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October 24, 1963 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-10-24

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STFF Renews Truce with AAUP

Non-Existent Team
Loses First Contest

Libels Corral Team;
Only Trotter Hobbled

ly have been caught in the middle
of a controversy.
By competing in meets not san-
ctioned. by the AAU, they have
risked being blackballed from in-
ternational competition. And by
competing in meets sponsored by
the AAU, they have risked re-
primand from the USTFF.
Full Clearance
"This policy gives a full clear-
ance or our athletes to compete
in open competition and we hope
that the AAU does the same,"
Werner said. "This also provides
for an institution to allow the use
of its facilities by the AAU if it
requests to do so. Undoubtedly
this request would be granted by
the USTFF."
The boycott of university facil-
ities has been a suggestion by the
USTFF in its continuing battle.
over control of amateur athletics
with the AAU and many major in-
stitutions-notably those on the
West Coast - have followed it
down the line.
MacArthur was appointed a
year ago by President John F.
Kennedy as an arbitrator in -the
feud between the federation and
the AAU in order that this coun-
try be assured of fielding its best

possible team for the Olympics.
Membership in the USTFF rep-
resents 20,000 high schools, 550
universities and colleges and 300
junior colleges.
The new policy, ' clearing the
way for full participation in all
cross-country, indoor, and outdoor
track meets leading up to the 1964
Olympics, makes these points:
1) The USTFF will approve or
certify participation of its ath-
letes in all open meets. Open
meet managers will be expected to
complete an information question-
naire and return it to the USTFF.
2) USTFF athletes, educational
institutions, and member track
clubs needs not become members
of the AAU for participation in
this open competition.
3) The management of the AAU
national championships will not
be requested to complete the
USTFF information questionnaire.
4) The USTFF athletes who are
selected as members of the U.S.
teams for foreign or Olympics
competition will take AAU cards
after they have been selected as
members of the team. They need
not take such cards as a prerequi-
site to enter the competitions out
of which the teams are selected.


(EDITOR'S NOTE: The University
of Chicago was a charter member
of the Western Conference in 1896
when only seven teams belonged.
It won six outright conference titles
fromethen until 1939, its last year
in the.Big Ten. It had been winless
in the conference since 1936.)
Collegiate Press Service
CHICAGO-With the adminis-
tration stoutly claiming there is
no such thing as a football game
and students planning a protest
demonstration, the University of
Ohicago's 1963 nonfootball season
got underway last week.
The Chicago team, which does
not exist, lost its first game to
North Central College, 29-7, and
Tech Coach
6May Return
End to Squad
ATLANTA P) -- There is a
chance that Ted Davis, who re-
signed from the Georgia Tech
football squad this week, may see
action against Georgia in the Yel-
low Jackets' final game of- the sea-
But Coach Bobby Dodd said yes-
terday that lie won't make a deci-
sion until after the Alabama game
Nov. 16. Tech plays Georgia on
Nov. 30.
Davis, an end, resigned volun-
tarily after he admitted kicking
Auburn halfback David Rawson in
last Saturday's Tech-Auburn game
here. Auburn won 29-21.
Davis has made no personal ap-
peal for another chance. But the
Tech athletic office says it has
received, numerous requests for
Davis' reinstatement. Some came
from members of the squad and
others from Auburn supporters.
"I definitely will not use Davis1
in our next four games," Doddl
said. "But because of the attitude'
shown by Davis and my personal
sympathy for a boy who made ai
mistake-though a big one-I plan
to review his case following the
Alabama game."

Celebrate Thanksgiving five weeks early this year!
Enter The Daily's grid selections contest, win, receive two tickets
to the Michigan Theatre, and you'll be thankful forever more. Not
only that, but you'll be counting 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea for-
ever more (for that's the movie now playing at the Michigan).
So, buy yourself a turkey, take some time off, get your entry in
by tomorrow night, pray, and you may find yourself celebrating
Thanksgiving early. Remember-be sure to bring your entry to 420
Maynard St. by tomorrow night at 9 p.m.

entertained some 1000 spectators
who dropped by to see what wasn't
going on.
Chicago's administration claims
that it is offering football classes
and that the "practice scrimages"
are just a part of the curriculum.
On the other hand, some stu-
dents say that it looks like foot-
ball to them and planned a sit-in
across the 50 yard line and pro-
tested angrily in the campus news-
paper, the Maroon.
Chicago officially dropped foot-
ball more than 20 years ago, but
resumed "scrimmages" six years
There might never have been a
problem this year had it not been
for the institution a year ago of
a nationwide search by the school
for two "scholar-athletes."
To many, the "talent hunt" cli-
maxed alleged administration at-
tempts in recent years to change
Chicago's image from a haven for.
oddballs and beatniks to a typical
well-rounded university.
What, the students asked, would
be the difference between Harvard
and Chicago if they both had
football teams?
So the University of Chicago
football class met North Central
in the first of four laboratory
sessions planned' for the team.
The many class auditors were
lectured by eight coeds:
"We've got the team, team,
team," they yelled.
"Class, class, class," corrected
the auditors and North Central's
quarterback returned the opening
kickoff 80 yards for a touchdown.
The Maroons might have done
better had their pass defense held
up. Professor of physical educa-
tion Walter Haas admitted that
class study of this area had been
"You can't teach pass defense in
a couple of weeks," he said.
Assistant Professor of Physical
Education Sid Stein, who instructs
the football class, envisions a foot-
ball league including Chicago, New
York University, Cal Tech, MIT.
The administration and the
athletic department, however, are
on record against the return of
"big-time" football to the Uni-

In the aftermath of last week's
slaughter of the Michigandensians,
The Daily Libels took stock of
their injuries and found that none
were too serious.
However, Dave (The Lightfoot-
ed Leaper) Good was waiting with
Mold Gym Tie
Newt Loken's "rebuilding job"
on his NCAA champ gymnastics
squad seems to be successful.
The freshman-sophomore team
managed to tie the junior-senior
squad, as freshman Gary Vander-
Voort beat senior captain Arno
Lascari, NCAA parallel bars cham-
pion, during yesterday's intra-
squad meet, held in the gymnas-
tics room of the I-M Building.
uFaced with the loss of the grad-
uated Gil Larose, last year's most
valuable NCAA gymnast, Loken
came up with outstanding perfor-
mances from juniors Fred Sand-
ers and John Hamilton and soph-
omores John Cashman and Dave
Brod. As expected, Lascari looked
good, winning four events.
Manager Needed....
Any freshmen interested in
managing basketball this sea-
son should contact Tom Jor-
gensen, freshman basketball
coach, in the Athletic Admin-
istration Building.
Juniors John Henderson and
Alex Frecska, and sophomore Ned
Duke also performed well.
(Sr.) 93. 2. Lascari (Sr.). 3. Blanton
(So.). 4. Fuller (Fr.). 5. Filip (Jr.).
TRAMPOLINE-1. Sanders (Jr.) 94.
2. Hamilton (Sr.). 3. Erwin (Jr.).
SIDEHORSE-1. Lascari (Sr.) 94. 2.
Levy (Sr.). 3. Baessler (Fr.). 4. Knodle
Fr.). . Mousseau (Fr.).
HIGH BAR-1. Lascari (Sr.) 91. 2.
Cashman (So.). 3. Frecska (Jr.). 4.
Vandenbroek (Fr.). 5. Duke (So.).
(Fr.) 85. 2. Lascari (Sr.). 3. Moussea
.). 4. Blanton (So.). 5 Frecska (Jr.).
STILL RINGS - 1. VanderVoort
(Fr.) 89. 2. Blanton (So.). 3. Lascari
(Sr.). 4. Chlvers (Fr.). 5. Vanden-
broek (Fr.).
TUMBLIG-1. Henderson (Sr.) 90.
2. Brod (So.). 3. Hamilton (Jr.).
VAULTING-1. Lascari (Sr.) 87. 2.
Briere (Fr.). 3. Henderson (Sr.). 4.
Fuller (Fr.). 5. Frecska (Jr.).
ALL-AROUND-I. Lascari (Sr.) 52.7.
2. Frecska (Jr.). 3. Vandenbroek (Fr.).
4. Fuller (Fr.). 5. VanderVoort (Fr.).
6. Baessler (Fr.).
Crush Develops
Among Crowd
were taken to a hospital yester-
day when a crush developed
among nerly 5,000 pro football
fans seeking tickets to Sunday's
game between the New York
Giants and Cleveland Browns.
Some of the fans had been in
line as long as seven hours before
the ticket windows opened at
Cleveland Stadium with 10,000
tickets on sale
Dont Fore
That Haircut
6 Nickels Arcade

bated breath for word from the
team veterinarian (trainer)., It
appears that Tom (The Trotter)
Rowland developed a bone chip
in his forelock--er, forearm.
"Things don't look too promis-
ing," sobbed Good. "We have to
shoot him or turn him out to
stud. Somehow, Trotter doesn't
seem too upset about it."
A Shoe for Zephyr
Other injuries were sustained by
Bob (The Zephyr) Zwinck and
Stan (Olliefran) Kukla. The
Zephyr's hurt came from a poorly
fitting football shoe that strained
the muscles in his leg. Now he
plans to play barefoot.
Olliefran's injury came when he
received a knee to the thigh while
ducking away from a Densian
lineman who was rushing The
Both are expected to be in top
form for the game with the Union
Undesirables a week from tomor-
row , (unless the Union children
fink out again).
New Exercise
Coach Good is running his team
through workouts every afternoon
and started with a new exercise
yesterday afternoon. Good entic-
ed the plant department to dig up
The Libels' practice field. The
holes are several feet deep and
"It'll toughen 'em up," growled
Good. "I can't have a bunch of
pansies playing for me. We are
all men--tough men, strong men,"
croaked Good in his curious
"I don't have to worry about
getting my team up for the game,"
Good remarked, though he wasn't
questioned about it.
"They always get themselves up
-I don't know how--they men-
tioned something about medicine
or something getting them 'up' or
'high' or. something but I don't
know quite what they meant. Any-
way I know that they'll be up for
the game-at least they will show
up-I hope."






Michigan a4Minn. (SCORE)
Illinois at UCLA (Fri. N)
Mich. State at Northwestern
Ohio State at Wisconsin
Iowa at Purdue,
Cincinnati at Indiana
Pittsburgh at Navy
Oregon State at Syracuse
Rutgers at Penn '
Duke at North Carolina State


Louisiana State at Florida
Mississippi St. at Memphis St.
Missouri at Iowa State
Rice at Texas (N)
Washington at Oregon
Boston College at Air Force
Notre Dame at Stanford
Texas Tech at So. Methodist
Baylor at Texas A&M
Wyoming at Utah


NBA Standings





W L Pet.
Boston 2 0 1.000
Cincinnati 3 1 .750
Philadelphia. 1 1 .500
New York 0 4 .000






Los Angeles
San Francisco
St. Louis

2 1
1 2


Los Angeles 124, Detroit 116
San Francisco 99, St. Louis 95
Baltimore 115, New York 106
New York at Philadelphia
Los Angeles at Cincinnati

Christian Science Org., Regulai Testi-
mony Meeting, Oct. 17, 7:30 p.m., Lower
Level of SAB, Rm. 528D.
Voice Polictical Party, Documentary
Film Festival-films deal with poverty
in America-one film, is by Howard K.
Smith, Oct. 24, 7:30p.m., UGLI, Multi-
purpose Rm. Everyone welcome. No
Young Democrats, Committee Meet-
lngs-State- & Local Affairs, Rm. 3B,
International Affairs, Rm. 3R; Work-
shop on Club Goals & Purposes, 8 p.m.,
Rm. 3B; Oct. 24, Union. Everyone wel-




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