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October 16, 1963 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1963-10-16

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Likes Defensive

Work 'Rough'

t f ..


From 40 rows on up in Michigan
Stadium the average football fan
misses a lot.
He misses the grunts of anguish,
the clanging of helmet meeting
helmet and the thud of elbows
reaching midsections as the two
opposing- lines clash. He can't see
the blood, sweat and grime that
makes up an exciting football aft-
It's a rough sport-but just how
rough? Ask 'M' tackle Bill'Yearby:1
"Sure it's rough. You've got to
like football to play it, and to me
it's a lot of fun. That guy playing
across from you has been whack-
ing you all afternoon and you
really' get fired up to do a little
whacking back."
Bill Yearby should know. He's
been in the thick of it as Michi-
gan's starting - tackle in this his
sophomore season, and the tough
6'3", 220-pounder has had his full
share of both giving and taking
the knocks.
"I like getting in there on de-
fense," says Yearby, who has spent
a good deal of his defensive time
in opponents' backfields. "It gives
me a chance to really crack that
guy across from me-it's a lot
more fun because I can use my
hands more to bust through. On of-
fense there's a, limit to what ycu
can do-and I like to get in there
and, hit 'em."
Plays Tough
Just like he sounds, Yearby is
tough, quick and strong. In the
past two games his rough aggres-
siveness has not only anchored the
right side of the Wolverine defen-
sive line and ,paved the way for
Michigan's off-tackle offense but
has. also sent the soph star to
the sidelines dizzy from blows to
the head.
Against Navy Yearby was flat-
tened in the first half and was
helped off the field before a stand-
ing ovation from the west side of
the stands. Back in the starting
lineup against Michigan State, Bill

was knocked groggy and again left
the field, but in five minutes he
was back at his right tackle spot,
tough as ever.
"I was really out of it after
getting hit in the Navy game,"
comments the Michigan soph.
"But against State I just got bang-
ed hard once; I wasn't really in too
bad shape."
Yearby calls the MSU game the
toughest he's played in this fall.
"Playing across from Dave Her-
man was rough-he's pretty large,"
he admitted. Herman checked in
at 240 pounds.
Yearby came to Michigan from
Detroit Eastern, l where he was
All-City and captain of his foot-

ball team in 1960. How did he get
started playing tackle? (He orig-
inally played end and fullback for
Eastern.) "We needed someone at
tackle to open holes for John
Rowser (now a Wolverine half-
back), so I moved into the position.
for the last three games of my
senior year. And we won all three
of those games."
"One of my biggest moments
was when we won the East Side
championship when I was in the
tenth grade," recalls Yearby. "And
then we got beat playing for the
city title, 26-13. I'll never forget
that: it was Friday the 13th and
I suffered a broken leg and dis-
located ankle."

A three-sport star in high school,
Yearby garnered a third-string
position on the All-City basketball
team as a junior and threw the
shot during the spring.
On arrival at Ann Arbor he was
placed at end, a spot where he
had gained considerable exper-
ience at Detroit Eastern, but was
switched to tackle last spring.
Cager, Too
Michigan sports fans got a pre-
view look at Yearby's speed and
aggressiveness last winter when
"Yearb" made a good showing on
the freshman basketball team. "I
haven't decided whether I'll go out
for the team this winter," he com-
ments. "I'll just have to wait and
A late start has always been a
handicap for football players try-
ing out for basketball. "Bill is a
fine ball player," said basketball
coach Dave Strack at the begin-
ning of cage practice yesterday,
"but he's going to miss at least
six weeks of practice, and it's go-
ing to be tough making the travel-
ing squad for the Christmas trip
to the Los Angeles Classic. That
goes not just for Yearby but for
all football players coming out that
"We sometimes have to depend
on football players to fill up va-
cancies on the squad, but this year
the competition is going to be
Adds Tom Jorgenson, who
coached Yearby as a freshman
last winter: "Bill is a good re-
bounder and a fine all-around
player. And he was shooting really
well at the close of last year."
Yearby came to Michigan, "be-
cause of the coaches. They pointed
out the education I could get here,
while all the other schools that
talked to me were just worried
about football."
He's enrolled in education
courses with teaching as his aim
right now. But says Bill: "If I
had a chance I'd like to play pro
football-at least to give it a try
and see how it is."

Michigan's defensive line coach
Bob Hollway pretty well sums it
up: "Bill has a tremendous capa-
city to become a fine football play-
er. He's got great quickness and
strength and moves very well. As
he gains experience his play is
bound to become more outstand-
Practice Notes
Michigan's football squad went
through a long drill on pass de-
fense yesterday, in getting ready
for Purdue's passing quarterbacks
Ron Digravio and Gary Hogan.
Coach Bump Elliott has con-
sidered pass defense one of his
major concerns since the season's
opener against Southern Metho-
dist, whose passing attack in the
final quarter of the game led to
two touchdowns.

. bright future


-Daily--James Keson
OOF!-MSU's big Dave Herman (240 pounds) grimaces as Mich-'
igan's sophomore tackle Bill Yearby throws a crashing block in
Saturday's 7-7 tie. Yearby said that the MSU game was the
toughest he's played this fall, but that's the way he likes it.,

Big Ten Powers Dominate Top Spots

'By The Associated Press
This week's college ratings find
four Big Ten teams in the top ten
places in the nation. Wisconsin,
unbeaten in three games, received
four first place votes and is rank-
ed. second, behind powerhouse
Texas, who received the remain-
ing 51 votes for first. Ohio State
and Illinois, both with 2-0-1 rec-
ords, are ranked fourth and sev-
enth respectively. Northwestern is

tied with Navy for the tenth spot
with a 3-1 record.
Finding Illinois in the first ten
is quite a surprise, as they were'
considered a fairly weak team
after finishing ninth in the Big
Ten last season. It is also sur-
prising that Ohio State moved up
three places from last week after
being held to a tie by the same
Illinois team.
A lot of letter writting and
some good old-fashioned bull ses-
sions have helped as much as
anything in pushing Texas to the
number one spot according to the
Longhorns three co-captains. The
three seniors, tailback Tommy
Ford, tackle Scott Appleton, and
center David McWilliams, wrote
to each iember of the squad this
summer asking for his best efforts
this fall.
The weekly bull sessions the
team has been holding have given
them a serious attitude toward
football rather than their social
Team ' Points
1. Texas 4-0-0 546
2. Wisconsin 3-0-0 487
3. Pittsburgh 3-0-' 413
4. Ohio State 2-0-1 238
5. Mississippi 2-0-1 218
6. Oklahoma 2-1-0 191
7. Illinois 2-0-1 147
8. Georgia Tech 3-1-0 146
9. Alabama 3-1-0 145
10. Tie, Navy, 3-1-0 103
Northwestern 3-1-0
(Others receiving votes, listed alpha-
betically: Air Force, Arkansas, Army,
Auburn, Baylor, Duke, Florida, Iowa,
LSU, Mississippi State, Missouri, Ne-
brAska Notre Dame, North Carolina
State, Oregon, Penn. State, Southern
California, Southern Methodit, Syra-
cuse, washington.)

life. Vicious defensive play and an
offense that scores two out of
every five times it has the ball
'cannot be overlooked, though in
giving Texas the top spot.
For Texas, this marks the third
time in three years they have
gained the top spot. The Long-
horns were knocked off the top
though when Texas Christian beat

them in 1961, and in 1962 when a
winless Rice team held them to a
Only the top three, Texas, Wis-
consin and Pittsburgh, remain un-
tied as well as undefeated of ma-
jor college teams. Iowa, another
team from the powerful Big Ten
conference, is among the top 20

'the 1964
will have a
What will be in it?
(No increase from the
$5 price, even though
the book itself is
two-thirds larger and
the supplement comes
with the Ensian at
no extra charge.)
If you want to buy right now,
try the
Student Publications Building
420 Maynard Street
at the Cashier's window
(We'll be in the fishbowl later)


Injury Plagued Carr
To Continue Football

TEMPE, Ariz. (W) - Arizona
State University sprinter Henry
Carr said yesterday he plans to
continue playing football in spite
of medical opinion that it might!
jeopardize his chance for a spot
on the 1964 U.S. Olympic team.
Carr did not suit up for prac-
tice yesterday but indicated he
would be back in pads .later this
week. Muscle strains and a cal-
cium deposit have kept him side-
lined all year.
Carr, world record claimant in
the 220-yard dash and a member
of A-State's world record-holding
mile relay team, has a history of
leg injuries.
"My leg is little sore, but I'm
sure I can play," said Carr after
team physician L. C. Sutherland
recommended that he avoid stren-

uous physical activity u n t i 1
Dr. Sutherland said the calcium
deposit isn't large at present, and
"with rest it probably will be ab-
sorbed and we fully expect him
to be ready for track."
But Carr doesn't subscribe to
the rest theory.
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