Nations Propose Ban,
Orbiting Atom Arms
Repubican Delays
SEduc d B011
By The Collegiate Press Service
WASHINGTON-Legislation that would expand federal aid to vo-
cational education was sidetracked in the House yesterday by a Re-
publican opponent.
Rep. Paul Findley (R-Ill) voiced. the sole objection needed to pre-
vent an immediate House-Senate conference on differing versions of
the legislation passed by the two bodies. As a result, the matter is now
*Sets Limits
For Grants
WASHINGTON--Congress has
finally settled on a 20 per cent
indirect-costs limit for research
grants given by the Defense and
Health, Education and Welfare
Thus continual efforts by col-
leges and universities to secure a
more liberal ceiling on these ex-
penses have failed for another
The actions were taken by
House-Senate conference commit-
tees. In the case of Defense De-
partment grants, the House had
recommended raising the ceiling
to 25 per cent; the Senate backed
the 20 per cent status quo. The
HEW situation was just the oppo-
site: the Senate had proposed a 25
per cent limit; the House wanted
to stick with 20 per cent.
Indirect costs include all ex-
penses of running a research proj-
ect beyond the direct outlays for
labor and supplies. They include
expenses such as building main,
tenance, libraries and administra-
The University's policy toward
the two federal departments will
remain the same this year. It takes
few defense grants, because it can
get similar-and more generous-
grants' elsewhere; but seeks "a
good many" HEW grants, Sawyer
*shunted to the House Rules Com-
mittee where it could remain for
several weeks.
The three-part bill, approved by
an 80-4 vote, includes:
1) Extension for three years' f
the National Defense Education
Act, which would expire next June
30, and an increase of funds avail-
able through this plan. The $95
1million per year, presently avail-
able will be increased by $35 mil-
lion for the 1964-65 school year.
2) Extension for three years of
the impacted areas aid program,
providing about $300 million a
year to school districts crowded by
children of government employes.
3) A $1.4 billion vocational
schools bill aimed at combatting
school dropout and youth unem-
ployment problems. Sen. Wayne
Morse (D-Ore), chairman of the
Senate education subcommittee,
called it only "a first installment"
of the administration's plans in
this area.
Two major amendments were
Sen. Jacob Javits (R-NY) tried
to attach a civil-rights provision
authorizing construction of non-
segregated schools for children of
' federal employes who live away
from government installations. It
was killed, 54-35.
And Sen. Barry Goldwater's (R-
1 Ariz) bid to cut $805 million from
the package was defeated by a 52-
1 23 vote. Goldwater argued that he
- wanted to hold the administration
to "promises" to cut federal spend-
ing in proportion to the proposed
tax cut.
... summons six
Six Answer
.Bedside Call
LONDON (P) - British Prime
Minister Harold Macmillan sum-
moned one by one yesterday the
six leading candidates for his job.
They showed up at Macmillan's,
bedside in a London hospital, but
there wasn't the slightest hint
which he preferred as Britain's
next prime minister.
But with London bookies posting
new odds in the Conservatives'
leadership race, the word spread
through party ranks that the 14th
Earl of Home, Britain's foreign
secretary, might emerge yet as the
ultimate choice.
Macmillan, 69, recovering from
an operation for the removal of
a bladder obstruction, summoned
to his bedside:
Six Summoned
-Deputy Prime Minister Rich-
ard Austen Butler who saw Mac-
millan immediately before presid-
ing over a meeting of the cabinet.
-Lord Home, who is being por-
trayed as the one man who could
save the Tory Party merely by
agreeing to run for office.
-Chancellor of the Exchequer
Reginald Maudling, 46, who is the
favorite of the "Young Guard"
generation of Tories because of
his liberal, modern approach to
Six Answered
-lain MacLeod, 50, who is
leader of the- House of Commons
and joint chairman of the Con-
servative Party. He, too, is a mod-
ern Tory whose misgivings over
the Eden government's Suez ven-
ture in 1956 still counts against
him in some sections of the party.
-The Second Viscount Hail-
sham, 56, who is giving his peerage
sham, 56. who is giving away his
peerage to get to the top. He is
Butler's strongest rival because of
the backing he enjoys among Tory
-Edward Heath, No. 2 minister
at the foreign office, who is re-
garded as a -longshot outsider in
the succession stakes.
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Offered at
UN Session'
Seek Quick Approval
In Special Meeting
United States, the Soviet Union
and 15 other' nations yesterday
proposed a ban on placing weap-
ons of mass destruction in orbit
in outer space.
They submitted a resolution to
the General Assembly's main poli-
tical ccmmittee which called a spe-
cial meeting for this morning to
give the resolution quick approval.
The proposal is the result of the
recent declarations of President
John F. Kennedy and Soviet For-
eign Minister Andrei Gromyko and
subsequent talks between Gromy-
ko and-Secretary of State Dean
Formalizes Earlier Agreement
While the resolution is not bind-
ing, it does formalize an agreement
in principle previously announced
by the Soviet Union and the Unit-
ed States.
. Joining the two big powers in
'ponsoring the proposal were the
other members of the 18-nation
Geneva Disarmament Commission.
France has boycotted the commis-
sion and did not take part in the
consultations that led to the reso-
The resolution "welcomes the
expressions of the United States
and the Soviet Union of their in-
tention not to station any objects
carrying nuclear weapons or other
weapons of mass destruction in
outer spa'e."
Asks Refrain in Space
It calls alse on all states to re-
frain-from placing in orbit around
the earth "any objects carrying
nuclear weapons or any other kind
of weapons of mass destruction, or
installing such weapons or celes-
tial bodiessor stationing such
weapons in space in any other
The introduction of the resolu-
tion capped the opening of dis-
armament debate in the 111-na-
tion committee, where priority
was granted the question of ex-
panding the present limited test
ban treaty to include underground
United States Ambassador Adlai
E. Stevenson told the committee
that his country wants a total test
ban agreement, but that it must
contain provisions for adequate
verification, including on-site in-
Hears Nehru's Sister
He challenged the SovietiUnion
to make clear what scientific ma-
chinery it will accept to assure
such verification.
"The committee also heard Mrs.
Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit, sister of
Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal
Nehru, declare that the limited
test ban pact is in danger because
France and Communist China
have not signed it.
She appealed to the United Na-
tions to bring moral pressure on all
dissident countries to join the pact.
She assailed Peking's hostility
toward the treaty, saying "this
kind of perverse thinking can only
be understood when seen against
the peculiar philosophy which
views the destruction of hundreds
of millions of human beings in
a nuclear holocaust with equan-
Hare Refuses
To Toss in Hat
Secretary 'of State James M.
Hare said Yesterday that he is not
a Democratic candidate for gover-
nor in 1964 but that he will seek
re-election as secretary of state.
He listed three men as major
candidates for the Democratic
nomination but excluded himself.
The three are: Congressman-at-
Large Neil Staebler, Highway
Commissioner John C. Mackie, and
former Governor John B. Swain-
son. Hare was defeated in the 1960
Democratic primary by Swainson.
Democratic State Chairman Zol-
ton A. Ferency was surprised at
Hare's list. "I am surprised Hare
counted himself out," he said.
Senate Hits
Stormy Note
On Tax Bill
WASHINGTON (P)-Public Sen-
ate hearings on the big tax cut bill
began yesterday on a stormy note
with senators protesting that sup-
porters of the measure are trying
to rush them into"action with
"pressure propaganda."
Sen. Albert Gore (D-Tenn) said
it looks like an official of the
Democratic National Committee is
attempting to purge him in his
home state because of his opposi-
The outbursts came as Secre-
tary of the Treasury Douglas Dil-
lon led off the administration's ef-
fort to persuade the Senate Fi-
nance Committee to approve the
$11-billion reduction this year.
Includes Graphs, Charts'
Dillon's bulky prepared state-
ment was peppered with charts
and graphs to back up his argu-
ments. He underwent stiff ques-
tioning from the senators, includ-
ing a lengthy quizzing by Chair-
man Harry F. Byrd (D-Va).
Byrd, who opposes the tax cut
unless there are balancing slashes
in federal spending, sought to be-
little the amount of the tax saving
in the bill.
He said the average for all in-
dividual taxpayers would be $110-
a-year, or $2-a-week and that the
taxpayer with less than $3000 in-'
come would receive only $49 a
Foreign Relations Committee voted
yesterday to arm President John
F. Kennedy with the full backing
of Congress in withholding aid
from the authoritarian govern-
ment of South Viet Nam if he so!
This was accomplished by adopt-
ing an amendment to the foreign
aid bill that would make it the
sense of Congress that:
"Foreign aid should be extended
to, or withheld from the govern-
Rome Votes
News Rituals
can Ecumenical Council voted
overwhelmingly yesterday to mod-
ernize the sacraments of the Ro-
man Catholic Church.
The more than 2000 prelates as-
sembled in St. Peter's Basilica
from around the world voted to:
-Allow regional bishops' con-
ferences to authorize local lan-
guages in the rituals for admin-
istering baptism, confirmation,
penance, extreme unction, holy or-
ders and matrimony. Latin would
be retained only for the few essen-
tial words actually conferring the
sacraments (2,133 votes to 19).
Change in Name
-Change the name of extreme
(last) unction to "anointing of
the sick" to show it is for all the
seriously ill and not only for the
dying (2,143 votes to 35).
-Allow the baptism formula to
be said en masse, instead of in-
dividually, when large numbers are
being baptized together (2,058
votes to 42).
-Clarify the difference between
sacraments, which are believed to
give grace, and sacramentals,
which are outward signs of spirit-
uality such as holy water and
blessings (2,224 votes to 12).
Amends Schema
All four measures are amend-
ments to the third chapter of
a scheme (topic) on liturgy, or
public worship. The Council fath-
ers voter either yes or no. The en-
tire chapter comes to a vote next
week, when a third kind of vote
-yes but with reservations-will
be allowed.
The three categories of ballot-
ing were used Monday in the
Council vote on the schema's sec-
ond chapter on the mass.
The chapter gives regional con-
ferences of bishops a broad range
of permission to replace Latin with
the vernacular languages in much
of the mass, alter the mass struc-
ture to make it mean more to
worshipers, put new emphasis on
sermon preaching, distribute com-
munion on special occasions in the
form of bread and wine, instead of
bread alone, plus other chapters.
The chapter on the mass got
2,198 favorable votes and only 36
votes against. But the favaroble
votes -included 781 Council fathers
who marked their ballots "placet
juxta modem"--yes but with res-
ment of South Viet Nam, in the
discretion of the President, to fur-
ther the objectives of victory in
the war against Communism and
the return to their homeland of
Americans involved in that strug-
Modified Version
The change is a modified version
of a resolution previously proposed
by Sen. Frank Church (D-Idaho)
and 32 other senators.
The original version would have
put the Senate on record as favor-
ing withholding aid to the govern-
ment of Vietnamese President Ngo
Dinh Diem until it halts "oppres-
sive policies" against Buddhists
and gains the support of its peo-
The committee met to consider
the administration's battered $4.5-
billion plan for helping foreign
nations attain economic stability
and military security. The House
slashed the fund authorization to
$3.5 billion.
Little Progress
The committee did not even get
to the funds authorization yester-
day and Chairman J. W. Fulbright
(D-Ark) acknowledged after the
session, "We didn't make much
He said it would be "difficult to
say" whether thetcommittee would
compite v , Iction on the bill this
week. Other members said there
was little prospect of that much
The committee did take one oth-
er action.
Several weeks ago it adopted an-
other Church amendment that
Mirror Folds
As Costs .rise
NEW YORK OP)--The New York
Mirror, a morning tabloid and the.
nation's second newspaper in daily
circulation, announced last night.
it is ceasing publication with to-
day's editions.
Its death was attributed by its
publishers to rising costs, aggra-
vated by last winter's long New
York newspaper blackout.
About 1400 Mirror employes lost
their jobs. They were promised
severance pay.
Back Plan To Withdraw Aid
.tax cut
year. The Virginian referred to
this as "cigarette money" and de-
manded to know, "How is this go-
ing to spark the economy?"
Predicts 'Important Effect'
Dillon replied that while it might
not mean much to many individ-
uals, the total ns large and busi-
ness economists agree it would
have an important effect.
Byrd told the Treasury secre-
tary he does not believe any oth-
er President in history has propos-
ed to "solve all the nation's ills by
reducing taxes on borrowed money
-by a planned deficit."
Dillon replied that President
John F. Kennedy remains in favor
of a balanced budget eventually.
Student Organizations
NDM Cinema qt(ldAnnounces
for Sponsorships
Spring 1964
Pick up forms through
SGC office in S.A.B.
Judy Berry, in charge of sponsorships
would deny grant assistance to
Western European and other eco-
nomically developed nations cap-
able of sustaining their own de-
fense and economic growth.
Yesterday the committee agreed
to make it clear that this ban
would not apply to Spain and Por-
tugal because of new base agree-
ments with those countries.
Leader Quits
In Germany
BONN (R) - Konrad Adenauer
ended an era as West Germany's
chancellor yesterday.
As he bowed out, parliament de-
clared that he "has earned the
gratitude of the Fatherland."
Adenauer then addressed the
Bundestag for the last time as
chancellor, urging his fellow coun-
trymen to remain true to their
Western allies.
Only with the help of friends
abroad, he declared solemnly, can
the dream of a reunited Germany
be realized. It was a dream he was
unable to make a reality through
the 14 years that he worked to re-
build his nation from the ashes of
Hitler's defeat.
For the first time since the end
of World War II, West Germany
will have another chancellor. The
Bundestag will elect Economics
Minister Ludwig Erhard today, an-
other builder of postwar Germany,
to the chancellorship.
Erhard was the choice of the
Christian Democratic Party, not
Adenauer. The chancellor felt that
Erhard. who brought about West
Germany's economic recovery, was
too green in international politics.
After reminding the packed
chamber of Germany's disgrace in
the early postwar years, Adenauer
said: 'We can hold our heads high
because we have entered the ranks
of the free nations and become one
of them."
He said that without its allies,
West Germany would have no hope
for reunification. He warned
against any temptation to negoti-
ate with the Soviet Union, which
has made East Germany a part of
its bloc.
IWordNews Roundup
By The Associated Press
CARACAS-In a move against increased leftist terrorism, Caracas
Central University,, a Communist hot bed, has been closed until after
the Dec. 1 presideitial election. The university ordered the shutdown
after a carload of terrorists escaped police by taking refuge on the cam-
pus, which is off-limits for police and the army.
WASHINGTON-Police officials from Florida and New England
pleaded with Senate investigators yesterday for federal help in coping
with organized crime bosses. Vir-..
TNot at
This Friday
Student Air Charters
on United Airlines
Leave Nov. 27 ...........Return Dec. 1
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tually to a man, they called for
legalized wiretapping. Police Com-
missioner Edmund McNamara of
Boston said that while this in-
volves civil rights implications "the
efficiency of the wiretap is quite
NEW YORK - Adm. Alan G.
Kirk, 74, naval hero and former
ambassador to Russia, died yester-
day of a heart ailment.
* * *
VIENTIANE - Neutralists and
pro-Communist forces again are
fighting in the strategic highlands
of East-Central Laos, it was re-
ported yesterday. Neutralist ar-
tillery opened fire on a pro-Com-
munist Pathet Lao troop buildup
near Phonsavan on the Plaine des
Jarres front. The Pathet Lao
struck back with a small infantry
attack, wounding several neutral-
States declared yesterday that it
"has not and is not interferring
in any way" in the internal affairs
of the Dominican Republic. Ward
P. Allen, alternate United States
representative to the Organization
of American States, made this
statement at an OAS Council
meeting called to hear Dominican
charges the United States is med-
dling in its affairs.
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