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December 11, 1963 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-12-11

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Snow flurries,






Senate Approves
Rights Measure
House Agrees To Extend Terms
Of County Officers Until 1966
Special To The Daily
LANSING,-The Senate unanimously passed a watered-down
version of a bill .implementing the new Civil Rights Commission last
night as the House approved by a narrow margin an equally con-
troversial measure extending county officer terms until 1966.
The Senate bill contained 13 amendments tacked onto the
original implementation bill by the state affairs committee. The 13,
limiting CRC action, were reduced to 11 by the appropriations com-
mittee and accepted on the Senate floor. The appropriations com-
mittee, considering the bill because of the $117,000 supplemental
"appropriation involved, removed:
one empowering the CRC to create


ong ress Approves


For College Construction Funds


local advisory agencies and con-
ciliation councils on racial or re-
ligious discrimination; and the
other striking out the bill's pro-
vision to empower the commission
to pay travel and other business

expenses of advisory agencies
conciliation councils. n
Passes to House



motion defeated

4X CUT:-
PIce Fall
May Occur
WASHINGTON () - A high
ranking Commerce Department
economist said yesterday enact
Ynent of the proposed income tax
reduction bill probably would pro
duce cuts in some consume.
The official, Assistant Secretar3
Richard H. Holton, hedged thi
forecast by saying, "I doubt i:
there would be enough reduction
to lower the cost-of-living inde:
very much."
The index moved up to a nev
mark in November, after remain
ing virtually stationary for three
months, and Labor Department
experts have predicted it will inch
upward again in December.
Officials in the executive branch
of government have argued for
months that the proposed $11-
billion reduction in taxes would
stimulate demand, create jobs, in-
crease profit margins, make Unit-
ed States industry more competi-
tive with foreign products and
smooth out some inequities in the
tax structure.
But there has been little men-
tion of the possibility that the
housewife at the meat counter
ight get a break.
"I can't see any big reductions,"
.olton said.
"And it will vary from industry
o industry. I'm not saying what
is likely to happen in some in-
dustries which are operating at
near capacity and which would
experience an increased demand
for their products."
Mild support for Holton's pre-
diction came from Doris Rothwell,
chief of the Labor Department's
consumer price division. "There is
a possibility that this will hap-
pen," she said in a separate in-
"Doctors and lawyers and others
in the personal service field would
receive more net income because
of lower taxes, and I suppose some
of them would be altruistic enough
to lower their prices.
One or the Other
"A corporation apparently would
either make a higher profit or
it would sell at lower prices: I
guess this would depend on how
badly a company is being squeezed
and how close it is to raising
prices at the present time."
She said any change in the in-
dex would be indirect, since taxes
are not included as a cost-of-
living item.
The index went up one-tenth of'
a point in November to 107.2. This1
means that it takes $1.07,. on the
average, to buy the same amount
of goods that could be bought for
$1 during the 1957-59 period.

Thus the bill passes today to
the House, where Lansing ob-
servers predict further amend-
ment to it.
Atty. Gen. Frank J. Kelley in
a statement yesterday said that
the entire bill is "clearly in con-
flict with express provisions of the
revised Constitution."
Kelley maintains t h a t the
rights board is set up in the new
constitution as a purely consti-
tutional agency, over which the
Legislature has no control, but
the Legislature doesn't quite see
it that way.
Final Authority
Some members of the Senate
feel that the Legislature should
have final authority over all ad-
ministrative rulings passed by
state agencies and commissions.
This issue arises out of the recent
controversy over Rule Nine, passed
several years ago by the Michigan
State Corporation and Securities
Commission, which forbade real-
tors to discriminate on the basis
of race.
The Legislature attempted to
void this rule under the State Ad-
ministrative Procedures Act, but
Democratic Gov. John B. Swain-
son vetoed the bill. However, the
Supreme Court subsequently held
that the Legislature did in fact
have the authority under that act,
and Rule Nine was voided.
Kelley vowed to carry his pres-
ent opposition to court if neces-
sary, but senators were not moved.
Consideration of the bill itself was
postponed temporarily.
Bipartisan Vote
On the county elections, the vote
cut across party lines, as Rep.
Russell H. Strange (R-Clare) led
a coalition of Republicans and a
handful of Democrats to defeat
the'motion of Rep. Joseph J. Gil-
lis (D-Detroit), which would have
fixed the four-year county elec-
tions to begin in 1964.
The issue, basically, was this:
The constitutional convention ap-
parently neglected to specify in
which election the county office-
holders shall begin to seek the;
new four-year terms, instead of
the present two-year terms. The
governor and state officeholders,
as well as the members of the'
state Senate, are to begin seeking
four-year terms in 1966, accord-'
ing to the terms of the new con-j
stitution, and Strange maintains
this was the intent of the con-t
con with regard to the county of-
ficeholders also.

tBritish Note
Plans To End
Arms Race
LONDON WA) - British Prime
Minister Alec Douglas-Home rais-
ed the possibility in Parliament
yesterday that new United States-
British proposals may be put for-
ward to end the arms race with the
Soviet Union.
In an announcement that sur-
prised diplomats, the British lead-
er also told Parliament that for-
eign ministers will attend the re-
sumption of the 17-nation disarm-
ament conference in Geneva next
No such decision has in fact
been taken on the level of repre-
sentation by the participating
countries. But the idea is under
active study in the West as one
means of achieving even a limited
accord with the Soviet Union..
Corrects Statement
A British government spokes-
man took the rare step of correct-
ing the prime minister's state-
"Douglas-Home was being asked
in supplementary questions wheth-
er heads of government, and he
himself, would take part in the
Geneva conference," the spokes-
man explained.
"His intention was to empha-
size that Richard A. Butler, the
foreign secretary, would be in
charge of the negotiations. Wheth-
er Butler and other foreign min-
isters will go personally is a mat-
ter for decision in the light of de-
Full Support
Douglas-Home added that Brit-
ain fully supports the plan for a
phased; balanced, all-embracing
disarmament program drafted by
the United States. But he also
stressed that "certain sugges-
tions" in Russia's rival program
are "well worthy of consideration"
and might be wrapped into a
final agreement.
If new American-British pro-
posals do in fact emerge soon
they will be discussed thoroughly
with other Atlantic pact powers in
Paris Dec. 16-18 when the Atlan-
tic Council of Foreign Ministers
Revise Period
Of Registration
There will be no registration on
Saturday, Jan. 18, for any stu-
dents except those who take only
Saturday classes, Edward Groes-
beck, director of the Office of
Registration and Records, an-
nounced yesterday.
Groesbeck said that students in
this category-many of whom
commute from out of town -
should attend classes the morning
of Jan, 18 and then register in the
The policy is a slight revision
of earlier University calendar. Ail
other students regiser at sched-
uled times Jan. 13-15.

Oxford Gets
New Hours
For Visiting
The Residence Halls Board of
Governors yesterday heard a re-
port from Eugene Haun, director
of University residence halls, on
recommendations of Oxford Hous-
ing Project residents for new.
visiting hours for the suites.
Haun's office h a s accepted
these recommendations, w h i c h
have also been approved by Ox-
ford staff members and student
representatives and with Assem-
bly Association, and will notify the
Oxford representatives and staff
of the official date of their im-
The new visiting hours for the
suites will allow the women to
have visitors in rooms from noon
to five minutes before clos-
ing on Friday and Saturday and
5-8 p.m. Mondays through Thurs-
Permission Was Needed
Previously, permission was need-
ed on the weekdays and weekend
visiting hours were limited to 11
a.m.-7 p.m. on football Saturdays.
The new visiting hours are sim-
ilar to hours used for Cambridge
House, which has since been
Haun's office also agreed to
having the Oxfordhousing stay
open for students who have cur-
riculum requirements to fulfill
during vacation periods. Some stu-
dent teachers, for instance, must
return to Ann Arbor before Uni-
versity classess tart to be present
while public school is in session.
Haun also noted that comments
of neighborhood residents con-
cerning the project after an open
house held at Oxford recently
were favorable.
The residence hall board also
voted to recommend to the Re-
gents that "X-House" in Markley
Hall be renamed Robert Lee
Frost House after the late poet
who was at the University as poet-
in-residence during the academic
years 1922-23 and 1925-26.
The board named Prof. Thomas
J. Garbaty of the English depart-
ment as faculty associate of Bar-
bour House and Prof. Arthur F.
Messiter of the aeronautical engi-
neering department as faculty
associate of Huber House in'
South Quadrangle.

of "The Michigan Economic Rec-
ord," published by Michigan State
University's bureau of economic
research and school of business
Obtain Figure
The $305 million figure is ob-
tained by multiplying the 1972
per capita contribution ($31.78) to
higher education times the ex-
pected state population (9,598.000).
The 25 per cent per student in-
crease is then derived by dividing
the $305 million figure by the ex-
pected doubled enrollment in
The base per capita figures are
estimated by projecting the per
capita figures from the compar-
able 1950-60 period.
Basis for Analysis
These per capita numbers are
the basis to the entire analysis.
Figuring that the personal income
undergoes a $620 per capita in-
crease by 1972, the 2.8 per cent of
that increase which goes to higher
education will raise the per capita
allotment to higher education
from $14.42 spent in 1960 to the
$31.78 total in 1972.
The $620 per capita increase is
computed on the assumption that
real per capita income will in-
crease at a rate of two per cent
from 1960 until 1972.
The fact that 2.8 per cent of the.
increased personal income will go
to higher education is explained
by the notation that "rising in-
come has actually been accom-
panied by relatively larger in-
ereases in expenditures for higher
Expenditure Boost
Examining the 1950-60 period,
the report explains that when per
capita incomes increased some
$198 in that time, the higher edu-
cational expenditure was boosted
$5.58 per head-roughly 2.8 cents
of every dollar.
This "consumer demandanaly-
sis" indicates that adequate fi-
nancial resources will be available
to support Michigan higher edu-
cation in the future-without rel-
ative tax increases, the reportj

... college bill
Glider Plan
WASHINGTON (P) - Secretary
of Defense Robert S. McNamara
announced cancellation of the
Dyna-Soar manned space glider
project yesterday.
In its place he ordered the Air
Force to go ahead with develop-
ment of an orbiting research lab-
oratory designed to keep a crew
of spacemen aloft for weeks at a
McNamara said the Manned
Orbiting Laboratory program,
combined with related research,
will yield greater returns in knowl-
edge about the problems of life in
space, and at the same time will
save about $100 million over the
next 18 months.
McNamara stressed that the new
project is "an insurance program"
to prepare this country to send
manned space warships aloft if
the need should arise. He em-
phasized, as he has before, that
the need for such a military space
mission is still not clear.
The MOL will consist of a pres-
surized cylinderabout the size of
a small 'house trailer. It will be
able to accommodate more than'
one crewman.
McNamara said the intention is
to attach the laboratory to a mod-
ified Gemini capsule and lift them
into orbit with a giant Titan III
rocket booster.
"The problems of re-entry con-
ditions, materials and techniques
are to be studied at substantially
lower costs without actually using
a manned vehicle, like Dyna-
Soar," he said.

laboratories and libraries to
meet the expected doubling of
college enrollments in this
All Eligible
All 2100 of the nation's colleges
and universities are eligible for
the grant and loan funds. Pref-
erence will be given to those plan-
ning to expand enrollment.
Hailed by Democratic leaders as
the most important new adminis-
tration program to clear Con-
ress this year, it is expected to be
followed soon by another major
education bill.
The latter, agreed on by House
and Senate conferees yesterday,
authorizes $1.56 billion for voca-
tional education and college stu-
dent loans and extends the im-
pacted areas program aiding school
districts glutted with children
whose parents work at nearby fed-
eral institutions.
Vocational Bill
The vocational bill is expected
to be called up in the House later
in the week. It is a compromise
between a $3.2-billion, five-year
Senate version and $450 million
voted by the House but limited to
vocational grants.
The new college construction
legislation authorizes expenditures
over three years to provide for the
flood of new students expected in
the year immediately ahead as
babies born right after World War
II reach college age.
College enrollment is expected
to jump from the 3.6 million of
1960 to 7 million by 1970.
Must Double Capacity
Every college now in existence
will have to double capacity and
1000 more collees capable of han-
dlin 2500 each will have to be
built, according to Sen. Wayne
Morse (D-Ore) the bill's chief
These are the annual authoriza-
tions in the collee bill (all run
for three years):
-$180 million in rants for four-
year collees, private,. junior col-
leges and technical institutes.
Their use would be limited to
buildings for instruction or re-
search in the natural and physi-
cal sciences, engineering, mathe-
matics and modern foreign lan-
guages, and for libraries.
Based on Enrollment
Each state's allotment of funds
would be based on its college and
hih school enrollment. The fed-
eral share of a project could be no
more than one-third.
-$120 million in loans for con-
struction of all types of class-
rooms at four-year colleges, pri-
vate junior colleges and technical
institutes. No one state could re-
ceive more than 12.5 per cent of
the funds appropriated for any
one year. At least one-fourth of
the cost of a project would have
to come from non-federal sources.
Loans could run up to 50 years at
an interest rate of about 3.57 per
-$50 million in grants to pub-
lic community junior colleges for
the same types of buildings as in
the grants to four-year schools.
Each state's allotment of funds
would be based on the number of
its high school graduates and
comparative income factors.
-$25 million the first year and
$60 million in each of the next
two years for grants for graduate
schools and graduate centers.
Council Delays
Traffic Study

< _ ..

Analysis Indicates
More College Aid
If current economic trends continue, taxpayers will increase their
current per-student support of higher education 25 per cent by
In total dollars, this would yield a total appropriation to higher
education of $305 million-almost three times the current appro-
priation of $110 million. This projection is made in the latest issue

Aid To Help Public,
Private Institutions
Upper House Action Prepares Way
For Signing; See Second School Bill
WASHINGTON (M--Congress sent to President Lyndon B.
Johnson yesterday a $1.2-billion education bill authorizing
federal funds for the first time to aid construction at both
public and private four-year and junior colleges.
Final approval came on a 54-27 roll call vote in the Sen-
ate, with 37 Democrats and 17 Republicans voting for, 17
Democrats and 10 Republicans against.
The measure, endorsed by Johnson and the late President
John F. Kennedy before his death, will help build classrooms,

... agriculture

General Library To Extend
Closing Hours for Exams
The General Library will extend its closing hours during the
coming exam period to meet increasing demands for its use, Fred
L. Dimock, circulation and divisional librarian announced yesterday.
From Saturday, Dec. 14 to Thursday, Dec. 19, the library will
open at 8 a.m. and close at 12 p.m. except on Sunday, Dec. 15, when
it will open at the usual time, 2 p.m. On Friday, Dec. 20, the General
"Library will close at 10 p.m. and
"onthe last day of finals, Saturday,
Dec. 21, it will remain open until
6 p.m.

' Cite -USSR
WASHINGTON (W) - Premier
Nikita S. Khrushchev's giant new
fertilizer program has strengthen-
ed the view here that Russia's
economy is in deep trouble.
And the United States govern-
ment does not want to bail out the
Communists with long-term cred-
its from the West. But Khrush-
chev's domestic difficulties, draw-
ing resources that might otherwise
go for arms, may push him into
a more accommodating policy to-
ward the West.
This has raised hope of some
progress in the disarmament field.
Gives Speech
Khrushchev's four-hour speech
before the Communist Party's Cen-
tral Committee meeting in Moscow
Monday was still under study at
the State Department yesterday.
Press Officer Richard I. Phillips
declined comment on it.
But it was plain from Khrush-
chev's figures that the plight of
Soviet agriculture has caused him
to make a massive reappraisal.
Soviet fertilizer output, suppos-
ed to reach 35 million tons a year
by 1965 under the seven-year plan
begun in 1958, has climbed to only
20 million tons.
Plastics, supposed to rise to a
two-million-ton output by 1965,
are being produced only at a 600,-
000-ton rate.
Fiber production, with a 1965
goal of 666,000 tons, is only up to
310,000 tons.
Khrushchev's chemical invest-
ment program, which proposes
purchase ofmore than one billion
dollars worth of goods abroad over
the next seven years. is expected
to be a heavy drain on Soviet re-
sources and Khrushchev said he
wanted foreign credits in making
such purchases
Step in Fertilizer
But even with a large-scale
step-up of fertilizer, it is doubted
here that the Soviet farm system
can change from failure to suc-
cess without substantial altera-
Perhaps one-fourth of the added
fertilizer may be wasted by fail-
ure of Russian peasants to use it
Beyond that, it is believed that
the Kremlin will have to move to-
ward either larger farm holdings
by the peasants, which would be
against past Communist policy, or
larger farm holdings by the state.


Last- West-Hi-Polarity Breaks Down

The East-West bi-polarity that
developed after the Second World
War is gradually breaking down
to yield a polycentric power align-
ment that may set North against
South, Prof. George Kish of the
geography department said re-
He was speaking at Notre Dame
University in a lecture sponsored
by its Committee on International
Prof. Kish emphasized the tran-
sitions in the balance of power
and the emerging role of under-
developed nations.
World Map Changes
Since 1945 the world map has
seen the breaking up of the Grand

Asian allies in power blocs-
while Western Europe revived
A wave of independence swept1
Africa, so that by today there are
only a few isolated and small
colonies, while there were no more
than three independent countries
after the war.
Furthermore, Prof. Kish said,
the Communist bloc began to lose
its monolithic character with the
political heresies of Yugoslavia's
Josef Tito, Red China's Mao Tse.
Tung and Poland's Andrei Go-
mulka and the Hungarian Revolu-
tion of 1956.
Grows Unsteady
But the Western Alliance also

struggles of emerging nations in
Latin America, Asia and Africa.
These neutrals, concentrating on
their own problems, further de-
creased the consolidation of the
two power centers, and both blocs
had to make "agonizing re-
appraisals" of their alliance sys-
As a result of these changes, the
world scene now includes a cross-
polar confrontation of nuclear
rockets and a developing con-
frontation in the Caribbean and
Asia. At the same time the emerg-
ing nations of Latin America,
Asia and Africa, in their "revolu-
tions of rising expectations," are
posing a third bloc. There may
eventually be conflict between

Good Cooperation
"Our student staff has been
very goodtabout cooperating with
us in this plan," Dimock said.
"However, since we will be staffed
only with student help during the
additional hours, service will be
limited. Students who wish to
check out library books for home
use will have to do so before 10
"Service from the file section of
the circulation department, the
periodical room and the main ref-
erence desk will not be available
during these hours. However, the
graduate reserve service and the
science library will be open to stu-
dents who require course reserve
"In effect, the General Library
will operate as a giant study hall,"
Dimock observed.
Extend Hours

I ~ ~

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