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February 21, 1960 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1960-02-21

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For Direct Classified Ad Service, Phone NO 2-4786
FFICIAL BU LLETI N Prom 1:00 to3:00 P.M.Monday through Friday,and Saturday 9:30 'i 11:30 A..

He will be accompanied at the piano
by James Fairleigh, and assisted by
Paul Topper, violin, Virginia Stumm,
violin, Elizabeth Lichty, viola, Bernard
Linden, viola, Harry Dunscombe, cello.
MA in Vocational Rehab., Psych.,
Guidance or other related education.
D. C. Heath & Co., Educational Pub-
lishers, is looking for a man to work
as a Salesman and represent their com-
pany in Michigan. Should have a BA
or MA degree, be between 25 and 35,
with a teaching or educational admin-
istrative background, and the ability
to meet people.
Armstrong Cork Co., Lancaster, Pa.,
has vacancies for: Sales-Non Techni-
cal; Accountants; Production planners;
Advertising, promotion and public re-
lations personnel; Stylists; Ceramic
Engr.; Doctoyal Chemists; Chemists or
Chemical Engrs.; Engrs.; Plant Engrs.
and Industrial Engrs. Cali the Bureau
for further information.
For further information concerning
any of the above positions, contact the

Bureau of Annointments, 4001 Admin.
Bldg., Ext. 3371.7
Personnel Interviews:
The following organizations, com-
panies and government agencies will be
visiting our office for the purpose of
interviewing graduating seniors and
graduate students for employment. It
Thomas Spencer Jerome Lecture;
Prof. Richard Krautheimer, Institute of
Fine Arts, New York University will
speak on " AClassical Renaissance in
Rome Under Pope Sixtus III' on Mon.,
Feb. 22 at 4:15 p.m. in Aud. B.
Lecture: "The Construction and
Problems of Learning Machines," Prof.
Norbert Wiener of M.I.T., Tues., Feb.
23, 4:15 p.m. in Trueblood Aud., Frieze
Lecture: Dr. Harlan Hatcher will
speak on "The Role of the Profession-
al School at the University of Michi-
gan," on Mon., Feb. 22 at 4 p.m. in the
School of Public Health Aud.

Lecture: Prof. Richard Krautheimer
of the Institute of Fine Arts, New York
University will speak on "Santa Sophia
in Constantinople, A Palace Church"
on Tues., Feb. 23 at 4:15 p.m. Aud. B.
Academic Notices,
Automatic Programming and Numer-
ical Analysis Seminar: "Iterative Cir-
cuit Computers (continued)" by Dr.
John H. Holland on Mon., Feb. 22 at
4 p.m. in 3209 Angell Hall.
Engrg. Mechanics Seminar, Mon., Feb.
22, at 4:00 p.m. in Rm. 305, W. Engrg.
Bldg. Mr. William. W. O'Dell, Jr., will
speak on "An Application of Complex
Variables to Elasticity." Coffee will be
served in Rm. 201 W. Engrg. at 3:30
Doctoral Examination for William
Thomas Weeks,, Physics; thesis: "In-
version-Vibration and Inversion-Rota-
tion Interactions in the Ammonia
Molecule," Tues., Feb. 23, 2046 Ran-
dall Lab, at 2:30 p.m. Chairman, K. T.

gF -mmmu

!! ! li'llilli I I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII m


Main shop
off corner
of South Univ.
Campus Theatre

1111 South Univ.




Placement Notices
Beginning with Mon., Feb. 22, the
following schools will have representa-
tives at the Bureau of Appointments
to interview for the 1960-61 School
Mon., Feb. 22:
Suttons Bay, Mich. - Elem. (1-5);
HS Math/Physics, Comm., Musi (Vo-
cal and Intr.)
Tues., Feb. 23:
crystal Falls, Mich. - Girls Phys.
Ed.; 1st grade.
El Monte, Calif. - Elem. (K-8).
Madison Heights, Mich. (Lamphere
Schools) - Elem.; Jr. HS Lang. Arts/
Soc. Stud., Vocational Dir, (Electron-
ics), Speech Corr.
Manhasset, N. Y. - Jr. HS or Sr. HS
Counselor; HS Physics, Citizenship Ed.;
Midland, Mich. - Elem. (K-), Art,
Vocal Music, Phys. Ed., Spec. Ed. (Ret.);
Jr. HS English, For. Lang. (Germ.,
French, Spanish), Math, Gen. S., Soc.,
Stud., Home Ec., Phys. Ed./Gen. Set.,
Typing; HS English, Lang., Math,
Chem., Art, Ind. Arts, Library, Phys.
Ed. (woman).
Wed., Feb. 24:
Norwalk, Calif. - Elem. (K-); Spec.
Ed.: Ment. Ret., Phys. Hdp., Deaf,
Speech & Hearing, Blind; 7th and 8th
Grade: Lang. Arts/Soc. Stud./Core/
Math or Science, Girls Phys. Ed., School
Camp, School Nurses.
Portage, Mich. - Elem.; HS Germ,/
Eng., Soc. Stud., Speech/Eng., Girls
Phys. Ed., Home Ec., Bus. Stud., Dis-
trib. Ed., Wood Shop, Biol./Boys PE,
Math; Jr. HIS Eng./Soc. Stud., Scl./
Math, Gen. Shop/Math; Spec. Ed.: Vis-
iting Tch., Speech Corr., Ment. ret.
For any additional information and
appointments contact the Bureau of
Appointments, 3528 Admin. Bldg., NO
3-1511, Ext. 4890.
Beginning with Thurs., Feb. 25, the
following schools will have representa-
tives at the Bureau of Appointments
to interview for the 1960-61 school
Thurs., Feb. 25:
Grand Rapids, Mich. - Elem., Phys.
Ed., Vocal Music; Spec. Ed.: Ment. Ret.,
Orthopedic, Deaf; Jr. HS Librarian; HS
Girls Phys. Ed., Spanish/Eng.. English,
Latin/Eng.; Jr. Coll. Math, Chem.
Inkster, Mich. (Cherry Hil)-Elem.;
Jr. HS Sci./Math, Soc. Stud./Eng.; HS
English, Physics/Math or Chem., Math,
French, Shop, Guidance.
Stockton, Calif. (Lincoln Sch.) -
Elem.; English, Speech/Drama, HS Vo-
cal, Spanish, Band/Orch., Soc. Stud.,
French, Math, Home Ec., Ind. Arts,
Gen. St., Life Sci., Girls and Boys
Phys. Ed., Coach (football and base-
ball), Physics/Math (Bring picture and
transcript to interview.)
Fri., Feb. 26:
Garden City, Mich. - Elem. (K-l),
Vocal Coord., Art Coord.; Jr. HS Music,
Eng./Soc. Stud., Librarian, Ind. Arts,
Math/Sci., Art, Band; HS Comm., Math;
Spec. Ed.: Visiting Tch., Speech Corr.
Port Huron, Mich. - Elem.; Jr. HS
Math, Science, Soc. Stud. (Geog.), Art,
Music (Vocal), Home Ec.; HS Soc.
Stud., Math, Voc, Machine Shop, Eng-
Aish, German; Spec. Ed.: Speech Corr.,
Rem. Reading, Visiting Teacher, Sight
Saving, Ment. Hdcp.
For any additional information and
appointments contact the Bureau of
Appointments, 3528 Admin. Bldg., NO
3-1511, Ext. 489.
Personnel Requests:
Firm in Kalamazoo, Mich., has need
of a Chief Industrial Engineer, BSIE
preferred and a minimum 10 yrs.
experience in methods, standards, etc.
and be under 45 years of age. Also have
need of a factory sales representative
with preferably 3-5 yrs. of experience.
And a Bus. Administration or Liberal
Arts degree.
Corp. In Pittsburgh, Pa. has opening
for man in Commercial Research Div.,
with a specialization and experience in
international trade. Man with BA or
MA in Economics, Bus. Ad. or similar
background, with some practical ex-
perience in international trade or busi-
ness such as banking, import-export
field, etc.
State of Michigan announces exam-
inations for: Hospital Community Re-
lations Director and Building and Loan
Examiner (closing date for applications
is Feb. 24); and Secretary, Attorney,
State Dept. Branch Manager and for
Chemical Engrs. (March 2 closing date.)
Exam also being given for Account
Examiner. ..... ..... ............
North American Aviation, Inc., Calif-
ornia, has key openings In their Auto-
netics Div.: Research Director - must
have an MS or PhD in Bus. Admin.,
Economics and Electrical Engrg. and
have a heavy technical background of
experience in industry combined with
business management experience of
equal stature. Openings also for: Spe-
cialist in International Business; Chief
of Research Labs.: Manager, Export
Sales; Director, Reliability and Quality
Control; Manager, Field Engrg,; Chief,
Spares; and Chie, Value Analysis.
The Kendall Co., offices in Chicago,
Mass. and N. C. has vacancies for: Me-
chanical Engrs., Management Trainees,
Production Trainees, Drug Sales Reps.,
Hospital Sales Reps., Sales Develop-
ment Specialists, Textile Sales Trainees,
Administrative Trainees, Chemists at
all levels and branches, Medical Tech-
nicial, and Textile Technician (woman)
Further information is on file at the

J. T. Baker Chemical Co., Phillips-
burg, N. J., has an opportunity for a
young man interested in export sales
work in the chemical industry. Posi-
tion is Asst. Export Sales Mgt. and
requires a reading and speaking knowl-
edge of Spanish and a minimum of 3
yrs. industrial export-sales experience.
Jewish Vocational Service, Detroit,
Mich., has need of a Vocational Reha-
bilitation Counselor - must have an
(Continued on Page 5)

ENJOY A mighty fine meal at the Hil-
lel Supper Club. From 6-7 p.m., B'nai CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING
Brith Hillel Foundation, 1429 Hill. furnished. Use of modern
P68 fully equipped. Laundry
SPECIAL Near E. U.'and Hill. Call NC
Do You Know?
David Eagil .., ,..,,.........2-1642 LINES ONE-DAY RATE CUSTOM DESIGNED contenl
Mary Bremer ...............3-1561 apt., sublets available with
F9 280 39 of fng and furniture. I
Liberty & State St. areaP
T K6quiries NO 3-1511, Ext. 2018,
sees the Student Relations Board FOUR Grad. students. Campus
working with other student organi- 4,.L .54 Wim St. 5 r-s fun
zations in bringing the objectives per month until June. N
.of the Development Council to yourpEvenings Gall NO 3-8842.
attention. F70
PLANNED PARENTHOOD CLINIC Figure 5 overage words to a line. PARKING SPACE. Near can
Bus. Ed. School. Call NO 2-0
Advicerof physician on birth con- Call Classified between 1 :00 and 3:00 Mon. thru Fri.
trol. Professional counsel on mar- FOR RENTNolease
riage problems. Clinic hours.Tues. : a n 1:y- Phone O2-478 old & would prefer girls to
and Thurs. 7:30 to 9., 122. N. 4th . an 11:3 SaudyNO248 30. $26 monthly. Call NO 5-70
Ave. Call NO 2-9282. F12 __._$2________y.__________-
WOLF, look sharp, feel sharp, be sharp MAVERICK would like this al
shave 1F63 furnished, near campus, r
'rent. Graduation left space
WE ARE recklessly throwing our money BUSINESS SERVICES ROOM AND BOARD man in this triple withou
around scrounging for off-beat, weirdy tions. Call after 6:00. NO 3-
greeting card ideas and are designed FOR TODAY'S breakfast why not buy ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA, 1957 edl-
by and, for college students. It hurts, some lox, cream cheese, bagels, onion tion, never used, $285. NO 2-0236. B14
but we pay well! Write College Hall rolls, or assorted Danish pastry? Plan APARTMENT on campus,
Cards, Hickory Grove, Larchmont, ahead also . . . later in the week 2 ROOM furnished apartment with pri- nicely furnished, private b
New York. F56 we'll have smoked whitefish, gefilte vate bath. 518 S. Division. E12 4 or 5 adults. Please call NO
Afishe, kosher soups, pastrami, and GOOD FOOD at rea bl ic NO 3-5698.
ASSISTANCE NEEDED-must have re- corned beef. Shop at Ralph's for these Call House Manager at NO 2-8312.
spectable, wealthy, student. At least delicious foods. E10 SINGLE ROOM-East Side for
Junior status, for family function RA LPH'S MA RKET -woman or woman graduate
next weekend. He must have social R LHSM R E oa rwmngaut
pe nd. able mtohold his lqor. 7ROOM AND/OR BOARD for men 'stu- Close to University and
poise and be able to hold his liquor. 709 Packard NO 2-375 dents. Mealis $16 per week with re- Many privileges. Call NO 3-
Phone 3-1561 Rm 6012 Lloyd. F J__ bates. Room $7 per week. Linen fur-
nished. 1319 Hill, corner of Forest. MONROE STREET furnished
LATIN AMERICAN Carnival Masquerarde MAYNARD & SEEGER Call manager, NO 2-6422. E9 rent. 1 room plus kitchen a
Ball, Friday, February 26, 1960. 9 un- WELDERS and $0. NO 2-5035 after 5 P.M.
$2.50 per couple. F58 409 S. Ashley now has rooming and boarding vacan- ACTUALLY on campus, clean
NO 8-7403 )J3 cies for men and graduate women. furnished. NO 3-5947.
WANTED: one or two girls to share Charges are $10.00 per week for board-
nicely furnished modern campus apt. TYPING in my home. Geraldine Koel- ing, $15.00 per week for rooming and CAMPUS ROOMS for men, re
702 E. University. NO 3-9714. F50 ler, 111 Worden. NO 3-9585. )J61 boarding. Contact the I.C.C. office at Linens furnished. NO 3-474
2456 SAB or call NO 8-6872. E19
YOU SAVE 15 pitchers of beer by not TYPING SERVICE-Offering expert typ- ONE BLOCK FROM CAMPUS
renting a tux when you go to the ing on dissertations, manuscripts, etc. USED CARS apartment, 514 S. Forest. A
Paul Bunyon Ball. F44 All work done on IB.M. electric type- _ NO 2-1443.
BEFORE you buy a class ring, look at writer. Phone NO 2-7605. J20 '57 BLACK CHEVROLET convertible- LARGE ROOM, single 8 per
the official Michigan ring. Burr Patter- white-walls, r & h, Call NO 3-9979 2-4959, 5643 Geddes Road.
son and Auld Co., 1209 South Univer- Reconditioned Vacuum Cleaners after 3:00 p.rp.' N8
sity, NO 8-8887. F3 $15.00 and up APARTMENT for four, one bk
J.- LEABJ SALES AND SERVICg 1959 MORRIS MINOR, 8 mos. old, ask- campus. Large, parking,
Definition of an EGGHEAD-One who 322 E. Liberty NO 3-3604 ing $1050 or best offer. NO 3-4016. N6 basement storage. Call NO |
refers to Marilyn Monroe as Mrs. )J59 '53 FORD tw-door V-8, automatic ter 5.
Arthur Miller , .s The Daily per- S ODtodoV8 uoai
sonals can be fun as well as personal ONE-DAY SERVICE power steering, radio, heater, $250. FOR RENT: Quiet, pretty,
.. Why not wish your wife a happy AT SANFORDS ... NO 8-8872 after 6. N7 apt. for 2, 1 bedroom, good ]
married life? Phone NO 2-4786 any Shoe Repairing campus. NO 5-8516.
afternoon. F Hat Cleaning CAR SERVICE, ACCESSORIES
FOR THE BEST IN MUSIC it's Johnny presig C met close to campus next
Harberd - Bob Elliot - Boll Weevils - Shoe Shining C-TED STANDARD SERVICE call NO 5-7616 after 5 p.m.
Andy Anderson - Dick Tilkin - Al 119 East Ann Street Friendly service is our business.
Blaser - Kingsmen - Ray Louis - Open T#1 8 P.M. -- Atlas tires,' batteries and accessor- DO orHAetboAares
Larry Kass plus many others. Phone Also Sundays & Holidays le. Warranted & guaranteed See Roomsf n a e
THE BUD-MOR AGENCY. NO 2-6362, (Opposite court house since 1927) us for the best price on new & Do you want a cheap, cC
F19 NO 8-6966 use dtires. Road service-mechanic widely read source to publis]
J2 on duty. formation??????????? then -
Have YOU heard all about the wonder- "You expect more from Standard MICHIGAN DAILY OLASS
ful results from advertising in The LAST CHANCE and you get it" . NO 2-478.
I Michigan Daily Classified Column. February only specials 1220 S. University at Forest
Try it yourself and see. Call NOFNi tF-9168
2-4786. F6 Esquire $2.00 - 8 months NO 8-9168 FURNISHED University operal
New Yorker $3.00 - 8 months 81 ments available immediatel;
KINGSTON TRIO appearing in Detroit New Republic $3.00 - 9 months versity Terrace and North
Sun. - Feb. 21 - Masonic Temple. Sat. Eve. Post $4.79 - 60 weeks HBumping and Painting Available to married stud
Tickets at Bob Marshall's. F18 Ladies' Home Journal $2.80 - 16 mos. 2007 South State NO 2-3350 married faculty. Efficiency,
Holiday $3.75 - 15 months bedroom, $97; Two bedroom
BEFORE YOU buy a class ring, look at Atlantic $2.50 - 8 months NO 3-1511, ext. 3311. or apply
the official Michigan ring. Burr Pat- Time, Life, Newsweek, and Sports Ii- SMITH AUTO UPHOLSTERING ministration Bldg.
terson and Auld So., 1209 South Uni- lustrated--for less than 8 cents a copy Auto and Furniture
versity, NO 8-8887. P3 Your authorised student represents- Refinished - Reupholstered FOR SALE
EUROPEAN TOURS, '60. 45 days, 9 tive-Student Periodical Agency. Call Convertible Tops
cutisicu ing e iega NO 2-3061. J16 NO 3-8644 1954 RICHARDSON house trail
asion__I_ __lmm__- .YAHR'S MOTOR SALES 8. $1,450 with $350 down. C
As sor $705 For lcs, it des PERSONAL DATA SHEETS lithographed Bumping and Painting 2363.
ropa, Boa 2053, Ann Arbor. F6 with or without picture. Reasonable. Used Cars Bought and Sold
____,_B___2___,_A ___Ar ___._F The Edwards Letter Shop NO 3-4510 ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNI(
MUSICAL MOSE., 423 Both at 507 8. Ashley s edition, never used. $285. NC
SCRIPTIONS TO VTR FAVORITE Protect your car I I campus; reasonable rates. N


Used electric piano, like new,
only $299
Used Baby Grand, Qeo. Steck model,
completely reconditioned
only $495
Make Grinnell's your sheet music

323 S. Main

NO 2-5667

PIANOS AND ORGANS. String instr-
ments, guitars and banjos. Other in-
struments also available. We have now
moved to 209 E. Liberty. X35

Complete line of
at catalog prices.



1 3 19So. Univ. Ave.
We take trades-Best deal anywhere
Ann Arbor Piano & Organ Co.
213 E. Washington NO 3-3109
Service on All
Radios, T.V.'s and Hi-Fl's
All Work Guaranteed
207 E. Ann NO 8-8116
A-1 New and Used Instruments
, Rental Purchase Plan
119 W. Washington NO 2-1834


MOTOR SCOOTER: Lambretta or
per. Call 405 Hayden House,


ARMY-NAVY type Oxfords-$7.95; socks
39c; shorts 69c; military supplies.
Sam's Store, 122 E. Washington. W1



1. It combines a unique inner filter of ACTIVATED CHARCOAL,..defi-


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