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November 09, 1963 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-11-09

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Seventy-Third Year
Truth Will Prevail"
ditorials printed in The Michigan Daily express thelindividual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in at; reprints.

"Last One In Is A Vacillating Old Reactionary"

NOVEMBER 9, 1963


University Can Serve
The Needs of Flint

O PROCEED with caution, but to pro-
This. should be the policy of the, Uni-
ersity in its current study of the possi-
ility of expanding the University's Flint
ollege. They are looking at a proposal
rhich would enlarge the 600-student,
vo-year senior college into a four-year
peration, beginning with tlAe admission
ext fall of a 200-student freshman class.
Despite the barrage of legislative and
:lucator protest that will emerge should
nal plans be announced, the University
Lust move ahead toward formulating
mem. The inquiry group studying the
roposed expansion must realize the Uni-
ersity's obligations ,to statewide educa-
on and the demands of the Flint com-
These obligations and demands cry out
>r expansion. The University-through
s study group-must answer them, pro-
peding cautiously enough to dispel crit-
s, but always proceeding toward the ul-
mate expansion.
HE MAJOR ARGUMENT for University
* expansion is the overall need for high-
education to expand in the state of
This argument was set forth last year
f University President Harlan Hatcher
hen he elucidated the University's be-
ef and intention to press forward in its
arch for ways "to accommodate the
emendous oncoming influx of students."
e was referring to the need for classroom
pansion to accommodate 20,000 more
eshman enrollees in 1965, 70;000 more by
With these figures in mind, Hatcher ex-
ained, he was mandated by the Regents
o proceed as rapidly as possible with
fe development of plans for extending
ie assistance of the University to com-
unities in the state."
At that time Hatcher and other Univer-
ty officials considered the Delta com-
unity-Bay City, Midland, Saginaw-a
ace where the University could effec-
vely serve.
}NCE AGAIN IN FLINT - where the
Genesee County population exceeds
0,000-University officials see a com-
unity which wants and needs a four-
ar institution, and they hope to put it
And yet, as Dean for Statewide Educa-
n Harold M. Dorr emphasized, they are
oving cautiously, wary of the objections
Delta which are sure to reoccur.
PRIMARY OBJECTION raised by leg-
islators last year and reiterated this
ar concerning Flint is that an expan-
n of the University represents a threat
the community college system.
Legislators are worried because com-
unity colleges are locally oriented. Their
Wdent bodies are local, their programs
e set up to fill ultimately local labor
eds and their financing is handled to-
To preserve the well-being of the com-
unity college system, House Education
immittee Chairman Raymond Wurzel
t-North Street) leads the movement to
ep the two-year schools separate from
ur year expansion programs. Wurzel's
vorite device is the "two-two" or "piggy-
,ck" plan which achieves four-year edu-
tion through a pair of two-year insti-
'HIS IS THE BEST situation in Flint,
where the University's Flint College is
e two-year senior older brother to the
int Community Junior College. Wurzel
plauds the ability of local Flint stu-
nts to come here to get either a "two-
ar terminal education" which means

ey can take technical courses for two
ars and then more directly go into the
al labor market. Or, they can continue
o the third and fourth year and thus
ceive the baccalaureate degree and its
y to graduate and professional work.
UT WHERE WURZEL and other legis-
lators become vague is in explaining
iy a four-year institution threatens the
o-year junior college when the two exist
Their explanation is that the "annex-
(" of a four-year institution by the Uni-
rsity-or any large university-would
rt a gobbling up of community colleges
thin the state by neighboring four-year

The University only wants in Flint to
share temporarily the facilities and then
to develop autonomously over the years.
There is agreement that the commu-
nity colleges and university branches can
serve different functions. There is no
reason they can't delineate these func-
tions in a particular community such as
jecting to the University's expanding,
the state educators are.
Case in point was last year's attempt by
Hatcher to get the Coordinating Council
for Michigan Higher Education to endorse
the Delta expansion proposal. The council
has delegates from all state-supported
colleges and universities, representatives
from the state's 18 community colleges
and representatives from state school of-
ficials. Hatcher was refused endorsement,
according to the chairman, Warren Huff,
because "some members asked whether
this expansion would start a pattern of
satellite colleges."
The council was worried, Huff went on
to say, that such affiliations "might cre-
ate chaos and eventually a slowdown in
higher education at a time when great
progress is needed."
But Michigan higher education is al-
ready flagrantly engulfed in chaos. Huff
called for progress-and yet it is the chaos
which prevents it.
Huff and the council wanted a broad
plan of expansion-only it was quite ob-
vious they didn't want it from the Uni-
versity. Hatcher explained that the
branch expansion plan was inevitable for
education here as in California.
What really lay behind the objections
was jealousy.
AND YET the educators and legislators-
even if refuted in their objections-
could cling to a last argument: the need
to wait for a statewide program.
In the Delta issue, educators, them-
selves unwilling to conceive an overall
program, were blindly calling for time.
Legislators, in asking the University to
hold off on Flint, point to the governor's
"blue ribbon" committee which right now
is supposedly formulating a total educa-
tional development program for the state.
But as Hatcher explained to the Legis-
lature last year, "we applaud your in-
sistence that a broad plan be developed
* . . we are convinced, however, that the
University has a responsibility for devel-
oping a program for its future growth,
and that this responsibility cannot be
THE TONE of the University in trying to
muster support for the establishment
of a four-year institution at Delta was
moderate and agreeable. It is continuing
to be the same with Flint.
Hatcher stressed then as Dorr stresses
now "that we will establish a branch out-
side of Ann Arbor only if the need is
present, if there is strong community in-
terest and if there is legislative support."
In the case of Flint, the need is un-
questionable, as 370,000 citizens are with-
out the facilities of a four-year degree
granting institution within the "commu-
In the case of Flint, the local support is
overwhelming. Citizens have raised al-
ready over $30 million to aid higher edu-
cation through an elaborate college and
cultural arts complex. But they still want
more than the "two-two" plan and are
willing to pay for it.
Thus, in the case of Flint, all that re-
mains basically is legislative support.
THE ARGUMENT that the community
college system will be endangered is

successfully debated by University assur-
ances that it will cooperate With the Flint
Community Junior College to see both in-
stitutions reach their specific goals.
The claim that universities will touch
off a "branch war" if the University were
to be endorsed in Flint expansion is sheer
The last-ditch cry to "wait for an over-
all plan" is a valid but conditional prem-
ise. The University has been waiting since
1958 for the various councils and coordi-
nating bodies within the state to compile'
an overall plan.
IT WILL WAIT for the "blue ribbon"
committee. But it will also move ahead
on its own, as Hatcher has said, to as-

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Second Thoughts
On Algeria

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Daily Correspondent
PARIS-ixteen months after
Algeria's independence and a
little less than a year after the
commencement of Ben Bella's
rule, it is obvious that the hopes
and plans incorporated into the
Evian agreement belong to a van-
ished era in Franco-Algerian rela-
The cooperation at Evian was
established on a double founda-
tion: that of a necessary rapport
between two independent states
and, more important at that time,
the presence of about one million
Frenchmen in Algeria.
The latter basis for cooperation
Ino longer exists. It was expected
at Evian that at least half of the
French citizens in Algeria would
remain there after the indepen-
dence, aiding in various capacities
to strengthen the new state. To-
day the French there number
scarcely 100,000; approximately
25,000 stores and warehouses and
1000 factories and shops once be-
longing to them have been closed
or taken over by the Algerian gov-
As for the French farmers In
Algeria, it was expected that there
would be a redistribution of some
of the colonists' property and pro-
visions for reimbursement were
included in the original agree-
ments. However, Ben Bella's dec-
laration on Oct. 1 that all land
in Algeria belonging to the French
Swas to be confiscated is a viola-
tion of the Evian agreement.
NEVERTHELESS, in spite of
the new relationship, which will
undoubtedly continue to be modi-
fied-contrary to the agreement
and at the expense of France-a
recent session of the French Na-
tional Assembly voted to continue
to give substantial financial sup-
port to Algeria.
In light of France's. limited fi-
nancial capacity and Algeria's cur-
rent debts and apparent lack of
concern for honoring obligations,
it appears that Prime Minister
Georges Pompidou, who urged
continuation of the loans, and the
deputies who supported him are
living in the more hopeful atmos-
phere of the past and dreaming a
costly dream for France.
Algeria's frequent violations of
the Evian agreement should free
France of any legalobligation to
continue the loans; Ben Bella's
actions and attitudes should put
any moral obligation out of the
THERE IS no small amount of
injustice in the fact that the
French government is pouring
money into the Algerian economy
and at the same time forcing the
French people to follow a program
of austerity. The francs that are
building industries, providing
equipment and supporting schools
in Algeria are badly needed in
France; there, money for loans Js
scarce. Pompidou has argued that
the credit given to Algeria bene-
fits France as well since a por-
tion of the aid is linked to French
enterprise and the profits thus
return to France.
But it would be more profitable
to invest the money directly in
the French economy, using it to
pay workers and teachers and per-

haps eliminating a few of the fre-
quent strikes.
Certainly some of the funds
channeled to Algeria should be
used to aid the dissatisfied ex-
colonists who lost their property
and positions in Algeria. There is
also a curious inconsistency in the
fact that while France has de-
clared itself completely neutral
in the Algerian-Moroccan conflict,
it will continue to contribute to
the Algerian economy.
ALTHOUGH the situation does
not yet call for a complete ces-
sation " of financialaid, it is cer-
tainly time for the French gov-
ernment to reconsider the amount
and purpose of this financial pro-
gram.rThe amount ofrcredit should
be reduced in proportion to
Algeria's decreasing value for
France. Sentimentality for old ties
must yield to practical considerp-
tion of future Franco-Algerian re-
The aid that is given should be
given only on the condition that
Algeria carries out its obligations
in the Evian agreement. And, as
soon as possible, a new and more
realistic agreement must. be for-
mulated to replace the one based
on the shattered hopes resulting
from President Charles de Gaulle's
questionable 1962 victory.
"MISS JULIE," August Strind-
berg's celebrated play, has
been translated very well into a
movie, at Cinema Guild today and
The movie centers around a
young, aristocratic Swedish wo-
man who has a brief, tragic affair
with the valet.
Strindberg, a late 19th century
playwright, wrote of the natural-
istic determiners of man's fate-
heredity and environment. Julie is
doomed because of her mother.
She was a woman who hated men
and her subservient role as a
woman so much she was willing to
sacrifice Julie, the servants, the
estate, and Julie's father, the
Count, in order) to have the "last
* * *
THE COUNT, however, finally
asserts himself and gives Julie
her dolls and dancing lessons; and
Julie's mother takes over her up-
bringing as a girl. But Julie is
raised to be "no man's slave."
Yet, she has a constantly re-
curring dream where she is fall-
ing; but she is never able to fall
far enough in the dream to find
* * *
ACCENTUATING the meaning-
lessness of Julie's life are the wild,
frantic "innocent games" of the
servants celebrating the midsum-
mer's night. They take the sensual
enjoyment offered them and have
more freedom than Julie; but they
are doomed to backdoors.
Nihilism and determinism seem
like barren areas for art but this
picture is good art-all of it is
well clone.
--Malinda Berry

. f I


The Women 's View on Rules

an opportunity this week to
indicate their opinions on specific
University regulations governing
them. A Women's Conference
Committee survey, compiled with
the aid of the Survey Research
Center, has been distributed to
residence hall, sorority and apart-
ment women.
The committee says it is trying
to determine scientifically which
rules the women on this campus
want and which they don't want.
Afterwards, it intends to make ap-
propriate recommendations to the
Office of Student Affairs.
Three women students compose
the Conference Committee: Michi-
gan League President Gretchen
Groth, chairman, Assembly As-
sociation President Charlene Ha-
ger and Panhellenic Association
President Patricia Elkins.
The WCC is a representative
group which has commanded e -
spect in the past: last year's Con-
ference Committee proposals, bas-'
ed on an earlier survey, were in-
strumental in gaining the curfew
liberation and senior apartment

some outstanding and a few weak
parts. The weak parts have ques-
tions which are ambiguously
phrased and which may confuse
those filling out the questionnaire,
resulting in incorrect or distorted
Among the topics considered are
obvious but important areas of
concern such as curfews, calling
hours, changes in housing and who
should be setting rules. Other less
,pressing, but still important areas
covered are rules on over-night
permissions, rules regulating wo-
men living in non-University hous-
ing and guest policy.
Probably the greatest strength
of the survey is its thoroughness;
it delineates extensively and takes
into account the possibility of all
spectrums of opinion. In addition,
the fact that no names are re-
quired increases the chance that
women students will honestly use
the wide choices made available.
For example, on the selection
labeled, "Who Should Set The
Rules?" there are 11 choices of
authority ranging all the way from
the Office of Student Affairs to
Student Government Council, the
WCC, the Regents, the house

TomTe Edito

To the Editor:
STEVEN Haller, in a most shal-
lowadvocacy of euthanasia to
be practiced by doctors, totally
neglects two vital questions: If
the principle of euthanasia is
granted, who will decide when it
should be performed? And under
what circumstances?
Should the patient decide, and
ask his doctor either to let him
die or to kill him? Yes?rWell,
then, should that request be in
writing? Signed by the patient?
Witnessed? What about the pa-
tientwho is so sick that he can-
not make his requests known?
What about the patient whose
disease is curable but who re-
quests death because of depres-
sion, mental illness, or because of
some situation or impulse that
will very likely pass?
Should the patient's family de-
cide? Who will judge whether they
are motivated by genuine con-
cern for the patient's welfare, or
by deep personal conflicts, or by
financial considerations?
SHOULD THE doctor decide?
Doctors are only people, after all.
What if a given doctor happens to
have a strong personal dislike
for a patient who is critically ill?
What if the doctor suggests eu-
thanasia to such a patient, who,
under the pressure or pain or
depression, may acquiesce without
much thought?
It also happens that a lonely
patient who has been under the
care of a personal physician for
a long period of time will desig-
nate that physician as a major
beneficiary in his will. What about
The implications of euthanasia
performed by doctors are terrify-

time, and relieve himself from the
prolonging of his life. If that is
too cruel, if the patient must have
drugs or pills to ease him sweetly
away, then let there be a specific
person, officially and publicly des-
ignated "euthanasiast" in resi-
dence at every hospital, whom he
can call in instead of his doctor.
A euthanasiast of this type
would not know the patient from
before, and hence would not be
subject to motives other than that
of filling a request. Further, the
psychological turning away from
trusted doctor to stranger would
help to impress the seriousness of
his wish upon the patient, would
deprive him of the subconscious
feeling "my doctor won't really
do it." The personal physician and
the euthanasiast must not be the
same person. In this case, of
course, the patient who cannot
express his wishes will simply
have to stay alive as long as pos-
sible, and as painlessly as possible,
if he is under a physician's care.
HALLER CLAIMS that there
are many people alive today who
wish that they had been allowed
to die, or killed. Those who are
not at present in hospitals could,
of course, commit suicide if they
genuinely wanted to die. But it
happens that a great many people
express a passionate wish to die
without really meaning it. I have
done it. Possibly Haller has done
it too. And any physician could
give Haller countless counter-ex-
amples, those patients who, later,
say "Thank you doctor, for not
listening to me when I said I
wanted to die."
The point is that death is ab-
solute; the patient cannot ever
reconsider. Life is not absolute;

mother or even the individual
woman. There are then specified
12 separate areas in which rules
operate. Thus there are several
potential authorities to choose
from in each of the 12 areas in
which authority is exercised.
ALTHOUGH somewhat compli-
cated, this detailed delineation is
a real advantage. Perhaps a wo-
man student feels key permission
rules should be set by the Office
of Student Affairs, but calling
hours in the residence halls set
by Student Government Council
or the individual woman. The for-
mat of the questionnaire allows
her to indicate her opinion on
where the authority should rest
for every specific situation,
From the point of view of pre-
cision in opinion gathering, the
committee has done a fine job.
Another area ,demonstrating
thought is the "comment section"
at the end, "for further sugges-
tions, thoughts and comments."
Although this part obviously can-
not be quantified as scientifically
as the multiple choice questions,
it is potentially important. Most
students won't use this section,
but those who do are likely to
have definite opinions. They may
offer interesting suggestions, and
provide expression in areas the
committee may have forgotten to
include in the questionnaire.
of the rules survey is in the sec-
tions labelled "calling hours" and
"guests:" here there seems to be
an unexplained shift from
"should" to "can" in the verb of
the questions. Miss Hager says
that the verb change-a crucial
one-occurred because a different
person composed this part of the
Particularly since these are the
only parts of the survey worded
with "can" and "must" there will
probably be much misunderstand-
ing in answering thesetwo parts.
Some students will give their per-
sonal preferences, as they did
with the other questions. Others
will take the questions literally,
and put down what the present
rules are-which may not be the
same as what they think they
should be. Thus, it is easy to see
how misinterpretation of the data
could result.
However, these ambiguously
stated questions are only one-
tenth of the questionnaire. From
an overall point of view, its merits
outweigh its mistakes.
* * *
IN THE introductory page of
the survey, the committee writes,
"Its purpose (the committee's) is
to collect women's opinions on
matters of concern to them, to act
as a sounding board and to make
recommendations to the adminis-
tration. Thus, as the only remain-
ing group which literally repre-
sents all women on campus, we
would like to have a true picture
of women's opinions from the wo-
men themselves."
Recently there has been con4.
siderable doubt that students are
able to mobilize their opinions and
channel them to the administra-
tion through appropriate lobbying
groups. Probably much of this


U; -I

The March of Science

NEW SOCIOLOGY BOOK which my roommate got for Halloween
brought to mind a little experiment performed by a social scientist
I once knew. The point of it, I think, was to demonstrate how social
pressures force depersonalization. The way he did it was to classify
people according to the manner in which they write notes to them-
selves. He would snoop around classrooms copying out tell-tale passages
of innocent notebooks and then perform statistics upon them.
For instance it turned out that the first category of people
addressed themselves in the first person singular. One girl wrote:
My paper is due Oct. 14. Call Mother.
have coffee with Sneaker. Rush meeting.
my major thesis should be an established
philosophy. I shouldn't single space. iron
A sound mind in a healthy body, all would agree.
SECOND CATEGORY PEOPLE followed the natural tendency to
avoid addressing 'themselves directly, where possible, but when forced
to by syntax, their notes would assume the second person (generally
Do your paper by Oct. 14. Don't single space
or your grade will be lowered.
The same fellow who wrote that also commented to a friend:
The scientific and literary meanings of
"information" are at odds. In science the
function of language is to decrease ambiguity.
In art, its function is to increase it. If
I use very large words, whose meanings are
consequently quite precise, I have conveyed
a great deal of information to the scientists
but very little to the humanist. That is why,
when I speak, I like to use small vague words
which might mean several things at once, or
maybe be symbols, unknown to me. I especially
love to use words whose meanings I don't know,
or, at any rate, am not sure of.
The all too rare third category person addresses himself most
One's paper is due Oct. 14.



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