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November 02, 1963 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-11-02

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See Editorial ftge

CJ r

nty- Ura
Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom

:43 a t I#

Partly cloudy,
continued cold



Group Supports'Seek New
Per Capita Funds By KENNETH WINTER
n,,-vv,;+o cA-fi~ #ulty committees form


Role in

'U' Polic

med to deal

U Requests '64-65 Appropriations
To Exceed $1600 Per Student
The "blue ribbon" citizen's group investigating higher education
will recommend to Gov. George Romney that the 10 state supported
colleges and universities receive appropriations mainly on a money'
per-student basis.
However, there will be "definite allowances" made to account for
an institution's graduate enrollment and its level of faculty salaries,

A faculty committee is drafting
two proposals designed to give the
faculty a clearer voice in all-
University policy making.
The group, called the committee
on University freedom and respon-
sibility, is one of the working
units of the Senate Advisory Com-
mittee on University Affairs (SA-
CAU). Its chairman, Prof. Claude
A. Eggertsen of the education
school, said yesterday the commit-
tee probably will suggest:
-A new University Senate by-
law providing for SACUA partici-
pation in the selection of all fac-


University-wide problems,
75-Member Board

-The establishment of a 75-
member faculty board to express
faculty opinion between the semi-
annual meetings of the Senate.
The first proposal, which "we
hope to have ready" for the Dec.
9 Senate meeting, would have
SACUA submit a list of faculty
members from which a faculty
committee would be appointed.
Such ad hoc oommittees gen-
erally are formed to provide fac-
ulty consultation when some new

University-wide move is being con-
sidered. Prof. Eggertsen cited the
forthcoming University sesqui-
centennial celebration and the
"educational aspects" of the
Union-League merger as examples.
'Wider Representation'
The proposal "could aid in
bringing about wider representa-
tion in relation to University prob-
lems. Also, because of its part in
the appointing process, the fac-
ulty might take a greater interest
in these committees," Prof. Eg-
getsen said.
The second proposal is aimed at
another problem: because the

University Senate only meets twice'
a year, it is not always available
for consultation when "relatively
quick statements of faculty opin-
ion are needed within a short
period of time." And SACUA, the
Senate's executive organ, meets
monthly but can speak only in
behalf of its own members.
The proposed 75-member board
is aimed at filling this gap. Meet-
ing once a month, it would be
empowered by the Senate to ex-
press faculty opinion. For example,
it could speak out on the proposed
expansion of Flint College to a
four-year institution, on the in-

state vs. out-of-state student ratio,
or on University expansion policy,
Prof. Eggertsen commented.
More Intensive
Also, "it is though that a group
of this sort not only would be rep-
resentative of the whole faculty,
but that it would be able to study
more intensely than is now the
case the outstanding problems of
the University at large," he added.
This second proposal should be
ready for submission at the spring
meeting of the Senate.
Noting his committee's "broad
mandate" from SACUA, Prof. Eg-
gestsen said the group chose the

faculty-participation question be-
cause it is "basic to the whole
matter" of faculty freedom and
responsibility. It has been work-
ing on the problem for two years.
"The members of the committee
feel that the growth of the Uni-
versity and the increase in the
complexity of its problems has
meant that the Senate's ability to
deal with problems within its con-
cern is not so great as formerly."
He hopes the Senate will approve
of a change in the organization of
the faculty which will give it more
of a share in decision-making," he

"Alvin Bently, chairman of the sub-
committee charged with making a
recommendation soon to Romney,
disclosed recently.
The University has asked Rom-
ney to'recommend a legislative ap-
propriation next year exceeding
$1600 per student. This is more
than $600 above the overall per-
student average for the 10 institu-
tions last year.
High Level of Salaries
The University received a per-
student appropriation of over $500
above the all-state average last
year because of its high level of
faculty salaries and the strong per-
centage of graduate students
which are more expensive than
Administrators from other large
state institutions, including Michi-
gan State University's President
John Hannah, have criticized past
University appropriations in call-
ing for them to be based along
tighter per-student lines.
MSU's enrollment surpassed the
University for the first time this
year and is expected to increase
over 3000 next year. The Univer-
sity's enrollment rose about 800
this year.




. .. partial basis

Integrationists Freed
Under Federal Order
AMERICUS, Ga. VP)-Five integration'leaders were released from
jail yesterday under an unprecedented federal court order which
required bail for the prisoners and struck down two Georgia laws.
Three white men and two Negroes, who had been held nearly
three months, were freed upon the posting of bond within maximum
limits set in the order by a three-judge panel. The ruling voided

Conlin Sees
Tax Delays
Rep. Rollo G. Conlin (R-Tip-
ton) yesterday gave two explana-
tions for Gov. George Romney's
failure to call for the bills needed
to implement the new state con-
He claimed that Romney did not
want to confuse his tax reform
program with the implementation
program and also noted that the
preparation of the bills has not
yet been completed.
Conlin, chairman of 'the Joint
Interim Committee on Statute Im-
plementation, said that his com-
mittee 'is busy drafting the bills
necessary for the implementation
of the new constitution, but has
not yet completed the work.
Bills to Meet Deadline
"I can't say when the bills will
be ready, although I'm sure that
they'll clear by Nov. 15, the date
when the Legislature will probably
recess for the deer hunting sea-
son;" Conlin said.
"We'll have the bills printed
while we're in recess, and then
we'll be ready for the governor's
call for them at any time after
that," he noted.
The 18-man implementation
committee, which is strictly bipar-
tisan, is divided into three sub-
committees: judiciary, executive,
and elections. Conlin said that
most of the work to be done is in
elections because of the extensive
changes in election procedures
outlined in the new constitution.
70-80 Bills Needed
He also said that although a
great many bills would be needed
in the implementation of the new
constitution, the figure 200 pre-
sented by Rep. Gail Handy (R-
Eau Claire) represents some "pret-
ty wild guessing."
"Actually, there will probably be
from 70 to 80 bills-certainly less
than 100. Some of them won't take
any more than just the minimum
physical procedure to be passed,
but others may cause quite a bit of
controversy," Conlin pointed out.
Denies Seat
For Students
For the moment, students will
not be admitted to meetings of the
University freedom and respon-
sibility oommittee of the Senate
Advisory Committee on University
Affairs, Prof. Claude A. Eggertsen
said yesterday.
In a letter t Stdent Govern-



Seek Standard Definition
In completing its exact subcom-
mittee report this weekend to be
sent to Romney by December,
Bentley emphasized t h a t his
group will work on finding a
standard way to define enroll-
ment, called a "head count"
The difficulty in determining a
figure comes from the question
of whether or not to include ex-
tension service students, Bentley'
The University had only about
26,000 of a total paying enrollment
of 32,000 last year studying on
the Ann Arbor campus.
Despite these variables in en-
rollment figures, his interim com-
mittee will try to make per-
student costs the "major criterion"
for the governor and Legislature
to use, "since that is what they
currently use anyway," Bentley
University Executive Vice-Pres-
ident Marvin L. Niehuss comment-
ed last night that he was unable
to tell "what formula the legis-
lators use, but it has certainly not
been on a basis of head count
The head count or per-student
figures are "all right as a basis if
you make allowances for salaries
and salary increases," he said.
Bentley showed that one way in
which the faculty salary levels will
be allowed as an important var-
iable in appropriation determin-
ations is to compare the levels
with salary ranges of competing

Algeria Set
RABAT (.4)-Algeria toda
nounced the official start
cease-fire in its undeclared
tier war with Morocco.
The announcement came
ly after the two nationst
charges of aggression.
T he Algerian announce
came from the governmen
trolled radio. The cease-fire
line was set for midnight
the terms of the Bamako A
but there was no immediat
of knowing if the fighting
actually stopped.
A few hours beforemid
the leaders of the two cou
accused each other of last
acts of aggression and exp
veiled accusations of violati
the spiirt of the Bamako A
However, earlier Algerian
ident Ahmed Ben Bella told
men in Algiers he gave
orders that combat cease at
Morocco's King Hassan I
in a radio speech that hisr
would uphold the "princip
the cease fire."
Fighting first flared alon
Moroccan-Algerian border C
Only a day before the ceas
it was apparently renewed
battle for the frontier to

ay an-
of a
te way
g had

+a 19th century insurrection law
and an unlawful assembly statute.
If upheld, the could would set &
precedent for civil rights demon-
strators- to go directly to federal
court with complaints of excessive

Buddhi~st Leader
P lots Revolution
President, Brother Commit Suicide
Junta Chooses Tho Prime Minister
TOKYO (R)--The government of South Viet Nam's Presi-
dent Ngo Dinh Diem hoisted a white flag on the battle-ruined
presidential palace in Saigon yesterday and surrendered at the
climax of a bloody military uprising, reports from the Vietna-
mese capital said.
However, in Washington, State Department officials said
they had received a terse dispatch from the United States em-
bassy in Saigon quoting Saigon radio as saying Diem and Nhu
had committed suicide early this morning.
Escape after Arrests
State Department officials said the dispatch said Diem
and Nhu escaped after being taken into custody at the presi-
dential palace and fled to a


Significant Facet
Another significant facet of the
order was injunctive restraint
against the prosecution of peace
warrants, a legal weapon which
has come into play recently in
fighting integration efforts.
Also released under bond were
a 14-year-old Negro girl and two
Negro men held since August. The!
girl had been denied bail by juve-
nile court authorities.
In a 2-1 decision, a three-judge
court issued an injunction barring
prosecution of charges under the
two statutes. The order itself went
further and set a deadline of 6
p.m. yesterday for release of all
six prisoners under bond on other

and his brother Ngo Dinh Nhu, former chief of the Viet Nam
secret police, committed suicide last night following a violent
coup led by Buddhist Army General Duong Van Minh.
IExpect IN ew ln'Regime
To Ease Dissension
Associated Press Staff Writer
WASHINGTON-The United States expects the new government
in South Viet Nam to heal the rift with the country's Buddhist
majority and speedily resume the war against the Communistj


d i Judges Concur guerrilas.
ons of Judge Elbert P. Tuttle of At- Officials here believe the rev
accord, lanta, chief judge of the 5th Cir- which ousted the Diem regime ha
Pres- cuit Court of Appeals, and Dis- necessary for success of the<
news- trict Judge Lewis R. Morgan of United States-backed war effort.
strict LaGrange, Ga., concurred in the Thycnedtermvlo
s mic ajority Go.,nioncuand inntve They contend the removal of
t mid- majority opinion and injunctive President Ngo Dinh Diem and his
order which would have barred brother, Ngo Dinh Nhn, stemmed{
I said prosecution of all charges. from a conclusion by the Viet-
nation Bonds of $2500 were signed by namese armynl shpytht the
ple of John Barnum, wealthy Negro naese army leadership that the
mortician, for four prisoners ~ d Viet Cong could not be defeated
ag the John Perdew, 21, of Denver, Colo.; under the Catholic-oriented Diem
)ct. 14. Donald Harris, 23, of New York; sgovenment.
e fire, Ralph W. Allen, 22, of Melrose, I T Reease Prisoners
in a Mass.; and Thomas McDaniel 19, p It was noted here that political
wn of 19, of Americus, all of whom still prisoners, students and Buddhist
face prosecution on four charges, monks and nuns, imprisoned un-
__a_ e __rs__u___n__ n_ _r__hrges. der Diem and Nhu, were quickly
released by the military leaders.
SThisis expected to go far in mass-
est es public support for the military

volutionary committee of generals
as the widespread popular support



Senate Sinks
WASHINGTON to)-The Senate,
surveying the sea of proposals
aimed at trimming United States
foreign aid sharply, drowned Sen.
Wayne Morse's move to send the
legislation back to the foreign
relation committee for shrinkage.
Immediately after the Oregon
Democrat's motion was defeated
46 to 29, Majority Leader Mike
Mansfield (D-Mont) urged the
senators to be on hand in full


church where they took asy-
The two brothers were recap-
ured and they subsequently com-
nitted suicide.
The suicide, according to a dip-
omatic source, took place in an
armored car taking them to jail.
There was no official confirma-
tion of the report.
Install New Government
A new government was installed.
['he top men, both military and,
ivilian, on the new ruling team
are Buddhists and described as
levoted to the war against Viet'
Nam's Communist Viet Cong.
United States officials maintain
Washington had no advance
warning of the takeover and that
it had no hand in the uprising.
The Ngo Dinh family had been
accused of oppressive measures
against Buddhists and was at odds
with the United States on this
American officials took emer-
gency measures to protect Amer-
ican lives in Saigon. The United
States aircraft carrier Hancock
left Hong Kong yesterday morn-
ng underemergencytorder to sail,
presumably for South Viet Nam
See VIET, Page 3
Get Basket
Gamie, 12=6

Stat e Favors
college Aid.
. WASHINGTON OP) - Senate-
House conferees made rapid pro-
gress yesterday toward final
agreement on a $1.2-billion five-
year, college education aid bill.
Two controversial points remain
to be settled. But Rep. Adam C.
Powell (D-NY), heading t h e
House group, and Sen. Wayne
Morse (D-Ore), leading the Sen-
ate delegation, said they believed
these could be disposed of with-
out too much difficulty.
The conferees meet again to-
Both Senate and House ver-
sions of the legislation contain
grant and loan funds for con-
struction of classroom and other
facilities at four-year and junior
President John F. Kennedy
recommended a broad college aid
program but said the construction
money should be limited to loans.
In their biggest decision yester-
day, the conferees agreed to take
the basic money figures of the
House bill which contains specific
authorizations for three years
with the final two years to be
fixed later.
Remaining to be settled are
these questions:
1) Whether the grant funds
should be for limited purpose, as
in the Senate bill, or for all types
of college buildings, as voted by
the House.
2) Whether to include a Sen-
ate amendment authorizing tax-
payer suits challenging any grant
or loan to a religious college on
the ground that it violates the
first amendment to the Consti-
Student Group

Tricycles Enhanc

Nguyen Ngoc Tho, a former i force for more voting Monday andv
vice-president who was named every day next week.
provisional prime minister, had
been leading a campaign to con- WASTED EFFORTS:
ciliate the Buddhists.
For some time South Viet Nam
once again will live under martial lie iy
be tight and complete until it s *
sure that all the elements loyal to I
the Ngo family have been rendered In Fo t ba
The chances are that most of
the population of Saigon, at any By LLOYD GRAFF}
rate, will go along with military "Clean out the trash and bring
rule for a while, considering even home the basket."
that a welcome relief from the That was the motto of a dedi-
Diem-Nhu rule. Diem, once a hero cated corps of Daily Libels who
to South Viet Nam, became with picked the Union Scabs apart 12-6
his brother a symbol of repression before a frostbitten clique of 23
to many. spectators on the outskirts of Fer-
The coup was set up by a group ry Field yesterday afternoon. It
of key general officers. was the fourth annual Bier Bowl
Generals Involved played for the most sacred refuse
Among them were Duong Van receptacle in the world, "the little

m g, :ii:: :v: -.*.':::. :; iii:::: :::"


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