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November 09, 1963 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-11-09

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llSUEnrollment Surge May



To add to its other financial headaches, the University may be
facing increased competition for the legislative dollar from an old
nemesis in East Lansing.
Figures released earlier this week by the state show that
Michigan State University's enrollment has climbed significantly
higher than the University's for the first time.
MSU has reported a total of 29,094 students for the fall semes-
ter; the University's enrollment is 27,388.
Bad News for 'U'
University administrators know from experience that this fact
will further hurt the University's chances of receiving its total
budget request from the state Legislature for the fiscal year 1964-65.
"Year after year we have this problem," one source said. "Some .
legislators don't understand why we ask for so much more money
than State when our enrollments are so similar. They think the
money should be doled out on the basis of a pure and simple head
The University is requesting a record appropriation from the
state of $47.6 million; MSU is seeking $40.5 million. Last year the
two universities received $38.2 million and $32.2 million, respectively.

Officials here are quick to point out that the head-count for-
mula for appropriations is "highly superficial," and the state has
not yet used this basis for its annual determinations. Nevertheless,
two problems remain.
While the state may not use enrollment figures as its sole
measuring stick, many legislators "use them as a rationale for cut-
ting the University's budget requests-a drama which has taken
place regularly since 1957. Moreover, many legislators are search-
ing for some appropriations formula and University officials fear
that enrollment may emerge as a strong factor.
Beadle, for Example
Sen. Frank D. Beadle (R-St. Clair), chairman of the powerful
Senate Appropriations Committee, commented last month on the
Legislature's attitude toward higher education's continual pleas
for more money. In the course of his remarks, he brought out the
formula idea.
"Higher education's persistent appeals for more funds haven't
been very convincing," the senator said. "They weren't convincing
when I came to Lansing (in 1951), and with some reservations, I'd
say the Legislature still doesn't understand the educators' pro-
"There are so ,many areas to learn, so many complexities that

the suspicion exists that administrators are seeking to do more than
they have been asked to do.
"We've tried for years to convince them that they should get
together on their requests, present some kind of a formula that
the legislators can understand, but they haven't."
Whether or not a formula can be derived, administrators are
unanimously agreed that enrollment figures have only a small role
to play. "Programming is the important angle," University Execu-
tive Vice-President Marvin L. Niehuss says. "It costs as much for us
to run our Medical School with 700 students as it does to run a 3-
4000 student junior college,"
Extra Students Mean Little
Niehuss says MSU's 2000 extra students "should have little
bearing on the appropriations the two institutions receive." Why?
"They have a very heavy freshman-sophomore concentration. This
is the cheapest group to educate once you reach the college level."
Three series of figures seem to corroborate the vice-president's
A breakdown of the 1962-63 enrollments at the University and
Michigan State produces the following results:
Freshmen and Sophomores: The University, 7,309; MSU, 12,948.

Juniors and Seniors: The University, 8,831; MSU, 7,998.
Graduate and Professional Students: The University, 10,412;
MSU, 5,774.
Michigan State's total enrollment outstripped the University's
for the first time last year by 26,720 to 26,552. However, at the
junior-senior and graduate levels the University had nearly 6000
more students. This graduate-professional group is one of the larg-
est in the country.
Total Credit-Hours
Turning the enrollment breakdown into an analysis of the to-
tal semester credit hours accounted for by each group provides the
following information (latest figures available are for the academic
year 19Q1-62):
Freshmen and Sophomores: The University, 234,859; MSU, 355.-
Juniors and Seniors: The University, 251,033; MSU, 242,011.
Graduate and Professional Students: The University, 231,790;
MSU, 110,701.
Again, while Michigan State overshadows the University in
freshman-sophomore teaching hours, the pattern changes in the
upper levels. Furthermore, the University's total amount of credit

See Editorial Page

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Senate Restores Trade Option

WASHINGTOT ( )-The Senate
voted last night to restore Presi-
dent John F. Kennedy's power to
continue most - favored - nation
treatment in trade relations with
Communist Poland and Yugo-
The 55-14 vote defeated an at-
tempt by Sen. Frank J. Lausche
(D-Ohio) to strike from the $3.7-
billion foreign aid authorization
bill a provision restoring this
authority to the chief executive.
It was viewed as the biggest vic-
tory for the administration so far

in the 10 days of debate, and came
after a series of setbacks. It fol-
lowed appeals from Kennedy and
Secretary of State Dean Rusk for
Senate restraint, in voting cuts
and tying strings to the program.
Bounces Back
Earlier, the Senate's bipartisan
leadership sprang back from the
setbacks by defeating, 44-30, an
effort to boost the interest on all
loans under the aid program to at
least four per cent-far above the
current low rates.
The Senate also voted, unani-
mously, to take away discretion
granted the President to waive
under some circumstances a ban
on military and economic aid to
Communist nations such as Yugo-
slavia, Poland and Cuba. How-
ever, sales of surplus ucd pro-
ducts would not be prohibited.
Kennedy and the State Depart-
ment had pleaded with Congress
to help keep open the trade chan-
nels to Poland and Yugoslavia as
the best. possible means of-wooing
them away from economic con-
trol by Moscow.
Policy Explained
Under the most-favored-nation
policy-which the United States
extends to all nations with which
it has friendly trade relations-
each country gets the benefit of
any tariff cut or other concession
made to any other nation.
Last year Congress included in
the trade expansion bill a provi-
sion withdrawing the President's
power to continue to give Poland
and Yugoslavia most-favored-na-
tion treatment.
But it left him considerable
leeway in acting -on the directive
and so far he has not taken away
the privilege from the two coun-
tries. Meanwhile, he has attempt-
ed to persuade the legislators to
reverse their 1962 action.
Could But Won't
Sen. J. W. Fulbright (D-Ark),
floor manager for the bill, fight-
ing Lausche's proposal, conceded
that the two countries could con-
tinue to trade with the United
States if they lost the most-avor-
ed-nation privilege.
But, as a practical matter, he
said, they would face such an in-
crease in duties that their pro-
ducts would be shut out.
Fulbright said that 75 per cent
of Yugoslavia's trade is with the
West and that it would be folly
to force it to turn to Russia and
Moscow - dominated Communist
Lausche argued that by trading
with Yugoslavia the United States
is helping to build up the nation's
economy and making it all the

harder to overthrow President Ti-
Senate Majority Leader Mike
Mansfield (D-Mont) said the pro-
vision "is a cold-blooded business
At his first news conference in
nearly three weeks, Rusk urged
Congress not to take away the
President's flexibility in a world
that "moves very fast."
Hfit Romney
By The Associated Press
LANSING - Democratic State
Chairman Zolton Ferency charged
Gov. George Romney yesterday
with "trying to make Democratic
legislators the scapegoat for his
own personal failures."
Romney had said that "whether
or-,not-we-are- going -to get- basic
tax reform depends on whether or
not we get bipartisan support."
He said that "at least 12 and it
could be as high as 15" Republi-
can state Senators would vote for
the tax reform program.
30-35 Representatives
There are "30 and up to 35"
Republican representatives who
would vote for the program, he
Eighteen votes are needed to
pass bills in the Senate, with 56
votes needed for approval in the
Romney indicated that the Re-
publicans and the Democrats
should agree on a tax reform pro-
The Democrats will caucus Mon-
day night to decide on the par-
ticulars of negotiations to be held
with the governor sometime next
Informal Talk
The meeting between Demo-
cratic legislators and Romney was
set up last week in an informal
meeting between Romney, Lt.
Gov. T. John Lesinki, and House
Minority Leader Joseph J. Ko-
walski (D-Detroit).
After the informal conference,
Lesinski and R9mney agreed that
action on tax reform "is a lot
more important than going deer
The deer-hunting season opens
in the Upper Peninsula on Friday,
and in the Lower Peninsula on
Nov. 15. Many of the legislators
are planning to go deer hunting,
leaving the possibility of the lack
of a quorum during the first
weeks of the hunting season.

On Wheat
WASHINGTON (;) - A United
States-Soviet deadlock over terms
for the sale of surplus American
wheat was broken last night when
the government put it up to
American grain merchants to
make their own deals.
The merchants lost no time in
bidding for the $500 million worth
of Soviet-bloc business and the
first sale was signaled when the
Commerce Department granted a
license for the shipment of 100,000
tons of wheat to Conununist Hun-
The announcement was made
shortly after it was revealed that}
the United States and Russia had
reached agreement on a frame-
work for negotiations for the sale
of four million tons of wheat to
Russia and her European satel-
Half in U.S. Ships
Undersecretary of Commerce
Franklin D. Roosevelt Jr. said the
dealer who obtained the license
certified that one-half of the grain
will be carried in American ships.
The deal with Hungary was a
$7.6 million transactlen, includ-
ing the cost of delivery.
The arrangement between the
United States and the Soviet Un-
ion provided that the actual price
of the wheat and shipping costs
would be determined in negotia-
tions between United States grain
dealers and a Russian grai-pur-
chasing team.
Work Out Details
There were strong indications
that the Russians would work out
agreements with the private Ame-
rican grain dealers on the actual
price and other terms.
A C om m er ce Department
spokesman said no applications
for shipment of wheat to Russia
were pending but he said at least
one grain dealer already had
started negotiations with the Rus-
sian representatives.
This was after the State De-
partment announced late yester-
day that an understanding has
been reached with Soviet nego-
tiators under which American
dealers will quote a delivered-in-
Russia price for their surplus
Thus was a solution proposed
for the problem presented by Ken-
nedy's requirement that American
wheat be carried in American
ships whenever possible. Ameri-
can freighters charge anywhere
from 20-30 per cent more than
foreign vessels.






- ---------v



'U' Rent, Tuition
Rank Near Top~

University students last year paid room and board charges
which are among the highest in the nation for public univer-
University tuition and fees ranked around the average for
in-state residents and well above average for out-of-state
residents at public universities.
These figures are reported in a recent survey by the depart-
ment of health; education and welfare, which ranks fees, tuition,
room and board rates for undergraduate and graduate students
at 2,056 institutions.
The University was categorized as a public university-
one of the "institutions which stress graduate instruction and
research, confer advanced degrees in a variety of liberal arts
fields, and have at least two professional schools that are not
exclusively technological."
Tuition and fees for state residents at the University are
greater than those at 50 per cent of public universities in the
Great Lakes and plains region and approximately. 70 per cent
of national public universities..
Out-of-state students at the University are paying the
third-highest tuition and fees charged by public universities.
The median at public universities was found to be $609, while
the University charges $930.
In the area of room and board charges, the national median
for men's dormitory rates at public universities is $686.
Room and board for female students was slightly higher.
The national median for public universities was $694, while
the highest charge was $860 at Purdue University.
The University's average charge for both men and women is

... attempt fails
Ask Council
To Fight Bias
Against Jews
VATICAN (IP) - The Vatican
Ecumenical Council received yes-
terday an official document aimed
at ending anti-Jewish views among
* Roman Catholics and charging
all mankind with responsibility
for Christ's death.
Representing two years of work
begun by Pope John XXIII, the
t document was submitted to the
2300 council fathers by the secre-
tariat for promoting Christian un-
ity, headed by German-born
Augustin Cardinal Bea.
At the same time a heated de-
bate flared on the floor. of St.
Peter's Basilica as Joseph Cardinal
Frings of Cologne, a leader among
Catholic progressives, calledffor
basic reform of the Holy Office.
The two developments made the
day's gathering the most dramatic
meeting of the council since it
first assembled here 13 months
Cardinal Frings denounced the
Holy Office-the Vatican's guar-
dian of doctrine-as "a source of
harm to the faithful and of scan-
dal to those outside the Church."
An Italian-born conservative, Al-
fredo Cardinal Ottaviani, is sec-
retary of the Holy Office, which
grew out of the Inquisition. He
defended its procedures. Both an
administrative agency and a tri-
bunal, the Holy Office handles
such questions as heresy and
crimes against the Church.
Set Extended
County Terms

Hatcher Speech Opens orl

Group To Examine Use
Of Students in Research
A faculty-administration group has been created to study the use
of experimental subjects.
It will consider the conditions under which research units should
be allowed to use students and whether students have an obligation'
to participate in University research, Elizabeth Davenport, assistant
"to the vice-president for student
w* affairs and coordinator of coun-
seling, explained yesterday.
The group, composed of Asso-
ciate Dean Howard S. Bretsch of
the graduate school, chairman;
Director of University Residences
Eugene Haun, and Associate Dean
James H. Robertson of the literary
college, will be a subcommittee of
the Committee on Student Coun-
' seling Services.
This committee, which acts as a
clearinghouse for various Univer-
sity counseling services, appointed
the subcommittee this week.
The committee also examined
a booklet on counseling services
being prepared by the Michigan
Union. The booklet has been ap-
proved by all counseling units
concerned, and replaces an older
booklet prepared by the Office of
Student Affairs in 1958.
Vice-President for Student Af-!
fairs James A. Lewis also pre-j

..we'll enforce it
Grant Plan
"If merit is not the controlling
factor in the allocationcof federal
research funds, we are in a very
dangerous position,"Director of
Research Administration Robert
E. Burroughs said yesterday.
His comments came in response
to a proposal to distribute a size-
able portion of the federal re-
search budget to lesser-quality in-
stitutions, and to geographical
areas in which scientific research
is poorly financed. The New York
Times attributed the proposal to
Paul M. Gross, president of the
AmericanAssociation for the Ad-
vancement of Science.
A program which "does not
place a premium on merit in the
allocation of research funds would
be detrimental to the University,"
Burroughs said.
Separate Program
As an alternative to a program
of geographic distribution of
grants, Burroughs proposed that
"the federal government estab-
lish a separate program whose
primary objective would be to de-
velop the so-called 'backward
areas'-areas that do not receive
a significant proportion of the
government's research money.
"If merit is not the criterion
followed, the only outgrowth could
be idiocracy," Burroughs main-
"There are three basic reasons
that the University is part of the
select group of universities that
receive extensive federal grants,"
Burroughs continued. He cited the
initiative on the part of its fac-
ulty in creating proposals, the
quality of its faculty which these
proposals reflect, and the encour-
agement given research by the
University by not overloading this
faculty with other tasks.
For these reasons, the Univer-
sity has been highly successful,"

To Enforce
Law Despite
Kelley Rulingi
Romney Agrees
With Overruling
Of Local Legislation
Ann Arbor will enforce its fair
housing ordinance despite Atty.
Gen. Frank Kelley's recent ruling,
city hall officials say.
Kelley's ruling stated that local
ordinances in civil rights will vio-
late the new state constitution
which takes effect Jan. 1, the
same date Ann Arbor's ordinance
is scheduled to take effect.
Statements from the city attor-
ney and most recently from the
mayor's office take firm stands
on allowing the ordinance to take
Not Binding-Fahrner
City Attorney Jacob Fahrner
has said Kelley's ruling is not
binding and that the final deci-
sion will have to come from the
courts if the state wishes to make
any charges.
Mayor Cecil O. Creal sent a
copy of the ordinance to Gov.
George Romney and received a
reply from Romney which accepts
the premise that the new consti-
tution pre-empts local fair hous-
ing ordinances.
Kelley had ruled that the new
constitution gives the newly-
created civil rights commission
sole power to regulate and enforce
civil rights in the state. The Legis-
lature would implement its func-
tioning, he added.
Detroit Defeat
The ruling was cited as the ma-
jor reason seven Detroit common
councilmen voted against that
city's proposed open-occupancy
ordinance. Other civil rights ac-
tivities directed towards cities
stalled as civil rights groups look
to the new commission for action.
However, Professors Robert G.
Harris and Paul G. Kauper of the
Law School have challenged Kel-
ley's ruling, noting that it must
be tested in the courts.
Creal looks upon the city's fair
housing ordinance as the "big-
gest step forward for civil rights
taken in the state.
Only City
"Ann Arbor is the only city in
Michigan with a fair housing
ordinance," he added.
He explained that Ann Arbor is
also one of "only eight other cities
in the 'nation which have taken
any such action at all."
Democrats Hit
Police Photos


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