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December 06, 1963 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-12-06

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Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom


Continuing overcast tomorrow,
little temperature change



Seek Union Report
On Activities Merger
Board Asks Study of League Link
In Student Area by Report Terms
The Michigan Union Board of Directors last night asked the
Union's senior officers to submit reports Jan. 23 concerning the
possibility of a merger of the student activities functions of the
Union and the Michigan League and possible changes in the board's

I rn-u- -r ,-s *U* 7 'W-'I ~ -U-. -U-- -U~= -- ______

Eyes '64 Beginning
Of 'U' Cooperation
Dean P. Bertrand Phillips of Tuskegee Institute in Alabama
predicted yesterday that the exchange program between the Univer.
sity and his school would probably begin next fall.
Dean Phillips was at the University to talk with key faculty
and administrators about ideas for the student aspect of the



Tentatively Plans

New Rushing Procedures
T~ce 41>

The Jan. 23 deadline was set
steps should be taken concerni

Johnson Putti
Personal Pul.
In Key Bills
WASHINGTON (JP) - Presider
Lyndon B. Johnson went in fd
man-to-man contacts yesterda
trying to spur action on a tax ct
and civil rights legislation.
Sen. Harry F. Byrd (D-Va
talked taxes with Johnson yestei
day and later indicated willingnes
to have the Senate Finance Com
fnittee work a little faster-bu
only a little-on the pending tax
cut bill.
The conservative finance com
mittee chairman lunched at th
White House as Johnson's gues
and later told newsmen th
President recognizes that the Sen
ate cannot complete action thi
year on the House-approved $11
billion tax cut.
Legislative Speed-Up
Byrd's decision, which he dis
closed Monday, to hold some ex
ecutive sessions on the bill thi
year, is a slight speed-up ove
earlier plans.
At the start of the day, th
President drove by the home o
the Republican leader of tt
House, Charles A. Halleck of In
diana, gave him a ride, breakfas
At the White House and his view
on civil rights legislation.
Halleck told reporters he pre
dicted to Johnson that a civi
rights bill will pass the House be
fore the end of January. He sai
Johnson would like to get passag
before the end of December bu
that "one thing about Presiden
Johnson is that he's a realist."
Budget Increases
The budget Johnson will send t
Congress next month will contair
increases of nearly $3 billion t
finance existing federal commit-
ments, White House sources saic
Unless Johnson can find ways
to reduce some other sections o
the budget, this would mean a
total budget exceeding $101 bil-
Sources who supplied newsmen
r with information about the "built-
in" spending hikes which are re-
garded as unavoidable, emphasize
that this is creating the major
problem for Johnson in framing
a budget for the 12 months be-
ginning next July 1.
Budget Review Session
Johnson held another budget re-
view session yesterday, meeting
for 43 minutes with Budget Direc-
tor Kermit Gordon, Deputy Direc-
tor Elmer Staats and Chairman
John W. Macy of the Civil Service
Macy was brought in on the
r; discussion because Johnson wants
to keep any increases in the fed-
eral payroll to a minimum.
Pierre Salinger, White House
press secretary, said the conferees
failed to reach any conclusion in
their talk about federal personnel.
He said they arranged for another
meeting at a later date to pur-
sue the subject.
Meanwhile, on Capitol Hill, a
promise by Chairman Howard W.
' Smith (D-Va) of the House Rules
Committee for action on the civil
rights bill in January slowed down
yesterday a drive to force action
on the legislation this month.
*Democratic leaders said, how-
ever, they still plan to push a dis-
charge petition that would take
the bill away from the committee.
Set Tribunal
The Student Government Coun-
cil special interviewing committee

has nominated former Council
President Thomas Brown, '66L,
'and Meredith Spencer, '65, to the
Membership Tribunal, SGC Presi-
dent Russell Epker, '64BAd, re-
ported last night.

so that the Union could decide what
ng the election of officers should
'he Union and League decide tc
combine in any form.
The action follows last month's
statement by the Board noting
that the implementation of any
part of the Robertson Report is
desirable as long as it does not
conflict with the rest of the re-
Senior Officer Group
Union President Raymond Rus-
nak, '64, using the power given
to him by the Board at last
month's Board meeting, had creat-
ed committees consisting of the
senior officers to study both pro-
The Regents, in their initial
reaction to the Robertson Report
in September, had called for the
merger of student activities func-
tions of the Union and League un-
der a separate board, apart from
the present organizations.
However, the Robertson Report
called for a student activities com-
mittee connected with a University
Center Board, the proposed suc-
cessor to the Union and League
Many Questions
"There are many questions
which must be considered by the
officers," Rusnak noted.
"For instance, the report must
consider the possibility of how
men might participate on the
League Board in the event of a
student activities merger and how
women in turn might participate
on the Union Board," Rusnak not-
"Also the problem of financial
arrangements between the two or-
ganizations would have to be
Need Decision
Before Picking
Board officers
Representatives of the Michigan
Union and the Women's League
generally agreed recently that un-
less specific Union-League merger
proposals were accepted by both
their boards before about the mid-
die of February, choice of board
officers would continue as usual
for the two organizations.
The representatives are mem-
bers of two committees created by
the Union and the League to
study prospects for a merger after
the Regents rejected the organiz-
ing principles of the previous pro-
They will meet again Sunday to
consider the questions remaining
to be settled.


... exchange program

May. Hurt
The University and the nine
other state-supported colleges and
universities may face further ap-
propriation difficulties because of
intensified legislative apprehension
over their misuse of funds.
This prospect became apparent
yesterday as state legislators re-
acted with "we warned you" atti-
tudes to a report issued by the
state auditor general which re-
vealed that several of the smaller
state-supported schools were guil-
ty of financial.malpractice in their
auditing and accounting proced-
Legislators' Concern
Senate Appropriations Commit-
tee Chairman Frank D. Beadle (R-
St. Clair) noted that his commit-
tee would "look extensively" into
the financial procedures of the
smaller schools.
He had explained recently that
legislators are skeptical about the
appropriation requests of the 10
schools asking about a $33 million
increase in funds-due partially to
"the indications of waste and mis-
use of state funds by all the higher
educational institutions."
Effect on 'U'
University Executive Vice-Pres-
ident Marvin L. Niehuss said that
he did not think the Farnum re-
port would endanger the Univer-
sity's appropriation request-ask-
ing over a $9 million increase-
because the University was not
covered in the repdrt.

-exchange program planned with
He said that while most spe
cific arrangements will be made
in future discussions between th
schools' administrators, studen
councils, planning committees an
college heads, there is agreemen
on the particular types of ex
changes that will take place.
Tuskegee Programs
The different programs under
which University students would
study at Tuskegee might include
undergraduates, graduates and
faculty all in one academic area;
a smaller number of undergrad-
uates from various areas; or ad-
vanced students in certain courses
which Tuskegee would be initiat-
ing at the time and in which it
would need strong students to as-
sist in seminars.
The prime advantage to Uni-
versity students and faculty, in
Dean Phillips' opinion, would be
to "augment their knowledge of
the needs and resources in educat-
ing economically, socially and aca-
demically disadvantaged persons."
The purpose of Tuskegee stu-
dents and faculty being here
would include "the opportunity to
gain from interaction with the
faculty, students and facilities of
the University and to publicize the
accomplishments of quality Ne-
gro schools in the South," he
Technical Orientation
Tuskegee's enrollment is only
about 2500 - predominantly Ne-
groes-and the school is "rela-
tively isolated" from any large ci-
ties, Dean Phillips explained. It
offers a more technical orienta-
tion than the University, with
schools of agriculture, home eco-
nomics and mechanical industries,
in addition to education-with the
most number of students-arts
and sciences, engineering and
Dean Phillips felt that Tuskegee
students would find it disconcert-
ing adjusting to the University's
size and multitude of activities.
University students would find
Tuskegee's isolation a new experi-
"But it wouldn't take students
on either campus long to accus-
tom themselves to the different
situations," he said.
UN Committee
Votes for Joint
Space Effort
Uited Nations General Assem-
bly's main political committee ap-
proved by acclamation yesterday
a broad program for promoting
international cooperation in peace-
ful uses of outer space, including
further exploration of the solar
In the same manner the 111-
nation committee recommended to
the Assembly approval of a dec-
laration of legal guidelines for out-
er space activity.
Both actions were made possible
by prior agreement of the United
States and the Soviet Union, the
two giants in the field of outer
space exploration.
The late President John F. Ken-
nedy made the offer in the Gen-
eral Assembly last Sept. 20 and
President Lyndon B. Johnson re-
newed it through his United Na-
tions delegate, Adlai E. Stevenson,
last week.

'Set Figure
t On U.S. Aid
t WASHINGTON (P) - Senate-
- House conferees agreed yesterday
on a compromise $3.59 billion for-
eign aid authorization bill strip-
ped of many of the restrictive
amendments opposed by the ad-
The total, setting a ceiling on
appropriations to be made in a
separate bill later, compares with
the $4.52 billion urged by the late
President John F. Kennedy.
The conference agreement on
the authorization measure is ex-
pected to be acted on next week,
first bythe House and then by
the Senate.
May Not Be Passed
Indications are, however, that
the appropriation bill providing
funds for the foreign aid program
may not be passed before Congress
starts a Christmas recess even
though the current fiscal year be-
gan last July 1.
The authorization bill totaled
$3.5 billion as first passed by the
House and $3.7 billion as passed
by the Senate. The conferees
largely split the difference.
The major issue in dispute be-
tween the two branches was re-
solved with agreement to grant
the President authority to con-
tinue most favored nation treat-
ment of Poland and Yugoslavia in
trade relations.
Restores Authority j
This was in line with a provi-
sion in the Senate bill restoring
Presidential authority that Con-
gress had voted to eliminate when
it passed the trade expansion act
last year.
The effect is to let the Presi-
dent extend to Poland and Yugo-
slavia tariff concessions made to
other nations when he determines
this would be important to the
national interest and would pro-
mote the independence of these
countries from Communist dom-
ination or control.
Sen. J. W. Fulbright (D-Ark),
chairman of the.Senate conferees,
said the provision was retained
only after a hard fight with the
representatives of the House.
Favored-Nation Treatment
The language in the Senate bill
was revised to make clear that
most - favored - nation treatment
could not be extended to any Com-
munist countries other than Po-
land and Yugoslavia.
Another dispute resolved only at
the last meeting of the conferees
was over a Senate amendment
authorizing grants "to conduct re-
search into the problems of con-
trolling population growth."
Appoint New
Financial Head
Ruth Schemnitz, '64, was named
acting finance manager of The
Michigan Daily by the Board in
Control of Student Publications
Miss Schemnitz, who had been
subscription accounts manager,
will serve in this position for bal-
ance of this semester until a
finance manager is named early
next semester.
The position has been vacant
since last April when no one
applied for it.

--Associated Press
mission investigating the assassination of the late President John
F. Kennedy flank Chief Justice Earl Warren, who heads the
group. They decided yesterday to ask from Congress the power
to subpoena witnesses and records bearing on the tragic incidents
which took place in Dallas.
Seek Subpoena Po wer
WASHINGTON (P)-The Presidential Commission probing the
assassination of President John F. Kennedy decided yesterday to ask
Congress for power to subpoena witnesses and records bearing on the
tragedy in Dallas.
Congress is expected to vote the power quickly. This raised the
possibility that the commission headed by Chief Justice Earl Warren
may hold hearings, public or closed, to make sure it isarmed with,

'U' To Host
The University will host a two-
day conference of the "Blue-Rib-
bon" Students' Committee on
Higher Education today and to-
The conference, organized by
the Michigan Region of the
United States National Students
Association, is the first meeting of
the committee which will study
problems of higher education and
report to Gov. George Romney's
"Blue-Ribbon" Citizens' Commit-
tee on Higher Education next year.
Of the 51 schools invited to par-
ticipate in the conference, only 12
have responded. These- include:
Wayne State University, Michigan
State University, Western Univer-
sity, Eastern Michigan University,
Northern University, Central Uni-
versity, Michigan Tech, Flint Jun-
ior College, Port Huron Junior
College, Grand Rapids Baptist In-
stitute and Seminary and Macomb
County Community College.
Each school is entitled to send
three delegates and three alter-
nates. The University's delegates
are Douglas Brook, '65; Laurence
Kirshbaum, '66, and Howard Sch-
ecter, '66.
The program will begin with a
general session from 7-9 p.m. to-
day in Aud. A, Mason Hall, with
welcoming addresses from Stu-
dent Government Council Presi-
dent Russell Epker, '64BAd, and
Edwin Sasaki, Grad. At that time,
the group wlil be broken down into
eight subcommittees.
Subcommittee reports will be
presented at the final session from
7-9 p.m. tomorrow, also in Aud. A.

every scrap of information avail-
But Warren, announcing the
decision after a two and one-half
hour initial meeting behind guard-
ed doors, told reporters no con-
clusions were reached on whether
to hold hearings or on other
matters. He called a second session
for today.
There were strong indications,
however, that the FBI has com-
pleted its exhaustive report on
the assassination and submitted
it to the Justice Department.
If so, it is possible that President
Lyndon B. Johnson will receive it
shortly and could forward it to
the Warren commission before to-
day's meeting.
But both the FBI and the de-
partment refused to comment on
the status of report, which in-
cludes the findings of a half-dozen
other federal agencies. The FBI
reportedly has concluded that the
accused assassin, Lee Harvey Os-
wald, 24, planned and carried out
the Nov. 22 slaying alone, and that
Oswald had no traceable connec-
tion with Jack Ruby, the Dallas
nightclub owner who shot and
killed Oswald on Nov. 24.
Group Settles
On ObjAective

Submits Plan
To Sororities
For Passage
Would Establish Rush
On Less Formal Basis
Personnel Director
The Panhellenic Association
President's Council in a straw vote
yesterday tentatively approved the
concept of a new rushing pro-
cedure which would help make
rush less structured and would
possibly go into effect in 1965.
Panhel President Patricia Elk-
ins, '64, said that the proposals
have been submitted to sorority
houses for final approval. Results
will be compiled by next Wednes-
Implementation in 1965 would
depend on University scheduling
for next year, Miss Elkins com-
Unstructured Sets
The major change involves cut-
ting down the number of rush
sets from five to four and having
the two middle sets completely un-
Miss Elkins noted that during
"second set a house would be open
three weekday evenings from 7-
10:30 P.m. and that the houses
would.know which girls were com-
ing, but not the specific time and
This would enable rushees to
plan their own rush schedule and
they could come and leave the
house when they wanted, Miss
Elkins added. For third set the
house would be open two times
with each party being four hours
long, and women could come for
any amount of time they wished.
Remain Unchanged
"Mixers will remain the same
since we feel women should go
to all 22 houses, and final desserts
will continue unchanged in the
tradition of each house."
Miss Elkins added that the tech-
nical part of bidding and prefer-
encing would still be done with
computing equipment due to the.
large number of rushees.
The proposals for change came
from the Panhel Continuing Rush
Study and Evaluation Committee
composed of women from varied
houses and class levels.
Remove Artificiality
Miss Elkins explained that the
proposals were based on an at-
tempt "to remove some of the
artificiality and superficiality
which a structured rush helps to
She also noted that each chap-
ter knows what it has to offer
and should have a chance to show
this to rushees without a formal
structure and rules.
If this plan is adopted by the
houses, rushing chairmen for
1964-64 would be respqnsible for
working out the technical details,
Miss Elkins said.
Issue Suggestions
The committee made some sug-
gestions for 1965 rush chairmen
to work with which include a
suggested budget, a minimum and
maximum time for girls to stay
at houses and a stronger rush
counselling program.
Miss Elkins said that these pro-
posals "were partially based on
the way open rush worked last
year. An evaluation of open rush
was made early this semester."
The reason these proposals were
suggested now is because it is rear
the end of the semester, rush is
approaching and after rush there
'are new elections. "We felt that
March was too long to wait," Miss
Elkins noted.
House Responsibility

"This system would place the
burden of responsibility on the
house and will create a more nat-
ural situation. No type of regula-
tions would exist unless, the rush
chairmen suggest them."
Miss Elkins noted that this is
not the "end of change, but is one
step right now. However, there
may possibly be more changes in
the future.
"A longer more informal time
spent in each house would be bet-
ter than an artificial time limit.
This would make rush more along
the lines of entertaining in one's

Big Ten Limits Number
Of Athletic Scholarships
CHICAGO MP-The Big Ten formally adopted yesterday a new
financial aid program restricting each school to a limit of 70 athletic
scholarships per year.
At the opening session of the winter meeting, faculty represen-
tatives gave final approval to a program specifying 30 football
scholarships, six basketball scholarships and 34 in other sports.
The action actually represented a second vote on a proposal
originally approved at the league's special Oct. 1 meeting and

since studied by the individual
Basketball Scholarships
It was decided to increase the
basketball scholarships from five
to six per year. It also was agreed
to permit a banking of five foot-
ball scholarships and two basket-
ball scholarships per year.
Thus, a school could grant 25
football grants one year and 35
the ensuing year, and in basket-
ball four scholarships could be
given one year and eight the next.
No banking quotas were establish-
ed for other sports.
The decision to set a limit of 70
over-all athletic scholarships, com-
pared with a maximum of 80 in
the past two years, reflected con-
ference efforts to trim mushroom-
ing athletic costs.
Free Substitution
At tha sugges~'tion o rf the con-

Languages: A Key to Africa's Problems

At its second meeting, the Pub-
lic Discussion Committee yester-
day discussed two major topics:
the objectives of the committee
and issues ought to be brought
to the campus for discussion.
"In deciding our policy position.
we discussed what ways the com-
mittee could work with outside
groups and under what conditions
the committee itself should spon-
sor speakers," Vice-President of
Academic Affairs Roger Heyns re-
"We feel it is the job of this
committee to help student groups
and not just supplant them with
a program of their own," he
"Thesponsoring of speakers is
delicate problem. We want to
help organizations do something
themselves. What we're concerned
about is that since we cannot pos-
sibly underwrite the costs of all
the speakers, we might exercise an
indirect censorship by aiding some
and not others," he said.
A policy statement is still be-
ing drafted by the group and will
be released at a later date.
The committee decided that the
social revolution of the Negro
should be discussed at public cam-
pus meetings. It has made tenta-
tive plans to bring speakers here

"The governments of the new-
ly emerging African nations must
officially recognize and encourage
both English and local languages
in order successfully to approach
their social and educational prob-
lems," Prof. Jack Berry of Michi-
gan State University said last
Prof. Berry, speaking before the
University Linguistics Club, noted
that "local languages are now
taught-and usually poorly-on
the elementary school level in Af-

other side a great mass of people
who, because of their ignorance of
English, are devoid of information
or understanding of their national
These people, said Prof. Berry,
fall back on their tribal customs
and languages for some means of
identification. The result is a gov-
ernment not backed by a majority
of the people.
"There are those who think the
solution is simple. They advocate
teaching only English, using it ex-
clusively for both national and lo-

and with less experience. This can
cause bitterness and dissension as
well as poor government.
Secondly, "Africans who are
taught only English emerge from
school as linguistically and thus
culturally displaced persons." If
they do not know the language of
their ancestors, they are largely
ignorant of the traditions which
make up their sociological heri-
tage, he said.
Thus, they cannot deal effec-
tively with or govern their people
well especially on a local level.

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