghouse Electric Corp., entire,
co. BS and MS: ChE, EE, EM, IE,
Mat'ls, ME and Met. BS: E Math and
E Physics. MS: Instrumentation and
Nuclear. June and Aug. grads. Must be
male U.S. citizen.
Feb. 24 and 25:
Scott Paper Co., Mech. Res., Chem.
Res.. Operations Res., Chester, Pa.
Tech. Control, Plant, Engrg. - all
plants. All degrees: ChE, Chem. (Phys.
and Org.),BS and MS: EE, EM and ME.
BS: E Physics. MS and PhD: Instru.
June and Aug. grads. Summer Employ-
ment: Jrs. please check Placement
Office the day before you plan to in-
terview. Must be male U.S. citizen.
The following companies will inter-
view at the Bureau of Appointments,
4001 Admi'n. Bldg. Call Ext. 3371 for
an appointment.
u 1 r
Like to get in on the ground floor and stay there?
Sorry, we can't help you. But we do have lots of
room for first-rate seniors who want to get places
fast in the communications industry. Seniors with
a flair for science, engineering, business, account-
ing, management and personnel work.
You can find out how you fit into this business
in just one interview. See your Placement Coun-
selor now and arrange a visit with the Bell System
Recruiting Team. They'll be on campus soon to
talk with you.
Thurs., Feb. 25:
Central Intelligence Agency, Wash-
ington, D. C.-- See Wednesday's list-
Zurich Insurance Co., Chicago, IlI.-
See Wednesday's listing.
Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co.,
Cleveland, Ohio. Location of work:
Cleveland, Ohio. Graduates: June, Aug.
Men with a degree in Economics, Sci-
ence, or Mathematics for 1) Market
Research. Studying the market poten-
tial of electric power applications. 2)
For Financial and Economic Research.
Research in rate of return compari-
sons depreciation, and the writing of
cohesive final reports on complex
economic studies. 3) For Rate Design.
Preparation of material for presenta-
tion at rate case hearings before regi-
latory bodies. 4) For Negotiation of
Purchases. The purchase of the multi-
tude of supplies and services essential
to the operation of a modern electric
utility. 5) For System Planning. Mathe-
matical analysis of a variety of elec-
tric circuit problems from background
furnished by engineers; , statistical
analysis of system loads; application
of probability theory to selection of
system planning alternatives.
Whirlpool Corp., St. Joseph, Mich.
Location of work: St. Joseph, Mich.
Grads: June or Aug. Men with, a de-
gree in Physics for Research and De-
Connecticut General Life Insurance
Co., Hartford, Conn. Location of work:
Home office, Hartford, Conn.; Sales of-
fices: One hundred and forty-two lo-
cated in principal cities throughoib
the country. Graduates: June. Men
with a degree in Liberal Arts or Busi-
ness Admin. for Management Training
for Administration in Accident, Group
and Life Underwriters, Claim Exam-
Iners, Data Processing Analysts, Mort-
gage Loan Underwriters and Fief
Supervisors, Personnel and Planning
Assistants, Division and Dept. Super-
visors, Field Service Representatives.
2) Men with a degree in Mathematics,
Law, or Medicine for Technical and
Professional Program. Positions avail-
able as Actuaries, Security Analysts,
Lawyers and Doctors. Training is as
stated in No. 1. 3) Men with a degree
in Liberal Arts or Business Adminis-
tration for Sales-Group Insurance and
Pension Plans and Service Represen-
tative, Life Insurance Agents, Broker-
age Assts. and Sales Managers. Train-
ing program as stated in No. 1.
Fri., Feb. 26:
Central Intelligence Agency -- See
Wednesday's listings,
Student Part-Time
The following part-time jobs are
available to students. Applications for
these jobs can be made in the Non-
Academic Personnel Office, Rm. 1020
Admin. Bldg., during the following
hours: Mon, through Fri., 1:30 p.m. to
4:45 p.m.
Employers desirous of hiring students
for part-time work should contact Jim
Stempson. Student Interviewer at NO
3-1511, Ext. 2939.
3 Waiters (11:30 to 1:30 p.m. Mon.-
F4 Meal jobs (3 fraternity, 1 sorority)
1 Apple Orchard caretaker (Prefer for-
estry student, or could be a couple
with a trailer.)
1 Drummer for dance band.
1 Bass or electric guitar player.
2 Typists (full-time temporary.)
1 Typist (afternoons, 20 hrs. per
10 Tour guides for research labs. (10-
15 h~re. per week, hrs, are flexible,
background or interest in natural sci-
1 Steno-typist (Type up a manuscript
for publication, must do the. work at
The interest of Olin Mathieson in the vital fields of chemicals, metals, packaging,
pharmaceuticals and energy and in the sporting arms and ammunition industry
promises the chemist, the chemical and the mechanical and metallurgical engineers
of sue, ,v r , gust as ranidly as ability