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December 12, 1963 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-12-12

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League To Survey Facilities

U .S. Plans'

The Michigan League will begin a study of its facilities to find
out whether its building can house the offices of various campus
At its monthly meeting yesterday, the Board of Governors of
the League authorized the League's House Committee "to explore
the needs of various campus and alumnae organizations in reference
to housing them at the League." Proposed by Mrs. Norris Host, board

no retirement

Of Leaders
that the two aging congressional
leaders next in the line of presi-
dential succession plan to step
down so younger men can take
their places drew angry denials
When a reporter asked Speaker
of the House John W. McCormack
(D-Mass) whether he plans to give
up his leadership post, he said,
"I am amazed you would ask such
a question. Is there no limit to de-
'eMcCormack, who will be 72 next
week, began to stalk angrily from
the room after his reply and sud-
denly turned and declared, "I was
elected speaker and I'm going to
remain speaker."
The report that 86-year-old Sen.
Carl Hayden (D-Ariz) plans to re-
linquish his post as Senate presi-
dent pro tempore was scotched by
Senate Majority Leader Mike
Mansfield (D-Mont) as not pos-
sessing "a scintilla of truth."
A report had circulated that
Hayden might step aside to let
Mansfield take his place as presid-
ing officer of the Senate, with Sen.
Hubert H. Humphrey (D-Minn),
now assistant 'majority leader,
moving up to succeed Mansfield.
These reports, Mansfield said,
"in my opinion seek to bring about
a discord and disunity within the
Democratic party and its leader-
ship in the Senate which does not
and will not exist."
When President Lyndon B.
Johnson succeeded President John
F.° Kennedy, leaving the nation
without a vice-president, this put
McCormack as speaker next in
the line of succession with Hayden
behind him.
Even if Hayden should step
down, some other 20 Democratic
Senators would be ahead of Mans-

4secretary, the motion would not
only allow the League to explore
the possibility of housing various
campus groups in the present
League building but also would
officially inform University Presi-
dent Harlan Hatcher of the
League's willingness to do so.
Request Prompts Motion
According to League President
Gretchen Groth, '64, the motion
was prompted by a request at the
last meeting of the Regents that
the University make a survey of
space utilization by the League.
Rather than requesting such a
report, however, she indicated that
the League action will, make it
possible to evaluate the sitdation
itself and to make whatever
changes prove necessary immed-
"The action will permit full uti-
lization of facilities in compli-
ance with the needs of the grow-
ing University," Miss Groth said.
Report on Survey
The proposal will come up again
at the League Boar meeting in
March, at which time the house
committee will report on its sur-
vey. Further action will be decided
at that time.
Also included in the meeting's
agenda was a brief report by Miss,
Groth on the progress of the joint
Union-League Merger Committee.
The committee members are now,
working on individual reports and
will decide on a combined com-
mittee report in January.
The boardis awaiting the com-
bined committee report before any
further action is taken on the
Grant Kenya
Free Status r
NAIROBI, Kenya (R) -- Kenya1
becomes Africa's 35th independent.
nation today.
There is frontier trouble in the
north and the economy looksI
shaky, but people of this formerj
British self-governing colony cele-
brated joyously.
"All quiet" reports came from
the arid northeastern frontier dis-
trict where Kenya's African
troops have been skirmishing with
Shiftas (quasi-military bandits)
from the Somali Republic.
" The Somali and Kenya govern-
ments are at loggerheads overt
ownership of a strip of desert and
about 1000 men with British offi-
cers are posted near the border.
Kenyans face a belt-tightening
campaign and hard work to get
the country out of the red.9
For many of the past 68 years,
Britain pumped in money to keepl
the largely 'agricultural colony
Britain has promised financialj
help for "a long time" after inde-1
pendence, but few Africans canf
really feel independent while theY
former colonial ruler is still foot-t
ing some of their bills.1

To Close3
WASHINGTON (A)-A congress-
man reported yesterday that Sec-
retary of Defense Robert S. Mc-
Namara intends to close more
than 30 military installations in
16 states, cutting out 75,000 civil-
ian jobs.
The report came from Rep.
Alexander Pirnie (R-NY), a mem-
ber of the House Armed Services
Pirnie's office said the news
came to him at a special meeting
of the New York congressional
delegation yesterday.
Deputy Secretary of Defense
Roswell L. Gilpatric made the an-
nouncement to them.
Announcement of Intention
Pirnie's office said that Gil-
Patric told the congressmen that

Officials View Status
OfNational Economy
WASHINGTON ()--President Lyndon B. Johnson lectured his
cabinet yesterday on holding the line on government employment
and listened to a report that the national economy soon will pass
the $600-billion production mark.
Walter Heller, chairman of the President's Council of Economic
Advisers, reviewed the economy at a meeting with Johnson. He
told reporters afterward that the country may be crossing the $600-
billion line now. Or, he said, it

... to study facilities



See .battle
Over Bill
Lyndon B. Johnson faces decisior
on housing legislation in the ne)
two weeks which probably wi
trigger a major housing batt
next year in an election-year Con
He is expected to embrace mo
of the housing programs whic
were being drafted by the lat
President John F. Kennedy. How
ever, there may be a few wrinkl
growing out of Johnson's person
al experience handling housin
legislation in Congress.
Most of the authorization
granted by Congress in the omn
bus housing bill of 1961 expir
next June 30. Thus Congress mur
enact a major housing bill in th
next session, amid the politico
furor of a presidential electio
Follow Kennedy
Sources from both the housin
agencies and the White House in
dicate Johnson is likely to con
tinue wholeheartedly along th
path laid out by Kennedy for tw
First, they say the President'
political strength lies mainly i
rural areas and he needs to b
identified with city-centered pro
grams such as urban renewal an
public housing to enlarge the bas
of his support in urban areas.
They indicate that it is likel
Johnson will renew Kennedy's un
successful efforts of 1962 to creat
a cabinet-level department of urb
an affairs to show he is sympa
thetic with big city problems.
Supported Housing
Second, the sources say, John
son will back the Kennedy pro
gram because it also is his pro
gram. He supported strong housin
problems consistently as majorit
leader in the Senate.
The sources recall that in 195
the Senate, with Johnson as ma
jority leader, passed three housin
bills. The first two were vetoed b
former President Dwight D. Eisen
hower. Finally, on the third try
the bill was acceptable to Eisen

New Yo
cause th
jobs in 1
It wa

ara intended to make the 1)
cement within 24 hours.B
tric broke the news to the
rk delegation evidently be-!
he cut w ould affect 11,000torst m i e a n
thtstate. Fo
snot immediately learned L i r r

what other states are involved in ByMARGARET WITECKI
the reported cutback.
Accompanies Gilpatric The most likely University pro-
Gilpat ject to be submitted for an aid!
t G a w c Secretary of ty rs grant under the college construe-
'5Vac adSerea fthe A imCrustion bill passed by the Senate
xt Force Eugene M. Zuckert at the Tuesday is the proposed General
ll session. Library addition.
le Rep. Leo W. O'Brien (D-NY) "Although specific definitions
a- described the meeting as a "furi- of what projects are eligible will
ous session." Along with Rep. have to be formulated by the state
st Samuel S. Stratton (D-NY) and coordinating agency for the pro-
h Sen. Jacob K. Javits (R-NY), he gram, t h e state coordinating
te confirmed what Pirnie reported agency for the program, the li-
v. but said they understood 17 states brary building seems to match
es would be affected. the objectives of the bill," John
A- Stratton said Gilpatric and the G. McKevitt, assistant to the vice-
ig others told them the bases would president in charge of business
be closed down over a period of and finance, said yesterday.
s three years, but that the New The bill authorizes a three year,
i_ Yorkers were not given any spe- program, to be annually reviewed
e cific timetable. by Congress, to assist the nation's
st The congressmen said they have higher education institutions in
e sent a telegram to President Lyn- providing classroom space for the
al don B. Johnson asking for a meet- expected enrollment increases.
n ing with him and are urging the The program will have four
House Armed Services Committee departments: grants for four-year
to seek the basis for the decision.cde es ransunor ol-ers
Earlier in the day, Massachu- colleges, private junior colleges,
g setts, Pennsylvania and California and techimcal institutes; loans for
-members of Congress protested to Ithe same tyrpes of institutions;
- a naval survey board proposal to grants to public community jun-
e close immediately naval shipyards ior colleges; and grants for gradu-
o at Boston, Philadelphia and San ate schools and graduate centers.
Francisco. The library addition project
s Informed sources said, however, would qualify under the first de-
m that they understand no final de- partment, McKevitt said. The re-
)e cision on the shipyard closings has quirements listed in the bill are
- been made. that the building financed by the
d _-grant be used for instruction or
e 1 Deadline research in science, engineering,
IY1OVt Demathematics, or modern foreign
ly languages and for library facili-
- Fo C nt t ties.
e f or Contracts However, to receive the grant,
- each project must be approved by
- 6a a state coordinating agency desig-
./ nated by a national committee
and the national committee itself.
Housing contracts for sorority This national committee is to be
women are due Jan. 16 - two set up by the Health, Education
months earlier than past years. and Welfare Department.
g Senior women are to notify the state board of
"Although tesaebado
g their houses at this time if they education may become the co-
y are planning to move into apart- ordinating agency after imple-
ments. mentation of the new state con-
- Mrs. Elizabeth Leslie, coordin- itti for the tim being
g ator of affiliated, associated and stittion,f for hpmin-
~ of-camus husin, sad yeter notices of intention for applica-
y off-campus housing, said yester- ;ion for grants will be submitted
y day that sorority women have al- to the state department of ad-
i ways had to notify their housestministration," McKevittda ndifad-
before rush as to whether they Tinisron," Mcet findicated.
were staying or moving out, and The proposed cost of the ddi-
that the only change is the con- tion to the General Library is
tract signing. This allows the $3,5 million. The federal share,
house to know how many women one-third, would then be approx-
it will need during rush. imately $1.2 million. By a formula
"Policy for sorority contracts based on the state high school and
comes from sororities themselves college enrollment, Michigan is
and more specifically their finan- due to receive from $8-10 million
- cial advisers. The Office cf Stu- under the grant department.
dent Affairs does not make policy "Future grants and any loans
- regulation, but offers support of or graduate grants applied for by
- sorority decisions if it thinks them the University will be determined
feasible and in accord with Uni- by the rules to be formulated by
o versity practice." the state coordinating agency,"
Mrs. Leslie noted that contracts McKevitt said. "The planned in-
y will be ior the ent.re year, repre- crease in mathematical facilities
a senting no basic policy change may be the next project con-
from the past. sidered."


may take a month or six weeks-
there is no way of clocking the
exact time.
Heller reported that early pass-
age of the $11-billion tax cut could
be expected to produce a five per
cent advance in the national out-
put in 1964 as compared with 1963.
He said the advance in 1963 over
1962 was four per cent.
Working into the evening, John-
son conferred on prospects and
strategy for the foreign aid ap-
propriation bill coming up in the
House next week.
Attending was Rep. Otto Pass-
man (D-La), chairman of the
House foreign affairs coimittee.
He said later that he is sticking
with his plan to bring in an ap-
propriation bill at less than $3
billion-"far less."
Johnson is expected to oppose
any attempt to cut the appropria-
tion bill below the $3.6 billion
agreed to by House and Senate
conferees on the authorization
measure, which is about $900 mil-
lion less than the late President
John F. Kennedy asked.
The President also spoke to
various persons on Capitol Hill
who are concerned with the farm
problem and with Secretary of
Agriculture Orville L. Freeman. He
was seeking guidance on what, if
anything might be done on wheat
legislation in the final days of this
session or in the new session com-
ing up next month.
The White House said chairman
Allen J. Ellender (D-La), of the
S e n a t e agriculture committee
promised to check and let Johnson
The chief executive also can-
vassed problems confronting the
UN, took a look at the foreign
intelligence system of the United
States, and visited the Pentagon.
Creates Board;
halts Air Strike
ed strike of six airlines threaten-.
ing to erupt tonight was headed!
off yesterday by President Lyndon
B. Johnson for at least 60 days.
He ordered creation of an
emergency board to look into the
dispute between the AFL-CIO In-
ternational Association of Ma-
chinists and the airlines-Braniff,
Continental, Eastern, National,
Northwest and Transworld.

... extended term

Not To Run.
Three Republican city council-
men announced yesterday that
they will not seek re-election next
John Dowson, seconid ward,
Robert E. Meader, third ward, and
John R. Laird, fifth ward, all have
explained that four years is
enough for any council member to
serve. They will not enter the Feb.
17 primary election.
All three have been on city
council since April, 1960.
Take Out Petitions
So far seven persons have taken
out petitions for council. The
deadline for filing petitions is 19
days off..
Petitions have been taken out
for Republicans 0. William Habel
for the second ward, Warren A.
Jeffrey, third ward, and Walter
A. Gillett, fifth ward.
Fourth ward Republican incum-
bent Wendell E. Hulcher has not
yet indicated whether or not he
intends to run for a third term.
His is t#le only other council term
expiring next April.
Democrats To Run
Democrats taking out petitions
are Mrs. Kay Kincaid, second
ward, Edward C. Pierce, fourth
ward, LeRoy Cappaert, fifth ward,
and incumbent Mrs. Eunice Burns,
first ward.
Democrats have rnot yet taken
petitions out for the third ward
seat while Republicans have not
taken out petitions in the first
and fourth wards.
No party has more than one
person circulating petitions in any
ward at the present time.
In announcing he would not
seek re-election, Laird said, "A
person should not become a per-
manent fixture on the City
Laird was chairman of the City-
University Relations Committee.

Regenrts' Terms

Approve Bills
To Carry out
Passage Lets Tenure
Of Murphy, Brablec
Run Through 1965'
The eight elected Regents will
have their eight-year terms ex-
tended one year, but state county
officials have been denied a two-
year extension of their terms.
These actions occurred yester-
day in a flurried session of the
Legislature, as the House and Sen-
ate conducted hasty passage of
over 40 bills that will help to im-
plement the new constitution tak-
ing effect Jan. 1.
The flurry was precipitated by
a; rule established for the special
session requiring all bills eligible
for passage to pass through their
house of origin by the end of yes-
terday's session.
The bills passed yesterday in
the House and Senate will now go
to the respective other houses for
what is anticipated to be equally
hasty adoption.
Identical Provisions
Bills with identical provisions
were accepted by both houses yes-
terday to push the expiration date
of the terms of the eight Regents,
scheduled to end in 1965, 1967,
1969 and 1971, up to the next even
numbered year.
This means that the current
Regents, two of whom have been
elected every two years to serve
for eight years, will get nine year
terms so that two Regents can be
elected in the general election of
November, 1966 to begin their
eight-year tenure in January of
Regents will then be elected in
each regular November election to
be held in all even numbered
Extend Terms
Regents Irene Murphy of Bir-
mingham and Carl Brablec of
Roseville, whose terms under the
old constitution would expire Dec.
31, 1965, will now have their terms
conclude in December of 1966.
While the uncontroversial re-
gental bill has its passage assured,
the more closely contested meas-
ure to extend county officer terms
was in effect defeated by being
sent from the House floor back to
the elections committee.
Its chief backer, Rep. Russell H.
Strange Jr. (R-Clare), has '4nid he
will not attempt to revive it from
committee during this special ses-
He noted that he has not given
up on the measure which sought
to lengthen the terms of county
officials two years in order that
all four-year officials might be
elected on the same ballot as the
governor, when he is sent to office
for four years starting in 1966.
Two-Year Tenure
The governor will be elected for
a two-year tenure, as he is cur-
rently, in next year's election.
Strange commented that he will
attempt to have a constitutional
amendment placed on the ballot
at that time which would have
Scountyofficials elected for only
two years.
The defeat of Strange's proposal
yesterday was one of his only set-
backs, as the House rattled off
passage of 26 out of 30 election
bills that he sponsored. They will
now go to the Senate.
These include measures estab-
lishing the governing bodies of
the other nine state-supported
colleges and universities as eight-
man autonomous units structured

along similar lines to the Regents.
Wayne State University and
Michigan State University cur-
rently have six-man governing
bodies, but will have their two
additions made by the governor
with S e n a t e ratification in
Burs'ley Sets


Castro Cites Invasion Fear


WASHINGTON (/P)-Fidel Cas- Presidential Press Secretary
tro was quoted yesterday as saying Pierre S'alinger yesterday disputed
Soviet missiles were sent to Cuba a key element in Castro's account,
last year because the late Presi- given to Daniel in an interview in
dent John F:Kennedy had implied Havana two days before Kennedy's
privately that the United SKAtes assassination. Daniel also inter-
was going to invade Cuba. viewed Kennedy Oct..24.
The Cuban p. mee minister's ac- According to the Castro ver-
count of the missiles story, re- sion, Khrushchev's son-in-law,
ported by Freib Newsman Jean Alexei Adzhubei, reported Ken-
Daniel in an vtc.le in the New nedy had noted during a Jan. 30,
Republic, conflicts w i t h the 1962, conversation that the United
United States version of the events States had not intervened in the
which climaxed in the h storic Soviet suppression of Hungary's
nuclear confrontation between the 1956 rebellion.
United States and Russia in Oc- Castro was quoted as saying he
tober, 1962. and the Russians interpreted Ken-
The United States interpreta- nedy's words as an effort to get
tion was that Soviet Premier Ni- the Soviets to keep hands off in
kits S. Khrushchev tried to sneak case of a United States invasion
in the missiles "for nuclear black- of Cuba, and both Moscow and
mail against the United States. Havana decided "a landing in
Washington denied intending to Cuba might happen at any
attack Cuba.,omn."
__k_.Therefore, Castro said, the Rus-
sian missiles were rushed in for
Shutown idsCuba's defense.
SutdownAidsAttended Meeting
Presidential P r e s s Secretary
South Bend Bid Pierre Salinger said he attended
Adzhubei's meeting with Kennedy

missiles risk under these circum
The Cuban prime minister re
lated that in June, 1962, his bro
ther Raoul and his top aide, Ern
esto Guevera, went to Moscow to
discuss arrangements for install
ing the missiles and the convoy
carrying them arrived by sea
three weeks later.

Board To Circulate Petition
For Liquor Liit Extension
Petitions to put onto the spring ballot a proposal to extend
liquor-by-the-glass serving privileges to businesses east of Platt Rd.
will begin circulating Saturday.
The University's central campus area would be kept dry, though.
The proposal is being initiated by Huron Towers, Inc. and Inn
America Motor Hotel. They have formed the Eastern Ann Arbor
Improvement Committee to get voter approval on extending the
" Division St. line, which now makes
the eastern half of the city "dry."


'Researchers To Study Effect of. Bomb
Two members of the University Medical School human genetics
?department will be going to Japan next year to study effects on
children of parents exposed to the atomic bombs dropped on
I Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
They are professors William J. Schull, who will be leaving in
January, and James V. Neel, who is leaving in June. They will be
working on two projects, one sponsored by the University and the
other by the National Academy of Sciences. Both projects are funded
by the Atomic Energy Commission.?
n......h ,f huc hroft ew ri11 hk 'wnl nned tnhe largv elyrural island of

Would. Be Eligible
Voter approval of the proposal
would make Huron Towers eligible
to apply for a liquor-by-the-glass
license. The firm is considering the
possibility of opening a restau-
rant-cocktail lounge.
It is now within the "dry" zone.
Mayor Cecil O. Creal said yes-
terday that the dry-line change is
a "sensible proposal," and that
"it would be perfectly feasible for
a development such as the Huron
Towers to be eligible for a liquor-
by-the-glass license."
Far Enough Away




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