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October 16, 1963 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-10-16

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WEDNESDTUQfAY.OCniwnni 18.in19#12

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1' Cage Season Looks Good,

Prepare to switch vocabularies-
basketball practice has begun.
End runs are out, fast breaks
are in. Centers dunk rather than
hike. Guards are dribbling instead
of tackling. With six weeks to go
in the football year the buildup
starts for a basketball season
which, Coach Dave Strack looks
forward to with "enthusiasm and
some' degree of optimism."
Strack said that the month and
a half of practice before the first
game "really makes and shapes
your team." Strack believes he has
more raw talent than he's ever
had before and few observers
would differ. The lean years seem
to be over in more ways than one.
Big Line
Strack may well field the tallest
and brawniest team in the Big
Ten. 6'7" center Bill Buntin leads
the beefy crew at 232 pounds. No-
body pushed big Bill around last

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year. He led the Big Ten in re-
bounding and broke the Michigan
rebounding and scoring records, as
a sophomore.
Rebounding w a s Michigan's
strong suit last year. They led the
conference in that crucial depart-
ment. Strack thinks the rebound-
ing may be even better this sea-
son with 6'5" junior Larry Tre-
goning, and sophomores 6'7"
Oliver Darden and 6'8" Jim My-
ers sharing duties at forward. All
are tough and rugged boys. An-
other powerful newcomer will
probably be stationed in the back-
court, Cazzie Russell, 6'5". Strack
thinks Russell will do a lot of re-
bounding even if he plays guard.
Cazzie showed in the freshman
games last year that he could
throw his weight around under
the boards.
Other contestants for the guard
position are Captain Bob Can-
trell, 5'10" senior pepperpot from
East Chicago, Ind., Doug Herner,
5'10" senior, who will be remem-
bered for his winning basket
against Michigan State last year,
Tom Ludwig, another senior, who
filled in at guard last year, and
a couple of promising sophomores,
John Thompson and John Claw-
Strack feels t .at Michigan car
improve on last year's respectable
8-6 conference record if he can
find a couple solid replacements
for his two graduated cornermen
Tom Cole and John Harris. He is
also hoping to get improved shoot-
ing from the whole team. "Mich-
igan was eighth in shooting last
year but judging from this year's
personnel we should be able to do
better than that."
He went on to say that he
though Michigan would use the
same type of pattern offense they
used last season "with perhaps a
little more running if we can
dominate the backboards even
more than last season, but de-
fense will be the key to our suc-
cess.eLast year we were fourth in
the Big Ten but we must improve
in this area, too, if we expect to
be a real contender."
Trimester Aid
Strack believes the new modi-
fied trimester system will aid his
team "because the break for
exams comes during our non-con-
ference schedule so we won't have
the pressure of final exams dur-
ing the Big Ten season. Also the
boys get a chance to become ac-
football title race remains highly
unpredictable and a team with
two conference losses still could
wind up in the Rose Bowl, Coach
Ara Parseghian of Northwestern
said yesterday.
Parseghian told Chicago foot-
ball writers:
"The outcome of the Big Ten
probably is more questionable than
at any time in the eight years I've
been at Northwestern.
1000 HEADS
be they square, flat or rounded
for that collegiate cut
N. Univ. near Kresge's

This wasn't supposed to be released, but The Daily sports editors
are contriving to, foul up the entire campus by choosing 20 of the
most difficult grid picks of all time. But look at it this way.
Last week it was proved that anyone can beat The Daily senior
sports editors, none of whom picked better than 50 per'cent. The law
of averages says that this is possible for anyone to do better than
Surely you would gain great personal satisfaction by making the
predictions of the editors look ridiculous. (It would serve them right,
too, as they have been making the poor, unfortunate sports trainees
do all the dirty work just because the lowly trainees are tromping
them in grid picks.) Therefore, it is advisable for you to turn your
one entry in to The Daily (at 420 Maynard St.) by 9:00 p.m. Friday.-
There is a chance that you can get two free tickets to the Michigan
Theatre, currently showing "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the
Sear," even if this hate talk hasn't made you want to beat the
sadistic editors.

customed to their classes before
practice starts."
Strack thinks his non-confer-
ence schedule will hone the team
for the Big Ten. Michigan's top
non-conference foes are Duke and
perhaps NYU depending on the
draw in the Los Angeles Classic,
a tournament duringrsemester
break. Both teams are ranked
among the top teams in the na-
tion in pre-season forecasting.
The official unveiling of the
team will be Nov. 26, when the
Varsity plays the Freshman in
Yost Field House. But as Strack
remarked, "In these nextsix
weeks we've got to make a team
out of players."

Chi Phi, Sigma Phi Epsilon and
Chi Psi moved into the semi-final
round of the "A" social fraternity
football league's first place play-
offs yesterday with hard earned
Chi Phi pulled a major upset by
defeating last year' s runnerup,
Sigma Alpha Mu, 8-0. A Bob Glay-
sher-to-Bob Cotter pass midway
through the second half tallied the
only score of the game. Galysher

added the two point conversion
on a pass to Mike Nichols.
The winners remained unscored
upon for the season in recording
their fifth straight win of the sea-
Sig Eps Beat ATO
The running and passing of
quarterback Larry Randolph pac-
ed the Sig Eps to a 12-6 victory
over Alpha Tau Omega, Randolph
threw a pair of touchdown passes
to end Dave Ong and consistently
kept the ATO defense guessing
with his pass-run options.
ATO scored first in the contest
when Dan Moehoek pulled in a
pass from Woody Hayes. SPE
bounced back to tally the equal-
izer in the wanning moments of
the first half when Ong made a
sensational catch of a Randolph
With five minutes gone in the
second half, Randolph again
teamed up with Ong for the win-
ning touchdown. The Sig Eps then
put up a stern defense that stop-
ped ATO cold.
Brown Leads Chi Psi
Chi Psi's Tom Brown led his
team to a 20-7 win over Zeta Beta
Tau by throwing two touchdown
passes and scoring another him-
Brown wasted little time in
striking paydirt, he hit end Mike
Sweeney with a 35 yard scoring
pass on the second play of the
game. ZBT knotted the game early
in the second half when Mervin
Sharfman gathered in a Jim
Bronner pass, but =from there on
it was all Chi Psi.
Brown broke the deadlock when
he -hit Dave Yohe with a 30 yard
touchdown pass. The speedy Chi
Psi signal caller added an insur-
ance tally when he romped 30
yards through the ZBT defense
with less than a minute left to

Chi Phi Defeats
jSigma Alpha, Mu




1. Purdue at Michigan (Score)
2. Indiana at Michigan State
3. Minnesota at Illinois
4. Ohio State at Southern Cal
5. Wisconsin at Iowa
6. Penn at Brown
7. Yale at Cornell
8. Penn State at Syracuse
9. South Carolina at Virginia
10. No. Caro. State at N. Caro.

11. Air Force at Maryland
12. Clemson at Duke
13. Georgia at Miami (Fla.)
14. Georgia Tech at Auburn
15. Houston at Mississippi State
16. UCLA at Notre Dame
17. Texas at Arkansas
18. Southern Methodist at Rice
19. Tex. A&M at Tex. Christian
20. Stanford at Washington



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BADEN - BADEN, Germany UP)
-Mayor Jerome Cavanagh of De-
troit said yesterday his city's offer
for board and room for athletes
at the 1968 Olympic Games would
"not be influenced by the possible
offers of other cities bidding for
the games.''
Detroit, Lyon, France, Buenos
Aires and Mexico City are the four
cities pressing their claims. at
Olympic meetings here for the
right to stage the 1968 Games.
Each city gets 45 minute; to
say why it should have the games.
The vote will be taken by the
International Olympic Committee
Friday or Saturday.
A rumor circulated among dele-
gations that Detroit planned to
offer free room and board from
television receipts because Mexico
City had ideas of an "advantag-
eous offer" to the athletes.
Cavanagh said:
"There's been some discussion
about a $4 figure to help the
athletes. We've also discussed the
possibility of free room and
board. But it seems to be that
the free idea has too many inher-
ent problems and it possibly would
be rejected by all members of our
delegation when they get here."
Cavanagh added: "So far we

have made no formal offer. We
still have an - open mind. We're
going to discuss it more here be-
fore we make up our minds.
"If we did offer free room and
board, then it would be left en-
tirely to the IOC to- determine
how this should be done. It would
be their decision.

Stripes are big-and the bolder the better. We borrowed these from Britain: charcoal,
burgundy or blue stripes on a white field-and styled them in a trim shirt with tapered
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"But it seems that there are
too many inherent problems and
the possibility is that we would
reject it.
"In any case we will not be in-
fluenced by any rumors about
what other delegations are going
to do. We'll make our own deci-

Sinn Finishes Suez Grind;
Put in Hospital after Swim
ISMAILIA, Egypt (/)_- Marty ;#
Sinn, a Michigan coed, won thef t
women's division of the Suez Ca-.. ..>. .
nal swim marathon yesterday and
received the President Nasser tro-
phy and $1200 in cash. ' .
She was so exhausted by 'the
25-mile ordeal that she had to be
dragged to a car, after she drag-
ged herself ashore, and taken to ;,
a hospital for an extended rest.
Although she was the first wom-
an to finish, 10 men completed f
the race before she did. First
place was won by Mahmoud Zei-
toun of the United Arab Repub-
lic. He was timed in 12:11:30. Miss { >
Sinn's time was not announced. " 's



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Get the non-greasy _
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It's invisible, man!

Fullback Goes
To Minnesota
nesota Vikings claimed ex-Ohio
State fullback Bob Ferguson on
waivers yesterday from the Pitts-
burgh Steelers.
A Pittsburgh spokesman said
the Steelers will receive a high
draft choice from the Vikings in
this year's National Football
League draft.
Ferguson, a two-time All-Amer-
ican, is in his second year as a
pro. He spent most of his time with
the Steelers backing up John Hen-
ry Johnson.
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