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August 27, 1963 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-08-27

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am us Plan Envisions Walkways, Focused 1



, (Continued from Page 1)
ecial, around the Administra-
in and Student Activities Build--
Es and the 'Union.
Another integral feature of Cn-
L Campus is housing, the plan
s,. ranging from massive .dor-
tories to apartments. :'he shop-
ag and service areas a the
rimeter of Central Campus
ould also be given considera-
n in planning.
"The implications here are that
order fo rthe University to
.0w for an indeterminate de-_
ee of expansion with an increas-
measure of order, clarity and
eiciency, the pattern of a singu-
r physical and organizational
cus, around which occurs all re-
ed professional schools and in
rn around which occurs all
using, must be reconsidered.
"The brightest prospect for con-
iued expansion may lie in the
tiversity's ability to organize and
y3ically relate several academic
aters, each with its own identity
wards more integrated and more
ii ate living-learning environ-
~nts,' the plan declares.
Traffic Parkingf
A third factor is traffic and
rking. The plan notes that the
ne street patterns serve the
ntral Business District, Univer-
y campuses, crosstown traffic
d parking needs.
The plan, sees the need for a
ies of rings, spreading out from
e CBD-campus area, around the
y so that traffic could flow
re freely and sort itself ont
ter for various -destinations.
The Central Campus ring is
mposed of Hill, Packard, Divi-
in and Huron Streets andForest
Parking System
The plan also says that the
iversity is proceeding with a
.nd parking system and that
lure expansion could effectively
et increased demands upon it.
.ich of the University's parking
cilities are located on the Cen-
tL Campus outer perimeter,
ere it should be, the plan in-
"The most dominant mark" of
e future Central Campus would
"three major academic avenue"
dkways, the plan says. They
uld be "broadly conceived walk-
sys for students and faculty to
iich all functions would relate."
The first one would be a north-
as-southeast diagonal running
mt .the Rackham Bldg. mal to
e, South University St. shop-
ag area.
The second would be an east-
ist route from Church to
iompson Streets.
The third would be a northeast-
uthwest diagonal from the Med-
sl Center to the intersection of
11 and Packard Streets.
These walkways would link up
e five subcampuses by passing
rough the center of each and
e central "quad." Each of the
re areas, now in a inchoate state,
'ould be developed as a campus
mus around which occur build-
gs or building complexes of var-
us function," the plan says.
Distribute Facilities
Special facilities, such as thea-
s, museums, exhibition halls,
raries, faculty club, shopping
.d student activities would be
tributed along the major walk-
Housing would occur at the ends
the walkways as well as being
rt of some of the academic com-
xe., as proposed, for example,
the small residential college
ils of the literary college.
lazas, fountains and sitting
eas would be an integral feature
the walkways. Where the walk-
t7y ,crosses busy streets, such as
rest and North. University
reets and Forest and Huron
reets, overpasses would be built.
Well Lighted
The walkways would be gen-
ally broad and well-lighted at

A campus green belt would ex-
tend through the Central Campus,
across Palmer Field and the Madi-
son Heights parkway to the Ar-
boretum. The plan envisiohs pe-
destrian bridges across the Huron
River providing access to recrea-
tional facilities.'
Ring Road
Major traffic would flow along
the Forest-Huron-Division-Pack-
ard-Hill ring road. Campus en-
trances, the plan continues, would
be made prominent by "taste-
fully designed" arrangements of
lawn, walkway and shade areas.-
"Organizationally, the center of
campus would remain liberal arts-
and library-oriented with the out-
er edges developing as a series of
academic units of various types
and combination," the plan says.
The walkways would serve as
the unifying element as the Cen-
tral Campus expands beyond its
present bounds,
'Points of Extension'
The plan recommends four
"points of extension" suitable for
further study:
1) A southern extension of the
northeast- southwest walkway past
the State-Hill-Packard Streets
business area'to tlhe northeast edge
of the athletic campus;
2) An eastern extension of the
east-west walkway to Wilmot St;
3) A western extension of the
School area on Packard and Divi-
east-west walkway to the Perry
sion Streets; and
4) A northern extension of the
northwest - southwest walkway
north of the Rackham Bldg.
Narrow End.
''Suchzones of extension," the
plan continues, "would be narrow
and knitted to the community
through housing and service fa-
cilities. The scale of architectural
deminsion would be small. The
size of buildings would be intimate
and residential in character."
The plan makes a series of rec-
ommendations designed' to move
-today's Central Campus towards
the one envisioned for tomorrow.
To aid traffic flow around Cen-
tral Campus, the plan calls for
University ..support of the CBD

N. to S. University Streets as a
pedestrian walkway, the plan de-
Open space should also be pro-
tected, the plan asserts. The space
in front of Angell Hall and on N.
University St. should be main-
tained. It should be extended to
reach the Hill and Medical Center
forming a "crescent of continuous
campus 'green'" from State St. to
the Medical Center. Future plan-
ning should consider open space,
the plan declares.
In terms of general policy, the
plan recommends that Central
Campus be developed in a coher-
ent, total framework and that this
framework, based on) the walk-
ways and subareas, be considered
in the planning of any single
Continuing expansion must as-
sure a continuing single image of
the University, maintain the
beauty and vitality of the cam-
pus area and assure smooth traf-
fic flow for the entire University
community, the plan declares.
To carry out the planned goals
it is necessary that the University
organizationally adjust to a multi-
plicity of smaller campus areas,
the plan warns.
Housing and academic functions
must "be considered as a concep-
tual totality towards more com-
plete, more intimate and more
effective living-learning environs-
ments," the plan says.
The plan declares that it Is
essential that the Ann Arbor com-
munity participate with the Uni-
versity to maintain a proper and
fruitful relationship as both

WALKWAYS-Three major walkways will connect the various sub-units of the Central Campus.
These "academic avenues" will lead from Division to Wilmot Streets;, from the Medical Center to
the Packard-State Streets interection. The paths will link the off-campus shopping and service
areas, housing and the various academic sub-units such as the library complex.

"Guide to Action" system of "pen-
etrator routes" for the city- par-
ticularly for the Fuller-Geddes
Roads portion.
The plan seeks special attention
for the Fuller Rd. and Huron St.
intersections of Glen St., Forest
and Huron Streets intersection,
Forest St. and Geddes Rd. inter-
sections of Washtenaw Ave.,
Washtenaw Ave. and South Uni-
versity St. intersection, the Hill-
Packard-State Streets intersection
and the Packard-Division-E. Madi-
son Streets intersection.
It also asks for safer street
crossing at Forest and Huron
Streets, North University and
Forest Streets and Hill and State
The plan encourages the con-
struction of parking structures
around the ring road, seeing the
greatest need for a new one- in
the Hill Aud. area.

It points out future campus
focal points, some now existing,
but none highlighted as focal
1) The area between Hill Aud.,
the League and Rackham Bldg.;
2) The area north of the Mu-
seums Bldg. in the vicinity of
3) The area near the triangular
Geddes Rd.-Forest St.-Washtenaw
Ave. intersection;
Monroe Area
4) The area at the intersection
of Monroe and Tappan Streets;
5) The area between the Stu-
dent Activities Bldg. and the Un-
ion; and
6) The area between the Under-
graduate Library and the Physics-
Astronomy Bldg.
The plan proposes that these
six area be kept as free from
traffic as possible by shifting,
streets to pedestrian ways or con-
trolled access streets. Washtenaw
Ave. between N. University and

Forest Streets, Washington St.
between Thayer and Forest Streets,
Monroe between State and Forest
Streets and E. University St. north
of S. University St. would be ef-
One Architect
In each of the six areas develop-
ment would be advanced by giv-
ing greater design responsibility
to one architect, the plan says.
To promote the development of
the walkways, the plan suggests
that they be designated "academic
avenues" by which students and
faculty could reach virtually every
University facility.
These routes should be allowed
to interconnect the six focal
points. More flexible ground floor
building concepts are needed to
accommodate movement through
and around structures, the plan
Pedestrian Walkway
Top priority should be given to
developing E. University St. from

SUB-CAMPUSES-Central Campus, the plan finds, is divided in
five sub-units. The major oneis the central "quad" including I
Diag. Five other units ring it, specializing in administratio
entertainment and three academic areas-life science, physic
science and law.

Sketchs by
Johnson, Johnson & Roy
Photographed by
James Keson

- I I )A'


The detail studies were done by
Johnson, Johnson & Roy, an Ann
Arbor city planning firm that did
the city's Central Business Dis-
trict "Guide to Action."



MEDICAL CENTER-A detailed plan for the Medical Center preceeded the Central Campus plan
and is integrated within. Areas are divided into medical teaching on the west, patient care in the
center and research on the east and outer parts of the center. Eventually, the major entrance
to the center will be shifted from the Hill to the Huron River valley between it and North Campus.
.. .. . .. .
S~v .S

512 and 502 E. Huron
Rev. James Middleton, Minister
Rev. Paul W. Light, Minister of Education
(Minister to students)
9:45 A.M. Campus Class.
11:00 A.M. Worship Service.
6:45 to 8:00 - American Baptist Student
Fellowship; worship, discussion.
Monday Noon Luncheon Discussion.
Corner State and William
Dr. Fred E. Luchs,hMinister
Worship Services: 9:30 and 11:15t a.m. (be-
ginning Sept. 1st)
Church School: Crib through 12th grade; 9:30
and 11:15 a.m .
Student Guild: 802 Monroe; always open; You
are welcome!
Friday, Aug. 30, 7:00 p.m. Dessert for new
students guests at Guild House.
Sunday, Sept. 1, 7:00 p.m. Open House.
1833 Washtenaw Ave.
For Transportation Call 2-2756
9:30 A.M. Sunday School.'
11:00 A.M. Sunday Morning Service.
A free reading room is maintained at 306 E.
Liberty. Reading room hours are 10.00
A.M. to 5:00 P.M. daily, except Sunday
and Monday evening 7:00 to 9:00 P.M.
2145 independence Blvd., near-Manchester
Road (south of Howard Johnson's)
Richard E. Crusius, Pastor, NO 5-5819
9:30 a.m. Church School. Classes for all
11:00 a.m. Worship Service
The United Church of Christ-a union of the
Congregational Christian and Evangelical
and Reformed Churches

(The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod)
1511 Washtenaw Avenue
Alfred T. Scheips, Pastor
John Koenig; Vicar
Sunday 'at 9:45 and.11:15: Worship Services
of All-Student Congregation.
Sunday at 9:45 and 11:15: Bible Study Groups.
Sunday at 6:00: Gamma Delta, Lutheran
student organization, supper and program.
Wednesday at 10:00 p.m.--Midweek devotion.
(National Lutheran Council)
Hill Street at South Forest Avenue
Dr. Henry O. Yoder, Pastor.
Friday, August 30th, 5:30 P.M.
Open House and Supper for new students

William and Thompson Street
Rev. John F. Bradley, Chaplain
Rev. Alex Burnett, Assistant Chaplain
Sunday Masses: 8:00, 9:30, 11:00 A.M.,
12:00 Noon and 12:30.
Holyday Masses: 6:30, 7:00, 8:00, 9:00 A.M.,
1k2:00 Noon, 5:10 P.M.
Weekday Masses: 7:00, 8:00, 9:00; A.M. and
12:00 Noon,
Noverna Devotions: Mother of Perpetual Help,
Wednesday evening, 7:30 P.M.
Rosary and Litany: Daily at 5:10 P.M.
Weekly classes in the Fundamentals of the
Catholic Faith, Foundations of Christianity,
Sacred Scripture, Scholastic Philosophy,
Medical Ethics and Nursins Ethics taughtat
the Gabriel Richard Center beginning the
week of Sept. 8 th.;
Friday, Aug. 30, 7:00 P.M.- Registration in
the Newman Club. Explanation of U. of M.
Newman Club, 'followed by special party,
dancing and refreshments until midnight.
Sunday, Sept. 8, 9:30-Mass. Installation of
officers followed by a. special breakfast for
all new students (free).

Sunday, September 1st
9:30 a.m. Church Worship
10:00 a.m. Bible Study
11:00 a.m. Church Worship
7:00 p.m. Student Meeting

in the Lounge.




You Are Cordially Invited To Attend

The New Look in Low-Cost,
igh-Fun Personal Transportation!
No other motor vehicles-two-wheeled or four-have created
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every month to two-wheeled travel-to work, market, school
and outdoor fun..

W. Stadium at Edgewood
Across from Ann Arbor High
John G. Makin, Minister
10:00 A.M. Bible School
11:00 A.M. Regular Worship
6:00 P.M. Evening Worship
7:30 P.M. Bible Study
Transportation furnished for all services-
Call NO 2-2756
Corner State and Huron Streets
NO 3-0589
10:00 A.M., Sunday School.
University Student Class.
11:00 A.M. Morning Worship
7:00 P.M. Evening Service.
8:00 P.M. Prayer Meeting.
Washtenaw at Berkshire
Rev. Erwin Goede
Chrcrh Schnl and Services 9:30 and 11:00

306 North Division
Phone NO 2-4097
8:00 A.M. Holy Communion.
9:00 A.M. Holy Communion and Sermon
Breakfast at Canterbury House
11:00 A.M. Morning Prayer and Sermon.
7:00 P.M. Evening Prayer and commentary.
9:15 A.M. Holy Communion.
7:00 A.M. Holy Communion.
12:10 P.M. Holy Communion.
1432 Washtenow Ave.
NO 2-4466
Ministers: Ernest T. Campbell, Malcolm
Brown, Virgil Janssen.
Worship at 9:00 and 10:30 A.M. and 12 Noon.
Presbyterian Campus Center located at the
Staff: Jack Borckardt and Patricia Pickett

Friday, August 30,
4:00 p.m.


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Meeting at:
Holiday Inn Motel
Conference Room
2900 Jackson Road
Sunday School-9:45 A.M.
Morning Worship-il1:00 A.M.

Hill Auditorium




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