Castro Alerts Militia
Against Threat of New Conflict
House A]
Representatives passed a $1.2 bil-
lion college construction bill re-
cently, after lively debate over
the issue of separation of church
and state.
The favorable vote of 287 rep-
resented strong bipartisan sup-
port. The opposition vote of 113
came primarily from Southern
Democrats and conservative Re-
The "bricks and mortar" bill, for
construction of buildings, makes no
provision for student aid.
Future in Doubt
The measure now goes to the
Senate, where its future is uncer-
tain. Senate Majority Leader Mike
Mansfield (D-Mont) said after
pproves College Bill
the House passage that he hoped
to get it to the floor before the
Senate begins consideration of the
administration's civil rights legis-
College aid legislation died last
year after the Senate insisted on
including student loans and schol-
arships and the House refused to
The present bill was almost
identical to the one passed last
year by the House. It provides
$690 million in construction grants
for undergraduate institutions,
$145 million in construction grants
for graduate schools, and $360
million in construction loans.
Funds would be made available
to both public and private colleges
World News Roundup
By The Associated Press
GENEVA--The 17-nation dis-
armament talks went into recess
yesterday. They will be resumed a
week after the United Nations As-
sembly ends its discussions on dis-
armament, presumably in Novem-
MOSCOW-The Soviet-Chinese
rift was widened last night by a
strong attack on Red China's of-
ficial Communist party news-
paper, Peopile's Daily.
The attack came from the of-'
ficial- Soviet government news-
paper Itvestia, which said the
Chinese newspaper is printing-
"slander and inexcusable lies"
about the Soviet people.
* * *
NEW DELhI-Prime Minister.
Jawaharlal Nehru turned yester-
day to a former labor leader, Gul-,
zari Lal Nanda, known as a mod-
erate leftist, to fill the politically,
important post of Home Minister
after a cabinet reshuffle aimed at
strengthening the ruling Congress
WASHINGTON-The state de-
partment acknowledged yesterday
it had received a protest from the
government of South Viet Nam
denouncing United States charges
of repressive measures against
Buddhist leaders. However; state
department Press Officer Richard
I. Phillips stood by the accusation.
NEW YORK-The New York
Stock Exchange enjoyed its second.
straight five-million share day
yesterday as prices continued to
rise on balance. Dow-Jones Aver-
ages showed 30 industrials up 1.33,
20 rails down .47, 15 utilities up
.20 and 65 stocks up .17.
and universities, including those
operated by religious denomina-
The religious issue, raised by
both Democrats and Republicans
hung heavily over the House
chamber during the five-hour de-
A smoothly-working team of
Democrats and Republicans de-
feated a series of crippling amend-
ments, including two involving the'
religious issue.
Enrollment Rises
Leading the floor fight for the
bill was Rep. Edith Green (D-Ore).
She pointed out the college en-
rollment in 1960 was 3.6 million,
that it would rise to more than
5.2 in 1965 and that it would reach
7 million by 1970.
Also joining in strong support
of the bill were many House lead-
ers, including Majority Leader
Carl Albert (D-Okla) and Minor-
ity Leader Charles A. Halleck (R-
While therbill passed by arcom-
fortable margin, the vote repre-
sented a noticeable drop in popu-
larity for college aid legislation.
Last year, a similar bill passed
the House by a vote of 319-79
compared with this year's 287-113.
College aid legislation was spon-
sored by the administration as
part of the 24-point $5.3 billion
omnibus education bill sent to
Congres last spring.
The House ignored the admin-
istration plea for a one-bill ap-
proach, and broke up the program
into a number of single bills.
The Senate has not divided the
omnibus bill, which is still in com-
Copyright, 1963, The New York Times
Vow To,Form
Malaysia Unit
Malaya, Singapore, North Bor-
neo and Sarawak agreed yesterday
to postpone their uniop in the new
federation of Malaysia until Sept.
16-but not a day longer.
"Come hell or high water," said
North Borneo's Chief Minister
Donald Stephens, the federation,
originally planned for Aug. 31, will
be formed then. He added that the
outcome of the United Nations
opinion survey, now going on,
would not affect the matter.
Fear Attack.
From Base
In Nicaragua
Tight Security Plans
Reported Near Havana
HAVANA (P)-The Castro gov-
ernment has alerted its militia
forces and moved large concentra-
tions of artillery and anti-aircraft
batteries to the northern coast of
Cuba, it was learned last night.
The military moves coincided
with widespread reports of a pos-
sible new invasion threat by anti-
Castro forces. The military was
understood to be watching partic-
ularly for any attack from Nicara-
The militia alert has been in ef-
fect for three days, informants
Havana Nonplused
There was no evidence of alarm
in Havana, but tight security
measures were reported outside the
The Cuban command apparent-
ly braced for a repetition of hit-
and-run raids reported two weeks
ago along the northern coast.
Many oil refineries and factories
are located there.
The Castro government said
those raids proved there was a new
plan of aggression against Cuba
and declared at the time that the
country would take up new meas-
ures to assure its defense. Troops
were deployed along the northern
Blames U.S.
After raiders were reported to
have shelled and machinegunned a
metal plant Aug. 19, the govern-
ment issued a communique accus-
ing the United States of direct re-
sponsibility for the attack. ,
A spokesman for a Cuban exile
group called Mambises Comman-
dos told newsmen in Guatemala
City that his organization carried
out the metal plant raid. He said
the commandos operated from new
secret bases in the Caribbean and
from inside Cuba.
At a news conference Aug. .20
President John F. Kennedy said
there had been a further decline
in the number of Russian troops in
Cuba, but added it was difficult to
say precisely how many remained.
Active Exiles
Meanwhile, in Costa Rica, re-
ports circulated of unusual activity
among Cuban exiles in that coun-
try and in Nicaragua.
Costa Rica and Nicaragua are
about 500 miles to the south of
Manuel Artime, a Cuban exile
leader who participated in the ill-
fated Bay of Pigs invasion in April
of 1961, arrived here yesterday
from Managua, Nicaragua, to talk
with exiles, sources said.
Corps Future
Seems Dim
By The Associated Press
voted 47-44 last week to create
President John F. Kennedy's pro-
posed national service corps, but
changes for House passage seems
Administration leaders had hop-
ed to pass it in the Senate and
then use a Senate endorsement to
sway House undecideds. The close
vote killed that idea.
House members are lukewarm
to the welfare aims of the pro-
gram and its cost.
WASHINGTON (') - Railroad
management named yesterday its
two members of the arbitration
board that will rule on the main
issues of the long work rules dis-
pute, moving swiftly under the new
law that headed off a nationwide
strike only hours ahead of a mid-
night deadline.
They are J. E. Wolfe of Chicago,
chairman of the National Railway
Labor Conference and chief nego-
tiator for the carriers, and Guy W.
Knight of Philadelphia, chairman
of the Eastern Carriers' Confer-
ence on Labor Matters.
The operating unions-the orga-
nizations of on-train workers in-
volved in the disagreement over
the carriers' plans to cut deep into
See related story, P. 4, Section 2
what they call job featherbedding
said they will pick their two men
by tomorrow.
Then the four are to name three
others representing the public. If
they cannot agree on selections,
the task falls on President John
F. Kennedy. Under the legislation
passed only Wednesday and quick-
ly signed by Kennedy, the board
must be completed in 16 days.
The new pressure kept the trains
rolling today, but there were still
cautious lights ahead.
United Nations and Britain sub-
mitted a resolution yesterday call-
ing upon the United Nations Se-
curity Council to condemn the
"wanton murder" of two Israeli
farmers near the Syrian border
Aug. 19.
The draft avoided placing the
blame for the slayings directly on
the Syrian government, but it call-
ed Syria's attention to United Na-
tion evidence that the killings ap-
peared to have been the work of
an °armed band based on Syrian
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