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November 19, 1963 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-11-19

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&evewty-Third Yewr
Truth Will Prevail"''
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in ala reprints.


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Y, NOVEMBER 19, 1963



SGC Action Exhibits
Constructive Concern

THE FACT that the University is in a
state of suspended animation while
the Legislature haggles over the validity
of its requested budget appropriation for
the fiscal year 1964-65 boils down to the
absolute necessity for legislators to com-
prehend the problems and goals of the
Action taken at Wednesday's Student
Government Council meeting suggests
that there is yet hope that the Univer-
sity and the Legislature can learn to
communicate and, in this way, come to
understand each other's problems. Ad-
mnittedly, the proposal can hardly be of
avail this year, but it comes at a time
when the University must look to the fu-
ture as intensely as to the present.
The motions endorsed by Council rec-'
ommend that legislators be invited to
participate in a special "U-M 63" pro-
gram at the University and that students
be allowed to participate in Operation
Michigan. Both of these 'programs are
part of a broad public relations plan
which seeks to make the University's
progress and aims known to key opinion
leaders throughout the state.
THE "U-M 63" PROGRAM,,started last
spring, brings a group of 50-60 people
to Ann Arbor every month or two for a
two-day capsule view of the University.
During their stay, these guests come into
contact with faculty, students and ad-
ministrators, which allows them to look
at campus needs from three points of
Aside from an initial "briefing" on the
University's short and long-term pros-
pects, the visitors are encouraged to at-
tend classes of their own choosing-in ef-
fect, allowing them to appraise the Uni-
versity's quality of instruction for them-
also, a. two-day information' session,
differs in that key University adminis-
trators and senior faculty members visit

various urban centers of the state to meet
with community leaders and alumni.
The program, started in 1961, seeks to
make the progress and development of
the University, as widely known as possi-
In the remainder of the 1963-64 aca-
demic year, at least five sessions of
Operation Michigan are planned. While
one more "U-M 63" is scheduled this year,
the program is to be continued next se-
mester with four sessions to be known as
"U-M 64."
THE OBJECTIVES of these public rela-
tions efforts are to obtain as much
state and private support as possible in
order to continue the excellence of the
SGC's recommendations,. then, appear
to have a great deal of merit. In the past,
members of the Legislature have been in-
vited individually to participate in "U-M
63," but no program has yet been held ex-'
pressly for legislators.
Since there exists, and has long existed,
a communications breakdown between
the University and the Legislature as to
the "real needs" of the University, the
"U-M 63" program seems ideally suited
to facilitate understanding in this area.
Although there are problems in arrang-
ing for the Legislature to meet as a whole
in Ann Arbor at one time, a special pro-
gram could be planned to coincide with
one of their recesses.
"U-M 63" and Operation Michigan
programs is vital to the success of these
programs. Students are experiencing and
can best describe the effects of innova-
tion or deterioration in the University's
educational standards. Moreover, student
participation in these programs would re-
flect a constructive 'concern for the Uni-
versity's problems and their elimination.
Council's action Wednesday night dem-
onstrates thi$ constructive concern.

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U' Should Not Grow Without Support

The Mone Mess
Philip Sutin, National Concerns Editor

I1 .
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THE "BLUE-RIBBON" Citizens Commit-
tee on Higher Education's failure to
place a budgetary priority on higher edu-
cation is indicative of higher education's
basic trouble in Michigan. The state's
colleges and universities suffer, not so
much from a poor image or from badly
presented cases, but from the low priority
the governor's office and the Legislature
consistently have placed upon it.
The "blue-ribbon" conmittee recom-
mended a 23 per cent increase in higher
education appropriations and $15 million
more than the governor )is considering.
$ut it seems unlikely, in the absence of
fiscal reform and an anticipated $600
million in revenue, that a substantial
change in Romney's plans will be made.
THIS STRINGENCY could be avoided if
higher education had the first-class
priority it deserves, but its intangible
nature, its state support and internal
feuding defeat this priority.
Higher education does provide the sort
of services that legislators can immedi-
ately see. It does not build cars, facili-
tate commerce or raise corporate and in-
dividual incomes. Rather, it trains the
mind to think effectively and provides a
great deal of technical information need-
ed to participate in a given profession.
While trained minds will expand the
economy of state, this connection is not
easily seen. The practical value of an
education also takes many years to be
Further, some aspects of education
yield very little tangible values such as
studies in English, classical studies or
theoretical mathematics, but are of great
intellectual importance. These cannot be
adequately defended before a cost-con-
scious legislator.
EDUCATION cannot be run well on an
efficiency, mass - production basis.
Much of its quality-an equally intangi-
ble principle-depends on individual at-
tention and small class teaching which
cannot be defended on the grounds of ef-
ficiency. This is difficult for legislators

aration. of an enrollment formula that will
justify a $135 million appropriation.
Unfortunately, this will lead to distor-
tions as there is no really adequate way
to apportion educational cost among class
ported higher education is the second
barrier to a high priority. Because it is
a governmental agency, a flashy lobbying
campaign would only backfire as both leg-
islators and public would challenge the
use of state money and prestige for this
end. Michigan State's attempt to use the
state's home economists to lobby against
a cut in its extension service ii now being
investigated by the Senate.
Private groups, meanwhile, can use
more funds and less restraint and can
shove higher education into a second class
THESE DIFFICULTIES are complicated
by higher education's failure to lobby
as a group. Much energy is wasted by
the colleges and universities lobbying
against each other. The Legislature has
become somewhat dismayed and confused
by the multiple, conflicting requests of
the various colleges and universities.
Higher education's division sharply
contrasts with the efforts of the state's
road builders. United in the Good Roads
Federation, the various highway groups
have managed to get more than adequate
state funds for highways earmarked in
gasoline and truck weight taxes. Michigan
has one of the finest freeway systems in
the country while higher education has
feuded and floundered.
Some progress has been made toward
voluntary coordination, but it may be too
late as a state higher education budgetary
agency-the revised state board-may be
imposed upon the colleges and universi-
ties. This will not help lobbying efforts
for more funds and will add only more
bureaucracy and less funds to the appro-
priations process.
These difficulties have left higher edu,
cation in a difficult, but not hopeless po-

To the Editor:
WHAT I and other faculty mem-
bers find deeply disturbing is
the attitude frequently expressed
by University administrators that
this institution must continue to
admit additional students each
year despite the absence of any
guarantee, or of any real likeli-
hood, that there will be available
ample classroom space, laboratory
equipment and facilities, and
funds with which to hire neces-
sary new teachers and to provide
them will decent office quarters.
Such an attitude is often defend-
ed on two grounds: 1) what is
morally right, and 2) what is po-
litically expedient.
We have, claim the proponents
of the inevitable climb of the
University's enrollment, a clear
moral duty to accept a fair por-
tion of the increasing number of
people seeking entrance to Michi-
gan colleges and universities. To
fulfill that obligation, as I under-
stand it, the literary college plans
to enlarge its enrollment by three
or four hundred students next fall.
BUT WHAT of the moral obli-
gation to maintain, even at the
possible sacrifice of some good
will, a generally high quality of
undergraduate education? Is this
obligation likely to be compromis-
ed with the addition of three, four,
or five hundred students?
To avoid probable serious over-
crowding, will extra classrooms be
needed? If so, can they be found
in time? Will there be sufficient
facilities and staff to accommo-
date this proposed higher enroll-
ment? If not, then is the literary
college, or any otheruschool or
college in a similar situation, act-
ing responsibly in planning to
accept additional students? I won-
IT SEEMS TO ME that respon-
sible growth can be truly achieved
only if it follows, not precedes, the
appropriation of money. Only in
that way, I think, can growth be
intelligently controlled, so that
expansion of enrollment is paral-
leled by expansion of staff and
facilities. But the harsh fact that
the latter expansion has not par-
alleled the rise in enrollment is
directly admitted by the govern-
ing body of this University.
It is indeed disquieting to note
and literature there is a wide-
spread tendency to describe man
in the most discouraging manner
possible. He is made to look as
though he were not created by
lawful nature but by Jean-Paul
So thoroughly has popular
thinking been permeated with
this conception that students
bring it up spontaneously as a
most obvious and incontestable
thing. Man is selfish, interested
only in his own profit, money and
pleasure. He is born lazy and will
exert himself only when baited
with honor rolls, pieces of candy
or the more durable pleasures of
* * *
HE IS kept from crime only by
the threat of punishment. He
does the right things for the
wrong reasons, loves himself in
loving others, hates his father, is
jealous of the baby and almost
everybody else, and paints and
poetizes because he would like
really to rob and rape.
He is aggressive by nature. He
can tell what is good from what
is bad only by dumbly observing
the promptings of society. He
juggles words instead of dealing
with issues, he is capable of doing
only what he has done very often,
he is~ blinded by his feelings and

in The Daily of Nov. 15 the dis-
closure by the Regents that in
recent years budget expenditures
for additions to the teaching staff,
for teaching supplies and equip-
ment, and for service needs, such
as counseling, have failed "to keep
pace with the growth of the stu-
dent body." If this University in-
tends to follow the practice of
absorbing a few hundred students
here and a few hundred there-
without full financial support of
such expansion-then the days of
generally first-rate instruction,
especially at the freshman and
sophomore level, are surely num-
WITH REGARD to what is
politically expedient, I am exas-
perated and perplexed by the de-
fense of a continually swelling
enrollment on the basis that if the
University does not grow in size
it will not grow in budget. Such
persons argue that since the Legis-
lature is inclined to apportion
funds for higher education on the
basis of a simple head count of
students, that the University must
first augment the size of its stu-
dent body in order to stand a fair
chance of getting any increase in
appropriations at all-however in-
adequate that increase may be in
providing properly. for the num-
ber of new students admitted to
the University. This approach may
be expedient, but is it education-
ally sound? Again, I wonder.
A better approach, I believe,
would be for this University to de-
clare openly and firmly that its
primary and traditional obliga-
tion is to furnish a quality edu-
cational experience for each stu-
dent it takes in. If the state of
Michigan, through its elected rep-
resentatives, wishes the University
to provide this kind of experience
for an ever greater number of
persons, then it has the inescap-
able duty of making the needed
funds available.
* * *
IF SUCH FUNDS are not forth-
coming, then as far as I am con-
cerned the University has no mor-
al obligation whatsoever to enroll
new students. It has, rather; a
distinct obligation to uphold
academic excellence even at the
risk of offending outside influ-

If the quality of instruction at
this University must depreciate,
particularly at the undergraduate
level, then let that reduction be
caused by the refusal of the Legis-
lature to support a university of
the first rank and not by the re-
fusal of the administration and
faculty to stand up and be count-
ed as unflinching defenders of
the intellectual standards that
have so long been associated with
this University the world over.
-Prof. E. M. Shafter Jr.
Engineering College
To the Editor:
ATTENDED Gov. Barnett's
speech in Hill Aud. last night,
and watched police at three sep-
arate times turn students away
from the auditorium, explaining
that "the University" had asked
them to.
By a simple count, there were
over 100 empty seats available for
these students on the second bal-
cony alone. On the last occasion,
just before the, question, there
must havebeen 200 to 500 more
created by departures. And the
standing areas were vacant-areas
which are used regularly for mu-
sical society concerts.
I would like Vice-President
Roger Heyns, who was so solici-
tous of Gov. Barnett's right to be
heard, to explain the University's
point of view in a reply in this
column if he is willing.
-Robert L. Farrell, Grad
Food ...
To the Editor:
I WOULD LIKE to comment on
some of the views that Prof.
John A Clark expressed in, his let-
ter "Elaborating on Conservativ-
As a Roman Catholic I whole-
heartedly agree with him on the
basic moral rule "Thou shalt love
the Lord . .. and thou shalt love
thy neighbor as thyself," but Prof.
Clark seems to imply that conser-
vativism must necessarily follow
from this premise.
He attributes the prosperity of
the Western countries to Chris-
tian morality -and ethics, while
everybody knows that this pros-
perity is simply a consequence of

the industrialization of the last
150 years. Sweden is less Chris-
tian than Spain, but economically
much more prosperous.
Prof. Clark may pray and love
his neighbor as intensely as he
wants, but this will not fill his
belly. As a matter of fact, he might
even find out that the cross will
stand proudly on his belly only if
this is turgid with food, and will
fall otherwise.
* * *
I APPRECIATE the fact that
Prof. Clark is "deeply saddened
when one child suffers from neg-
lect, let alone the tragedy of star-
vation," but I don't quite see how
he could solve the problem of star-
vation on a world-wide basis by
means of a few thousand Christian
missionaries and other similar
private enterprises.
A poor guy who is starving in
India, or in Africa or in South

Bette'r ThanAverage

A SLIGHTLY above average per-
formance of Mozart's "Don
Giovanni" was presented Sunday
evening by the New York City
Opera Company.
An unusually large number of
beautiful melodies, skillfully done
vocal ensembles and a universal
theme have made "Giovanni" a
popular opera from its beginning.
It has always been difficult to
produce. Numerous and rapid
scene changes pose special prob-
lems in staging and, dramatic con-
The New York Company's necest-
sarily sparce scenery worked to,
good advantage, used in a sug-
gestive rather than a realistic
sense. This type of scenery,
coupled with the use of a second
curtain and imaginative stage
direction, made for smooth tran-
sitions between scenes.
* * *
IN ORDER for "Giovanni" to
make sense as drama, Don Gio-
vanni must be portrayed as the
true villain he is. All of his actions
reveal a genuinely satanic char-
acter with almost superhuman
power to manipulate people. John
Reardon presented a Giovanni
fundamentally different from this
concept of the man. Although
somewhat rascally, he always
evoked affection and sympathy.
When he finally perished, it seem-
ed a rather unjust and harsh
verdict for such a basically like-
able fellow. Regardless, Reardon

sang with a rich and mature bari-
All of the other principles play-
ed and sang their roles adequately.
Spiro Malas was captivating as
Leporello and gave a particularly
fresh rendition of the well-known
"Catalogue" aria in Act I. Out-
standing was John McCollum in
the sometimes underrated role of
Ottavio. An Ottavio with any-
thing less than the nobility of
bearing presented by McCollum
makes for an ineffectual foil to the
antics of Leporello and Giovanni.
McCollum's rendering in the sec-
ond °act of "Il mio tesoro intanto"
was one of the evening's high-
JULIUS RUDEL'S straight-for-
ward leadership resulted in an
overall dramatic shape that was in
most respects satisfying. However,
the inclusion of Elvira's show-
piece "In quali eccessi" as the
crucial penultivate scene brought
Da Ponte's already slow moving
dramatic pace to a standstill. Re-
tention of the duet which Mozart
replaced with this concert aria to
please a Viennese prima donna, or
moving directly to the finale,
would have been more effective.
The orchestra played well and
provided solid underpinning for
the on-stage personnel.
In sum, this was an adequate
performance of a difficult opera
whose problems almost seem to
defy effective solution
-John Farrer

America needs food and work and
education today; tomorrow, when
the slow Christian conservativism
of Prof. Clark will arrive, he will
be either dead or alive and a
* * *
BUT PROF. Clark is only a
small yoice in an immense choir.
On his side stand true (i.e., conser-
vative) Christians like Franco and
Salazar, De Gaulle and Golde-
water, Peron and Batista, the soul
of the late Sen. McCarthy and
Gov. Faubus, Cardinal Ottaviani
and Mrs. Nhu and son.
If God were with them as they
claim, then God would be a mon-
ster and I would be proud to be
his enemy.
For my fortune,.God is instead
on the side of Pope John XXIII,
Albert Schweitzer and Mahatma
.--Piergiorgio Uslenghi

Lancaster Rules
Spotty 'Leopard'


"T HE LEOPARD," now showing
at the Campus Theatre, is at
best a disturbing and uneven mo-
tion picture. For all of its three
hours, it mixes elements of poig-
nant beauty with cheap theatrical
tricks, touches of real imagina-
tion with triteness, moments of
cinema greatness with embarras-
sing pauses of convention. The
end result is frustrating.
"The Leopard" is Don Fabrizio,
a prince of Sicily, one of the last
of the enlightened despots, link-
ing nobility of the soul to nobility
of position. But now Garibaldi and
his redshirts overthrow the Bour-
bons and a new era evolves, an
era that pretends to nobility while
only donning its attire. Don Fab-
rizio realizes this, resigning him-
self in order to help maintain
the social order that he feels must
remain. It is "slightly ignoble" but
the change like the wind is wel-
come for "without it the air would
smell putrid." Only towardIs his
death, an end he both welcomed
and understood, does he realize
that the false nobility that he
helped to power is only a transi-
tion, that the monarchy is truly

ling, commanding and dominating
his environment through the sheer
strength of his character.
* * *
COMBINED with the concise
construction of character, evident
in all roles, is the creation of
brilliant visual settings (in color)
ranging from the voluptuous, clut-
tered mansion and the decaying,
misused castle to the final Grand
Ball (reminiscent of Renoir).
The mood of Lampedusas' novel
is caught in a manner seldom
equalled by screen adaptations.
,The very times, the people, the
towns of Italy come alive. But
then the heavy hand of the direc-
tor intervenes and the camera
presents itself between the scene
and the audience, an obstacle that
can not be overcome. This is not
as it could have been..
"The Leopard" has the elements
of a major screen achievement.
It is a monstrous crime that all
this is destroyed by inept technical
details such as flickering color,
atrociousand inexcusable abrupt
editing and disconcerting dub-
bing. ("The Leopard" stands as
the definitive argument for sub-
titles.) Furthermore, there can be

An Inevitable Success

Hill Aud., the New York City
Opera company presented an en-
thusiastically received perform-
ance of Giacomo Puccini's popu-
lar "Madama Butterfly."
A substitution for Maria Di
Gerlando gave Ann Arbor's Puc-
cini afficianados soprano Joan
Sena in the title role. Miss Sena's
performance was distinguished by
extreme delicacy rather than by
dramatic force in both her singing
and her acting.
In those parts of the score
which required delicacy, her per-
formance was most fortunate. In
(those moments which required
more than delicacy,. Miss Sena
was less than satisfactory. A so-
phisticated sense of musical shape
in opera should not include the
practice of allowing the voice to
disappear behind the orchestra at
the end of each phrase.

sense of movement was perhaps
the more striking since the re-
maining roles were played with
what sometimes became an aston-
ishing degree of awkwardness. In
the suicide scene, the melodra-
matic gesture of the knife held
high above the head came dan-
gerously close to being ridiculous.
William Metcalf as Yamadori,
Spiro Malas as the Bonze, and
Glenn Dowlen as the Imperial
Commissioner were occasionally
musically successfulbut were rare-
ly credible in the roles they por-
trayed. Although Mr. Malas' pre-
sentation of the Bonze may not
have been lovable, it was not in
the least fearful.
Plaudits are in orderfor con-
ductor D~ean Ryan's choice of
tempi. The opening fugato is
rarely heard at the vigorous and
brisk tempo we enjoyed at this
performance. Mr. Ryan's reading

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