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light showers and goblins
v r rvsrr:v w+_ cn -
Lewis Sustains Council Membership Reg ui
Gll~i.. r a ti'a
Urges Body To Move
'Wiit Haste' on Plan
Claims Qualifications in Proposal
Answer Questions Raised by Group
Vice-President for Student Affairs James A. Lewis submitted a
formal statement to Student Government Council last night approv-
ing the membership regulations adopted at Council's Oct. 23 meeting.
In his statement Vice-President Lewis noted, "In my opinion, the
qualifications made in the 'Regulations on Membership Selection in
Student Organizations' satisfy the questions raised by the Referral
He also urged Council to "proceed with all possible haste to in-
stitute the process for the creation of the Membership Committee
" and the Membership Tribunal."
In keeping with this suggestion,
SGC B egins SGC President Russell Epker, '64
BAd, noted that he and William
Burns, '65, chairman of the Mem-
bership Committee, had issued
ew Po licV three separate letters yesterday
./ afternoon dealing with procedures
" . to be followed in submitting state-
O n I eetngs ments of membership selection
On eeing.practices.
One type of letter was sent to
By CARL J. COHEN affiliated groups which have not
Student Government Council yet filed adequate membership
last night passed a motion to hold statements. These included five
at least one meeting per semester, sororities: Sigma Kappa, Alpha
starting with this semester, in Epsilon Pi, Phi Mu, Kappa Delta,
"pubic rea ofthe nivrsiy." Delta Delta Delta and a profes-
public areas of the University. sional fraternity, Delta Sigma
The purpose of the program-of Delta.
locating meetings in places such Epker noted that the letter in-
as University residence halls, af- formed these groups that they
filiate housing units and the un- must submit within 60 days mem-
dergraduate library-is to make bership statements as specified in
students more aware of the work- section seven of the membership
ings of SGC, Scott Crooks, '66, regulations.
GOP Revises Tax Plan
By The Associated PressI_ __
Might Eneourage
Tuition Increase
Aide Anticipates Romney To Advise
$10 Million Boost for 10 Colleges
LANSING-Gov. George Rom-
ney revised his tax reform pro-
gram yesterday to meet the ob-'
jections of Republican legislators,
though passage of the plan re-!
mains doubtful.
The revisions were worked out
by a special committee composed
of GOP House and Senate leaders.
Romney said they were "minimum
modifications" from his original
proposals. ,
Addition of more state money
for local schools was the major
change made in the plan. The
two per cent state income tax and
repeal of the four per cent sales
Lack Places
For Teaching
Due to enrollment increases, for
the first time in the history of the
education school all of the stu-
dents seeking student teacher as-
signments-required for teacher's
certificate candidates-cannot be
placed in local positions.
Approximately 89 candidates for
the secondary teaching certificates
in English have been notified that,
as of now, they will have to stu-
dent teach in off-campus areas,
Lowell Beach, coordinator of stu-
dent teaching in the education
school, said yesterday.
commented. Crooks sponsored the
In related action, Council man-
dated its Public Relations Board
to handle arrangements and ad-
Discriminatory Grants
A second major move was pass-
age of a motion submitted by
Daily Editor Ronald Wilton, '64:
SGC will ask the Board of Re-
gents to refuse to accept or ad-
minister any new scholarships
with eligibility requirements dis-
criminating on the basis of race,
religion or national origin.
Delete Further Step
The second clause of this mo-
tion, however, was deleted. It
would have called upon the Re-
gents to "adopt a policy whereby
one discriminatory scholarship is
dropped for every non-discrimina-
tory scholarship adopted of equal
or greater value."
According to Wilton, the Uni-
versity now offers several of these
j scholarships which are in con-
flict with Regents Bylaw 2.14.
Specifically, he mentioned that
among these scholarships are the
Emma M. and Florence L. Abbott
Scholarship, The American In-
dian Scholarship, the Levi L. Bar-
bour Scholarship for Oriental
Women and the B'nai B'rith
Council of Michigan Awards.
Howard Schecter, '66, spoke in
favor of the deletion, because, he
claimed, if the University turns
down scholarship funds, "it will
mean somebody that we don't
know will possibly be deprived of'
the chance for a college educa-
However, Interfraternity Coun-
cil President Clifford Taylor, '64,
favored the motion in its entire-'
ty. "If you substitute the word
1 fraternity for the word scholar-
ship, it will read exactly like the
action we have just taken."
Re-Examine Rule
In further action, the Commit-
tee of the Whole discussed a mo-
tion by Executive Vice-President
Thomas Smithson, '65, that the
University re-examine rules con-
cerning student conduct which are.
"unenforceable, or otherwise un-
justified on educational and even
'in loco parentis grounds'." Smith-
son said the rules are allowed to
stand because of their "public re-
lations value."
The purpose of- the discussion
was to guide the Executive Com-
mittee in further negotiations with
the Office of Student Affairs in
regard to student conduct.
Smithson urged that the Uni-
versity assume that its students
are socially responsible, and only
remove privileges when there is a I
transgression of responsibility.
House Agrees
To JOint Gronu
A second letter was sent to those
fraternities and : sororities who
have filed. "adequate membership
statements" requesting them to
notify SGC within 14 days if their
statements are accurate
Lewis Statement
(EDITOR'S NOTE: The follow-.
ing is a copy of the letter sub-
mitted to Vice-President for Stu-
dent Affairs James A. Lewis to
Student Government Council last
Dear Mr. Epker:
In keeping with the respon-
sibility of this office as pre-
scribed in the Student Govern-
ment Council Plan, I hereby no-
tify you that the action taken
at the Oct. 23, 1963 meeting is
sustained. In my opinion, the
qualifications made in the
"Regulations on Membership
Selection in Student Organiza-
tions", satisfy the questions
raised by the Referral Commit-
I further suggest that you
proceed with all possible haste
to institute the process for the
creation of the Membership
Committee and the Membership
Tribunal. If this office can be
of help in any way, please feel
free to call on me.
James A. Lewis
The third letter was sent out to
all other SGC-recognized student
organizations informing them that
their constitutions are deemed to
be in accord with the membership
The Committee on Membership
Selection in Student Organizations
was first established in October,
tax on food and drugs were re-
Local Education
The plan is expected to add $42
million fur local education to the
state's budget over the next three
. years, though the original $306
million total for the entire tax
package remains unchanged.
"We've been improving the gov-
ernor's program, not compromis-
ing," Senate Majority Leader
Stanley G. Thayer (R-Ann Arbor)
said. "But the whole thing will
sink or swim with the income
Speaker of the House Allison
Green (R-Kingston) said "I'm
optimistic." However the fate of
the program rests with the Demo-
crats. Even in its revised form,
Green predicted that it could only
get "about 40" Republican votes
out of the 56 needed for House
At Least 12 in Favor
Thayer said a survey of Re-
publican senators showed "at
least 12" willing to . vote for an
income tax if other portions of
the plan can be worked out.
Eighteen senators must vote for
a bill to pass it in the upper
Democrats are expected to ask
for at least some changes in the
program in return for enough
votes to get an income tax
One key factor in winning Re-
publican support for the pro-
posals may be a constitutional
amendment setting limits on the
income taxes. Some Republicans
talked about submitting the idea
to voters at a special statewide
election next spring.
Predict Success
"We'll contact Democrats after
the bills are amended and out on
the floor," Green said. The pro-
gram is "so good they'll just have
to go along with it."
Democrats, meanwhile, are con-
tinuing to be noncommital until
they see what actually reaches
the floor.
While negotiations on final
form of the proposed tax revision
are going on, a by-play that could
spell either success or failure for
the program is going on in the
In Committee
The 10-member Senate Approp-
riations Committee is currently
holding 10 bills carrying the ma-
jor portions of the Romney pro-
gram. Six votes are needed to
bring the bills to the floor.
Three Democrats on the com-
mittee say they are firmly com-
mitted to try to kill the bills. Of'
the seven Republicans, five are
reportedly expected to vote to
bring the bills out. .
The key vote is held by Sen-
ator Lloyd Stephens (R-Scot
ville) who is being wooed by b
factions and is undecided.
After Failed
The special committee wh
worked out the revisions were
tablished by the Senate and Hol
caucuses last week after Ro
ney's original program failed
win majority party support.
The proposed revisions wh
came out of the committee
elude :
1) A change in the school
formula resulting in an incre
in state aid of $7 million each y
for three years.
Eliminate Reduction
2) Elimination of the. propo
reduction of the beer tax on st
3) Elimination of the propo:
exemption of new industries fr
the corporate franchise tax.
4) Revision of Romney's p
posed 20 per cent state rebate
local school to an acro
the-board 10 per cent rebate
all property taxes except spec
Local Option
5) An enlargement of a lo
option feature to permit citi
villages and townships, as well
counties, to receive benefit of
local motor vehicle license f
6) Loosening of the prope
tax deferral program for ol
people to permit total exempti
by local assessors on the basis
need, as well as reduction
elimination of Romney's propo,
five per cent interest rate.
Bans Studet
In Discussions
Prof. Howard Peckham, cha
man of the Public Relations Cot
mittee of the University Senc
Advisory Committee on Univers
Affairs (SACUA), announced y
terday that the committee woi
not allow students to participate
their meetings.
However he said that the gro
will invite several students to
special meeting at the beginni
of next semester "to discuss m2
ters of mutual concern."
Prof. Peckham said that b
cause. the subcommittee is "co
-cerned primarily with what t
faculty can do to interpret t
University," the group did not b
lieve that "a student memb
would be especially useful at me(
The subcommittee feels that
student at the meetings wou
"inhibit free discussion," he sai
... speaker resolution
States Views
On Sp-eakers
Resolutions concerning speaker
policies and establishment of a
committee to study the possibility
of a statewide authority for state-
supported colleges in Michigan
were passed at last week's meet-
ing of the Michigan Conference of
the American Association of Uni-
versity Professors.
The conference. - composed
mostly of elected delegates from
state association chapters-includ-
ed in its statements the belief
that, "It is absolutely essential, for
the success of democratic govern-
ment, that all issues of public con-
cern be discussed freely, fully and
openly by all interested citizens.
"We believe that all opinions,
however loathsome or mistaken
we may think them, are entitled
toc this open defense and ad-
appropriation of $110 million.
Should the state Legislature not wish
million boost sought by Romney, there is a
ity" that it will propose only a
$5 million increase, asking the
10 public institutions to ac-
cumulate a matching $5 mil-
lion through tuition hikes,
Sen. William G. Milliken (R-
Traverse City), chairman of
the Senate Education Com-
mittee, said.
Has Not Heard
Senate Majority Leader Stan-
ley G. Thayer (R-Ann ArborY
commented that he had not heard
about the matching increase plan.
The Legislature is prohibited by
both the present and future con-
stitution from passing any legis-
lation which forces the hiking of
tuitions. The hikes would have to
be voluntary by each college or
The University. which has re-
quested an increased appropria-
tion of more than $9 million than GOV. GE
it received last year, has not of- . .. $10
ficially considered the possibility
of a tuition raise, Vice-President
for Academic Affairs Roger W. ZONING
Heyns said last night.
SpecW. To The Daily
LANSING-If anticipated tax revenues materialize, Gov.
George Romney will recommend only a $10 million increase
in next year's state appropriation for higher education, State
Comptroller Glenn Allen disclosed yesterday.
Michigan's 10 public universities and colleges covered in
the appropriation have submitted budget requests asking for a
total of $140.8 million-a $30 million increase over last year's
to accept the $10
"definite possibil-
Beach claimed, however, that
attrition rates this semester will
likely reduce the number of stu-
dents unable to be placed in a
local position Next spring to ap-
proximately 30.
"We've had a decade of ex-
perience with off-campus place-
ment in that about 10 per cent
of our students usually elect to
teach off campus," Beach said.
Most of the students receive posi-
tions in the Detroit area, and are
supervised by a full time employee
at the Dearborn Center.
Placement on campus is made
on the basis of date of application,
Beach explained, and thus the
students who were turned down
applied late. He commented that
the education school hopes to use
contacts throughout the state to
help place them.
If the school had more money
for staff, they could hire super-
visors for off-campus programs
other than the one in Detroit, and
thus would not be in such a bad
position now, Associate Dean
Charles Lehmann noted.
Beach set the student teacher-
supervisor ratio at 1-70 and de-
clared that a 1-20 ratio would be
considered reasonable.
4 million boost
Dental School Seeks New Building
No Restrictions Gives Basis
ir- In light of these statements, the The $10 million boost, without a
n- conference resolved: tuition hike, currently favored by
ate "1) That there be absolutely no Romney, is based on the antici-
te 1 htteeb boueyn pated tax receipt of $580 million
ity restrictions placed upon the speak- in tax revenues, Allen explained.
es- ers who are invited to the cam- However, the $5 million increase
uld puses of Michigan colleges and matched by tuition hikes remains
in universities by appropriate stu- a "definite consideration" of the
dent or faculty bodies. governor as legislators have com-
up "2) That the colleges and uni- mented to him on the success of
a versities of Michigan need no care- this plan in Ohio, Allen said.
ang fully formulated 'speaker policy' "Romney hasn't come to the po-
- because, being what they are, it sition of accepting the plan, but
is inconceivable that any person then he hasn't thrown it away
e- not be allowed to express or advo- yet either," Allen said.
n- cate there what he pleases." To Take Effect
he Prof. Ralph Loomis of the Eng- The,$10 million boost would take
lish department, who was a dele- effect in the July 1964-65 fiscal
er gate to the conference, noted that budget to be determined by the
et- the resolution would still have to Legislature when it convenes in
be approved by the individual AA- January. Romney will deliver his
a UP chapters. higher education budget recom-
ld Cohen Cites Significance mendation at that time.
d. According to Prof. Carl Cohen the governor's thinking, in addi-
of the philosophy department, the
resolution is significant for ex- tion to an alternation in the tax
hibtin th cocer ofconerecerevenues received, could be the
Shibiting the concern of conference recommendation of his advisory
delegates but is not officially bind-"bemebbonofm i ory
ing upon the chapters. Prof. Cohen "blue ribbon" committee on high-
originally proposed the resolution. er education, Allennoted.
This recommendation, to be sub-
The second resolution passed by mitted to Romney by December,
the conference would establish a may call for a state appropriation
committee of five "to study the anywhere from the same to the
possibility of establishing a sound, $30 million increase which the
non-political, statewide authority higher education institutions are
for control of all state-supported asking, Alvin Bentley, a key ad-
higher education in Michigan." visory member, noted.
The committee, when appointed,; Various Levels
will assess attitudes of individual Bentley, chairman of the sub-
chapter members and report to the committee, charged with framing
president of the conference on rec- the recommendation to Romney,
ommended procedures, if interest noted that "we are considering
appears to justify the AAUP's levels of increase that range from
working toward this goal. a $110 million appropriation to
The conference delegates also $140.8 million."
re-elected Prof. Louis Doll of Del- However, this recommendation
ta College to the presidency of the will be made "only with the inter-
conference and Prof. Loomis to the ests of higher education in mind,",
vice-presidency. Bentley claimed. This means thatl
the practical realities such as the
state's funds available or the Leg-
Arran e Pates islature's intentions will not nec-
essarily hold down the recom-
pPmendation. f T ' ose toItheugcesrnes
of ""' IevSoucesclose to the governor
City Groups'
Hold Meetingr
On Housing
The City Planning Commission
met last night with the City Coun-
cil in an effort to establish a
"philosophy and policy of mul-
tiple family housing in Ann
The consensus between the two
groups was that multiple family
housing units are compatible with
"existing and proposed single fam-
ily districts" if an adequate buf-
fer or separation exists.
Also, attention to public oppo-
sition to multiple family housing
must be considered, commission
and council members pointed out.
'Sea of Faces' Invalid
However, City Attorney Jacob
Fahrner explained that "the sea
of faces" complaint is not in it-
self a strong enough basis for
denial ofspetitions requesting to
build multiple family housing
units. "The City Council must
have specific and concrete rea-
sons for making multiple family
housing policy, because a sea of
faces will not be enough to stand
on in the event of a court suit,"
Fahrner claimed.
The commission presented var-
ious possibilities ranging from
highly restrictive to broadly in-
clmsive policies on multiple family
One of the most restrictive pro-
posals, which wos immediately
dismissed as "unrealistic," stated
that the city will not rezone or
zone only newly-annexed land for
any additional multiple family
zoning districts.
Confinement Question
Another major question faced
by the two groups was whether
the city should confine multiple
Inadequate and outdated fa-
cilities have made it "increas-
ingly impossible" for the Uni-
versity's dental school "to
maintain its standards, repu-
tation and rating" in the face
of an increasing need for den-
tal graduates, Dean William R.
Mann of the school said in an
interview yesterday.
A $10 million new dental
building proposal to improve
the situation will soon be sub-
mitted to the state Legislature.,
The proposed new building
will allow the dental school to
increase its enrollment from
about 350 to 600 undergradu-
ates,.and to greatly improve its
research program by providing
facilities presently unavailable,
Dean Mann explained.
ly engaged in research, but they
are restricted. Greater under-
graduate as well as graduate
participation is needed," Dean
Mann noted.
Continuing, he pointed out
that the present level of enroll-
ment would gradually be rais-
ed in the new building to about
600 undergraduates and 150
dental hygienists. This level will
be sufficient to meet the long-
range needs of Michigan in the
"forseeable future," Dean Mann
said. He added that "a steadily
rising demand by the public
for dental care is also increas-
ing the need for expanded en-
Expand Facilities
An important feature of the
new facilities would be the ex-
pansion of present clinical and
laboratory areas. The report on
NEW DENTAL SCHOOL-The University has asked for $10 mil-
lion from the Legislature to accommodate enrollment increases