olinson Plas To Seek
tecord U.S. Spending,
onfers on Civi Rgt
~~ets Kn
By The Associated Press
) ASHINGTON-In one of a
leries of sessions with civil rights
eader5, President Lyndon B. John-
p ~n met yesterday with the Rev.
d'artin Luther King, president of
b1e Southern Christian Leadership
3onference, in what the latter
~alled a "very fruitful discussion."
King told reporters he had in-
ormed Johnson that he intends to
itump the country to arouse the
~eople to register. and vote-Ne-
groes in particular. He said he
blans to take several months, lead-
ngup to the 1964 election,-to try
0"make this country aware of
ts lack of representative govern-
And he said his organization in-
~ends to take direct action in the
~vent of an expected Senate fili-
ouster, but didn't elaborate.
"I will feel compelled to take
some form of direct action,'" King
said, "whether in Washington or
all over the country."
In light of Johnson's call for
ruick action on the civil rights
bill, major civil rights leaders
were summoned to gather today in
Svhat was described as "an ex-.
t raordinary session to discuss
tieans of implementing'' the
President's plea.
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S. .. met with President
PARIS -President Lyndon B.
Johnson plans a meeting with
French President Charles de
Gaulle sometime in 1964, accord-
ing to a message released by de
Gaulle's office yesterday.
But Johnson's message left
open the place for such a meeting.
Following the funeral of President
John F. Kennedy in Washington,
there were reports that de Gaulle
would return to the United States
for a meeting with the new chief
of state. But later French sources
hinted de Gaulle would prefer to
have Johnson come to Paris.
In the message Johnson told de
Gaulle, "I am deeply grateful to
you for your kindness in sending
us a miessage of sympathy in the
name of the French people. I still
look forward to having deeper
conversations with you next year."
Ma EXeed
TopsBigget Outlay
Ini World War II
WASHINGTON (A') - President
Lyndon B. Johnson is attempting
to work out a federal budget
ranging between $98 billion and
$103 billion for the 1965 fiscal
year starting next July 1, the
White House said yesterday.
Presidential Press Secretary
Pierre Salinger gave this range of
figures to newsmen, he said, to
try to get the matter of the budget
into perspective.
This effort followed a confer-
ence between Johnson and nine
governors and word from Gov.
James A. Rhodes of Ohio quoting
the chief executive as saying the
budget may go above $100 billion.
For Johnson, who has pledged
his administration to thrift and
frugality, this would mean a rec-
ord spending program for either
wartime or peacetime.
.The largest amount ever spent
in one year-98.3 billion-was in
145 the year World War II
The late President John F. Ken-
nedy submitted to Congress last
January a budget calling for ex-
pendiure of $98.8 blion in th
cren rfiscal year.aBut Teasury
said actual spending probably will
be about $1 billion below that, and
Lthus not a record.
Perhaps Johnson gave some-
thing of a tiipoff to his explana-
tion in his first address to Con-
gress as President Nov. 27. He
pledged at that time that "the
government will be administered
with the utmost thrift and fru-
gality," and that he will insist on
a dollar's value for a dollar spent.
But he added, "This does not
mean we will not meet our un-
filled needs or that we will not
honor our commitments. We will
do both."
Governor John A. Love of Colo-
rado told reporters Johnson said
he thinks he will be able to re-
duce 'the budget Kennedy would
have submitted next month by $3
On Bias 13111
Until 1964
WASHINGTON (A') -- A full-
speed ahead signal was raised yes-
terday for machinery to pry the
civil rights bill from the Rules
Committee so the House can vote
on it.
But even if the move succeeds
chances for action this year seem
Whether the bill is acted on
before the Christmas recess or
afterward, House Speaker John W.
McCormack (D-Mass) said, will
depend on what happens to a dis-
charge petition that will be filed
to get it out of the committee's
hands. The measure has high
priority on President Lyndon B.
Johnson's legislative list.
The discharge move was launch-
ed in earnest by the House leader-
ship in face of unbending refusal
by Chairman Howard W. Smith
CD-Va) to have his Rules Commit-
tee take up the bill this year.
McCormack said it is very un-
certain that action can be taken
before January. He added, how-
ever, that it would be a distinct
advantage if the discharge peti-
tion attracts enough signatures be-
fore the recess so the measure can
be called up for House action next
The Christmas recess is due to
start Dec. 20, which means no
action after that could come be-
fore Jan. 13. For the petition to
take the bill away from the com-
mittee will require 218 signatures
of the 435 House members.
McCormack told reporters he I
had assured Smith that if his coin-
mittee cleared the bill before the
recess it would not be scheduled
for floor action before January.
When Smith declined, the signal
tget the petition machinery roll-
ing was raised.
Rep. Richard Bolling CD-Mo),
backed by the leadership, already
has taken the first step in this
parliamentary shortcut. Last week,
he asked the Rules Committee, of
which he is a member, to clear the
civil rights bill.
Report Crackdown inSaigon
South Viet Nam, according to re-
ports published yesterday in the
Detroit News.-
The Revolutionary C ouncil'
headed by Gen. Duong Van Minh,
has re-instituted the practice of
secret arrest handtimprisonment
previous regime, the News said.
Vietnamese sources with rela-
tives who have been imprisoned by
the new government estimate that
th numerofndarrests for Saigon
VI relaxed Vatican controls over
the Roman Catholic Church's 3000
bishops yesterday by making per-
manent many of their transitory
rights and privileges.
In a personal decree entitled
"The Pastoral Task," the Popes
freed his bishops fromn the neces-
sity of seeking Vatican authoriza-
tion in the exercise of certain
The Pope's action was consider.-
ed a first step in decentralizing
the concentrated power of the
Roman Curia, his network of ad-
ministrative agencies. It also rep-
resents a limited step towvard shar-
ing Papal-Episcopal authority.
The concept of sharing, called
collegiality, has been a major is-
sue at the nine-week second ses-
sion of the Vatican Ecumenical
Council. Pope Paul's decree ap-
peared to support progressive
bishops who favored the concept.
Conservatives had opposed it.
The Roman Catholic ruler spe-
cifically granted the bishops 40
faculties or powers and seven
privileges that previously had been
given only on application to the
Vatican. either on an individual
or renewable five-year basis.
Others have been said to in-
clude high school teachers, civil
servants, officers and wives of
former officials. Vietnamese, are
said to have reacted, not so much
to the fact that the persons ar-
rested had been taken into cus-
tody (some of whom may have
been connected with the Diem re-
gime) but because they felt the
mode of arrest had been arbitrary.
A woman, who had been re-
leased recently after 10 days of
detention, reports that there are
200-300 political prisoners held in
30 cells in a police heddquarters.
Prisoners were nDt allowed to
receive visitors or speak to a law-
yer, she claimed.
Other political prisoners report-
edly were being held in the cen-
tral prison of Chi Hoa outside of
Saigon, Important prisoners such
as Ngo Dinh Can, the late presi-
dent's brother, and Ngo Trong
Hieu, former Civic Action Minis-
ter, reportedly are being held in
a vast compound near the airport.
Ngo Dinh Can was handed over
by United Steates authorities to
the junta a few days after the
coup against a promise that he
would receive due process. Nothing
has been said about him since.
More Suicides
Elsewhere in Saigon, two men
burned themselves to death yester- I
day. No political meaning has beenI
attached to the two deaths as yet.
One of the men committed sul-
'Of ormosa
TAIPEI (P-Nationalist Chinese
Vice-President and Premier Chen
Cheng has resigned his Premier's
post, a government announcementI
said yesterday.
.Informed sources said he quit
in a dispute with President Chaing
The informants said Chen was
irked because Chiang made ap-
pointments to high military and
civil positions without consulting
him. Chen generally has been re-
garded as Chiang's political heir.
The official announcement said
Chen's resignation was accepted.
The standing committee of the I
Kuomintang, Chiang's ruling party, I
will meet today to decide on his
A recent source of friction be-
tween Chen and Chiang, inform-
ants said, was the tour of Europe
and Africa by Foreign Minister
Shen Chang-Huan. The story is
that Chen turned thumbs down
on the trip but Shen got Chiang's
th her ofDeute
his gasoline-soaked clothing at a
street corner near the residence of
United States Ambassador Henry
Cabot Lodge. The ambassador's
residence is a villa which has been
recently vacated by John H. Rich-
ardson, former head of the United
States Central Intelligence Agency
in SuhViet Nam.
ernment troops and rebels opposed
to the Dominican junta clashed
for 10 minutes yesterday tn the
Limon mountains 100 miles north-
west of Santo Domingo.
An army spokesman said one
soldier and one rebel were kild
and another soldier and three
rebels were wounded.
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SWorldNews oundu
By The Associated Press
PHNOM PENH-Prince Norodom Slhanouk called yesteirday for
a neutral confederation with his old neighbor-enemy, South Viet
Nam. Sihanouk broke relations last August with the since-destroyed
Ngo Dinh Diem regime at Saigon. The military rulers who succeeded
Diem are expected to ignore Sihanouk's offer.
* * * *
ROME-A new dispute erupted yesterday, again delaying Italian
Premier-Designate Aldo Moro's efforts to force a left-leaning coalition
government. The argument concerned a cabinet seat for Pietro
Nenni's Socialist Party. Although they have agreed on a program,
the Socialists have not agreed on how to divide cabinet posts.
UNITED NATIONS-Norway proposed yesterday a worldwide
embargo aimed at crippling South Africa's arms industry in an
effort to force that country to abandon its racial segregation policies.
* * * *
UNITED NATIONS-The United Nations General Assembly ap-
proved yesterday a resolution favoring self-determination and in-
dependence for Portugal's African colonies. The vote was 91-2 with
11 abstentions, including the United States.
* *' * *
NEW YORK-Despite a late rally, the. stock market closed
mixed yesterday. Dow-Jones Averages showed 30 industrials down
.09, 20 railroads down .23, 15 utilities down :02 and 65 stocks down .10.
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