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November 01, 1963 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-11-01

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u r Arhtan Batt
Seventy-T hird Year
rutb Will Preval'"'
itorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in'al reprints.

"I Don't Know If We've Ever Met Before"

Aroner Protests Claim

LY, NOVEMBER 1, 1963


State Schools Must Fight
Forced Tuition Rise

)NCE AGAIN the state is attempting to
shift the burden of higher education
ram itself to the student. Both the Rom-
ey administration and the Legislature,
ailing to provide for adequate state sup-
ort for higher education, are consider-
rg a tuition boost.
State Comptroller Glenn Allen revealed
Wednesday that the administration would
ike to raise the higher education appro-
riation for state-supported colleges and
niversities $10 million over this year's
110 million. But this increase will be
sked only if the needed revenues ma-
erialize. More likely will be a "matching"
rogram of $5 million from the state and
5 million from students. The tuition.
oost would average $50 a student.
Allen's revenue estimate of $580 million
n which Romney currently plans his
udget is near the optimal figure. Even
rith another good year in the automobile
adustry or with fiscal reform, it is un-
ikely that Allen's top estimate will be
eached. As the new constitution demands
balanced budget, something will have
o be trimmed or new taxes must be lev-
ad. The Romney administration is now
onsidering the former course.
the state-supported colleges and uni-
ersities, a tuition boost is a safe political
ct. The matching plan neatly solves a
umber of political problems: Romney
atisfies conservative legislators that he
cutting spending, that he is making the
olleges pay their own way and at the
ame time he throws a $5 million tidbit to
hae friends of higher education.
But this is a fallacious approach-and it.
3 up to the state-supported colleges and
niversities to point out this illusion-a
10 million increase is not-enough for
igher education. The University alone
ought $9 million more than last year's
ppropriation for adequate operation.
F THE UNIVERSITY - which usually
gets a third ,of the higher education
udget-would get $3 million of the $10
Zillion increase, it could take in only one-
:ird as many additional students and
aise salaries only one-third as much as
wants and would have to scrap plans,
or at least another year, for year-round
A tuition hike would accelerate a trend
oward "pricing students out of the mar-
et," as state public instruction superin-
endent Lynn Bartlett put it, just as there
re both increasing enrollment pressures
nd needs for more trained personnel.
'OR ALL UNIVERSITY students tuition
has more than doubled in the last
ozen years. For the in-state junior or
mior, tuition has risen $110 since 1956.
he junior or senior out-of-state student
ays $410 more.

Scholarship funds have tended to keep
pace and loan funds have grown five-fold
since 1956. But the percentage of loan
funds outstanding has more than doubled,
indicating that more and more students
are forced to take on extra long and
short-term financial burdens.
The skyrocketing tuition rate has some
deletorious effects on the University. The
major one threatens its cosmopolitan na-
ture and the intellectual ferment that
diversity brings. In recent years, the Uni-
versity has tended to increase out-of-
state tuition at a rate double that of in-
state students. As more scholarships are
available to Michigan residents, non-resi-
dent youths are being "priced out" of the
University. Out-of-state students have
long provided much of the intellectual
leadership of the campus; their curtail-
ment will be a serious blow.
those connected with the University,
but have never been brought home to the
public. A tuition boost now-with more
parents than ever trying to support their
children in college--may bring some of
the necessary political pressure. Hopeful-
ly, the situation need not, deteriorate to
'Romney's "blue-ribbon" committee is
higher education's next hope. The interim
report should clearly and boldly state
higher education's needs and recommend
a $140.8 million appropriation--the top
figure its interim committee is consider-
ing. For the good of the state, it should
put aside fears of embarrassing the gov-
ernor and use its potential influence, to
raise Romney's sights.
These added funds could come from
unfreezing earmarked money such as that
in the bulging highway fund.
BEYOND THAT, the coordinating coun-
cil, speaking for all institutions, should
issue a strongly-worded statement at its
next meeting and send its representatives
around the state to talk to citizens and
community leaders.
Lastly, students, as citizens of this state,
should point out the dire implications of
a tuition boost to their legislators and
have their parents do the same. The Leg-
islature is suspicious of a mass organized
letter-writing campaign, but will listen to
many letters and other contacts. Now
would be the time to write before final de-
cisions are made in the governor's office.
THE UNIVERSITY and the coordinating
council have failed to use what ever influ-
ence they have to forestall a restrictive
fiscal reform. Now it may be too late and
the consequences face the students. More
diligent efforts are needed to fight the
"matching plan."
National Concerns Editor

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Swiss 0Integration' Problem

Daily Correspondent
PASEL-The American integra-
tion movements of this sum-
mer were somewhat less criticized
by Central European newspapers
than was to be expected from
former publicity around Little
Rock and Oxford.
Increased understanding of
American problems cannot solely
be credited for this development.
Central Europe has now come
into its first personal contact with
the integration problem. As its
booming industry needed more
skilled workers, these jobs were
filled by native workers from low-
er ranks. These lower jobs, in turn,
were left open because of the tre-
mendous labor shortage which has
gripped Central Europe since the
middle of the 1950's.
FOREIGN seasonal workers
from Italy's large pool of unem-
ployed were attracted by these
opportunities to get well paid jobs
here. The pay is high here, living
conditions inexpensive and taxes
lower than in Italy.
The building industry and pri-
vaterhomes were the first em-
ployers for Italian workers and
servant girls in the early '50's in
Switzerland. Since then, the de-
mand has increased many fold
and countries like Germany, the
Netherlands, Austria and Switzer-
land depend heavily on foreign
* * *
SWITZERLAND is a country of
a third of Michigan's size and
has a 5.5 million population. This
means that more than every tenth
person living in Switzerland is a
foreigner. Such a foreign-native
contrast is probably the strongest
of any country with the possible
exception of Israel, which, as a
heterogeneous country with a 10
per cent Arab population, may
face contrasts even greater than
the ones found in Switzerland.
But the intent is different here.
Foreign workers come in order to
benefit from high Swiss standards,
not for assimilation or for Swiss
citizenship. They have to register
every three months and must
leave the country once a year.
* * *
SWISS INDUSTRY has not re-
stricted itself to Italians only. Un-
skilled jobs have attracted so far
Spaniards, Greeks and Turks as
well. Skilled jobs have been opened
also to Germans and French and
one is even likely to find a Ger-
man giving out stamps at the
post office.
Until recently, all state jobs
have been closed to out-of-state
workers, not to mention foreign
workers. Italians have become
foreman to their fellow Italians
in the building industry and along
the production lines. The Swiss
foreign tenth is moving up the
social scale.
* * *
NEVERTHELESS, for this tiny
country, such a large number of
foreigners poses tremendous in-
ternal problems. These are of a
similiar nature to the different
Negro problems in industrial areas

about the foreigners' apparent
feeling that they are above the
reach of Swiss police.
Nevertheless, the Swiss public
tries to show good will toward the
people on whom its industry rests
during these years of labor short-
age. Although these men and wo-
men are all a great deal different
than any one of the many-tongued
Swiss citizens, the natives of this
country try to help them assimi-
late as well as possible.
* * *
THIS EXAMPLE may not be in

Operation. Big Lift
Removal of Troops.

any way typical of Europe: how-
ever it demonstrates that a coun-
try can very well survive and even
prosper with a large foreign body
of workers. It also is important on
the European side that first-handi
understanding for American in-
tegration problems are felt on
one's own body, not only through
a few newspaper articles.
Through this economic develop-
ment, for once sympathies for
American problems have been
prompted without effort on the
American side.

To the Editor:
IN HIS LETTER regarding the
Direct Action Committee picket
of the Administration Bldg., Lewis
Meyers stated that I had claimed
Vice-President Pierpont refused to
give DAC statistics detailing a
racial breakdown of employes in
the various buildings and depart-
ments of the University.
First of all, I am not a mem-
ber of DAC and therefore would
have no knowledge of any negotia-
tions between Vice-President Pier-
pont and DAC regarding such
statistics. If DAC has made any
attempt to get the facts from Mr.
Pierpont, it would not have to re-
fer to me in discussing his alleged
refusal to give the group the in-
formation it seeks; DAC would
simply have to state that Mr.
Pierpont replied in the negative
to its request. It is obvious that
DAC has made no attempt to
contact Mr. Pierpont.
* * *
was told I was "hoarding the
facts," I ask that DAC names its
unidentified source. I do not wish
to evade the question of just
who has the facts regarding em-
ployment of Negroes in the Uni-
Sometime last spring the Uni-
versity complied with a request by
the federal government to supply
a report showing the numbers and
percentages of Negroes in various
occupational roles in the Univer-
sity. The University had earlier
claimed that it could not supply
the statistics because it did not
maintain such records. To meet
the government's request, the
University conducted a depart-
ment by department "visual
check" and submitted the figures
to the government.
The Michigan Daily and other
papers reported the results of the
survey. All that this survey ac-
tually showed was that the higest
skilled jobs had the lowest per-
centage of Negroes and the lowest
skilled occupational levels had the
highest percentage of Negroes. I
don't believe anyone was shocked
by the findings. In any event,
from this data nobody can deter-
mine the number of Negroes in
any specific building. '
Board has been attempting to get'
a departmental breakdown of
these statistics and has been re-
fered to Mr. Pierpont who ap-
parently was in charge of prepar-
ing the data. As of Oct. 31, I have
nevermet Mr. Pierpont though I
hope to meet him shortly. Mr.
Pierpont has not denied the HRB
the statistics we are after, though
that will be an alternative he will
have when he meets with us. We
are confident that Mr. Pierpont
will cooperate with the HIRB.
The HRB will also ask Mr. Pier-
pont to establish a committee to
study the entire employment situ-
ation, of the University, to insure
that there are no structural fac-
tors that unintentionally work to
the disadvantage of minority
groups. Changes in patterns of
labor recruitment and a centrali-
zation of actual hiring might be
needed. The areas of promotions
and on-the-ob training should
also be examined. I hope such a
committee will be established
shortly and that their recommen-
dations will not go unheeded.
NEXT TIME DAC wants to
obtain facts about a given situa-
tion I suggest that it go directly
to the "white power structure"
rather than relying on various
unidentified sources and "white
liberals." To avoid contact with
both the "white power structure"
and "white liberals," DAC could
continue its present procedures of
demonstrating first and seeking
the facts later. However, I think
there are some rather obvious
shortcomings in this procedure.
-David C. Aroner,'64

Lip-Service.. .
To the Editor:
in the Oct. 29 Daily was a
sorry performance for one who
pretends to be concerned about
racial equilty. Why the vitriol?
Why the poorly-controlled abuse-
iveness? (There was more than a
trace of a deep-seated prejudice
in Berkson's remarks-the kind
of prejudice from which most
white liberals suffer obliviously.)
While the thoroughness of the
Direct Action Committee's effort
may have left something to be
desired, its demonstration was well
within the bounds of the move-
ment as it has been manifested
thus far locally. It was an honest
effort to achieve the general goal
shared by most civil rights groups.
Why, then, did Mr. Berkson
choose to vilify and ridicule?
Could it be that he, while paying
lip-service to racial equality, re-
sents the pressure from his more
committed colleagues to practice
what he preaches? Could it be
that he is one of that new rapidly
expanding groups of whites and
Negroes which prefers to criticize
and find fault with civil rights
efforts rather than participate in

and groups involved. If he were
committed, he could have sup-
ported DAC by helping others to
see the reasons for its demon-
stration. He could have supplied
some of the missing facts (there
are some) about discrimination at
the University.
Instead, he chose to try to de-
stroy the effectiveness of the
whole group. The emotional qual-
ity of the editorial suggests a
deeper dynamic than Berkson
would have us (and himself?) be-
-Quin McLoughlin, '61
Ballet ,..
To the Editor
THIS LETTER is to suggest that
Gail Blumberg inadequately
reviewed the Svetlova Dance En-
semble and Hungarian Ballets
Any reviewer must base his re-
view on opinions that have refer-
ence to specific elements of a per-
formance. Miss Blumberg at one
time attempted to do this in her
reviews by referring to the
dancers' technique, an objective
element that is basic to ballet. Un-
fortunately, her knowledge of
technique seems to be rather lim-
ited, since Madame Svetlova, and
particularly Mr. Briansky lacked
an' adequate technique with which
to interpret the roles undertaken.
The sickled feet, distorted faces,
sloppy feet positions, bent legs,
etc., attest to this poor technique.
I feel she was much nearer the
truth in speaking of Miss Kovach
and Mr. Rabovsky as fine tech-
nicians, as their work was clean
and brilliant. By the way, the
latter two dancers are both pro-
ducts of the Budapest Opera Bal-
let School, and studied in Lenin-
grad only temporarily as guest
STYLISTICALLY, any reviewer
has many difficult problems; and
Miss Blumberg certainly failed to
overcome this aspect of her task as
reviewer. Both Madame Svetlova
and Mr. Briansky tended to par-
ody their roles, as they only pro-
jected anything when tie tech-
nique was simple enough not to
occupy their total efforts. This
was particularly evident in the
"Don Quixote Pas de Deux" which
should have been a bravura show-
place-it rarely ahieved this
level. Madame Svetlova's excesses
in mannerisms were exceeded on-
ly by Mr. Biansky's flapping
hands, ungainly walk, and gen-
erally effeminate manner, and I
fail to understand how Miss
Bluimberg could perceive any of
these actions as artistic or approp-
riate to the ballets being danced.
On the other hand, Miss Ko-
vach projected beautifully and
made her roles believable at all
times, being tender and brilliant
in turn. Mr. Rabovsky occasional-
ly deigned to project to his aud-
ience, but usually was obviously
concerned with his technical tours
de force; and when not showing
off, tended to shuffle around in
a rather sloppy and inappropriate
manner. Nevertheless, on the
whole, these latter two perform-
ers were far superior artists than
the former two, which Miss Blum-
berg did not portray in her re-
FINALLY, the reviewer dealt
with the effect of the totality of
the programs. She claims that on
Friday evening the Spanish ex-
cerpts were relatively incompat-
ible with classical ballet. She
never elaborated this criticism,
and I don't see her unexplained
point, since both dance forms are
basically classical, and indeed are
frequently united. Spanish dance
groups are frequently called'
'Spanish ballet," while the "Don
Quixote" excerpt was (or at least

should have been if correctly
done) quite Spanish in atmos-
Since my knowledge of Hun-
garian dance is limited, I cannot
definitely say that the "Bihari"
group did not lack authenticity.
Howeveri I do know that the
classical ballet sections were well
combined with the folk idiom, and
also that character dance'is very
much a part of classical ballet
(note the divertissements in
"Swan Lake," "Sleeping Beauty,"
"Nutcracker," etc.). I do agree
that certain of the performers re-
sembled skilled amateurs (Irene
Apinee definitely excepted), and
that there were drawbacks in the
music, but basically I felt the pro-
gram was coherent, colorful, rela-
tively authentic, and rather well
Reviewers can be a very impor-
tant and helpful element in the
development of artists and aud-
iences. To fulfill these functions,
the reviewer must deeply under-
stand and love the art form be-
ing reviewed, and be able to pick
out lucidly the good and bad ele-
ments of a performance. I feel
that The Daily owes the artists
reviewed (not to mention its
readers) competent reviewers, es-
pecially in the field of ballet
which tends to be so misunder-
stood anyway.
-Ronald . Federico
(EDITOR'S NOTE: It is difficult
to argue matters of critical .udg-




Actwities Fill Void
Gail Evans, Associate City Editor
DOES THE UNIVERSITY change the which foster
student or does the student change the -such as livi
University? activist groul
Prof. Theodore Newcomb has spear- activities-th
headed a significant study of the Univer- are a few of
sity environment. The University environ- tures which h
ment means many things in Newcomb's in the enviror
research, but one of the most important
aspects involves the role of the University THUS, I TH
in stimulating an academic curiosity in its campus e:
students. tered, not be
The environment is more than just an in spite of it
atmosphere surrounding the University terests give di
community. It is made up of specific sub- and as th
cultures which add up to the total cam- change, the e
pus academic environment. It is unfor
changed so li
WHEN THE QUESTIONNAIRES are in, book and insi
the examinations interpreted and the ministrations
interviews evaluated, Prof. Newcomb and an atmospher
the University will probably find that the ment of acade
college itself, which has so much poten- the proposed
tial to shape the student, actually has long way toa
little effect on him. The study will prob- erary college,
ably reveal that the academic experience taken in the o
doesn't change or broaden attitudes; that In developi
most students form no faculty ties; that mosphere wi
students are not really motivated or given makers must
direction as a result of the classroom; student actin
that cl1aissasignments dn not mak etn- vide academia

i fAlI 4i , ,it#


close, personal relationships
ng unit friendships, political
ps, recreational or cultural
iat shapes him. These groups
the non-academic sub-cul-
have filled the academic void
INK it's fair to say that the
nvironment is student cen-
cause of the University but
. Student non-academic in-
irection to the environment,
e non-academic interests
environment changes.
rtunate that the student is
ittle by the classroom, text-
tructor. The faculty and ad-
should take steps to promote
re conducive to the develop-
emic sub-cultures. Certainly,
residential college will go a
alleviate the void in the lit-
, but similar action must be
other schools.
ing a stronger academic at-
thin the University, policy-
not destroy or demote vital
vities, but must simply pro-
iic alternatives and snnle-

Daily Correspondent
MANNHEIM - As cars travel
down the Autobahn the next
few days, they will be competing
for space with large caravans of
tanks, armored personnel carriers
(better known to military men as
APCs) and trucks. These vehicles
are moving the second armored
division-Hell on Wheels Divisions
-from its landing place, Rhine
Main airport, to the open fields
in Germany where the second will
engage the third armored division
in wargames. This is Operation
Big Lift.
In Germany, Big Lift occupies
not only the roads but the head-
lines as well. Big Lift is more
than a military operation: it is
thought to be an indication of
Amerikan military strategy. The
main question in Europe right now
is "will the United States pull out
any of its six divisions presently
stationed overseas?"
* * *
A POSSIBLE pull out of troops-
from Germany would bring large
scale changes in this country. The
dismantling of even one division
would mean losses of jobs for well
over two hundred German nation-
als who run the European Ex-
change System stores at every
United States base.
Pulling out troops, too, implies
THE FACT that it opened on
Halloween should have been
sufficient warning. However, "Eve
Wants to Sleep," now showing at
the Campus Theatre, surpassed
even the worst twisted imaginings
of a dauntless reviewer.
Aside from a very pretty pony-
tailed, thick-ankled female idiot
who wandered about the film al-
ternately crying and smirking,
"Eve" has absolutely nothing
positive to offer.
* * *
THERE WERE laughs in the
film, but neither of them were

a thaw in the Cold War and in-
creased hope for German unifica-
tion. This the Germans are not
ready to concede. They feel that
it is necessary to maintain mili-
tary readiness to answer Soviet
pressures, if they come, on Berlin
and the whole question of German
In terms of military strength in
Europe, too, United States troops
play an important role. The der-
mans, with their expanding econ-
omy, have imported large numbers
of Italians to work in factories.
They cannot afford to remove
large numbers of men to replace
any American who would go back
to the United States.
* * *
LOOKING at the question from
the American side, it seems easy
to come to the conclusion that a
reduction of troops in Europe
should be the next step. However,
there are other considerations
which must be aired.
While the transfer of a whole
division across the ocean in less
than 72 hours is a tremendous
demonstration of maneuverability
by the army and air force, one
must remember that the equip-
ment to man the division was al-
ready in Europe. Since the Berlin
crisis of a few years ago, the
equipment for a division has been
maintained by troops stationed in
minish the argument that moving
a division to Germany will elim-
inate the need for so many United
States troops: the advance plan-
ning that went into Big Lift and
the weather. The first is obvious:
in order for Big Lift to work, five
months of prior planning was
done by top level military brass.
In crisis time five months of
planning is too much.
Then there is the German
weather. Fog in Central Europe is
of the pea soup variety usually at-
tributed to London. During Big
Lift only a few planes had to be
re-routed. But even if planes can
land, there is the problem of mov-
ing men and equipment since dur-
ing winter fogs visability is often
not more than five feet even with
fog lights.




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