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August 27, 1963 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1963-08-27

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lifical Party Carruth Warns of 2.0 Change

Many students may not yet be
aware of it but the "once sacred
2.0 is no longer sacred," Hayden
Carruth, assistant dean for aca-
demiccounselling in the literary
college, said yesterday.
In the year and one-half since
the change in the qualifications
for re-registration have been in
effect, student reaction in general
has been favorable, Carruth said.
The ruling on re-registration was
changed by the Administrative
Board of the literary college as "a
service to the student," he added.
Until last September the state-
ment in the literary school calen-
dar regarding permission to re-
register had said that the records
of all students whose over-all
grade point fell below 2.0 at the
end of a semester or summer ses-
sion would be reviewed by the Ad-
ministrative Board. Students were
then either placed on probation
or asked to withdraw from the
Change Section
Now the section has been alter-
ed considerably and put under the
heading of academic discipline.
According to the new rules, the
Administrative Board now reviews
the academic record of all stu-
dents whose over-all and semester
grade point falls below 2.0. It
means, Carruth said, "that stu-
dents can no longer do well in
their first few semesters at the
University and then expect to

the student. If no change occurs
after the second letter more severe
action will be taken.
The new regulations state that
"students who are asked to with-
draw from the college, whether
from failure to improve upon, or
remove, a previously existing pro-
bationary status, for incurring a
particularly severe loss of honor
points in one semester, for con-
tinued below standard work, al-
thok.h th- graduation average is
maintained or for any other rea-
son deemed sufficient under the
academic disecoline nolicies of the
Administrative Board, have the
privilege of petitioning the Board
to re-register, or be reinstated."
Carruth said that students are
asked to petition the Board for a
hearing of their case.

He stressed that there was no
particular pattern in dealing with
students on academic discipline.
The students' transcripts are re-
ferred to Dean James H. Robert-
son's office and reviewed for in-
dividual problems. The literary
school catalogue says the ultimate
disposition of a student academic
disciplinary case, "the success or
failure of his petition, rests solely
upon the examination and the
factors contributing to his indi-
vidual record."
Students who have been placed
on academic discipline and sub-
sequently petition the board have
the opportunity to raise any issue
which they feel may have rele-
vance to their case.
Freshmen and transfer students
are given special consideration.

MACHINES-Mechanical devices are playing an important part
in speech and reading therapy. One projects images on a screen
which the aphasic victim describes. A reading machine watches
eyeball movement to determine reader concentration.
Service Uses 'Tracking'
To Solve Reading Ills

Romney To Select Program
From Eight Taxation Plans
(Continued from Page 3) Imnositinn ni a thra nai pint

S,%''' >:. -: . By ROBERT B. ELLERY
Researchers at the Reading Im-
provement Service have taken a
step forward in the treatment of
reading ability disorders through
a method of "visual tracking"
which reduces or eliminates the
need for medical treatment for
certain severe reading problems.'
Work begun in 1956 sought the
cause of reading disability prob-
lems in which apparently normal
children and adults could not be
taught to read effectively despite
all efforts to teach them. The pa-
tients "seemed to have adequate
intelligence, vision and personali-
ties and they all wanted to learn,"
said D. E. P. Smith, Reading Serv-
ice's chief.
Smith and his colleagues traced
the perceptual problems to en-
docrine controls of the neuro-
chemical processes, formulating an
early theory (of biochemical fac-
tors) and their effect onrnerve
' " "impulse transmission across the.
-Co~uven / ~g inqsynapse or nerve-ending gap. Lev-
els of concentration and propor-
tions of circuit-makers and cir-
341 South Main NO 3-2401 cuit-breakers in the body were
thought to correlate with certain
visual perception and learning
O 1I TtTIO C -si r a ability problems.
* * raci.ousJdining in" aChemical Control
Later, chemical control of these
relaxed and intimateatmosphere . ..factors with drugs produced posi-
tive response in patients. Smith,
however, was not satisfied with
chemical control and looked deep-
COCK TA I LS er for other solutions.
The most significant clue came;
from barely perceptible muscle
spasms of the eye, suspected by

Smith and others, because of er-
rors made by clients as he read
aloud a line of print.
The slight twitch occurred when
the patient's eye skipped or jump-
ed, so that they lost track of the
sentence. Errors in reading were
those of substitution, omission
and reversals possibly due to the
eye's skipping to letters of a near-
by word or line.
To find precisely how this oc-
curs, Smith used a device called,
the "optiscan," consisting ofsa hel-
met with a periscope and movie
camera which sits on the reader's
head, pinpointing photographical-
ly each movement of eyeball focus
of attention.
Data from other research link-
ed this elusive twitch with bio-
chemical factors such as the abil-
ity to absorb calcium. Again Smith
wished to circumvent the area of
drugs and with his colleague, Dr.
Robert Geake, devised the method
of "visual tracking."
"Visual tracking" exercises train
the reader to remain attentive, by
picking out letters from similar or
distracting groups of letters. The
size of the print is graduated from
very large at the beginning to
small at the end of the exercises.
No Jumps
Thus the trained eye "learns"
not to jump erratically, and the
side effects of and the dependen-
cy on drugs is avoided. Such re-
training of the eye could conceiv-
ably have favorable side effects in
other areas of learning ability,
Smith said.

local governments and schools will
be forced to enact the option plan;
3) Repeal of the business ac-
tivities tax, intangibles tax in ad-
dition to reducing the corporate
franchise tax and substitute for
them a two per cent flat rate in-
come tax on individuals and cor-
porations thereby increasing the
net income of the state by $53.1
Repeal Taxes
4) Repeal the business activities
tax and intangibles tax, reduction
of the beer, liquor and cigaret
taxes, removal of the franchise
and sales taxes on prescription
drugs and replace them with a
two per cent flat rate income tax
on individuals. plus a four per
cent. tax on corporations bringing
in a gain of $61.1 million. Combin-
ed with this plan would be the
option of counties to levy an in-
come tax of not more than two
per cent on individuals only;
5) Repeal the business activities
tax and intangibles tax, reduce
the corporate franchise tax, beer,
liquor and cigaret taxes and" re-
moval of the sales tax on prescrip-
tion drugs, food consumed off the
premises and trade-ins and re-
place them with a three her cent
individual and a five percent cor-
porate income tax for a net gain
of $26.3 million;
6) The same as plan five with
the exception that the sales tax
on food consumed off the premises
and sales tax on trading would
remain. Net expected gain to the
state treasury: $148.3 million. Un-
der this alternative provisions
would be made to' distribute a por-
tion of the taxes to local units on
a formula set up by the Legisla-
7) Elimination of one per cent
sales and use tax repeal, of the,}
business activities and intangibles
taxes and a reduction of the fran-
chise and 'beer tax along with an

... ends sacred 2.0

waste away until graduation on
the honor points they achieved
Letters of official concern are.
sent to those whose over-all aver-
age is still above 2.0 but whose
semester average has fallen below
minimal standards. If a second
consecutive semester of below av-
erage work occurs a second offi-
cial letter of concern is sent to

* ..opposes income tax


cent local option personal income
tax would also be made available
to counties.
Meanwhile, Democrats are con-
ducting their own studies of state
taxes, meeting with interested gov-
ernmental, business and labor and
civic groups.
The Democrats, however, have
not come ip with any alternate
tax program.

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THE TEAM-Gov. George Romney (left) and Sen. Stanley G.
Thayer (R-Ann Arbor), the Senate GOP caucus leader, are the
two most concerned with getting fiscal reform through the
A- Dinners
TH IS 25c COUPON good on
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