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November 27, 1963 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-11-27

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Mostly sunny
continued mild

Seventy-T hree Years of Editorial Freedom


Johnson Makes




Day in


President Consults
~Foreign Statesmen
Promises Latin American Leaders
To Strengthen Alliance for Progress
WASHINGTON-President Lyndon B. Johnson talked today with
leaders of nations great and small, then told Americans his adminis-
tration will strive to strengthen the Alliance for Progress as a living
memorial to fallen President John F. Kennedy.
Johnson gave his pledge to leaders of the Latin American na-
tions, then to the people of the United States in his first televised
address as President. Shouldering the burdens oX his grief and his










Senate Kills
Bi ll To Block
WASHINGTON - The Johnson
administration - with an assist
from the late President John F.
Kennedy - won its first Congres-
sional victory last night when the
Senate rejected a bill which could
have blocked the sale of surplus
United States wheat to Russia and
its satellites.
Rejection of the proposal by
Sen. Karl F. Mundt (R-SD) came
on a motion to table. The vote was
announced as 57 for killing the bill
to 35 against. Forty-eight Demo-
crats and nine Republicans voted
to table, 24 Republicans and 11
Democrats voted against.
The Mundt proposal would have
prohibited the Export-Import
Bank, or any federal'agency, from
guaranteeing private financing of
all trade with Communist nations.
Just before the vote, Senate Ma-.
jority Leader Mike Mansfield (D-.
Mont.) read to the Senate a note
.from Kennedy urging defeat of
the proposal.
"If this amendment is adopted,
it is not primarily the Commun-
Sists .who will be damaged, but the
American producer and exporter,"
Kennedy wrote. The "note was not
Isigned but bore his typewritten
name at the bottom.
Mansfield explained that he had
#asked the late President's views
on the Mundt proposal and that
Kennedy had replied before leav-
ing on his ill-fated Texas trip .last
IFC Proposes
New Rushing,
Pledging Rules
The Interfraternlty Council Ex-
eti Commttee last nigt po
posed alterations in the IFC rush-
ing and pledging bylaws to be
submitted to the Fraternity Presi-
dents' Assembly.
The changes include advancing
the earliest time for bidding from
the second Sunday of rush to the
first Thursday. According to IFC
rush chairman Lawrence Lossing,
'65, the change will benefit small-
er houses, who, because of their
tiont bid at ths earlier date.
"Hopefully, this will help the
smaller houses to raise their mem-
berships to a more satisfactory
size,"' he commented.
The Executive Committee also
recommended/ that rush be held a
*week later than it has in the past.
Under the proposed plan, next se-
mester's rush would begin Jan. 26,
*10 days after the beginning of
called foratintheh pesen bylws
rAlso called for was a "strength-
ening" of the rush counselor pro-
gram by reducing the number of
counselors from three per house
to one per house.
The committee hoped that since
each counselor would have a larg-
er share of the work, he would feel
more responsibility toward his
duties. It also is hoped that by
having the houses select only one
mnan apiece, the quality of the
counselors would improve.
Student Faces
Theft Charges
SGalen L. Baril, '64, is scheduled
to appear in Circuit Court Fri-
day where he will be charged with

Voffice, Johnson spent the day in
a hectic round of personal diplo-
macy-and arranged more top
level talks early next year.
Families Meeting
Johnson described the session
as "in a very special sense a family
gathering," and he said he was
reaffirming that call by Kennedy
of three years ago.
The Alliance with Latin Ameri-
can nations,. he said, "must be
among the highest concerns of my
"I reaffirm the pledge" of Ken-
nedy to work for progress in the
Central and South American na-
tions, Johnson said.
Carry On
"Inspired by his memory . .. we
will carry on the job."
Thus, the mutual aid agreement
which was Kennedy's first major
foreign policy action in 1961 be-
came Johnson's first foreign af-
fairs declaration.
In the oval office of the Presi-
dent, Johnson conferred with an
array of world leaders that in-
cluded the prime minister of Great
Britain and the deputy premier of
the Soviet Union.
Personal Meetings
White House sources said he
told them he looked forward to
personal meetings with foreign of-
ficials in an effort to deal with
world problems.
In other moves Johnson took
steps to close the political gap
laat existed between the business
community and the Kennedy ad-
Johnson's defense of the free
enterprise system in remarks he
made to state governors Monday
night were being interpreted wide-
ly as a reassurance to businessmen
who regarded the late President's
policies with suspicion.
Better Mousetrap
Johnson told the governors that
"we think that where the capital-
ist can put up a dollar, he can
get a return on It." He added that
a managr who got dup early to
"build abetter m ousetrap." ud
While this did not add up to
any specific statement of policy,
he seemed to be telling .business-
men the new administration re-
gards the profit motive as not only
necessary but desirable.
The fact that the stock market
surged back with one of its great-
est rallies after plummeting steep-
ly on the news of Kennedy's as-
sassination Friday, appeared to
indicate that the commercial
world does not regard the new
President as antagonistic.
With this issue, The Daily
ceases publication for the vaca-
tion period. The next issue of
The Daily will appear next
Tuesday morning.

...eventful day

New Koean
Ballots Give
SE UL r (A' e-Confoundn r-
Chung Hee Park's Democratic Re-
publican Party appeared yesterday
to .be winning a comfortable ma-
jorityn Suth Korea's new Na-
Returns from about 70 per cent
of the estimated 9.3 million votes
cast Monday gave the party spon-
sored by Park's military junta 43
of the assembly seats. It was
leading in another 37 districts.
It appeared likely that with
additional seats gained through
the proportional representation
system, Park's party would wind
up with about 100 of the 175 seats
in the assembly.
Direct Representation
The people voted directly for
131 seats with the-other 44 to
be filled by proportional repre-
Second, with 11 won and lead-
ing in 15, was the Civil Rule Party
headed by ex-President Yun P0-
The Democratic Party, domi-
nant during the administration of
Premier John M. Chang, had
cinched four seats and was leading
in seven races.
Leading in Eight
The Liberal Democrats had one
seat and were leading in eight,
while the Party of the People had
not won a race definitely yet,
but was leading in four.
Under the South Korean law,
the winners are automatically
awarded 22 of the proportional
representation seats and the run-
ner-up gets 15. The rest are di-
vided among minor parties.
Last Oct. 15 Park won a four-
year term as president of South
Korea. mis election marked the
beginning of a transfet. of the
country from military to civilian
Second Step
The National Assembly elec-
tions are the second step in this
transition, which will be com-
stalled Dec. 17. Parss wil aso offi-
cially assume the presidency at
that time.
Previously Park had led a mili-
tary junta, in power since May of

In Marke
Advances for Record
Rise in Trading Jurnp
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK - Rolling up a
tremendous advance, the Stock
Market made a smashing come-
back yesterday from its plunge
following President John F. Ken-
nedy's assassination. m mr-
ket observers felt might hit Wall
Street irn the wake of the late
President's death failed to mater-
The Dow Jones Average of 30
industrials made what was believ-
ed to be a record gain.
The average more than recov-
ered the steep losses of the Fri-
day session, which was cut short
to halt panicky selling.
903 Advanced
Of 1,334 issues traded, 903 ad-
vanced and 270 declined.
The floor of the New York Ex-.
change, jammed by 2300 traders
and employes, was a frenzied
In many cases, efforts to match
buy and sell orders failed until
late in the day and trading in
many leading issues was delayed.
Late Arriver
American Motors failed to ap-
pear on the ticker tape until the
closing minutes and then opened
on a block of 250,000 shares, up
$5 at $20.50.
American Telephone was delay-
ed in opening until after noon
and then rose up $9.75 to $138.75.
Polaroid spurted $17.50 to $172.50
and Du Pont bounced $14.87 to
Other Advances
Other advances included United
States Steel $7.62 to $52.87, Jones
& Laughlin $6.37 to $61.87, Chrys-
ler $5.62 to $84.37, Sears Roebuck
$5.62 to $96, RCA $8.75 to $93.75',
General Electric $4.12 to $79.50,
Pfizer $5.12 to $49.37 and Pan
American World Airways $5.25 to
The New York Exchange pre-
pared in advance for an expected
big volume of business. It ordered
floor personnel to work at 8:30
a.m. instead of the usual 9:30
a .m.
The 12 horseshoe-shaped trad-
ing posts were augmented by 4 ad-
ditional counters which are used
only in emergencies.
Peasant Party
Leaves Inont,
By The Associated Press
ANKARA - In a surprise move,'
the Peasants Nation Party voted
yesterday to withdraw from Trk-
coalition government.
The move apparently means the
coalition's collapse.
In Washington, Inonu indicated
that he did not expect the imme-
diate collapse of his government.
gave outk Inonu'sreaction, saying,
"I just talked to the prime nun-
ister. His information is that the
party is going to await his return
to Turkey before committing itself
to one direction or the other."

U' Servce Honors Kennedy



Stall Featherbedding

-Robert B. Ellery
MEMORIAL SERVICE-More than 4000 students, faculty and friends of the University bowed their
heads in respect for the assassinated 35th President of the United States, John F. Kennedy at a
University memorial service Monday in Hill Aud. University President Harlan Hatcher presided with
the Rt. Rev. Msgr. John F. Bradley delivering the invocation; the Rev. Hoover Rupert giving the
central prayer and Herman Jacobs delivering the benediction. Also the Men's Glee Club sang two
Indicts Ruby for Oswald Murder

By The Associated Press
DALLAS-Jack Ruby was in-
dicted yesterday for the slaying
of Lee Harvey Oswald, accused
assassin of President John F.
A state grand jury wasted no
time in handing up charges that
could send him to the electric
Ruby, stocky 52-year-old owner
of a Dallas strip-tease joint, shot
Oswald during a jail transfer Sun-
day, just 48 hours after a sniper
killed the President during a mo-
torcade through downtown Dlas.
Because Ruby committed the
homicide in full vew ofs thann
of American television viewers-
the only point of importance in
the indictment was the degree of
the crime charged.
Chief Jesse Curry announced
he was turning over all evidence
Oswald shooting to the FI.nte
It was specified as murder with
malice, punishable upon convic-
tion by death. Trial was set ten-
tatively for Dec. 9.
Ruby is expected to plead tem-

porary insanity. The only motive
seriously suggested thus far is
that Ruby, distraught over the
President's assassination, took it
upon himself to mete out ven-
Meanwhile, in Washington de-
mands grew in Congress for an
inquiry mnto the assassination. But
there was a call for caution from
Sen. Jacob K. Javits (R-NY)
against any ''unseemly rash of
The indignation over Kennedy's
slaying also brought forth a flur-
ry of bills that would make it a

federal crime to assault or assas-
sinate the President or Vice-Pres-
ident or many other federal of fi-
Javits made his "go slow" ap-
peal in light of President Lyndon
B. Johnson's order for the FBI to
prepare a detailed report on Ken..
nedy's death and the slaying of
his accused killer, Lee Harvey Os-
wald, and give the facts to the
Javits said there should be con-
sultations between the executive
branch and Congress to clear the
way for a single massive jirobe-.

Gover1nent% Decision
Protested by Firemnen;-
Rule Affects 30,000
arbitrators ruled yesterday that
the nation's railroads can event-
nally wipe out some 30,000 f ire-
men's jobs on diesel frieights and
yard engines.
"In most circumstances, a fire-
man is not necessary," said Ralph
T. Seward, chairman of the arbi-
tration board set up by Congress
last August to avert a nationwide
rail strike.
The railroads were satisfied
with the decision. The Firemen's
Union was not, even though the
board guaranteed job protection
for most of the 40,000 firemen
Some States Immune
States with laws requiring fire-
men will not be affected.
H. E. Gilbert, president of the
AFL-CIO Brotherhood of Loco-
motive Firemen and Eingemen,
said both the arbitration ruling
and the emergency law that creat-
ed the board will be challenged in
federal court. The board grossly
exceeded Its authority under the
law, Gilbert charged.
He and J. E. Wolfe, chief nego-
tiator for the nearly 200 railroads
involved, called on each other to
get down to serious negotiations
now on the other issues which
Congress left to be settled be-
tween them.
Back To Beginning
Wolfe said that if wages and
other issues aren't settled by col-
lective bargaining, "we will be
back where we were in August
with the nation disturbed."
Wolfe said the arbitration rul-
ing "will best serve the interests
of the public."
Gilbert said he hopes successful
negotiations will avert any new
strike threat but that the rail-
roads' proposed wage structure
would mean a pay cut of about
33 per cent. He added: "We do not
expect to accept somebody else's
opnin owhtcollectie bar-
gaining is.
Up in the Air
Yesterday's developments left
very much up in the air the final
outcome of the railroad work rules
dispute which over the past four
yearshasexethausted every proced-
and the settlement efforts of a
special Presidential board and the
Labor Department before Congress
Although the arbitration ruling
stands for two years, both parties
will be free to act on the other
mnatters in the dispute Feb. 25,
when all other provisions of the
Ifa neoiainsae not success-
ful, the railroads could impose
their work rules changes on that
date and the firemen and four
other train operating unions
could strike. The whole complex
case could then wind up back
before Congress.
'U' Sets Tests
With Rockets
versity launched two rockets from
Wallops Island, Va., yesterday, as
part of experiments to measure
characteristics of the upper at-
The first, a Nike Apache rocket

with a 70 pound payload, was
launched to an altitude of 103

Bream Consort Expresses Elizabethan Mw
The Julian Bream Consort, an
- voted to the performance of music
C .. .ing the Elizabethan and Jacobean
Bream, English lutenist and guitar
One of the reasons behind the
sire to present to modern audienc
age as it was manifested in its mus
- This modern consort, in additi
-be called the "Elizabethan Dance B
of duets and trios to be perform
give a more complete picture of th
Br eam said.
Five Instrume

Replace Cancelled Shows
With New Performlanlces
The three Association of Performing Artists performances which
were cancelled because of the period of mourning for the death of
President John F. Kennedy will be replaced with three extra per-
All subscribers who missed performances may exchange their
seats for the added showings by going to the Trueblood Aud. box
office from 10 a.m. -1 p.m. today
or from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. next Mon-
The first substitute perform-
M d ance will be for "The Lower
sical M o Dephs exusd-a iecange
ance missed this weekend. On Dec.
11 those who missed the Friday
D MERCER evening performance of "The
ensemble of six musicians, is de- Lower Depths" will be given an
thatwascurentand opuar ur-extra showing. The cancelled Sun-
periods ofrEnlish hisoryulian r day matinee of "Right You Are"
perod ofEnlis hstoyJulanwill take place instead on the
'ist, noted yesterday.evng fD.14
formation of the consort is a de- eveing oft De.en 14.h Gl
es the vitality of the Elizabethan br & Sulvn ocey a-
ic, he added. br ulvnScey n
on to being similar to what might nounced negotiations with Lydia
and,"'"permits various combinations Mendelssohn Theatre to resched-
ed, thereby making it possible to ule this weekend's cancelled per-
ie music of the late 16th century, formances of the Mikado.
The Men's Glee Club, however,
ntal Families will not reschedule its joint con-
milies are represented in the con- cert with Ohio State. Tickets will
rent members of the consort play be refunded from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. to-
d violin, day and Monday through Wednes-
- day of next week from 8 a.m.-
allows the consort to play a wide s p.m., at the Hill Auditorium box
vetce fo-rj the on~mnlfa anmmhla tn --

Five different instrumental fai
sort. In addition to the lute, diffe
the pandora, cittern, viol, flute, an
Such a range of instruments
vniit nf nippne munonan fven, 1.n


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