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October 29, 1963 - Image 1

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Syr 3at
Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom


Cool weather prevailing
through Wednesday

See Editorial Page

VOL. LXXIV, No. 50




Council of Educators



Discusses Expansion Civil
Blue Ribbon Group Outlines Goals,NeW

Rights Bit

Describes Subcommittee Structure
Expansion of the state's higher educational facilities to meet the
coming boom of college entrants was a key topic in a meeting yester-
day of leading Michigan educators.
The meeting, hosted by the University at Inglis House, was the
"exploratory fall session" of the Council of Michigan College Presi-
dents, a body composed of the heads of public, private and religious




-Daily-Richard Cooper
ON THE LINE-Several members of the Direct Action Committee picketed the Administration Bldg.
yesterday to protest alleged discrimination in hiring. DAC is a non-student organization. Its goal
is more jobs for Negroes. University officials denied the charges of discrimination. DAC is planning
a sit-in for the Administration Bldg. next month. f
ADot t lle

Thirty members of the Direct
Action Committee picketed the
Administration Bldg. yesterday
afternoon, protesting alleged Uni-
versity discrimination in hiring.
The group further announced
that if its demands for jobs were
not met it would stage a sit-in
picket with "several thousand
demonstrators" next month.
Vice-President. for Student Af-
fairs James A. Lewis and Charles
M. Allmand, personnel .officer,
promptly denied the charges on
behalf of the University.
Gather, Parade
'The picketers began gathering
in front of the Administration
Bldg. around 3:30 p.m. They pa-
raded in front of the building
with signs saying, "Dial DAC to
Hire Black," "Black Hands Can
Type, Top," "Jobs or Mobs," "Hit
Back" and "Legal Lynching Must
"There are no Negroes working
in there," DAC Chairman Charles
Frieke Sees
CEEB Fault
The College Board achievement
tests "may be wasted effort" be-
cause they duplicate the aptitude
tests, Prof. Benno Frieke of the
psychology department said Sun-
day night.
There are tests available, tests
that measure motivation and in-
terest, which do not have this
fault, he added.
The achievement tests, used by
many colleges in admission deci-
sions, are supposed to gauge a
student's proficiency in a specific
academic subject. However, they
merely duplicate the Scholastic
Aptitude Tests which measure
general academic ability, Prof.
Fricke asserted.
Aptitude Tests Better
"Each of 'the achievement tests
is largely a general academic abil-
ity test, and as a result, the apti-
tude tests are usually better pre-
dictors of a student's performance
in the appropriate field than the
achievement test," he said.
Prof. Fricke supported this
claim with statistics indicating
that social studies achievement
tests predict success in chemistry
courses nearly as well as the
chemistry achievement tests.
Prof. Fricke, assistant chainman
of the examinations division of
the Bureau of Psychological Ser-
vices, is not opposed to extensive
pre-college testing. There is much
value in a complete assessment of
a student's potential beyond the
picture given by the general apti-
tude test, he said.
Emotional Adjustment
He proposes, and has designed,
an examination that assesses
emotional and social adjustment,
personality traits and academic
This test, known locally as the
"raw carrot" examination, is
given to incoming freshmen. Offi-
cially called the "Opinion, Atti-
tude and Interest Survey," it is
used for academic counseling here
and at other universities.
The "Achiever Personality" test
in the survey is one of its most
valuable sections, Prof. Fricke
said. This test measures the fac-
tors that make students perform
better or worse than their other

Thomas, Jr. charged, pointing to
the building. "The University hires
Negroes to work in places like the
hospital, but it doesn't think we
can handle a typewriter."
Allmand, who is responsible for
the hiring of secretarial and staff
personnel, said, "We have done
extensive recruiting from Negro
high schools and colleges. We are
constantly seeking qualified appli-
cants-regardless of their race or
color. We still have openings for
qualified secretaries in several
areas of the University."
Follow Bylaw
. Allmand said his office follows
Regents Bylaw 2.14 which states:
"The University shall not discrim-
inate against any person because
of race, color, religion, creed, na-
tional origin or ancestry."
Last February, figures compiled
for President John F. Kennedy's
Committee on Equal Employment
Opportunity showed that over 1000
of the University's 10,000 employes
were Negroes.
"There are several Negro secre-
taries in the Administration
Bldg.," Donald Morris, managing
editor of University News Service,
said. Morris added that DAC had
made no attempt to get in contact
with any members of the admin-
istration to voice its complaints.
"Our only information has come
from Daily stories," he said.
"Despite the name of this com-
mittee, there's been no direct, for-
mal action to meet with the Uni-
versity," he said.
F Confirms Statement
Vice-President Lewis confirmed
that Thomas has made no attempt
to contact his office. In a state-
ment Lewis declared, "We are
working vry closely with all rec-
ognized student organizations
France Shifts
Market FPoice
'F t
Toward Britain
THE HAGUE--A major shift in
France's policy toward Britain was
indicated here yesterday as cab-
inet ministers of the European
Common Market and Britain end-
ed two days of conferences.
French Foreign Minister Mau-
rice Couve de Murville agreed to
a proposal by Italian Foreign Min-
ister Attilio Piccioni "to main-
tain in the future the closest con-
tacts with Britain on all possible
A decided political frost has
characterized French-British re-
lations since last January, when
France ruptured the Brussels ne-
gotiations for British entry into
the ConmonMarket by proposing
that the talks be suspended in-
It has become clear during the
conference of the last two days
that a new rapport between Paris
and London is in the making.
Britain's new foreign secretary,
R. A. Butler, took special pains
to emphasize that Britain regard-:
ed herself as part of Europe.
Agreement Reached
It was reported that an agree-
ment had been reached for trade
experts from Britain to meet with
their European counterparts next1
week in Brussels. The purpose will
be to explore common points of
interest in advance of negotiations
on trade expansion with the Unit-

which are involved in the area
of human relations. The Direct
Action Committee is not a student
organization and we have no con-
tact with it.
"Charles Thomas is not now and
never has been a student at the
University and he is not a Uni-
versity employe. There are not
over four or five students active
in the Direct Action Committee
and it definitely does not speak
for the students of the University."
One More
Thomas said he plans at least
one more demonstration in three
or four weeks. "We will return
with several thousand demonstra-
tors," he claimed. "We will enter
the Administration Bldg. and stage
a sit-in or walk-in, whatever you
want to call it"
Earlier this month Thomas
said he would have support for his
picket from Uhuru, a Detroit orga-
nization, and from Negroes in the
Washtenaw County area.
City detectives were present at
the demonstration "as a precau-
tion," police officials said.
Accept Idea
Of New Job
By a 9-2 margin, the Ann Arbor
City Council approved the "con-
cept" of creating the position of
Director of Human Relations.
Though the vote does not com-
mit the council to creation of the
position, it seems likely that the
council will establish the post since
only Councilman Paul Johnson
voiced opposition,
Careful Consideration
Johnson pressed for more care-
ful consideration noting the lim-
ited supply of qualified men and
warning that Ann Arbor might
get an agitator.
Hopefully, the person occupy-
ing the tentative position would
be able to coordinate the various
pressure groups in Ann Arbor so
that a public housing ordinance
acceptable to all factions would
be developed.
To File Protest
In another Ann Arbor develop-
ment, the National Association for
the Advancement of Colored Peo-
ple announced this week that it
will file a protest with the city
administrator demanding an "im-
mediate and public" destruction
of movie films the police depart-
ment jhas taken of the group's
various demonstrations.
The NAACP charges that the
police action is a "violation of
the privacy of individual demon-

Fires Editor,
Denies Link
To Editorial
Personnel Director
The University of Miami Stu-
dent Publications Board dismissed
the editor of its student news-
paper, "The Hurricane," last Fri-
day, but denied that this was due
to a controversial editorial urging
greater participation of Negro
st'udents in campus activities,
which had appeared the week be-
University Vice-President and
Chairman of the Board H. Frank-
lin Williams said last night that
there is a requirement that stu-
dent editors carry a full class load
and that the editor, Elayne Gil-
bert, fell below that standard.
"It is not true that Miss Gilbert
was being taken to task for the
editorial she wrote. The univer-
sity extends a gret deal of free-
dom to its students."
Williams said that she had been
dropped from the courses because
of excessive absences. He noted
that she had been specially regis-
tered for these courses two weeks
late, because she had not had the
proper course load at the begin-
ning of the semester.
Miss Gilbert said yesterday that
two of her teachers dropped her
from their courses without any
warning and that "it occurred im-
mediately after my editorial."
She said that both of them were
journalism courses and one is
taught by the paper's advisor. She
noted that her teachers had in-
formally allowed her to miss class
in order to work on the paper and
that she had not been warned
about excessive cutting.
"The new editor is Linda Reis-
man, who is a senior in journalism
and has never worked on the
paper before," Miss Gilbert said.
Williams said that "the paper's
supervisor picked the best editor
he could find. She was not on the
staff, but is well qualified and
was confirmed by the board after
a complete hearing of Miss Gil-
bert's case." ,
The editorial charged that there
are no Negroes in any of the
athletic departments except in-
tramurals and that there is only
only one Negro graduate assistant
on campus. It also urged an end
to possible fraternity discrinina-
Williams noted that "the edi-
torial gave an improper impression
that there are some reservations
on integration at Miami. The im-
pression of her editorial is in-
correct, since the University of
Miami has achieved complete in-
tegration." .
Miss Gilbert said that she had
been told that there were certain
areas she -was not to write edi-
torials on and they included in-
tegration, temporary buildings,
student freedom of the press and
morals. She added that she had
no opportunity for a retraction.
Williams said that "editorial
restrictions are negligible and that
only certain restrictions within
good journalistic taste such as
morals are clearly taboo subjects."

schools of higher education with-
in the state.
The participating state college
presidents and chief administra-
tors outlined the general needs of
their schools for expansion while
the heads of Gov. George Rom-
ney's advisory "blue ribbon" com-
mittee on education revealed the
intention of their committee to in-
vestigate educational expansion
problems, University President
Harlan Hatcher said.
Sole Representatives
He, along with Vice-President
for the Dearborn Center William
E. Stirton were the University rep-
The outlining of expansion
needs was made in the morning
part of the session where presi-
dents from five types of higher
education schools-four-year de-
gree state institutions; religious
schools; technical schools; junior
colleges and community colleges-
presented reports.
The University officials did not
mention the expansion possibili-
ties of Delta Community College
or the University's Flint branch,
President Hatcher noted.
Ways To Expand
These have been considered by
University officials in the past as
possible ways to branch out its
educational four-year degree pro-
gram. Flint and Delta are cur-
rently only two-year colleges.
Featured at the meeting's after-
noon session was a general out-
line and discussion of the goals
and set-up of Romney's advisory
"blue ribbon" Citizen's Committee
on Higher Education, President
Hatcher noted.
A report on the committee stat-
ed its immediate intention to form
a subcommittee on expansion, he
Presented by the blue ribbon
committee chairman Dan Karn,
co-chairmen Edward Cushman
and executive director Harold
Smith, the report cited the need
for -resource people from each uni-
versity and college to make avail-
able data pertinent to expansion
needs as well as statistical data in
all the areas where the committee
will delve, President Hatcher com-
Areas of Investigation
Those areas investigated will in-
clude post-graduate degree pro-
grams, questions of enrollment,
curricula set-ups and general
values of the university or college
programs to the state, Romney's
educational aide, Charles Orlebeke,
He was also in attendance at
the meeting.
According to Orlebeke, the over-
all blue ribbon committee will
break down into subcommittees
investigating specifically many of
these areas. The exact subcommit-
tee structure will probably be an-
nounced in mid-November, he
Interim Report
In the meanwhile, yesterday's
meeting revealed that already
operative subcommittee of the
blue ribbon committee will pre-
sent its "interim report" to the
committee this weekend, President
Hatcher noted.
The subcommittee has been pre-
paring a report that will go-
with the committee's changes-to
Romney late in November. It will
recommend budget allotments for
higher education to advise the
governor in preparing his fiscal
1964-65 higher education budget.

Seek Ways To Relieve
Pressure on Students
Literary college groups are taking three steps to ease
academic pressures and improve instruction amid the stepped-up
pace of the trimester calendar.
Presently under consideration by the college's curriculum
committee are proposals for increasing the number of credits
given for various junior and senior courses. -
Under one proposal, "a student would have the opportunity
to do extra work for extra credit," Prof. Oleg rabar of the art
history department, the committee's chairman, said last night.
For example, he could earn four credits in a three-credit course
by doing an outside project in addition to his regular classwork.
Second Alternative
Another alternative being considered is to make the increase
automatic-simply adding another credit to upperclass courses
where it is warranted by the work load. This would be a de-
parture from the usual system, which awards one credit for
each hour the class meets per week.
However, whether changing this tradition would require
changing any actual regulations is not yet clear, Prof. Grabar
said. Though his curriculum committee must approve all cur-
riculum revisions proposed by departments, "as a rule we don't
question departmental wisdom" when a department seeks
changes in the upperclass courses.
The second move being made by the college actually is a
reaffirmation of an existing but little-used policy.
Cut Classes
"No literary college policy prevents an instructor from
meeting his educational objectives in ways other than formal
class meetings," Associate Dean, James H. Robertson explained.
Thus a department-or a par-
ticular faculty member - may
decide to cut the number of
class meetings and substitute
<-for it outside reading or other
variations on the usual pat-
<K ;tern.
This may be done in two
ways. First, the course may be
designed to include a reduced
n f number of class-hours. "We
would need to know that in
time for it to be indicated in
the time schedule," Dean Rob-
ertson said. Second, the in-
structor may cut the amount
of meetings by not requiring
the class to meet every time.
Dean Robertson explained
the reasons behind the various
DEAN JAMES H. ROBERTSON new proposals. "Upperclassmen
.. educational objectives often feel they must take more
courses than they want," and
consequently try to find "filler" courses in order to get enough
credits to graduate, he said.
Concept 'Makes Sense'
Dean Robertson added that the extra-credit concept "makes
educational sense" because it allows a student to go more
deeply into a subject.
In addition, more students have Deen reporting that aca-
demic pressures are increasing-not only because of the new
calendar but because of greater competition between students.
"But it's hard to get quantitative, factual data on this ques-
tion," Dean Robertson noted.
The third step is being taken by the literary college steer-
ing committee, which is sending a questionnaire on the new
one-week final exam period to 18 department chairmen.
White House Defends
Aid Recommendations
WASHINGTON ('P)-President John F. Kennedy's foreign aid
program came up for Senate debate yesterday with an administration
spokesman warning that any drastic cuts in the $4.2-billion bill might
endanger national security.
This note was sounded by Sen. J. William Fulbright (D-Ark),
chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, who urged a
re-examination of the program,
but not this year.
Another Democrat, Sen. Wayne
Morse (Ore), denounced the cur-
rent authorization bill as shock-
Hom es ing waste and "a body blow to
St thee
themost vital defense weapon
the American people possess:

namely, their own economy."
fore, that 75 per cent of the aged The debate is expected to con-
in institutions desire private tinue most of the week, with other
rooms, while those who have them foreign aid critics joining Morse
would not wish to share. in a drive to cut the program to:
Smaller homes and those near- the $3.5 billion approved by the
er to the city also receive more House.
visitors than those which are The House action lopped $1
larger and more remote. billion from the $4.5 billion figure
More Visitors submitted by Kennedy for the
In discussing the history of fiscal year ending next June 30.1
Britain's care for the, aged, Prof. The Senate Foreign Relations-
Townsend pointed out that post- Committee raised the authoriza-
World War II attempts at improv- tion to $4.2 billion, which Ful-'

Report Many
Favor Plan
Kennedy Introduces
Enlarged Proposal
To Obtain Support
ministration put together yester-
day a new civil rights package
that may end the House Judiciary
Committee's long fight over the
At a White House meeting with
Democratic leaders of the House,
President John F. Kennedy outlin-
ed a program that apparently won
over some committee members
who have been holding out for a
subcommittee bill going well be-
yond administration proposals.
The House Repulican leader-
ship has been in acti e negotiation
with the administration over, the
new proposals and is reported to
be in general agreement with
See Success Today
The success of Kennedy's at-
tempt to weld a bipartisan base
for the bill will be determined to-
day when the committee votes on
the subcommittee bill. The admin-
istration regards the subcommittee,
version as so drastic that it could
not be passed in the House.
Details on what the President
now is proposing were lacking, but
it was learned it will include all
the administration's original pro-
posals although in altered form in
some cases.
In addition, it will provide for
limited powers: for the attorney
general tointervene in civil rights
cases and for a fair employment
practices commission.
Controversial Items
The latter two were among the
more controversial items added to
the administration bill by the sub-
committee, but they reportedly
have been much more narrowly
drawn in the new proposals.
Another controversial provision
-one banning racial discrimina-
tion in places of public accommOf-
dation-was scaled down also to
exempt retail stores, it was under-
Before Kennedy stepped in to
block the subcommittee 'bill last
Thursday a bipartisan majority of
the committee was prepared to ap
prove it. But now a close vote is in
prospect and at least one of the
holdouts conceded the battle for
the broader bill has been lost.
Lot of Talking
Kennedy was understood to have
done a 1lt of the talking at the
80-minute White House meeting
and his plea for support of . the
new proposal apparently caused
several Democrats who had plan-
ned to vote for the subcommittee.
bill to change their minds. No vote
was taken at the meeting, how-
"One way you can be sure they
have the votes is if there is a
committee meeting today," said
one of the dejected supporters of,
the subcommittee bill. "They won't
have the meeting unless they have
the votes."
Three previous committee meet-
ings have been postponed to avoid
the crucial vote, but chairman
Emanuel Celler (D-NY) said to-
day's meeting still is on.
Celler said he is "encouraged"
by the reception given to the new
1 roposals by the Democrats at
the meeting, but added the fight
is not yet over.
"We're still marshalling our
forces," he said. Rep. William M.
McCulloch (R-Ohio), the ranking
committee Republican, also said
he is pleased. with the reports1he
got of the White House meeting.
McCulloch has been the chief GOP

negotiator with Justice Depart-
ment officials.
Motion Passes
ing call for elimination of racial
discrimination won the approval
yesterday of the United Nations

Townsend Sees Decline of Res

"No democratic and prosperous
society need have homes for the
aged," said Prof. Peter Townsend
in a lecture on "A Survey of Old
People and Institutional Care in
Great Britain" yesterday.
After making a survey of nearly
200 of Britain's more than 3000
institutions for the aged, Prof.
Townsend concluded that grad-
ually such homes will be replaced
by care in the private home or, if

prise about two-thirds of the total,
were in general rated "modestly,
comfortable." Many are locatedl
in rural areas and hold 30-60 per-:
sons, usually two-six in each
Voluntary homes, making up,
about one-fourth of the total,
received the highest ratings. These:
are run by groups such as the Red!
Cross, Salvation Army or religious
Private homes. on the other

***"*'*'4~~" xm

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