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November 14, 1963 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-11-14

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Ci 41C

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Little change
in temperature

See Editorial Page

Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom


Ex ect

House Showdown


on Fiscal Reform

Committee Releases
Bill1 onIcome Tax
Special Session May Adjourn
If Measure Fails Floor Test
A final showdown vote on fiscal reform is expected today in the
House of Representatives.
If vote on Gov. George Romney's income tax proposal fails,
the special session will come to an end. The governor indicated
he would allow the session to adjourn and call a second one to deal
with laws needed to implement the new constitution, due to become
effective January 1.
Senate leaders also agreed that the session is near its end. "If
nothing is done tomorrow, we'll probably adjourn," Senate Minority
'Leader Charles S. Blondy (D-

GT *












M akes


Erollme nt




Beadle Sees Complexities

'New Figures Outline
'Desired', Increases
Numbers Indicate Speculative Goals
For Coping with Growth Pressures
The University is making the first tentative steps toward
long-range "desirable enrollment" planning.
The first set of figures, highly speculative in nature, pro-
jects that the University's population may reach 36,000 by
1968 and 47,500 by 1975. Enrollment for the fall semester of
this year stands at 27,000.
The projected "desirable" figures have been compiled by
the Office of Academic Affairs, working through the deans of
the various schools and colleges. The Daily received these pro-
j ections from a source outside the OAA.
Vice-President for. Academic Affairs Roger W. Heyns, dis-
agreeing with The Daily's decision to publish the figures at

... irresponsibility
SGC Asks
With OSA
Student Government Council
last right voted to request con-
sultation on appointments to the'
Office of Student Affairs and
also decided to withdraw its rep-
resentation from the OSA Advis-
ory Committee.
A motion submitted by Ronald
Wilton, '64, requests Vice-President
for Student Affairs James A. Lewis
"to issue a public statement to
the effect that SGC shall be con-
sulted on all appointments and
personnel additions to the OSA"
above the secretarial and clerical
The motion stipulates that such
consultation shall include: "meet-
ings with SGC to discuss possible
appointments; receiving and, ser-
iously considering SGC recom-
mendations on filling the posi-
tion(s); a discussion meeting be-
tween SGC and/or appropriate of-
ficers of other organizations with
which this person would be work-
ing, and the potential new mem-
ber of the OSA staff."
Faculty Senate Privilege
Consultation on such personnel
additions is held with the Student
Relations Committee of the Fac-
ulty Senate, Wilton pointed 'out.
He noted that SGC should be
allowed the same privilege "since
it is students who will be affect-
ed" by the appointments of new
members to the OSA staff.
The motion to withdraw repre-
sentation from the OSA Advisory
Committee, also proposed by Wil-
ton, was based upon the fact the
committee "held its first meeting
last February and has not been
convened since."
OSA Revamping
Originally set up in connection
with the reorganization of the
OSA, the committee's function
was "to advise the vice-president
or student affairs as to student
and faculty opinion on OSA pol-
Council had previously re-
examined its membership on the
committee last spring and at that
time decided to retain its repre-
sentation until October, hoping
that another meeting would be
In other action Council endors-
ed a motion submitted by Elaine
Resmer, '64, to recommend to the
Office of University Relations
"that one U-M 63' be held spe-

Detroit) said yesterday.
Early Ending
Senate GOP floor leader Wil-
liam G. Milliken (R-Traverse
City) said he could not see the
session "going beyond this week."
However, House action can only
come today if the chamber votes
by two-thirds majority to suspend
the normal five day waiting period
between bills reported out of com-
mittee and general orders debate.
The House Taxation Committee
set the stage for the crucial votes
by reporting the income tax bill
with a key "tie-in" amendment to,
other parts of Romney's program.
The bill was sent to the House
Ways and Means Committee, as it
included an appropriation author-
ization, and was returned to the
floor in five minutes.
Bill Released
The taxation committee, which
had been holding up the bill, re-
leased it after the Republican
caucus approved the move, 34-21.
Romney appeared' at the caucus
and made what seemed to be a
final plea for his program. Two
hours of heated debate followed
his presentation.,
Rep. Gilbert E. Bursley (R-Ann
Arbor), a member of the taxation
committee, and a group of about
a dozen dissident Republicans that
held caucus action on the income
tax bill explained that action was
delayed until today so that the
bill and its 29 amendments could
be printed, easing floor debate.
One Item
One included the "tie-in" amend-
ment suggested by Romney mak-
ing the income tax ineffective until
other bills in the program were
passed. House Speaker Allison
Green (R-Kingston) noted that
"it would be irresponsible to pass
only certain parts of the program."
The Senate met briefly and ad-
journed yesterday, again frustrat-
ing $londy's attempt to pass sales
tax exemptions on food and pre-
scription drugs.
Senate Majority Leader Stanley
G. Thayer (R-Ann Arbor) explain-
ed that the Republicans in their
caucus had decided to wait for
House action.


When the state supported
colleges and universities are
competing for appropriations
next year, the University may
find it has a financial friend.
He is Senate Appropriations
Committee Chairman Frank D.
Beadle (R-St. Clair), who does
not believe that appropriations
should be dished out to univer-
sities solely on a head-count
The possibility of using a uni-
versity's cost-per-student as a
basic formula for giving appro-
priations has been mentioned
more frequently by legislators
in the last few months, Beadle
admits. University officials have
expressed concern over this
trend in view of the fact that
the University receives over
$500 per-student more than the
state average.
Other Aspects
But Beadle stands firm in the
belief that a straight cost-per-
student figure "fails to weigh
properly the other considera-
tions that are important."
These other considerations
specifically include the higher
costs necessary to educate up-
per level students, Beadle ex-
plains. "It costs more to edu-
cate seniors than freshmen,"
while "graduate education re-
quires the highest appropriation
of all."
Although unwilling to commit
himself exactly on what should

be the formula for determining
appropriation, Beadle notes his
"regret that a cost per credit
hour study was not completed."
He is referring to a study
comparing the cost per credit
hour of three universities -

versity officials as "a more
sophisticated measurement of
the university's cost than the
strict per-student figure."
A study included in the Uni-
versity appropriation request
shlows that the University
teaches over 26 per cent of the
total credit hours taught by the
10 state supported schools.
But, more significantly, Uni-
versity officials explain, it re-
veals that the University teach-
es 48 per cent of~ the graduate
credit hours (including profes-
sional school education) and 26
per cent of the junior-senior
credit hours-to lead the 10
sgate supported schools in these'
departments also.
Low Appropriation
Although he will be weighing
these areas more closely than
the simple per-student costs,
Beadle is the first to acknowl-
edge that the University and
higher education generally may
not get even one-fourth the
appropriation increases that
they seek.
The University's bid for $9.3
million increase is only a frac-
tional part of a total request
by the 10 schools for a $43.8
million increase.
These decreases will be neces-
sary despite "the fact that the
Legislature is giving all the
funds that are available," Bea-
dle says. What increases are al-
See BEADLE, Page 2

... many considerations

Michigan State, Wayne State
and Western Michigan-begun
in 1961, that had to be discon-
tinued for lack of funds.
Better Rule
The credit hour approach has
reportedly been favored by Uni-

... tentative and inaccurate

Robertson, Lewis Review Counseling

The importance of co-ordinat-
ing the total aspects of student
life to provide meaningful coun-
seling experiences was the central
thyme of talks given by James H.
Robertson, associate dean of the
literary college, and Vice-Presi-
dent for Student Affairs James A.

Kaplan Tells Plight
OfJews in Society
"The essential problem for today's Jew is deciding what kind
of an individual he is capable of becoming rather than discovering
from what sources his Jewishness is derived," Prof. Abraham Kaplan
of the philosophy department said last night, in a discussion entitled
"Judaism and Jewishness."
'To a great extent. the problem of finding the self is universal,
particularly in the present century," Prof. Kaplan said. "In a sense
it has been a perennial problem
.'~ that is not just limited to Western
civilization. But for the Jew, the:
problem is two-fold.
."First, some Jews are distressed
h** .. , because the valuable characteris-
faf. tics inherent in Judaism can also
be found in other places," Prof.
Kaplan observed. "For instance,,
the certain' moral core in Judaism
is shared to a significant degree
by the other great religions. In
the second place, the Jews have
often failed to identify with what
is central in their historical ex-
perience; their beginnings as a
slave people."
"The result is that most Ameri-
can Jewish college students do not
accept themselves .as Jews or do
not know what they are accepting
ABRAHAM KAPLAN if they do," Prof. Kaplan said.
..Lwhat role to play_ . ... ..L ..

Lewis at this year's Principal-
Freshman-Counseling Conference.
"It is difficult to talk of aca-
demic counseling outside of the
total experience freshmen have,"
Dean Robertson said. All factors'
of the intellectual climate in
which a student moves-the resi-
dence halls, his courses, the qual-
ity of instruction, his own level of
expectations and those of the col-
lege-are relevant in providing a
meaningful context for the coun-
seling experience.
"A genuine effort is made to
make counseling an adjunct of
the teaching responsibility." Rob-
ertson noted. All counselors are
faculty members whose objective
is "to give each student help and
encouragement to make the most
effective use of their potentiali-
ties and opportunities."
Accurate Inforrnation
Among the many responsibilities
of the counselor, Robertson stress-
ed the necessity of the student
receiving accurate information
concerning program and courses
of study. To remove the onus
from course requirements the
counselor should explain the ra-
tionale and purpose behind them,
he said.
He should be willing and able
o encourage students to accept
he academic challenges of which
they are capable. The counselor
should be sufficiently alert to take
remedial action on a student's
program and to make adequate
referrals to specialized agencies.
The counseling program re-
ceives clerical and administrative
support so the faculty may devote
the most time possible to student
contact. Thoseefaculty members
w~~ho counsel are given time off
from teaching and an added stip-
end for their services.
Residential Collegef
To meet the responsibility of
increasing enrollment, Robertson
would like to see the establish-
mentof mal- rr Cf1Pnininnl

committee has been organized to
co-ordinate the work of the staff
agencies with the academic coun-
selors. These agencies include
non-academic counseling services,
the residence halls and health
Panel Stresses
Fiscal Needs
CHICAGO (/P)-State universi-
ties can and. must expand their
facilities to handle the hordes of
high school students who soon will
be demanding admission to col-
lege, a panel of state university
presidents said Tuesday.
But, they added, it is going to
be a fierce struggle, and the uni-
versities will need more state and
Federal support than they now are
"Even if we had no more stu-
dents, we would still have a prob-
lem keeping up with expanding
knowledge," President Charles
Odegaard of the University of
Washington told a news confer-
ence. "We still would have to build
new buildings and remodel the old

ILocal Talk
y IBarne
A petition was filed Tuesday in
Federal Court in Detroit aimed at
preventing the scheduled talk by
Mississippi Gov. Ross Barnett at
the University Monday.E
Jackie Vaughn III; a frmer
Detroit city council candidate,
filed the petition asking the Re-
gents to show why the court
should not prevent the University
from "officially sanctioning the
appearance of Gov. Barnett,"
which, according to Vaughn, con-
stitutes approval by the Regents
of "his segregationist views."
Vaughn said last night that
Barnett is "an affront to the
Negro population." He went on to
say that inviting Barnett is "the
same as-inviting Adolf Eichmann."
Vaughn is asking for what he
called "in this case, a necessary
limitation to freedom of speech."
He said that Barnett and Ala-
bama Gov. George Wallace are in
"open rebellion against the Con-
stitution." He also pointed out
that Barnett's contempt of court
case is still pending in Federal
District Court.
Another aspect of the case,
Vaughn said, is that the State
Legislature has prohibited univer-
sities from sponsoring "objection-
able" speakers. Barnett appeared
at Western Michigan University
last month but was sponsored by
a club.
University Attorney Edmund A.
Cummiskey said last night that
if the petition is upheld the Uni-
versity will have to comply, but
he called the move "rather un-
founded" and doubted its success.
Barnett's talk is sponsored by
the Special Projects Committee of
the Michigan Union. Union Pres-
ident Raymond Rusnak, '64, said
last night that the committee tries
to maintain a balance in the
speakers it invites..

this time, emphasized that'
they had not been subjected to
sufficient review and criticism
by the faculties of the units
concerned or the central ad-
"All of the figures are high-
ly tentative; some are clearly
not correct; and the total figure
is probably the hardest of all to
evaluate," Heyns said. He added
that any and all growth projec-
tions were contingent on securing
adequate financial support from
the Legislature and other sources.
The figures suggest a sizable
enrollment increase for every one
of the 16 schools and colleges of
the University. However, the pro-
portion of graduate to undergrad-
uate students appears to stay at a
40:60 ratio. It is anticipated, for
instance, that in the six-year per-
iod from 1962-68, undergraduate
enrollment will rise 6000-from
16,000 to 22,000. Graduate enroll-
ment is expected to rise 4000-
from 10,000 to 14,000.
In the period between 1968 and
1975, undergraduate enrollment is
expected to rise another 6000 to
28,000. The graduate figure will
increase 5000 to a total of 19,000.
Based on these projected figures,
the University estimates it will
need a faculty of over 2500 by
1968 and over 3200 by 1975. The
present faculty numbers roughly
However, both administrators
and deans who have worked on
the figures stress that they are
only in the first stages of develop-
ment and subject to much change.
The figures will have absolutely
no meaning if legislative appro-
priaitons remain at their current
low level, Executive Vice-President
Marvin L. Niehuss said.
See INITIATE, Page 2
SEOUL () - North Korean
gunfire trapped eight unarmed
American and South Korean
soldiers in the demilitarized
zone yesterday, wounding one
American and possibly killing
a South Korean.

Literary c o l le g e department
chairmen have begun to consider
faculty promotions for school year
1964-65 - using criteria slightly
different from last year's.
A letter sent last week by its
executive committee to the col-
lege's department chairmen asks
them to begin "active considera-
tion" of promotions and to have
their recommendations ready by
Dec. 21.
Three areas of activity are to be
considered in promotions: teach-
ing, research and service. "To
warrant recommendation for pro-
motion the executive committee
expects that a candidate will have
shown excellence in at least one
of these activities and have per-
formed at a high level of compe-
tence in the others," the letter
This passage corresponds close-
ly to all-University promotion
criteria announced last May by
Vice-resident for Academic Af-
fairs Roger W. Heyns.
In last year's literary college
promotions letter, the comparable
statement was worded differently:
"... the executive committee be-
lieves that excellence in teaching
and in research must be regarded
as the chief criteria for judging
a candidate's qualifications; ex-
cellence in administrative and ex-
tramural services are regarded as
contributory but subsidiary con-
The statement was reworded
more to make it clearer than to
indicate a policy change, Asso-
ciate Dean Burton D. Thuma of
the literary college explained yes-
terday. "There is a shift in word-
ing but I don't think there is much
of a shift in what actually hap-
"The greatest weight still goes
to the production of research. But

Art Underscores Value of Manual Labor




Velazquez was a forerunner of the idea of "the recognition of
manual labor as a dignified endeavor of mankind," Prof. Wolfgang
Stechow of the history of art department said yesterday in a lecture.
"His conception of religion was based on the interpretation of
a direct relationship between God and the people. This feeling is
shown in his paintings by the human, realistic way in which his
figures are painted," Prof. Stechow said.
Velazquez's figures are quite three-dimensional and are in-
fluenced by the sculpture of the time, he added. In his "Christ at
the Column."'he denicts the human soul in the figure of a small

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