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Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom
VOL. LXXIV, No. 44
SGC Referral Committee
Delays Action on Motion
The Student Government Council referral committee met yester-
day afternoon with Vice-President for Student Affairs James A. Lewis
but did not complete its deliberations on the Council motion "Mem-
bership Selection in Student Organizations."
According to committee, chairman Prof. Joseph Kallenbach of
the political science department, the committee is now engaged in
drawing up its statement for Lewis who will transmit it to Council.
Jur Probes
Recent Steel
Price Boosts
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK-U.S. Steel Corp.
said Monday it has received a
subpoena to appear before a fed-
eral grand jur in New York City.
Dow Jones, a business news
service, said that other major steel
producers also had received sim-
lilar notification.\
Dow Jones said the subpoenas
were issued "presumably to provide
information connected with the
recent round of price increases in
the industry."
Decline Comment
The Justice Department in
Washington' declined any comn-
President John F. Kennedy told
a recent news conference that he
was watching "with concern" the
rising price trend in the steel in-
dustry but gave no hint of whether
he planned to take any action.
The first break in the steel price
line came last April and gathered
momentum during the summer
and fall.
These piecemeal price increases
on selected products have now
spread to approximately 75 per
cent of all steel products.
No Confirmation
There was no immediate confir-
mation that the subpoenas related
to the price increases.
A spokesman for U.S. Steel said
the company had been served with
a subpoena but he declined to
comment on the content.
Bethlehem Steel, the number
two producer, declined to say im-
mediately whether it had received
a subpoena.
Dow Jones said that Alfred S.
Glossbrenner, president of Youngs-
town Sheet and Tube Co., confirm-
ed that his company had received
a subpoena but that he "hasn't
had an opportunity to study it."
Jones and Laughlin Steel Corp.
also was reported to have received
notification to appear before the
A year and a half ago the Presi-
dent used the full weight of his
office to roll back a $6-a-ton
across-the-board steel price in-
crease in a confrontation between
"big government" and "big busi-
The fight between the President
and the major steel companies was
one of the most bitter battles since
the trustbusting days of Teddy
Roosevelt. Kennedy's maneuvers
behind the scenes in an effort to
get the price increases rescinded
brought cries that he was "anti-
business." Some even named a
subsequent Wall Street crash on
the steel fight, but economists
have since attributed the decline
to other factors.
GOP Hopeful
Hits Democrats
NEW YORK (A)-Gov. Nelson A.
Rockefeller yesterday accused the
Kennedy administration of "try-
ing to appease the reactionary
wing r the Democratic party and
blame Republicans as a smoke-
screen" on the civil rights issue.
Rockefeller also said the ad-
ministration shows signs of left-
ward movement 'in international
affairs and warned against what
he called "cynical gestures" by
Soviet Premier Nikita S. Khrush-
"The danger to freedom that
stems from the ruthless goals of
international Communism is as
real today as it was a year ago
when Soviet missiles were aimed
at our cities from launching pads
in Cuba," Rockefeller said.
In a speech prepared for the
opening session of the Empire Mis-
sionary Baptist Convention in
Brooklyn, Rockefeller accused both
President John F. Kennedy and
Sen. Barry Goldwater (R-Ariz) of
casting Senate votes against civil
+Prof. Kalenbach has called an-
other committee meeting for to-
Decide Questions
He said that yesterday's gen-
eral discussion with Lewis decided
several "questions of procedure
about what our decision means.
"According to the SGC Plan,
we must make our statement to
Lewis, and it goes on through him
to the Council The Council is
then given time to react and make
any changes in the legislation un-
der consideration.
"At that point the responsibility
for approving or disapproving
Council legislation belongs to
Lewis," he said.
Lewis makes his decision with
the committee's recommendations
and the latest Council actions in
"Lewis will not be expected to
make his decision until the Coun-
cil has taken its final action, if
any," Prof. Kallenbach added.
The referral committee called
a stay of action on the Council's
motion on membership selection
several weeks ago, questioning two
provisions of the Council-ap-
proved motion.
More Time
Specifically, it wished more time
to consider the composition of a
membership tribunal, charged with
hearing cases of suspected dis-
criminatory practices, and to re-
examine a section of the motion
which granted access to confiden-
tial membership statements to a
membership committee and Iewis,
but not to the referral committee
The referral committee has no
real power to veto or approve
Council legislation, but acts only
in an advisory role to Council and
the vice-president for student
To Consider
New Center
Yesterday's Senate Advisory
Committee for University Affairs
meeting,held at the Flint Campus,
decided to appoint a subcommittee
to study alternative plans for a
faculty center, Prof. William Kerr,
SACUA chairman, said last night.
He is responsible for choosing
members for the committee, which
succeeds a preliminary committee
headed by Prof. James K. Pollock
of the political science depart-
The new committee will be ask-
ed find possible alternatives to a
previous proposal for a faculty
center located off-campus. Under
this proposal the center would
have existed as a corporate entity.
Existing Facilities
The committee will considerha
center located on campus which
may usecexisting facilities, Prof.
Kerr said. Plans for such a center
would be contingent upon the out-
come of the proposed. Union-
League merger and' any facilities
made available by the merger.
By using facilities that are al-
ready available instead of build-
ing them, the cost of the faculty
center would be greatly reduced,
Prof. Kerr said.
After preparing one or two
plansrthercommitteenwould pre-
sent these alternatives to the off-
campus proposal to see what the
faculty wants to undertake.
The decision to set up the'fac-
ultyhcenter committee was based
on 'discussion with the Regents,
Prof. Kerr said. The Regents had
indicated they would feel better
about giving the go-ahead for
such a center if they knew what
faculty sentiment was. An esti-
mation of participation by the
faculty in the center was felt to
be necessary to ensure that the
center would be on solid financial
Discuss Program
SACUA also discussed the Flint
College program, Prof. Kerr said.
The Flint faculty expressed a
desire to see their unit expanded
to a four-year institution some-
time in the future. They would
also like to have first-year grad-
... meets with committee
May Begin
Next semester may see the ini-
tiation of a University course de-
scription booklet on campus.
A motion will be presented to
Student Government Council to-
morrow that such a booklet be
The proposal, a result of work
by the Special Projects Commit-
tee of the Michigan Union, will be;
presented by Daily Editor Ronald
Wilton, '64. If approved, the SGC
Student Concerns Committee will
join with members of the Union
committee to carry out the pro-
Also Evaluation
"The motion will include a rec-
ommendation that the committee
also study ways of developing a
course evaluation booklet," Wilton
said. In contrast with the descrip-
tion, an evaluation booklet would
contain students' opinions of
courses instead of the comments
of professors.
The Special Projects Committee,
headed by Robert Pike, '65, sees
the work on course descriptions
as a preliminary to the develop-
ment of a course evaluation book-
let which it has studied for two
years. It discussed problems of
constructing a reliable question-
naire to assess student opinion
with Prof. Melvin Manis of the
psychology department.
Another area of concern is the
reaction of the faculty to being
evaluated by students. Pike has
talked to professors who doubt
that students have the necessary
perspective to evaluate a course
while they're taking it.
Faculty Join
To counter this possible oppo-
sition, Pike suggested that faculty
members join the course evalua-
tion committee to serve as a cata-
lyst toward better student-faculty
Recently the Special Projects
Committee wrote to the United
States National Student Associa-
tion and fifteen universities for
copies of evaluation booklets. They
have already studied those pub-
lished at Harvard and the Uni-
versity of Pennsylvania.
These two booklets were dis-
cussed last year-when represen-
tatives of the Literary College
Steering Committee, The Daily
and the Special Projects Commit-
tee met informally to see whether
their groups could combine to
publish a course evaluation book-
Approval of
Bill Granted
Upper House Passes
Five-Year Program
By The Associated Press
voted yesterday to authorize a
five-year, $1.9-billion program of
federal aid for college construc-
tion, but sponsors fear the House
may object to one of its provisions.
This is an amendment giving
specific permission for a taxpay-
er's suit to test the constitutional-
ity of any grant or loan to a relig-
ious college.
The amendment was sponsored
by Sen. Sam J. Ervin (D-NC) who
told the Senate he opposes the
program because "it opens the
public purse to religious schools
in wholesale fashion."~
Authorizes Grants
The measure authorizes grants
and loans for new classrooms at
four-year and junior colleges and
would benefit public and private
colleges. It goes beyond President
J o h n F. Kennedy's proposed
three-year program of loans only,
but was strongly supported by
Senate administration leaders.
The bill, which passed the Sen-
ate by a vote of 60-19, was sent
to the House. The House passed
a $1.2-billion three-year aid bill
on Aug. 14, but without ary tax-
payer suit proviso.
Before the Senate acted, Sen.
John 0. Pastore (D-RI D urged
his colleagues to consider the Er-
vin amendment carefully. Pastore
contended the effects of the
amendment could be catastrophic,
because he said it would permit
a single taxpayer to tie up grants'
or loans to a worthy college in-
Morse Backs Pastore
Sen. Wayne Morse (D-Ore)1
backed Pastore, saying the amend-'
ment could lead to frivolous law-
suits. However, Morse said he
would try to retain the major ob-
jectives of the amendment in any
conference with the House. Morse
would head the Senate conferees
if the House agrees to try for a
Both Senate and House bills
would bar federal aid for any fa-
cilities to be used for sectarian in-
struction or worship. Also barred
from any federal aid funds would
be stadiums and auditoriums
where admission is charged.
Exemption Bill
Nears Debate
Special To The Daily
LANSING - A bill to exempt'
fraternities, sororities and student
co-operative houses from the per-
sonal property tax advanced to
the Senate floor last week - the1
farthest this proposal has ever'
The measure, sponsored by Sen-
ators Stanley G. Thayer (R-Ann;
Arbor) and Farrell E. Roberts (R-
Pontiac), has been introduced in
recent legislative sessions, but has
died in committee each year. How-
ever, when Sen. Charles Blondy
(D-Detroit) successfully moved all
tax bills out of the Senate taxa-
tion committee, this bill was onel
of them.
Thayer explained that the
measure was prompted by the Ann
Arbor city assessor's desire to tax1
affiliates. All property has a $5000
personal property tax exemption
and now affiliates are approach-
ing this limit and thus face taxa-
Votes Aid
for College
-Daily-Richard Cooper
DEBATE PLANT-The Ann Arbor City Council last night discussed the proposed Alumni Housing
Plan and decided to refer it to the City Planning Commission for further study. Residents opposed
the project because they felt that its continuous roofing plan denoted multiple housing.
Petition Referred to Committee
A petition presented by a group
of residents protesting the pro-
posed Alumni Housing Plan was
referred by the Ann Arbor City
Council to the City Planning Com-
mission last night.
The petition asked that the
council delay the start of the
project until council members
could decide if the units were
multiple housing units.
Survey Puts
Nixon Ahead
WASHINGTON (A)-If the 1964
presidential election were held
now, former Vice-President Rich-
ard M. Nixon would be the Re-
publican who would come closest
to defeating President John F.
Kennedy, pollster Louis Harris re-
ported yesterday.
But, in a copyrighted story in
the Washington Post, Harris said
Nixon's performance against Ken-
nedy would be only a shade better
than Sen. Barry M. Goldwater (R-
Ariz) and Kennedy would defeat
either one of them, possibly by
landslide proportions.
The Harris poll showed Nixon
getting 45 per cent of the popular
vote against Kennedy if the elec-
tion were held now.
Nixon got approximately 50 per
cent in 1960 when Kennedy de-
feated him for the presidency.
Goldwater captured 44 per cent
of the vote when stacked up
against Kennedy in the poll. It
showed two other possible Repub-
lican nominees, Gov. George Rom-
ney of Michigan and Gov. Nelson
Rockefeller of New York with 43
and 40 per cent respectively
against Kennedy. !
The poll showed also that while
Nixon would appear to have a
slight edge over Goldwater in a
contest with Kennedy, the Ari-
zona senator is the solid leader
among rank-and-file Republicans
for the GOP nomination.
The specific question before the
council was whether continuous
roofing used in the structures
constituted multiple housing.
The contractor noted that the
roof does not have to be con-
tinuous but that the architect
said it would improve the appear-
ance of the structures if it were.
'One Inch Apart'
The contractor said the, units
have been designed completely
separated and they will not be
"one inch apart" if the council
rules the continuous roofing to
be multiple housing.
The original plans for the hous-
ing project were for multiple hous-
ing, but they were voted down by
the council, the builder said.
The alumni housing project had
already been passed by the Ann
Arbor Zoning Board of Appeals.
Fifth Ward Councilman Bent F.
Nielsen (R) noted at the time
that the project was "clearly with-
in the bounds of Ann Arbor's
zoning ordinances."
Large Area
The lots on which the project is
set to be built will accommodate
32 housing units under the law
while only 20 are planned, he
added. The plan would leave a
very large area around the project
even if all 32 units are built.
He said that this project is not
a "sham" and that the project
has met every requirement of' the
city law. He called the opposition
to the proposed housing a harass-
ment, and noted that the fight
has been going on for two years
with no progress.
"We might just as well throw
the plans out of the second story
window of the court house if the
plans aren't approved soon," he
Beautify Area
The contractor said he did not
know why the residents were
fighting the project. The contrac-
tor's property is the closest one
to the proposed site and he said
he felt it would beautify the area
to have the housing units.
A resident told the council that
they would find the project to be
a "co-operative multiple housing
project" if they examined the
plans in detail.
Another spokesman for the
dents said that the project
hultiple housing plan on
zoned only for one- and
family units.
is a
Negroes Map
New Protest
By The Associated Press
BIRMINGHAM - Barring a
solution to the city's racial crisis
by today, Negro leaders have
threatened to renew demonstra-
tions in Birmingham.
Rev. Fred L. Shuttlesworth and
Dr. Martin Luther King set today
as the deadline for action on de-
mands that the city hire Negroes
as policemen.
To Include
Set-Up Provides Trade
Of Students, Faculty
As Initial Gesture
The University and Tuskegee
Institute yesterday announced
they would go ahead ith a co-
operative program be ween the
two institutions.
Such ties had been considered
since last spring.
The first steps of the program
to be taken include exchange o
faculty and students; in-service
graduate training for the Tuske-
gee faculty; exchanges of pro-
grams such as choirs and exhibits;.
and identification of promising.
graduate students to study at the
Announce at Conference
The announcement of the pro-
gram was made in conjunction
with a University-sponsored con-
ference on the role of the Negro
in higher education.
"This cooperative' program be-
tween the University and Tuske-
gee has particular reference to
the needs of students whose prior
educational and cultural exposure
have been unduly limited by their
race," University President Harlan
Hatcher and Tuskegee President
Luther H. Foster said in making
the announcement.
"It will extend the general use-
fulness of each institution through
resources and programs to be de-
veloped by the faculties along
specific lines."
Consult with Chairmen
Several Tuskegee faculty mem-
bers consulted with chairmen from
various University departments to
plan possibk joint research pro-
grams. Research problems of mu-
tual interest to both institutions
1) Why Negroes choose the col-
leges they do;
2) How to identify and nurture
talent at an early age;
3) Enhancing motivation and
outlook of youth with deprived
family backgrounds;
4) Current and long-range
problems in the social science
fields, with particular reference
to the emerging role of the Negro
in American life;
5) General curriculum develop-
6) Research in the natural sci-
ences drawing in part upon the
resources of the George Washing-
ton Carver Foundation at Tuske-
gee; and
7) Techniques of teaching basic
Strengthen Liberal Arts
The University will also help
Tuskegee in strengthening its lib-
eral arts program. At the same
time Tuskegee will assist the Uni-
versity in its work with Negro
The University and Tuskegee ar-
rived at their decision to imple-
ment the program after several
meetings were held at the Univer-
sity and Tuskegee campuses begin-
ning last spring. Yesterday's meet-
ing and joint announcement were
concurrent nwith a University-
sponsored conference on the Ne-
gro in higher education.
Attending this conference are
representatives of the Big Ten uni-
versities, Tuskegee, the Univer-
sity of Chicago and Wayne State
Role of University
The morning discussion centered
on the role of a university in in-
creasing the flow of prepared Ne-
groes into the job market.
The afternoon session consid-
ered possible cooperative efforts
among colleges and universities.
The discussions also considered
the problems of keeping Negro stu-
dents in college and increasing the
New Generation Stresses Short Stories
Personnel Director
"Works of art are of infinite loneliness and with nothing to be
so little reached as with criticism. Only love can grasp and hold
and fairly judge them."
These words by Rainer Maria Rilke launch the autumn edition
of Generation, the campus inter-arts magazine, goes on sale today.
This year's Generation, under the editorship of George White,
'65, has its greatest stress on short stories, featuring eight of them
"What Fine Pranksters We Are" by Robert Millea Hunt, '64, _is
a biting commentary on the brutal world of a boxer. "One of the
Boys" by Douglas Sprig, '65, received a freshman Hopwood Award
in 1962 and deals with the emotions of a boy who participates in
a gang beating.
... renewed demonstrations
The next step is up to the city,
Shuttlesworth said. "The city has
all the cards face down. Now all
they have to do is play them."
Mass Meeting
King was to arrive in Birming-
ham last night and address a
mass meeting at a Negro church.
Shuttlesworthtsaid a decision as
to whether demonstrations would
resume would be made today. A
news conference was scheduled.
A formal statement outlining
the city's answer to the demands
has been promised by Mayor Al-
bert Boutwell today when the city
council meets.
A source close to the mayor has
already said that the answer will
be based on civil service regula-
tions, pointing out that the city
cannot ignore the laws governing
hiring of city employes.
No Negroes Yet
A check with the civil service
board showed that as of last week
there were no Negroes on the
eligibility list for the police de-
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