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October 27, 1963 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1963-10-27

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Ohio State....13 Purdue.......14
Wisconsin... .10 Iowa .:....... 0

Pittsburgh .#.. .12

Stanford......24 Texas.........
Notre.Dame....14 Rice ..........

10 Washington ... 26 Slippery Rock.
6 Oregon ....... 19 Indiana St. ('Pa

See Editorial Page



Overcast this afternoon;
fair and little change Monday

Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom

VOL. LXXIV, No. 49




Study Probes College Salaries

In the face of a recent survey
by the American Association of
University .Professors, Michigan
educators still think they're under-
The study, conducted on a na-
tionwide basis, showed that a large
number of college and university
teachers receive over $10,000 a
year., The University leads in
Michigan college salaries with an
average stipend of $11,579 last
Michigan State University was
second with an average of $10,089,
followed by Wayne State Univer-
sity with $9,837.
Michigan Averages
However, salaries at eight Mich-
igan institutions; -averaged less
than $9000 yearly and five more
averaged less than $8000.
Except for Kalamazoo College,
which led Michigan's private in-
stitutions with an average of
$9,598, the study revealed that in
general, faculty salaries were
higher in Michigan's state-sup-
ported institutions than in private
Harvard University ranked first
nationally, with an average salary
of $15,700, and the University is
17th in the national ranking. The
University is also second in the
Big Ten, close behind North-
western University at Evanston
which averages $11,711.
Williams Comments

Under the AAUP rating system
for teacher salaries, Harvard re-
ceived an 'A' rating, the University
a 'B', and MSU a 'C', on an 'A to
E' scale. WSU was classified 'B',
even though its average pay is
$250 less than C'-rated MSU.
The reason for this discrepancy
was not explained.
Robert Hubbard, WSU's Direc-
tor for institutional research, de-

clared that Wayne State salaries
must be increased an average of
$1,259, "to restore the school's
1959-1960 competitive position.
The University of Detroit re-
ported that itsaverage salary-
$7,627-was boosted this fall by
ten per cent. A spokesman ex-
plained that additional increases
are planned for the future, under
the new fund campaign program.

Rules Committee Votes
Aid Bills to Conference
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-The House Committee on Rules voted Thursday
to allow conflicting versions of college aid legislation to go to the joint
House-Senate conference.
The action allayed fears of some members of Congress that the
committee might bottle up the legislation and brightened prospects
for federal aid to colleges this year.
The committee also cleared the way for negotiations over voca-
tional instruction, extension of the National Defense Education Act


University Administrative Dean
Robert L. Williams emphasizes
* that "University salaries are high-
er generally because of an em-
phasis here on graduate educa-
tion," in explanation of the re-
port's finding that salaries lacked
uniformity, especially at public-
supported institutions.
"The facts are that University
salaries are still far below those
paid by business and industry. In
1962-63, all scientists engaged out-
side of colleges received annual
salaries Of $12,000 to $14,000.
"The 'average salary in 'this
classification for all educational
institutions was $9000. Professorial'
salaries are so low that only one
of four new' advanced degree re-
cipients now joins a college fac-
ulty," he noted.
Work in Process
He also pointed out that even
though some professorial salaries
9 seem higher than the average,
"these men spend some 20 years
of study and improvement before
they attain their ranks."
Williams supported the Michi-
gan' educators' complaint, noting
that in the last two years salaries
have risen 12 per cent on the na-
tional level but only six per cent
in Michigan.
'Italian/ Partiesf
Seek Coalition
Set Conditions
ROME (P) - The outnumbered .
pro-Conmunist left wink of Pie-
tro Nenni's Marxist Socialist Par-
ty agreed reluctantly yesterday to
try for a government alliance with
the Christian Democrats in NATO-
pledged Italy.
But Tullio Vecchietti, the left
wing leader, appealed to the party
to demand at least two conditions:
that there be no outright break
with the Communists, which would
split the working class; and that
the government should never ac-
cept atomic rearmament of Ger-:
He also insisted that any Chris-
tian Democrat-Socialist govern-
ment alliance should make Italy
"an active force ,or peace."
His speech-the main opposition
declaration of a five-day Socialist
national congress-made it vir-
tually certain that Nenni's turn-
about proposal for a Socialist place
in a Christian Democrat-led cen-
ter-left government would be ap-
proved by his party.'
Vecchietti, the firebrand of the
party's "back-to-the-Communists"
faction, spoke in milder tones
than had been expected.
Nenni, the 72-year-old Socialist
warhorse who once won the Stalin
Peace Prize, told the congress at
its opening session Friday that the
party not only should support a
Christian Democrat-led center-
left government, but should accept
the responsibility of taking cabi-
net posts.
He dropped his old-time objec-
tions to NATO and said the cen-
t®,"_]ot alian "chmli in pth

... standard carrier

Scuttles ,Idea
For Carrier,
hope for building a second atomic-
engined carrier has been torpe-
doed by Secretary of Defense Rob-
ert S: McNamara.
He ordered an immediate start
Friday on a carrier with standard
McNamara, exponent of cost ef-
fectiveness in defense spending,
had been cool to the idea of put-
ting nuclear instead of conven-
tional power in .carrier number
CVA 67, for which Congress pro-
vided funds a year ago.
But he held off on a final de-
cision until Friday. When he an-
nounced it, the cost difference-
at least $435 million for atomic
versus $310 million for convention-
al power-wasn't emphasized.

and aid to impacted areas. The
conferees who will try to reconcile
differences over this three-in-one
program have not yet been an-
Differing Bills
The House version merely called
for expansion of government aide
to states for vocational education.
The Senate bill also included
three-year extensions of the de-
fense education act and aid to im-
pacted areas.
The defense education law,
which has been in effect since
1958, provides loans for college
students and grants and loans for
science and modern language
equipment in high schools.
The impacted areas program
provides aid to schools near mili-
tary and other federal installa-
No Favor
House Education and Labor
Committee chairman Adam Clay-
ton Powell (D-NY) said he did not
favor the "package" approach but
might be willing to compromise
on a one-year extension for the
defense law and impacted areas
Both the House and Senate bills
provide federal grants and loans
for ;constructing academic build-
ings at public, private, and church-
supported colleges and universities.
The point of conflict is a Sen-
ate provision to allow a taxpayer
to challenge the constitutionality
of any grant or loan.
This judicial review provision
was prompted by Senate concern
over the issue of the separation of
church and state.
Other major differences on col-
lege aid are: The Senate bill calls
for a five-year program costing
$1.8 billion whereas the House bill
covers just three years at a cost
of $1.1 billion; also, grants would
be limited to academic facilities
used for science, engineering and
the libraries under the Senate
bill, whereas the House allows
grants for all academic facilities
except those used for religious in-

'U' Rules
B y Panel
Students at the University ap-
pear to have much less restrictive
regulations than other Big Ten
students, a panel discussion yes-
terday before student leaders of
Big Ten schools indicated.
Participating on the panel were
Nancy M. Freitag, '64, Assembly
[Housing Chairman; Thomas L.
Smithson, '65, Executive Vice-
President of Student Government
Council; Charlene K. Hager, '63,
President of Assembly Association;
Catherine A. Sipe, '64, Vice-
Chairman of Joint Judiciary
Council; and Curtis E. Hunting-
ton, '63, President of Inter-
Quadrangle Council.
The discussion revolvednaround
the question of the student's role
in initiating change in student
regulations and the philosophy be-
hind changes.
Differs Among Schools
The coordination of the two
university groups, the administra-
tion and the students, in regard
to regulations is different at sev-
eral of the Big Ten schools.
One philosophy professes that
the administration is to be a pro-
tective shield that legislates mo-
rality for students and gives little
attention to the student opinion.
This idea is supported by the
public at large, which tends to
regard the university student as
a member of an irresponsible
group, not as an individual. The
public feels that if the student has
a near complete control. over es-
tablishment of regulations con-
cerning him, immorality will in-
evitably result.
On the Other Hand
The other view of the issue,
which probably is held by most
students, is that the individual
is made in the home, and that
his moral strength and character
are given to him by his parents.
His character is already formed
by the time he reaches college age
so that the university's role as a
protective shield is unnecessary
and perhaps ineffective.
Smithson noted, "Students are
more responsible than the Uni-
versity feels, and SGC should
regulate in areas such as hours
regulations. Students should be
given the opportunity to exercise
Control vs. Immorality
"People must realize that stu-
dent control does not necessarily
mean immorality. It might be
further considered that immorality
does not mean poor study habits
or absence of education," he
At the University, many stu-
dents feel that the administration
is too concerned with legislating
morality through regulations.
Cathy Sipe, vice-chairman of
Joint Judic, felt in fact that stu-
dents are more conservative than
the administration.
Often when the administration
unexpectedly liberalizes regula-
tions, some students feel that the
progress is too fast.



BONN P)-The United States is
getting increasingly impatient
with its European allies for criti-
cizing United States military poli-
cies while refusing to meet their
own Atlantic Alliance commit-
ments, United States sources said
Secretary of State Dean Rusk,
in Bonn for two days, had to re-
assure West German leaders about
the continued presence of United
States troops in Europe. There
have been fears that Operation
Big Lift would be used as a pre-
lude to a partial withdrawal.
Rusk's talks here did not pro-
duce an official West German
statement that these fears have
been entirely dispelled. The gov-
ernment is understood to be wait-
ing for further reassurances. Rusk
is expected to give these in a pub-
lic speech today in Frankfurt.
West Germany Reneges
West Germany, like other Eu-
ropean members of the Atlantic
Alliance, has failed to meet its
own NATO military obligations.
These are being fulfilled only by
the United States.
The United States sources de-
scribed an increasingly tough atti-
tude on the part of President John
Heyns Notes
Vice - President for Academic
Affairs Roger W. Heyns has
named six professors to the new
Senate Advisory Committee on
Conditions forStaff Excellence.
He appointed Professors Paul
G. Kauper of the Law School
and PaulrW. McCracken of the
business administration school for
three-year terms ending June,
1966; Professors E. Lowell Kelley
of the psychology department and
G. Max Wingo of the business
administration school for two-
year terms ending June, 1965, and
Professors Arnold S. Kaufman of
the philosophy department and
Arnold M. Keuthe of the engi-
neering college for one-year terms
ending next June.
Formed last spring by the Uni-
versity Senate, the committee's
scope includes evaluation of sal-
aries, promotion rates, available
facilities and everything "essen-
tial to the development and pres-
ervation of an excellent staff,"
according to its mandate from the
It will act as an advisory group
to Heyns, meeting with him at
least once a month.

... reassures Germans
F. Kennedy's administration to-
ward such examples of a "double
standard." They said that concern
is mounting in the United States
over the standard being frequent-
ly applied not only to military
matters but to United States poli-
cy in general.
They likened the Atlantic Alli-
ance to a 20-mule team and said
only one mule has been pulling
while the others rode. It was time,
they said, for the other mules to
get out and help.
Misdirected Criticism
The United States deal to sell
wheat to the Soviet Union was
mentioned as another example of
Europe criticizing the United
States for what Europe itself does.
European trade with the Soviet
Union is much greater than United
States-Soviet trade.
The United States sources said
that for 17 years the United States
has tried to obtain a coordinated
policy among the allies on trade
with the Soviet Union but has not
been able to get.tanywhere.
On United States m il it ar y

strength in West Germany, the
United States sources said that
this represents an inconceivable
amount of power, greater than
any ever massed in this country
before. They said the United States
does not see any basis for reduc-
ing its combat capability in NA-
TO. They added that the United
States hopes the other members
will show the same willingness to
keep making sacrifices.
Share and Share Alike
The sources said the United
States does not feel that the rest
of the.alliance, particularly on the
central front, is doing its share.
West Germany was praised for
making the second best showing
after the United States, but it was
said German military forces need
to make big improvements in lo-
gistic support, equipment and gen-
eral combat readiness.
West Germany announced at
the beginning of this year that for
economic reasons the planned
buildup of its armed forces to half
a million men will be delayed un-
til late in the decade. This half
million was its original NATO goal.
The Bonn government takes the
position that the United States
should not reduce its 250,000-man
garrison in this country, though.
it represents a heavy drain on the
United States budget and compli-
cates the balance of payments
Didn't Say 'Never'
The United' States sources indi-
cated that Rusk did not guarantee
in his Bonn talks that the num-
ber of United States will never be
reduced, but emphasized that mili-
tary strength is not determined,
by numbers alone. The United
States government recently an-
nounced abuildup in firepower in
Europe through the shipment of
more-nuclear weapons.
Rusk met for an hour yesterday
with West German Foreign Minis-
ter Gerhard Schroeder. The meet-
ing, like Rusk's others here, pro-
duced no official word on the
troop issue.



Morocco, Algeria Accep

U.S. Scores Allies' Criticisms


By Selassie
Later Radio Reports
Attack Hassan Policy
Without Explanation
MARRAKECH, Morocco tP)
Morocco. and Algeria announc
they had agreed yesterday to fo
power peace talks to begin Tu
day in Bamakodn Mali, to set
the Moroccan-Algerian bor
But almost immediately the .
gerian radio launched fresh
rades against Moroccan King Hi
san II.
The officially announced agre
ment of the two Nort Afric
countries to talk over he tw
week-old war along their fro
tiers came as a surprise to one
the supposed participants, Eth
plan Emperor Haile Selassie, w
was in Paris.
Attack Follows
The state-run Algiers Radio ca
fled the announcement for t'
news bulletins late yesterday. B
the announcements were folow
by a violent attack on King Hi
san for "sabotaging" the suin
conference previously planned
Tunis, Tunisia.
There was no immediate of
cial explanation for the Algeri
change of tone.
Algerian President Ahmed B
Bella accepted in principle. t
proposed meeting in Mali, and t
foreign minister said he wo
attend in the, interest of peace.
Slight Detail Changes
The initial announcement
the Mali conference switched t
makeup, time and place of a su
mit conference announced Fric
night by Algeria. The Algeria
said the meeting would be a s
power session in Tunis.
But Ben Bella amended tI
announcement earlier in the di
sayinghe would leave today
Tunis, or Tripoli, Libya for
summit meeting.
Later in the day, Moroccan
formation Minister Abdel Ha
Boutaleb announced a new v
sion, saying King Hassan II
Morocco would meet Ben.Bella
Bamako, with Selassie and Pre
dent Modibo Kelta of Mali a
Not Forthcoming
Up to the time of the Morocc
announcement the fast-changi
diplomatic and propaganda ii
neuvering indicated that no pe
meeting would be forthcoming
at least for the near future.
Ben Bella left himself an 'i
in the Bamako meeting by i
cepting the conference "in pr
ciple." A foreign ministry spok
man in Algiers said Ben Bella a
Foreign'Minister Abdelaziz Bou
flika had decided to go to MI
"in the interests of a peace
solution" to the border conf
in the Sahara Desert.
By accepting in principle, I
Bella in effect was saying he fI
ored a peace meeting but was
bound to attend if he didxi
agree ' with any agenda poi
or other details that might co
up before Tuesday.
Group To Vie)
Romney Plan
For Edueato
Leading Michigan educators
get a preview sample' this week
recommendations on higher e
cation that will go to Gov. Geo

A subcommittee of the gov
nor's "blue-ribbon" Citizen's Co
mittee for Higher Education '
present a prospectus of its edu
tion recommendations to t
Council of Michigan College Pr
idents tomorrow evening at Ing

Gophers Shut Out.
Associate Sports Editor
Special To The Daily

Wolveri n

proved again yesterday that the
best offense is a good defense as
the Gophers handed Michigan
their third defeat of the season,
6-0, before a near-sellout crowd
at Memorial Stadium.
The Gophers drove for a touch-
down early in the second period
and then let the defense do the
rest of the work as Michigan's
fourth straight attempt to bring
the Little Brown Jug back to Ann
Arbor ended in failure. Minnesota
has now defeated Michigan four
straight times with three of these
being shutouts.
The 62,107 fans watched Michi-
gan put together three sustained
drives, two of which ended in the
shadow of Minnesota's goalposts.
The Gophers held Michigan's
passing in the first half and run-
ning in the second half.
The victory was Minnesota's
first in the Big Ten this season.
They now have a 2-3 record.


Khrushchev Speaks Out
On 'Moon Race,' wheat
By The Associated Press
MOSCOW-Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev spoke out yester-
day on both the "moon race" and the proposed American sale of
wheat to Russia.
He said Soviet scientists are not planning to race the United
States to the moon and then warned that "if Americans put forth
any kind of discriminatory conditions to the sale of wheat, then we
0 will not make a purchase of wheat
in America." He added that "ne-
gotiations are being conducted
now" over the matter, but "we do
not know yet whether we will buy
e s .,wheat -there or not."
The premier added that grain
By DAVE GOOD crop failures this year forced the
Sports Editor Zoviet Union to choose between
rationing its population or buying
Special To The Daily wheat on Western markets.
MINNEAPOLIS-"Wish Again, On the moon race, he added
Michigan." "I have read reports that Ameri-
That was the key note to Min- cans want to land a man on the
nesota's homecoming festivities moon by 1970. Well, we wish them
yesterday, and it turned out to be success. We will study their exper-
a theme that wove itself repeated- ience."
ly into the plot of the Gophers' The 'premier's remarks contrast
6-0 win over Michigan's Wol- sharply with the recent pro-
verines. . nouncements of Soviet cosmonauts
From the first of three Michigan Yuri Gagarin and Valentina Ter-
drives that penetrated the Min- eshkova, who have both said re-
nesota 20-yard line to the last of peatedly that the Soviet Union is
four Michigan recoveries of Min- preparing intensively for a moon
nesota fumbles, "wish again" was flight.
all that was left for the Wol- Khrushchev's statements came
verines by the time the referee at a press conference with visit-
signaled the end of the game. ing newsmen Friday as a Soviet
Both coaches-Bump Elliott of foreign trade delegation was con-
Michigan and Murray Warmath sidering the wheat sale in Wash-
of Minnesota-pointed to fourth ington.
quarter plays as instrumental in
preserving the Gophers' margin of
victory. .Draft Testing
The one Elliott mentioned came
at the climax of a 64-yard Michi-
gan drive early in the fourth quar- e lan e 10%6

_ . _

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