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December 05, 1963 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1963-12-05

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W4r £icltgan B3ai
Seventy-Third Year
'Truth Will Prevail"''
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in als reprints.


Light Play Yields
Enjoyable Evening




The Age of Efficiency
Squeezes Student Groups


THE UNIVERSITY has entered the Age
of efficiency.
In this new era every aspect of the
institution must meet, the test of efficien-
cy. Because of the financial crisis there is
no longer any room for the relatively
harmless inefficiencies, social niceties,
so-called academic frivolities or special
services within the context of the Univer-
The administration and the classroom
were first engulfed by the new age and
now even student activities are being ac-
cused of inefficiencies.
UNTIL THIS YtAR the question of ef-
ficiency within the University had
been mostly an internal administrative
problem-how to do the most and the
best at the least cost. Starting this fall,
however, efficiency has become every-
body's business. The chain-reaction be-
gan in Gov. George Romney's office and
spread to the Legislature-both citadels
of efficiency themselves. From Lansing it
moved to the University administration
and eventually the efficiency bug filtered
down to activities such as the Union and
the League.
Lansing officials requested that the
University prepare a statement on effi-
ciency measures within the institution to
be included in the appropriations request.
State Comptroller Glenn Allen has made
a special' pilgrimage to the campus to
discuss efficiency studies being conducted
by the university. And finally, the admin-
istration has indicated to the Union and
the League that the organizations had
better analyze the use of their buildings.
IN THE FACE of severe pressure on thge
administration to justify the high cost
of education, it is not surprising that the
administration would enviously single out
the wealthy and powerful Union and
League organizations, both of which
seemingly have not analyzed the efficien-
cy of their operations. A key administra-

tor has cited supposed inefficiency with-
in these organizations as an argument
against the proposed plan for Union-
League merger.
The administration contends, ,for in-
stance, that the two organizations shoulk
not attempt to provide services like barbei
shops, swimming pools or hotel rooms
which can be provided better and more
efficiently by other University or com-
munity facilities. Student leaders have
been warned that until they can show
that facilities within their respective
buildings are being used efficiently and
are self-supporting where possible, ob-
stac'e s toward merger will be great.
the University may well find itself in,
the logical position of having to eliminate
services like Health Service because doc-
tors in the community can handle student
health problems just as efficiently as the
University facility. After Health Service
is eliminated, perhaps the Fresh Air Camp
or the new alumni camp will be the next
to go, unless both can be made to pay for
The extension of the Age of Efficiency
is frighteningly limitless.
Certainly the University has no inten-
tion of being pressured into such ridicu-
lous efficiencies. It doesn't want to be
pressured at all. Administrators firmly
believe that they are best qualified to
decide how to efficiently operate the Uni-
On the other hand, the students pilot-
ing the Union and the League also resent
being pressured into change or studies.
Neither the University or the Union or
the League are businesses, and neither
should be treated as such. Hopefully the
Age of Efficiency will be cut short by
strong financial support for higher educa-
tion, efficient or inefficient, during the
next few years.
Associate City Editor



Johnson and the New Policies

University Players settled down
to give a very enjoyable per-
formance of Oscar Wilde's draw-
ing room farce, "The Importance
of Being Earnest," last night at
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Arnold Kendall as Algernon
Moncrieff, a truly Wildean senti-
mentalist and romantic, sped
through his opening lines before
gaining control of his part. After
regulating the tempo, Kendall,
with a few lapses, delivered his
lines with appropriate sparkle and
John Allan Macunovich's Por-
trayal of John Worthing provided
a pleasing complement for Ken-
dall. In combination, the two of
them evoked many laughs, espe-
cially in the consuming of cucum-
ber- sandwiches, tea-cakes, and
* * *
Enggass, barged about the stage
like a true man-of-war ready to
'Pat her'
G REAT WORKS of art are al-
ways a little beyond the reach
of review and analysis. They pos-
sess an elusive and inviolable
quality that cannot be adequately
described or recaptured.
So it is with "Pather Panchali,"
currently at the Cinema Guild.
Satyajit Ray occupies a high posi-
tionin the pantheon of film direc-
tors and his reputation is justified
by this film.
Since the magic quality that in-
fuses the great work cannot be
recaptured, let me approach the
film through the back :door by
describing what it is not.
THOUGH some may view it in
this manher, "Pather Panchali"
is far more than a travelogue.
True, we become acquainted with
the folkways of India, but Ray is
not concerned with "Life in In-
dia." He is conerned with unique
human beings who spring from
his personal vision of life.
The film is also not high drama.
There is no rising action, climax,
or denouement. It is simply a
vignette and may be most ac-
curately described as a lyric poem.
* * *
RAY CREATES a m ili e u
through a series of loosely con-
nected images. Episodes are fre-
quently left incomplete. Some
scenes are not episodes at all, but
merely isolated shots. At one
point, the camera lingers for sev-
eral minutes over insects cavort-
ing on a pond.'
In the hands of a lesser talent
the result of this would be "arti-,
ness." But Ray is a manifest
genius and the cumulative effect
of his imagery is the creation of
unique, vibrant human beings,
living and suffering. I choose to
call it high art.
This film is also not ideology.
Ray advances no political or psy-
chological doctrine. He is simply
creating human beings who em-
body his unique vision of life. This
is the purest form of artistic
There is a "story" in "Pathery/
Panchali," something does "hap-
pen;" but it is so unimportant and
irrelevant to the beauty of the
film that I choose not to describe
The essence of "Pather Pan-
chali" remains, then, beyond my
grasp. I cannot describe nor re-
capture it adequately, but it is
there nonetheless.
IN THAT this film fuses a per-

sonal vision of life with a master-
ful cinematic technique, it joins
"8V2" and "Shoot the Piano,
Player" in the rank§ of the truly
great pictures to play in Ann Ar-
bor this fall.
-Sam Walker

HRC: Mixed Politics, Races

engage in battle with friend or,
foe in order to protect or advance
the fortunes of her daughter,
Gwendolyn, played by Jennifer
Miss Enggass put forth a grand
amount of exaggeration in her
role, and it paid off. Miss Harmon
filled the snobby shoes of Gwendo-
lyn Fairfax quite well, and suc-
ceeded in creating the sense of
reality and unbelievability that is
the earmark of the entire play.
, , ,
THE PRODUCTION really came
to life in the second act with
Margaret Sinclair, as Cecily Car-
dew and Helen Kelly as Miss
Prism leading theway.
Miss 'Sinclair put forth an ex-
cellent portrayal of a rather silly
yet subtle romantic young girl of
18 years. Her voice was controlled
and suited to hervpart, and her
movements were very often per-
The flower cutting scene be-
tween Cecily and Algernon was
one of the best to be seen in the
Miss Kelly presented a fine Miss
Prism although a little inconsis-
tency was apparent during the
recognition scene at the end of
the play.
This minor difficulty was quick-
ly set right as Miss Kelly rounded
off her characterization by pro-
viding a clear sense of the confu-
sion that caused Miss Prism to
misplace John' Worthing when he
was but a baby.
-Richard Mercer

Ann' Arbor City Council's Human Rela-
tions Commission was created six years
ago, it has grown more liberal and more
conservative at the same time. The ap-
pointments of three Negroes to the HRC
attests to its liberality while the HRC has
increased in the number of Republican
Mayor Cecil O. Creal boasted the other
night that his administration has been
unique in combining the two political par-
ties and coming up with a more active
group of commissioners. He was discreet-
ly trying to point out that all of those
Democrats who belonged to the HRC in
its early days did not accomplish as much,
as the politically mixed commission is
doing today.
Whether he is correct still remains to be
seen, although he has a very good case.
THE HRC NOW HAS a Republican ma-
jority of six members, compared to
five Democratic members. This fact be-
comes more interesting when it is noted
that in the commission's first year, the
membership / was split eight to one in
favor of the Democrats.
With the Republican majority, the HRC
has found no serious snags in its opera-
tions. However, the pressure local- civil
'rights groups brought to bear on the
mayor and HRC Director Paul Wagner
was necessary to gain representation from
the Negro population of Ann Arbor.
Editorial Staff
Editorial Director City Editor
BARBARA LAZARUS ............ Personnel Director
PHILIP SUTIN ............National Concerns Editor
GAIL EVANS .................Associate City Editor
MARJORIE BRAHMS ..., Associate Editorial Director
GLORIA BOWLES.................. Magazine Editor
MALINDA BERRY .............. Contributing Editor
DAVE GOOD .. ...... Sports Editor
JIM BERGER .... ..........Associate Sports Editor
MIKE BLOCK .............Associate Sports Editor
BOB ZWINCK ........... ontributing Sports Editor
NIGHT EDITORS: H. Neil Berkson, Steven Haller,
Edward Herstein, Marilyn Koral, Louise Lind, An-
drew Orlin, Michael Sattinger, Kenneth Winter.
Busines Sta

THE THREE NEGROES appointed to the
commission Monday night appear to
satisfy both the civil rights groups and
the conservative element in City Hall.
All three are Democrats. Two, Harry
Mial and H. C. Curry, are active members
in, the local chapter of CORE. The third
appointee, Rowena Reynolds, has a back-
ground that more than qualifies her for
a seat on the commission.
Whereas the HRC faced a beginning in
1957, it faces another beginning today. It
faces the beginning of a more complete
function, that being a closer look at the
causes and problems of discrimination in
Ann Arbor.
The future success of the HRC depends
on how well these new members are re-
ceived by the present commissioners. Pre-
viously there had been only one member
of a minority race on the commission. Not
discounting this member's concern for
civil rights problems, it is quite certain'
that his voice was not given as much at-
tention by fellow /commissioners as will
the voices of four Negroes.
been raised in light of the appoint-
ments. Reliable sources on the HRC have
indicated that the commission is now
moving into a "new era" of coordination
with local civil rights groups. This co-
ordination was certainly reflected in the
The only conclusion which can be
drawn from these recent events is one of
hope; hope that the new additions and
incumbent members will take under-
standing along to the bi-monthly com-
mission meetings.
High Price ,
IN "THE LARGEST and broadest study
yet made on smoking in relation to
death 'rates," the American Cancer So-
ciety found that smokers have a statis-
tically better chance of dying earlier than
non-smokers. Among 36,975 smokers
matched with non-smokers in identical
social and economic settings 110 smokers
fli l o 3:n - Mv .nr -mFisa n-tr.1,9r~f +-a

taught us how right was Presi-
dent Kennedy when he chose
Lyndon Johnson as his running
mate. His choice was not only the
smartest kind of politics, it was
most discerning and wise.
Almost certainly Kennedy could
not have won without Johnson.
But there was more than shrewd-
ness in the choice. As we know
from insiders at the time, Ken-
nedy regarded his great rival as
the man, were he himself to fail,
who was best qualified to be
President. That judgment has
been well vindicated by the
smoothness and sureness, by the
natural assumption of authority,
with which the transfer of power
took place.
* *~ *
IT WOULD have been impos-
sible to make more convincing
Lyndon Johnson's dedication to
the aims and aspirations of the
Kennedy administration. There
can be no question of the depth
and the sincerity of his intention
"to continue" what Kennedy be-
gan. He took over at once the
legislative program, the same
party strategy for 1964, and he
has made it quite clear that he
wants PresidentF Kennedy's ad-
visers to stay with him.
But having taken heart from.
all that, we have in all piety and
reverence to remind ourselves that
intentions do not govern the world.
John F. Kennedy never had that
kind of soft illusion. Intentions
must confront the course of his-
tory, which is insensitive and un-
* * 4
WE SHALL be wrong, therefore,
if we look upon the Kennedy poli-
cies as if they were an architect's
plans for a building which is be-
gun, but only partly completed.
The truth is that Johnson has
suddenly become President at a
time of deadlock and standstill at
home and abroad.
Almost certainly, to be sure,
Kennedy would have been re-
elected. Perhaps he could have
extracted from Congress a tax
bill and some civil rights legisla-
tion. Most probably, the general
peace of the world have been
maintained. But to realize what
the new President must face, we
must begin with the brutal fact
that the big hopes and promises
of the New Frontier are at a
* * *
IT WILL be a political miracle
if President Johnson can lift the
congressional blockade on the
New Frontier at home, if, he can
restore to the executive that na-
tional leadership which is always
present when the American sys-
tem of government works well.
For what has happened is not
that John F. Kennedy lacked
eloquence and persuasiveness or
that he was not a shrewd enough
political manipulator. It is that
we have come again into one of'
those periods, recurrent in our
history after the exertions of war,
when the Presidency is diminished.

dent Kennedy's crucial experience
was to learn that American in-
fluence in the world, and, there-
fore, the President's influence,
were diminished as compared with
what they were in the 1940's and
the 1950's. When he ran for of-
fice in 1960, he affirmed without
questioning any important part of
it the postwar legacy in foreign
affairs. He would achieve its ob-
jectives more efficiently. With one
great exception, this has not been
done for the reason that it could
not be done.
He achieved one thing bril-
liantly, which is changing the
course of events, and that has been
to convince the Soviet Union that
it must perforce and that it can
comfortably and honorably live
within a balance of power which
is decidedly in our favor. For that
John F. Kennedy will long be
BUT THE STORY is different
when we look at the big projects
devised on the assumption, which

is out-of-date, that, because the
United States is the ultimate pro-
tector of the peace, it is also the
appointed leader of the non-
Communist world.
There are the grand design for
Europe, the strengthening of NA-
TO, the Alliance for Progress in
Latin America, the stabilization
of the status-quo in South Asia:
these projects of world leadership
by the United States were all in
disarray when President Kennedy
was assassinated.
They have been overtaken by
events, and President Johnson is
going to have to do what Presi-
dent Kennedy would have had to
do-which is to review and revise'
our policies.
This will have to be 'done in
the light of a reappraisal of the
facts. For experience, which comes
from everywhere, tells us insis-
tently today that, though we are a
great power, we are no longer, as
we were in the postwar era of the
1940's and the 1950's, the para-
mount power in world affairs.
(c) 1963, The Washington Post Co.

to the
To the Editor:
IN FOUR WEEKS, the professors
and especially the students of
this campus will experience some-
thing which I believe will have
quite disastrous consequences, di-
rectly and indirectly. I am, of
course, referring tc the new one
week time allotment for final
Since, according to tradition
(which is sometimes very'.difficult
to change), we "must havedfinal
exams, I believe that{ the 'admin-
instration could have been a little
more humane in its consideration
of this aspect of the new trimester
system. It will be somewhat short
of a miracle if the grade points of
the students, in general, don't de-
cline. But even if they shouldn't,
the administration doesn't seem
to realize the indirect consequen-
ces; that is, the mental and physi-
cal tension that will take place in
that week of exams.
Idealistically, the administration
seems to feel that one shouldn't
have to spend too 'much time in
"reviewing" a course for the finals.
Realistically, it is pretty difficult
to "review" a possible three courses
in one night. Nothing is really ac-
complished except to find out how
much knowledge one cen gain in,
a limited amount of time.
SINCE IT IS too late to make
any kind of a change for this
semester, I do hope that the ad-
ministration will at least recon-
sider this policy, even if it does
mean shortening the semester by
another/ week. Perhaps some ad-
vice frdm Student Government
Council and a faculty committee
would be beneficial. Also, for as
long as we are under the one
week system, perhaps the profes-
sors could place less emphasis on
the final exam in determining the
course grade. As it appears, this
may have to be the final "solu-
In any event, it appears that
the "cure" of limiting finals to
one week is going to be more
disastrous than the "disease" of
such a long, interupted semester
with its three hour long finals.
I would appreciate other opin-
ions on this topic and also a reply
on the possibilities of returning to
the two-week final exam period.
-Judith K. Nielson, '64


without Aid


Daily Correspondent
PARIS-As the political leaders
of the world begin to recover
from the profound shock and
grief following Kennedy's assas-
sination, some of the spirit of co-
operation and sympathy for Pres-
ident Johnson's position will most
likely disappear. Apparently head-
ing the list of those for whom the
words of support and sympathy
came easily, while a manifesta-
tion of true cooperation probably
was not even considered, is French
President Charles de Gaulle.
De Gaulle's decision to attend
the funeral services in Washing-
ton was greeted at first with sur-
prise and then with hope for
amelioration of Franco-AMerican
relations. But the voyage was not
astounding and it is evident now
that it was not an indication of
future cooperation by the king-
pin of France. He is not going to
alter his policies concerning the
NATO alliance or nuclear-ban
Although the desire to pay a
personal tribute to a leader and
friend was undoubtedly the pri-
mary reason for his presence in
Washington, the visit also pro-
vided him with no small amount
of publicity in France. Standing
out among the other heads of
state in Washington, by virtue of
his military attire, he was un-
mistakably Gen. de Gaulle, the
image of power in France. Any
opportunity to further this image
is extremely useful for the man
who wants to reign alone over
the French people; thus the care-

sharpest critics would neverthe-
less vote for him.
The potential strength of his
opposition is wasted because it
remains disunited. Even united,
his opponents could not possibly
produce a candidate as widely
known or so obviously a leader.
There is no "second in command"
in France. De Gaulle, who finds
even the idea of a vice-president
repulsive, has not shared his de-
cision-making power.
However,khe may have pushed
his solitary control too hard and
too far. The people who gave him
his power are beginning to regret
it. Their discontent is becoming
increasingly evident as strike after
strike interrupts industry, trans-
portation and education. Dissatis-
faction with his foreign policy
and the decreasing rapport be-
tween France and the United
States is expressed frequently by
his opposition.
the reins of power to de Gaulle
for a seven-year term, it is more
than likely that Franco-American
relations will become increasingly
strained and distant. To explain
his anti-American policies, de
Gaulle insists that it is only a
question of building a stronger,
united Europe-partly to ease the
bipolar strain between the 'United
States and Russia and partly be-
cause Western Europe has been
too long under the thumb of
Uncle Sam, who may not be on
hand if Europe is attacked.
Grand proclamations aside, what
de Gaulle actually wants is power
and more power. France comes
firt- after that. a npeeulworld

"It's Terrible How Intolerant People
Are Getting"



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