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December 04, 1963 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-12-04

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FPA Retains Bid Restrictions



After a lengthy debate concerning bidding restrictions, the
Fraternity Presidents' Assembly last night approved, with one minor
revision, the rush regulations recommended by the Inter-Fraternity
. Council Executive Committee.
The new bylaws established the first Thursday of rush as the
earliest date for bidding-as opposed to the second Sunday as under
the previous regulations.
However, an attempt to eliminate all restrictions fell two votes
a short of the necessary two-thirds majority required. According to

Iowa Voters
Defeat Plan
To Redistrict
DES MOINES (4P)-Iowa's large
city voters defeated the contro-
versial Shaff plan of legislative
reapportionment in a constitu-
tional election yesterday.
The election brought to a tem-
porary end the long fight cen-
tered around minority control of
the Iowa legislature. A federal
court suit attacking the plan also
is pending.
Anti-Shaff forces concentrated
their campaign in the state's
largest cities, while the pro-Shaff
groups worked mainly in the rural
areas which have long dominated
the state's general assembly.
With 2,105 of the state's 2,485
precincts reported, the vote was:
yes, 161,379; no, 241,378.
Cities Vote No
The 17 largest counties which
I contain more than half of the
state's population, opposed the
plan 153,143 to 43,853 with only
64 of the precincts in those coun-
ties unaccounted for.
The urban areas were expected
to vote against the plan.
Political observers generally
{ agree that legislators representing
30 per cent of the population can
control legislation before the 158-
member general assembly.
Unfair to Urban Areas
A three-judge federal court
panel has said that the present
appropriation of the legislature is
unfair to residents -ur-bamn areas,
It withheld a ruling in a suit at-
tacking the new apportionment
proposal until after the election.
The author of the proposal
voted upon is state Sen. David 0.
Shaff, a Republican. It had the
support of the powerful Iowa
Farm Bureau Federation and the
Iowa Manufacturers' Association.
As a constitutional amendment,
It needed to pass in identical form
successive sessions of the legisla-
ture and be submitted to a vote
of the people. Only a simple ma-
jority approval was necessary to
complete the constitutional pro-
The Shaff plan is designed to
give the large population counties
control over the Iowa Senate, leav-
ing rural elements in control of its
Details of 1PLin
It would create a 99-member
House - one representative from
each county - and a 58-member
Senate elected from districts as
equal as possible in population.
The House now has 108 members
and the Senate 50. All are gener-
ally elected on an area basis,
rather than on population.
Under the 1857 Iowa constitu-
tion both houses were elected on
a population basis. An amend-
ment in 1940 gave each county one
representative regardless of popu-
lation and granted the nine most
populous counties one additional
Then in 1928 an amendment
provided that no county could
have more than one senator. The
effects of the amendments has
been to prevent changes in either
house to reflect population shifts.
Democratic Gov. Harold Hughes,
who opposed the proposal, said it
it a plan "nobody loves and very
few understand." Shaff plan sup-
porters contended it would create
a balanced legislative system.
Johnson Acts
To Inform

WASHINGTON (I) - President
Lyndon B. Johnson has taken steps
to keep House Speaker John W.
McCormack informed on national
security matters to assure the con-
tinuity of government if the speak-
er should become President.
White House Press Secretary

the committee's rationale the
Thursday date is an improvement
over the Sunday date in that it
will benefit smaller houses who,
because of their size, "are in a
good position to bid at this time.
Won't Feel Obligated
"It is hoped that the larger
houses will not feel obligated into
bidding on Thursday night merely
because it is the first night they
may do so," it stated. "We hope
they will maintain their previous
level of consideration of rushees
in making bids."
However, proponents of the re-
striction-free plan claimed that
the restrictions would not benefit
the smaller houses and that their
elimination would encourage each
house to put forth strong efforts.
John Feldkamp, assistant to the
director of student activities and
organizations, a long-time advo-
cate of the unstructured approach,
cited the fact that. the smaller
fraternities did not experience any
membership problems when there
were no bidding restrictions.
"The implementation of these
restrictions has over-formalized
rush so that the small houses must
attempt to hold the rushee's in-
terest long after the time that all
the members have met him and
are ready to extend a bid."
IFC President Clifford Taylor,
'64, commented that the FPA's re-
duction of the bidding restrictions
represented a trend toward un-
structured rush. "Last semester
sentiment among the presidents
was against a completely unstruc-
tured rush. This time it came
within two votes of passing. I
would hope to see the remaining
restrictions removed next spring."
Calendaring Revision '
The new bylaws also featured a
change in rush calendaring, hav-.
ing rush begin on the second Sun-
day of the fall semester rather
than on the first, and on the first
Sunday after the first Tuesday of
the spring semester rather than
a week earlier.
The changes, designed to allow
incoming freshmen to better orient
themselves to the University be-
fore rushing, will mean next se-
mester's rush will begin Jan. 26,
rather than Jan. 19 as previously
Denies Petition
On Income Tax
Elections Director Robert M.
Montgomery announced yesterday
that petitions submitted to his of-
fice by the Vigilance Tax Commit-;
tee aimed at initiating legislation1
against local income taxes, con-
tained invalid signatures and
therefore were void.
State law requires that all ini-1
tiatory petitions be accepted for
filing at the same time. Thus the
petitioners will not be permitted to
file additional petitions.J

. . . freer rushing

Unit Asked
Student Government Council
will consider tonight a proposal to
establish a central calendaring
committee to "administer and co-
ordinate all University calendar-
The motion, to be presented by
Michigan Union President Ray-
mond Rusnak, '64, calls for the
creation ofa six-member com-
mittee to be placed under the
jurisdiction of the vice-president
for student affairs because of his
"accessibility to needed informa-
tion on student calendaring."
The proposed committee would
consist of two students, selected
by SGC; two faculty members,
appointed by the University Sen-
ate; and the vice-presidents for
academic affairs and student af-
fairs or their representatives.
Preserves Autonomy
Rusnak noted that this commit-
tee "is not intended to impinge
upon calendaring autonomy of any
department or group at the Uni-
versity, but rather is to provide a
coordination between all groups
presently calendaring."
It would "establish rules con-
cerning granting of permission to
groups for use of University
grounds, buildings and display
areas for purposes of advertising
and promotion."
The committee also would co-
ordinate calendaring of auditor-
iums and classify the nature and
priority of events calendared.
Compact Form
As a result, the committee could
"publicize in one compact form all
events calendared at the Univer-
sity for any given period," Rusnak
The proposed motion suggests
that "after all the priorities and
related rules have been established
an administrative secretary shall
be appointed to be in charge of
all calendaring under the regula-
tions established."
Committee meetings would then'
be called only for periodic ad-
justments of rules and to discuss
situations that arise which are
not clearly defined by the estab-
lished rules.

Red Chief
MOSCOW (,P-Soviet Premier
Nikita S. Khrushchev declared last
night the Soviet Union will match
President Lyndon B. Johnson's
pledges to work for a more secure
world peace.
"We note with satisfaction that
the new President of the United
States, speaking of his intentions
to continue President John F.
Kennedy'spolicy, emphasized he
would strive for a peaceful solution
of international relations and for
better relations between the Soviet
Union and all countries," the So-
viet leader said.
"As regards the Soviet Union,
it will not relax its efforts in
search of a solution to major
international problems and will
press for the further consolidation
of relations with other countries."
At Farewell Dinner
It was at a farewell dinner for
Finnish President Urho Kekkonen
that Khrushchev voiced his senti-
ments about Johnson, about Ken-
nedy and about his hopes for
peaceful relations.
"I cannot but express again my
profound condolence and indigna-
tion at the heinous assassination
of President Kennedy whose policy
on a number of questions facilitat-
ed a relaxation of international
tensions and the development of
relations with the Soviet Union,"
Khrushchev said.
Nuclear-Free Plan
During the talks, Kekkonen
brought up again his proposal for
a nuclear-free zone in Northern
Europe, defending it as his coun-
try's own idea, not prompted by
any Soviet pressure. It had been
proposed repeatedly before, how-
ever, by Khrushchev.
The Finnish chief of state de-
nied that Finland's foreign policy
was dictated by the Soviet Union.
Khrushchev, speaking of Soviet
relations with its Northern Euro-
pean neighbors, added, "It is quite
natural . . . that we are striving
for the broad development of poli-
tical, economic and social relations
with northern countries. We are
satisfied to note that the Scandi-
navian countries are evincing a de-
sire for the further development
of relations with the Soviet Un-
See Hot Fight
Between Dems
For Statehouse
LANSING-A meeting of the
Michigan Democratic Party lead-
ers Monday indicated that the
quest for the gubernatorial nomi-
nation may wind up to be a cut-
throat contest.
Former Gov. John B. Swainson,
Highway Commissioner John C.
Mackie. and Congressman-at-
Large Neil Staebler all revealed
that they will announce their deci-
sions following the Dec. 22 end
of the period of national mourning
for 'the late President John F.
Kennedy. The three agreed not to
announce their candidacy until
that date.
Mackie noted that his decision
will depend on how much support
he can rally and whether he
thinks he will be able to win the I
contest, not on who other candi-
dates may be. He indicated he
would probably not make his deci-
sion for "60 to 90 days."
Swainson hinted that he will'
announce his decision soon after

Dec. 22. Speculations are that he
was about to make his candidacy
known Nov. 22, the day of Kenne-
dy's assassination.
Reports have it that former Gov.
G. Mennen Williams is envisioned
as a likely Democratic candidate
who could serve to unite the party.

OAS To Inhvestigate
'Intervention' from Cuba
WASHINGTON (A) - The Organization of American States
launched a full-scale investigation yesterday into charges that "in-
tervention and aggression" by Cuba in Venezuela are endangering
that country's democratic institutions.
Venezuela asked the OAS to look into Cuban smuggling of arms
to Venezuela, acting under the Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal
The OAS Council approved the Venezuela request by a 16-0
vote, with Mexico abstaining on legal grounds. By the same vote it
also empowered OAS Chairmant

Juan Bautista de Lavalle of Peru
to appoint a fact-finding commit-
The countries making up the in-
vestigating body were not an-
nounced immediately. Reliable
sources said the United States,
Argentina, Colombia, Costa Rica
and another country-as yet un-
named-would be selected.
Brazil's Partial Support
Brazil supported Venezuela's re-
quest for an inqury. But follow-
ing the co-existence-with-Cuba
policy, its ambassador, Ilmai Pen-
na Marinho, aske'i the committee
to make its investigation "in Ven-
ezuela as well as in Cuba, facil-
itating to the latter an opporun-
ity to defend itself."
The OAS policy has been one of
isolating Cuba from the American
repblics. Brazil, Mexico, Chile,
Uruguay and Bolivia are the only
Latin American nations that still
have diplomatic relations with the
Havana regime.
The council listened politely to
Marinho but no other delegates
supported hissuggestion.
It appeared unlikely that the
committee might want to go to
Cuba, which has been suspended
from active OAS membership. ,
Venezuela Visit
Lt is. likely the members of thei
committee will soon fly to Vene-1
zuela, where the government on
Nov. 4 found a three-ton. cache of;
arms buried in the state of Falcon.
Most of the oil-rich country's re-
fineries are located there.
Venezuelan Ambassador Tejera,
Paris, who distributed several pic-
tures of arms he said were in the1
cache, told the council the arms
shippers tried to grind off thel
serial numbers to hide the ident-
ity of the arms.
Tejera said the shippers forgoti
that such an effort "is technically
impossible." He did not elaborate,
but a ground-off serial number'
can be brought out with chem-
icals unless the grinding goes ex-
ceptionally deep.
Various Arms Found
The Venezuelan said the cache1
included rifles, machine guns,1
anti-tank guns, mortars, recoilless1
rifles, ammunition and other ma-
United States alternate Repre-
sentative Ward P. Allen told the
OAS Council "United States arms
technicians, at the request of thea
government of Venezuela, have
verified the Cuban origin of the
Whether the committee will ac-,
complish anything remains to be1
seen. Many OAS committees in
the past have been so careful not
to offend anyone that little or
nothing resulted from their activ-1
In supporting the inquiry, Allenl
said "we may reach a collective
judgment on whether additionall
steps should be taken individually
or collectively to protect and safe-
guard the integrity and indepen-
dence of the countries of this
hemisphere and their democraticl

Calls For
B lock ade
CARACAS W)-Venezuelan Pres-
ident Romulo Betancourt called
yesterday for naval and aerial
blockades of Cuba by Latin Ameri-
can countries to stop any outflow
of arms to pro-Communist parti-
The outgoing Venezuelan chief
executive spoke out as reports of
bombings and sabotage emphasiz-
ed that the Castroite underground
will press a campaign of terror
despite a stinging rebuke at the
Betancourt told a news confer-
ence his country would not at-
tempt any singlehanded action
against Cuba is the OAS failed to
take a positive stand on his gov-
ernment's demand for "firm, ener-
getic and definitive steps" to neu-
tralize Cuban Prime Minister Fidel
The reports told of seven United
States-owned oil storage tanks
blasted by dynamite in the in-
terior and fire bomb attacks in
the seaside resort of Maiquetia,
near Caracas. In Caracas, police
found and disarmed three time
bombs in a downtown plaza.
Meanwhile, Raul Leoni of Presi-
dent Romulo Betancourt's Demo-
cratic Action party withheld a
victory statement although of-
ficial and unofficial returns from
Sunday's presidential election put
him far out in front of six other
"I still am not the president of
the republic," he told reporters.
200,000 Ahead
Unofficial returns had him more
than 240,000 votes ahead of Rafael
Caldera, leader of the centrist
COPEI party, with 70 per cent of
the vote counted.
The count of the supreme elec-
torial council, with one-third of
the vote tabulated, confirmed the
trend. The official figures were
Leoni, 418,183; Caldera, 295,355.
The thumping vote given Leoni
and Caldera, both outspoken
enemies of Fidel Castro's Cuban
regime, was a rebuke to the ter-
rorists who are trying to topple
Betancourt before he leaves office
in March.
A second rebuke was the fact
that 90 per cent of the voters
turned out in spite of threats they
would be shot or bombed.
Blank Ballots
As one other measure to disrupt
the elections, the underground,
known as the Armed Forces for
National Liberation, called on
voters to cast blank ballots. Nul-
lified ballots were running only
about five per cent and it was
not known how many of these
were blank.
The reports of fresh disorders
promised little respite from the




Romney Details Program

Unions Ask
By Courts
WASHINGTON (JP)-Five- rail-
road unions facing the loss of
thousands of members' jobs plan
a multiple legal attack on a com-
pulsory arbitration ruling Congress
initiated to keep the nation's
trains running.
The chiefs of the five unions
whose members operate trains also
said yesterday they will challenge
the constitutional right of Con-
gress to order compulsory settle-
ment of any labor dispute.
"The question of employe servi-
tude to protect management's
profits does not relate to railroad
workers alone," they said in a joint
Should Be Concerned
"The public in general and the
labor movement in particular
should be concerned with the
grave precedents involved."
Friday is the deadline for the
unions to file suits on their charg-
es that last Tuesday's arbitration
board ruling exceeded the limits
... agreed with decision
Congress set in creating the board
to avert a nationwide rail strike.
The unions said there will prob-
ably be several suits filed by dif-
ferent combinations of the five
The constitutionality of the
emergency law passed by Congress
last August a few hours before a
scheduled strike will be challenged
in a separate suit by the five un-
ions later.
Other Issues Too?
The unions said they feared
that other issues, including wages,
which Congress left to negotiation
between the two parties, may also
wind up in compulsory arbitration.
"If allowed to go unchallenged
or unchanged, we expect railroad
management to continue to seek
congressional aid in its version of
collective bargaining," they said.
The two labor members of the
seven-man arbitration board, in-
cluding one of the union chiefs in
yesterday's joint action, dissented
from the majority ruling.
The two management members,
including chief railroad negotiator
J. E. Wolfe agreed to the decision
as did the three neutral board,
The majority ruling said the
nearly 200 railroads involved may
eventually eliminate 90 per cent
of the 40,000 firemen's jobs on
diesel freight and yard engines.

Cites Maj or
Calls for Fast Action
On Education, Rights,
Elections, Judiciary
Special To The Daily
LANSING -Gov. George Rom-
ney opened the second special
session of the Legislature last
night by calling for enactment of
all laws necessary to implement
the new constitution which will go
into effect Jan. 1.
Romney said that the legisla-
tons must avoid arguments over
whether the document is good or
bad, saying that their task is clear
and direct. He noted, however,
that "it will not be easy."
He mentioned that in the work
of implementation there is no
room for "excessive partisanship
for the mere sake of partisanship."
Crucial Actions
The governor said that although
the entire job of implementation
cannot be accomplished in a single
special session, the legislators
must pass certain necessary en-
abling laws to allow a smooth
transition from the old constitu-
tion to the new.
He said that the major areas
of concern are elections, the Judi-
ciary, education and civil rights,
and that although there are many
other matters of implementation
which must be covered in the next
few months, they are "not in the
emergency natdre of these four
The new constitution will make
significant changes in the struc-
ture of the state edtcation sys-
tem, Romney said. He mentioned
the following considerations:
--Establishment, powers and
duties, number, method of selec-
tion and removal, and terms of
office for members of governing
boards of state-supported colleges
and universities, and
-Conforming referefices of ex-
isting school-bond loan programs
to the new constitution.
Civil Rights
Although the Civil Rights Com-
mission created by the new docu-
ment is largely self-executing, to
provide for the orderly transfer of
responsibilities Romney recom-
mended the following action:
-Transfer to the civil rights
commission of the present juris-
diction duties and functions of the
Fair Employment Practices Com-
mission, and elimination and the
latter as of Jan. 1;
Transfer to the new CRC of the
balance of the funds appropriated
to the FEPC for the current fiscal
year, and
-A supplemental appropriation
to the CRC.
In the area of elections, Romney
mentioned that among the major
questions up for consideration are:
-Qualifications and registra-
tion of electors;
-Abolition of the spring state
election and provision for local
spring elections;
-Provisions with respect to
write-in candidates;
-Procedures for initiative and
referendum, and
--School and school millage
In addition, he said that the
structure of the state's court sys-
tem has certain aspects of court
administration which must be
changed under the new constitu-

Romney commended the "bi-
partisan diligence" wvent into the
preparation of the total of 87 bills
which were presented to the Legis-
lature by the Joint Interim Com-
This group has been working
since June to draw up the bills
necessary for basic implementation
of the new constitution.
Romney said that he endorsed
the bills "with few exceptions."
The only exception he mentioned
was the proposed extending of

Red China Claims Progress
Despite Cutoff of Soviet Aid
TOYKO (MP)-With a blast at the Soviet Union, Red China
asserted yesterday its economy is expanding despite crop failures
and the loss of Russian credits and technical aid.
A Communique marking the end of the second national People's
Congress in Peking also declared Red China's prestige is rising
abroad in spiteof "the schemes of United States imperialism, reaction
and modern revisionism." As broadcast from Peking, the com-
munique conceded that floods,"
drought, other natural calamities
and the withdrawal of Soviet aid REPORT SHOWS L
were blows to national develop-
ment. I 1




Without mentioning the Soviet
Union by name, Red China re-
ferred to the loss of the Russian
aid as "the perfidious action of
those who unilaterally tore up
agreements and withdrew ex-
Then it mentioned the debt to
the Soviet Union, piled up in the
days before the two giants quar-
reled over methods to bring the
world under .Communism.
"In 1963, our country has con-
tinued to pay the debts and the
interest owed to the Soviet Union,"
the communique said. "We have
now paid most of the debts in-


Grade-Point Afflicts Fewer LSA Students

The academic executioner took a relatively light toll among last
year's literary college students, a recent report reveals.
The percentage of the college's students dismissed for academic
reasons during the 1962-63 school year was significantly below the
percentage for 1961-62.
The proportion of students with grade-point averages below C
also declined.
And in the freshmen ranks, where flunk-outs tend to be most
prevalent, the academic mortality rate has dropped even further.
'Ad' Board Report
These facts are reported by the literary college Administrative

interpretation, the board notes the increasingly high College Board
scores and high-school averages of the freshman classes.
-"To keep pace with the increasing competence of the fresh-
men, the admissions criteria for transfer students have been
strengthened recently.
-"Other possible hypotheses are that the faculty grading stan-
dards are sloping off or that the board has eased its policies on
withdrawal and reinstatement. There are no data which would support
either hypothesis," the board states.
The Figures Don't Lie
Associate Dean James H. Robertson of the literary college,
chairman of the Administrative Board, said yesterday that the board's


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