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November 23, 1963 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1963-11-23

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See Editorial Page




Much colder today with
showers or snow flurries likely

Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom


' - .,

John F. Kennedy

'M', OSU
V -l
Still Set
To. Play
Associate Sports Editor
The football game between
Michigan and Ohio State sched-
uled for today will be played.
In a statement issued last
night, the Michigan Athletic De-
partment, in conjunction with
those of Ohio State, Michigan
Stat, and Illinois, said that de-
spite the death of President John
F. Kennedy yesterday both the
Michigan-Ohio State and Michi-
gan State-Illinois contests would
not be postponed or cancelled.
With Athletic Director H. O.
(Fritz) Crisler as its spokesman,
the department added that pre-
game and halftime ceremonies
would not be held, but special
memorial services would take place
The statement read:
"After careful deliberation and
conference with our sister insti-
tutions, Michigan State, Ohio
State, and Illinois, we have de-
cided to proceed with our respec-
tive football games Saturday.
"We feel that it is in the best
national interest and tradition to
carry on, feeling that in so doing
we are carrying out the wishes of
our late President, whose deep in-
terest and concern for the physi-
cal training and welfare of our
youth is so widely known. These
games will be played both at East
Lansing and Ann Arbor with ap-
propriate halftime ceremonies pay-
ing tribute to the memory of '
President Kennedy."
Earlier, Western Conference'
Commissioner Bill Reed announc-
ed that the conference would not
take action to cancel or postpone
these games or any others involv-
ing Big Ten teams, but that it
would leave each individual school
to decide for itself. Referring to
this decision, Crisler commented.
"It was our hope at the Univer-
sity that the Big Ten would act
See 'M', Page 5

Hatcher Cancels Events



Associate City Editor
University President H a r 1 a n
Hatcher condemned the assassin-
ation of President John F. Ken-
nedy as "a barbaric and senseless
Commenting last night, Presi-
dent Hatcher expressed disbelief
that such an act would be possible
in the United States.
"Although the nation and the
world is in a deep-state of shock,"
the Univeristy will carry on with
classes today, .he reported.
Stops Entertainment
Last night the University's
chief executive had asked that
performances of the Association
of Producing Artists, the Gilbert
and Sullivan Society, the music
school and the blues singer John
Hammond, Jr., be cancelled.
"In the fullest respect for the
grief of the Kennedy family and
the nation, the University be-
lieved that it would be inapprop-
riate to go forward with the per-
President Hatcher is making
tentative , plans for a University
memorial service in Hill Aud. fol-
lowing the funeral services, Di-
rector of University Relations
Michael Radock indicated last
Hold Up Scheduling
Further University decisions af-
fecting academic and non-aca-
demic scheduling will await a
Washington announcement on a
state of national mourning.
The University is in the process
of preparing a letter of sympathy
to Mrs. Kennedy, President Hatch-
er added.
In an official statement, he
eulogized the President by saying:
"Kennedy's death will result
in an inevitable setback for all
those things we hold so dear,
the things the President stood
for and fought for. We all join
in mourning the death of our
President-a great, a good and
dedicated man."
Reaction around the University


has been in keeping with the at-
mosphere of national mourning.
The Assembly House-Council-
Inter-Quadrangle C o u n c i 1 all-
campus dance was cancelled last
night. The Michigan Union called
off this afternoon's jazz program
and evening's dance. The Law-
yers' Club also cancelled its social'
function scheduled for tonight.
The International Student Asso-
ciation postponed a dinner for
Sunday evening, which was to be
covered by a national magazine.
Also, the Indian Student Asso-
ciation cancelled a program sched-
uled for this afternoon.

After the news of Kennedy's
death was made public yesterday,
many University professors dis-
missed classes.
Last night, however, President
Hatcher noted the importance of
"carrying on." He said that the
country has a new President in
Lyndon B. Johnson and that it
must continue to function.
Campus communication media
followed yesterday's events. WCBN
scrapped all other programs' to
broadcast news of the shooting.
The Daily published a special edi-
tion which was circulated late
yesterday afternoon.

Climate Changes
For '64 Election

Lyndon B. Johnson

Oswald Charged

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are long that President Lyndon B.
Johnson will be the Democratic
presidential nominee next year. It
could mean the Republicans have
a better chance than before yes-
terday's tragedy.
Those are political facts. But
the assassination of President
John F. Kennedy also raises tow-
ering political questions for 1964.
One of the biggest of these cen-
ters on the person of Johnson, who
has political handicaps that his
fellow Democrats will take into
South Means Debit
First and foremost, Johnson has
a Southern background that lib-
erals of the party have never
liked, although his vigorous es-
pousal of the Kennedy program on
civil rights has gone a long way
toward undercutting that opposi-
At the same time, hisdcivil
rights stand has diminished his
popularity in the South.
Since Johnson throughout most
of his political career has been
somewhat more conservative than
Kennedy, he might have a
stronger pull among conservative
Democrats and the conservative
uncommitted. And if the Repub-
lican nominee is conservative he
could not hope to swing Demo-
cratic liberal voters.
Helped GOP
As of now, it appears that Re-
publican presidential chances are
helped by not having to face a
President who had built a strong
personal popularity as Kennedy
did over a three-year period.
All evidence, including polls, has
indicated consistently that Ken-
nedy would have been very hard
to beat-a fact freely acknowledg-
ed by the Republicans.
Still, Johnson will have nearly
a year in office before the elec-
tion and thus will have time to
build a record of his own and to
try to gain something of the per-
sonal popularity enjoyed by Ken-
Psychological Effect
Another imponderable, of course,
is the effect the assassination of
Kennedy may have on voters. How
many who previously might have
abstained from voting, or voted
against Kennedy will feel moved
to support the candidate who
promises to carry on the program
of the slain President?
Obviously, Johnson's chancesJ
turn heavily on who is the Re-
publican nominee.
The GOP nomination has be-3
come more attractive, and, cer-
tainly, yesterday's tragedy will af-
fect the Republicans' timetable
and -intensify their apraisal of

The President enjoys a plat-
form and exposure to public view
that no other politician can hope
for. Every word he says in public
is seized upon and spread around
-while his potential opponents
sometimes cannot be heard.
Johnson Dumping Unlikely
But what if the Democrats
should decide to dump Johnson?
This seems unlikely because par-
ties seldom abandon a sitting
President. And Kennedy only last
week emphatically endorsed John-
son as his 1964 running mate. Still,
all questions must be weighed in
politics. Who could the Demo-
crats turn to if Johnson should
not be nominated?
Because of his close link with
his brother, and because he has
already been mentioned for 1968
and later, the name of Robert F.
Kennedy, the Attorney General,
comes forward.
John F. Kennedy was opposed
for the nomination by Johnson
himself, and to some degree by
such party stalwarts as Sen. Hu-
bert Humphrey (D-Minn) Sen.
Stuart Symington (D-Mo) and
UN Ambassador Adlai Stevenson,
twice the Democratic nominee.

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This the first of a two-part series on the
Kennedy years.)
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-John F. Kennedy, 35th President of the
United States, was the first American chief executive to face
the possibility of nuclear war and to risk it with a show of
force to protect American interests.
But later he succeeded in achieving an accord with Russia
limiting nuclear tests.
Domestically, he was confronted by a racial problem that
epitomized a contemporary world issue-the relationship be-
tween the black and white races.
Foreign Problems
There were foreign problems old and new during his
administration. Inherited from previous administrations was
the Cold War with Soviet Russia. Despite Soviet Premier Nikita
Khrushchev's determination to rid West Berlin of Allied oc-
cupation troops, Kennedy held American forces there. He kept
American troops in Southeast Asia to thwart Communist pen-
etration in that area.
rhrough economic help he sought .to aid Latin America,
a target of propaganda from Cuban Prime Minister Fidel Castro.
And he acted in similar fashion in Africa where newly emerged
nations groped their way unsteadily toward stability, often
with violence.
In Europe there was the problem of keeping the North
Atlantic Treaty Organization intact-a problem enlarged by
French President de Gaulle's announced intention not to take
direction or protection from the United States.
Integration, Steel
At home, in addition to the integration crisis, Kennedy
became embroiled with the steel industry over a price increase

And the United States did not come to the invaders' aid mili-
tarily. United States prestige abroad plummeted.
The crisis involving the Cuban invasion was not Kennedy's
first with that small Carribean nation. The cold war warmed in
the waning months of his second year in office when he
confronted Premier Khrushchev with a demand to remove
Russian missiles set up in Cuba-pointed at the United States
from 90 miles away.
Kennedy ordered a naval quarantine on offensive weapons
being sent to the island nation; he said ships carrying them
would be turned back and called on Khrushchev to withdraw the
weapons already there.
For five days the nation and the world waited for word
from Khrushchev. On Sunday, Oct. 28, 1962 relief came when
Khrushchev announced he had ordered work stopped on missile
bases. He promised that the missiles would be crated and
returned to Russia and said the United Nations would verify
the dismantling.
Remains Problem
Although the crisis eased, Cuba remained a problem. Cuban
exiles in the United States worked incessantly for the release
of relatives captured during the ill-fated invasion of 1961. An
effort to ransom the prisoners failed because Castro's demands
were called exorbitant by negotiators.
Finally, through private negotiations conducted with Castro
by James B. Donovan, a New York lawyer skilled in undercover
negotiations, 1,113 imprisoned Cubans were flown to Miami just
before Christmas 1962.
However, early in 1963 administration critics, spearheaded
by United States Senator Kenneth B. Keating (R-NY) charged
that Russian troops still were maintaining and guarding me-
dium-range missile sites they had previously constructed in

President's Rites Set for Monday,
To Lie in Repose at White House
WASHINGTON (N)--Lyndon B. Johnson gathered up the
monumental problems of the presidency today as the world,
the nation and his family mourned John F. Kennedy, dead by
an assassin's bullets.
"I will do my best-that's all I can do. I ask for your help
and God's," the new President said, numbed and haggard,
after accompanying the slain chief executive's body back to
Washington from Dallas.
Within a few hours, D'allas police charged 24-year-old Lee
Harvey Oswald with the murder.
No Confession
However, Capt. Will Fritz, head of the homicide section
of the Dallas Police Department, said that Oswald had made
no 'statement, had signed"
nothing and had admitted no
part in the President's death. World Notes
The body of the slain President
will lie in repose at the White
House today and will lie in statet ra a Death
in the rotunda of the Capitol on
Sunday and Monday. His funeral
will be held Monday at St. WI
Matthews Roman Catholic Cathe-
dral, the White House announced
last night. By The Associated Press
At the White House, Johnson WASHINGTON -- The world's
hurried into a series of confer- leaders eulogized the slain Presi-
ences with military men, congres-
sional leaders of both parties, and dent John F. Kennedy yesterday
Kennedy administration experts as messages of sympathy poured
on foreign policy. into the nation's capital.
Seeks Unity French President Charles de
A senator said Johnson asked Gaulle proclaimed, "Kennedy died
and received assurances of support a soldier, under fire, for his duty
from men of both political faiths. and in the service of his country.
It was early afternoon in Dallas In the name of the French people,
yesterday when t h e assassin a friend at all times of the Ameri-
struck. Kennedy was riding in a can people, I salute this great
motorcade with Gov. John Con- example and his great memory."
nally of Texas and their wives. British Prime Minister Sir Alec
He had received a rousing recep- Douglas-Home, in a nationwide
tion. television address, said, "Every-
Three rifle shots spat out. Con- thing in one cried out in protest
nally was hit seriously but will at the news," characterizing Ken-
recover. Both were rushed to a nedy as "a just man, a man who
hospital, the President was dead hated bigotry, who believed that
within 30 minutes. all men were equal in the eyes of

A physician said the President
-shot in the neck and head-lost
consciousness as soon as he was
hit and never revived.
The fatal volley was fired from
a textbook warehouse overlooking
the expressway down which Ken-
nedy's car was heading.
Administer Oath
Kennedy's body was placed
aboard the presidential plane in
a bronze casket for the journey
back to the capital. Before the
plane departed, Johnson took the
presidential oath of office in one
of the cabin compartments.
ohnsonthen swung quickly in-
tthe White House pattern. The
new President set up a conference
for 9:30 a.m. today with Secretary
of State Dean Rusk.
Rusk and four other cabinet
members swung their plane around
in mid-Pacific, en route to con-
ferences in Japan, and hurried
back toward Washington.
At 11:30 a.m. Johnson will con-
fer with former President Dwight
D. Eisenhower in a further exten-
sion of his bid for bipartisan unity.
Renounced U.S.
Oswald, a dishonorably dis-
charged ex-marine, two years ago
tried to renounce his American
citizenship and swore allegiance to
the Soviet Union.
A murder charge was filed
against him shortly before mid-
night, some 10 hours after he had
been arrested on another charge
-of slaying a policeman who stop-
ped him for questioning after the

God and acted on that belief."
The United Nations General As-
sembly paid a minute of silent
tribute to the President, then ad-
journed its session as a sign of
mourning. Secretary-General U
Thant expressed "profound- sor-
row at this most tragic event."
Cuba's United Nations Ambas-
sador, Carlos Lechuga, said: "In
spite of the existing antagonism
between the United States govern-
ment and the CubandRevolution,
we haveheard with deep sorrow
the tragic news. All civilized men
will always be saddened by events
such as this."
60,000 West Berlin citizens
gathered at city hall, where Mayor
Willy Brandt told them, "We have
lost our best friend. A tortured
humanity has lost the man so
many believed could help us along
the road toward a just peace and
a better life in this world."
Pope Paul VI expressed hope
that "the sacrifice may advance
the cause he promoted and de-
fended for the freedom of peoples
and the peace of the world."
Stock Marke-t
Drops, Closes
NEW YORK (M-Wall Street
halted business immediately today
after President Kennedy was shot.
Stock exchanges and commodity
markets closed early.
Banks, Madison Avenue adver-
tising agencies and other busi-

... recovers

See Connally
DALLAS (M)-Gov. John Con-
nally (D-Texas), wounded by the
sniper who assassinated President
Kennedy yesterday, was in stable
and satisfactory condition last
night. He apparently had not
learned of the President's dath.


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