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October 16, 1963 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-10-16

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Tnion-Leaguellerger: Toward a Campus Ce


(EDITOR'S NOTE: Within the past few years the Michigan League
and the Michigan Union have done much thinking about a possible mer-
ger of their two organizations. This thinking took definite form last fall
when both groups appointed members to a Union-League study com-
mittee, chaired by Associate Dean James H. Robertson of the literary col-
lege. The committee's final report, known subsequently as the Robertson
Report, came out last May. Approved by both the Union and League
bdards of directors, it supported the merger.1
(The two boards voted to send the report to the University Board of"
Regents for "comments and suggestions." The Regents hold their month-
ly public meeting Fr'iday and are expected to issue comments at that time.
(This will be the first of a series of two articles considering the
rationale behind ea Union-League merger, the lines of authority between
the Regents and the two organizations and possible ramifications of a
study of the merger plan being conducted for the Regents by Vice-Presi-
dent for Business and F inance Wilbur K. Pierpont and Vice-President
for Student Affairs James A. Lewis.)
One year ago this month machinery was set in motion to study
a merger of the two major student service organizations on campus.
The 13-member Union-League Study Committee, under the
chairmanship of Associate Dean James H. Robertson of the literary
college, met for a total of eight months before submitting its deci-
sion on the feasibility of a merger of the Michigan Union and the

Michigan League to the respective boards of the two organizations.
While much of the Robertson Report dealt with the problems of
such a plan and drew guidelines for their solution, the overriding
question was not "how" but "why." Why combine the Union and
League? Why disrupt two organizations which were functioning
successfully on campus long before the present generation of stu-
dents arrived?
Cites Reed Report
The beginning of the answer summons a document now almost
two years old. The Reed Report of February, 1962, another commit-
tee product, was a study of the University's philosophy of student
The purpose of a university, the report said, is to "stimulate in
each student the maximum intellectual growth of which he is cap-
able and to enable him . . . to make maximum contribution to his
Extracurricular life is as important as the classroom in achiev-
ing these goals, the report added. It went on to spotlight, "the cleav-
age in philosophy and policy . . . symbolized by the geographic
separation of men's and women's residence halls and by the exist-

ence of the Union primarily for men and the League primarily for
women, rather than a student union.
"The committee believes that the young people who enroll in
the University are primarily students seeking to learn, seeking to
develop not in isolation as men or women but together as equals
and collaborators."
Envisions 'U' Center
The original Union Board of Directors resolution to create a
merger study committee was based on this part of the Reed Report.
At approximately the same time, the Office of Student Affairs be-
gan to think in terms of coeducational housing.
The Robertson Report adopted this desire for one student union,
enlarging it, however, into the broader concept of a University Cen-
ter. The study committee declared:
It cannot be disputed that there is a need for a real University
Center, a coeducational organization serving the needs of all
segments of the University community: students, faculty, alum-
ni, administration and their guests alike. Although the Michi-
gan Union and the Michigan League have both served long and
well within the limits of their present structures in providing

physical facilities and programmed activities to meet the needs
of these groups, neither alone is presently able to function as
effectively as the University Center that the Committee envi-
The major achievements of the Robertson committee were to
define the need for a University Center, a place for all segments of
the University community, and to declare that a Union-League
merger could fulfill the need. Once the "why" was answered the
solutions to "how" could proceed.
Contrasting Union, League
The League and the Union comprise very different organiza-
tions. The Union has two wings, service and student activities under
a single board of directors. The service wing oversees the business
operation-the cafeteria, dining room, swimming pool, hotel rooms,
etc. The activities section sponsors everything from MUSKET and
Michigras to a speaker program and a counselling booklet. Both
wings are financially responsible to the same board of directors.
The League also has services (restaurant, hotel rooms) and ac-
tivities (Soph Show, Frosh Weekend, Hyde Park). But the two sec-
See MERGER, Page 8

See Editorial Page



:43 a t t4p

Fair and warm,
cloudy towards evening

Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom


Committee To View
Membership Motion
Sororities Question Council's Right
To Control Membership Selection
The Committee on Referral will conduct an open hearing on
the Student Government Council motion "Membership Selection in
Student Organizations" at 3 p.m. today in Rm. 1546 SAB.
The attorney for 11 campus sororities, Lawrence Smith, '37L,
is the only person who has requested permission to speak at the
hearing. The sororities have contested Council's right to watch over,
O membership selection practices in

Kennedy Urges Rights Bill, Cut

Algeria s
By The Associated Press
ALGIERS -Algerian President
Ahmed Ben Bella ordered mobil-
ization of all et-soldiers last night
to strengthen Algeria for its un-
declared desert war with Morocco.
The veterans of the seven-year
war against France were sum-
moned to take up arms again to
combat what Ben Bella called a
military invasion and a criminal
adventure by the royal Moroccan
armed forces of King Hassan II.
Ben Bella proclaimed the mob-
ilization in an impassioned speech,
part in Arabic and part in French,
to 50,000 Algerians gathered in the
capital's Forum Square.
"From this moment on, I de-
Clare the mobilization of all former
soldiers," he shouted. "All former
soldiers, all our brothers in arms,
will report tomorrow (Wednesday)
to army barracks."
Meantime in Constantine, dem-
onstrators smashed windows of
the United States Information
Agency Cultural Center on hear-
ing the nationalized Algerian
Radio say United States pilots
had flown Moroccan troops to the
battle zone.
Council "Asks-
Medical Plant
A special Michigan Co-ordinat-
ing Council for Public Higher- Ed-
ucationhas recommended that
existing medical education facili-
ties be expanded in Michigan
rather than establishing a third
medical school.
'In its report, to be officially
released in early November, the
committee recommended that the
University's proposed $9.92 mil-
lion Medical Science Bldg., Unit
II, be constructed. The building
would house medical school de-
partments now in the East Medi-
cal Bldg. and provide expanded
space. The Legislature, committed
to this building 12 years ago when
the Medical School expanded to
.i 200 freshman a year, voted plan-
ning money for the structure last
The report stressed the need for'
expanding the Wayne State Uni-
versity medical school to 200 en-I
tering students a year, the same
size as the University's Medical
School. Wayne's school now en-
rolls 125 freshmen annually.
WSU's school should be expand-
ed in Detroit's medical complex
through state and federal funds,
the report said. It noted that fed-
eralmoney has become available
thmih aogszoo f aid to medrical1

student groups. The specific in-
plementation of watching over the
practices is contained in the mo-
Other persons may still address
the hearing by submitting today a
written request for speaking priv-
ileges to Prof. Kallenbach or SGC.
Secretary Mrs. Elizabeth Pfiffner.
First Step Consideration
The Committee on Referral is
holding the hearing as the first
step in its consideration of the-
motion, according to Referral
Committee Chairman Prof. Joseph
Kallenbach of the political science
The committee had previously
stayed the( motion last week to
extend the deadline of Vice-Pres-
ident for Student Affairs James
A. Lewis to approve or veto the
motion. At that time Kallenbach
noted the committee's wish for
further study of the document.
The committee serves solely in
an advisory role to Lewis.
Sometime after the hearing to-
day, the referral committee will
meet "to decide our opinion on
the motion," Prof. Kallenbach
"We will then issue a written
communication of our opinion to
Lewis . . and meet with him if
necessary," he continued.
Members of the committee have
in the past raised objection to
provisions in the Council motion
which establish a membership
tribunal that could possibly, in-
clude a faculty member.
SGC Meeting
At its regularly scheduled
Wednesday night meeting, SGC
tonight will hold officer elections
for the ensuing term. ,
Several Council members have
announced their candidacy for
office. Seeking election to the
presidency are SGC Executive
Vice - President Edwin Sasaki,
Grad, Michael Knapp, '64, and
Russell Epker, '64BAd.
SOC Administrative Vice-Presi-
dent Thomas Smithson, '65, has
announced his candidacy for the
position of executive vice-presi-
Sherry Miller, '65, is seeking
election to the office of adminis-
trative vice-president.
Doug Brook, '65, will seek the
treasurer's office.

.. . grass roots democracy

Dfey Notes
Indian Gain
Associate City Editor
India's decision to develop a
system of grass roots democracy
has been the key to its economic
progress since gaining independ-
ence in 1947, Indian Minister for
Community Development Surendra
Kumar Dey, '31E, said last night
in a report on "Problems in In-
dian Community Development."
The former University student
emphasized that since India's
economy has a strong agrarian ori-
entation, democracy had to be de-
veloped from below rather than
from above.
The Indian cabinet minister's
primary responsibility has been to
stimulate and coordinate commu-
nity development on the local lev-
el with governmental efforts.
The Panchayat, or village coun-
cil, became the local organ upon
which democracy was built, he
commented. This council is made
up of a small number of com-
munity elders elected to adminis-
ter a village with an average pop-
ulation of 1900.
The' agro-township council de-
cides how government funds will
be spent to improve the regional
economy. Each village has its
own program-irrigation, well-
'drilling or road construction -
which has been selected and ad-
ministered by the Panchayat.
Dey stressed that although the
government feels that it has an
obligation to provide the means
of livelihood for all Indians. indi-
vidual responsibility and initiative
are the most important elements
in Indian economic development.
In addition to the public ad-
dress last night, Dey has partici-
pated in a series of symposia yes-
terday and Monday with Congress-
man Neil Staebler (D-Mich), Vice-
President for Academic Affairs
Roger Heyns and other University
faculty members. He will speak
again later in the week.

Wiants Help
From GOP
To Pass' Bill
Liberal Democrats
Resent Withdrawal
From Earlier Stand
WASHINGTON ()-Atty. Gen.
Robert F. Kennedy appealed to
the House judiciary committee
yesterday to trim out sections of
the civil rights bill in order to
win Republican support.
He urged a retreat to the seven-
part bill recommended by the ad-
ministration last June, which was
greatly expanded by a subcormmit-
tee dominated by liberal Demo-
Kennedy said passage of a good
civil rights bill this session is a
vital national need. He pleaded
with Republicans and Democrats
on the committee to work to-
gether for such a bill.
Democrats Bitter
His appeal at a closed session
was favorably received by Chair-
man Emanuel Celler (D-NY) and
Rep. William M. McCulloch (R-
Ohio), the ranking GOP member,
but left some liberal Democrats
bitter. Having won a fight in the
subcommittee, they resent being
advised to back down.
Kennedy was quoted as criti-
cizing sharply some ofthe fea-
tures added by the subcommittee,
notably in the field of voting
rights, additional powers for the
attorney general, and racial dis-
crimination in places of public
He specifically opposed extend-
ing the voting rights section to
state elections-as the subcommit-
tee did-and declared other pro-
visions it added would destroy the
purpose of the section.
Sweeping Powers
In writing in sweeping powers
for the attorney general to bring
suit in civil rights cases, the sub-
committee went well beyond the
legislative needs raised by racial
disputes, Kennedy reportedly said.
On the controversial public ac-
commodations section, he said, the
subcommittee's reliance on the
14th amendment to the Constitu-
tion made it much too broad. He
said it could be construed to cover
law firms, medical clinics, private
schools, apartment houses and
many other kinds of enterprises
that were not intended to be cov-
By contrast, he said, the ad-
ministration's original proposal
spelled out specifically the kinds
of places to be covered.

* * * * * *









-Associated Press
SOUTH KOREAN ELECTION-Chung Hee Park, left, and Yun Po-Sun, right, South Korean presi-
dential opponents, cast ballots in Seoul yesterday. Park's military junta has ruled the country for two
years. Yun heads the Civil Rule Party. Approximately 77 per cent of 13 million eligible voters turned
out for the election. Significant results are not expected until late today.
Park Holds Slim Lead on Yun

On Violationis
Fraternity Presidents
Still Must Endorse
Anti-Bias Proposal
The Interfraternity Council
Executive Committee last night
endorsed a new-bylaw which would
prohibit fraternities from select-
ing members on the basis of race,
color, creed, religion, 'national ori-
gin or ancestry and impose sanc-
tions on those who did.
The proposal came as part of an
overall bylaw and constitutional
revision. In order to become effec-
tive it would have to be approved
by the Fraternity Presidents As-
The proposal would establish an
IFC membership committee to in-
vestigate violations of the policy.
The committee would have the
power to bring such violations be-
fore the executive committee
which, acting as a judiciary, would
try the case. If a house was judged
guilty, IFC could take disciplinary
action up to and including with-
drawal of rush privileges or with-
drawal of IFC membership.
Sets Up Membership Committee
The. membership committee
would have three students, all ac-
tive members of the fraternity sys-
tem, who would serve terms of
one and a half years each.
IFC President Clifford Taylor,
'64, was pleased with the endorse-
ment. "If a problem exists within
the Greek system, we should han-
dle it," he said last night. "We
should have moved into this area
in the past. There is no question
that the attitude of previous IFC's
was misunderstood because their
stand wasn't clear.
"We never should have let the
problem get out of our organiza-
tion," Taylor added, referring to
the fact that Student Government
Council has taken the primary re-
sponsibility for enforcing non-dis-
crimination in membership selec-
Cites Past Work
He said, however, that 22 cam-
pus fraternities which had dis-
criminatory clauses in 1949 are
without them today, crediting pre-
vious IFC's for much of the work
in this area.
The IFC membership commit-
tee will have access to information
concerning fraternity discrimina-
tion gathered by SGC's Committee
on Membership. SGC's "Regula-
tions in Student Organizations,"
passed two weeks ago, made pro-
vision for this arrangement. It

SEOUL (P-The lead in South
Korea's presidential election see-
sawed back and forth yesterday
between military strongman Chung
Hee Park and former President
Yun Po-Suh, a civilian advocate
of democratic government.
With 81 per cent of the estimat-
ed 10.E million ballots counted,
Park has 3,716,878 votes and Yun
had 3,704,750. In faster unofficial
tabulations, Park had 4,046,738
and Yun 4,019,941.
Earlier in the counting, the lead
shifted back and forth between the
A reliable source said Yun, an

ex-president and candidate of the
civil rule party, left his home in
downtown Seoul and went into
hiding as a precautionary meas-
ure while the final ballots were
being counted. He was reported
staying not far from the capital.
The 67-year-old Yun, who has
led street demonstrations against
Park's regime, apparently feared
retaliation from the slashing poli-
ocal attacks he made on the mili-
tary regime during the bitter pres-
idential election campaign.
With 68 per cent of the 10.8
million ballots counted, the gov-


a _

Choate Talks on Opportunity for Engineers in Law.

ernment's central election com-
mittee gave Yun 3,230,011 votes
and Park 3,221,039. Unofficial tab-
ulations gave Yun 3,323,965 to
Park's 3,275,447.
To Consider
Reed Report
The subcommittee on faculty
freedom and responsibility of the
Senate Advisory Committee on
University Affairs will meet early
next week to continue formation
of recommendations--on the* Reed
report, 1rof. Claude Eggertsen of
the education school and chair-
man of the subcommittee said re-
The report, prepared for the
subcommittee by Prof. John W.
Reed of the Law School, examines
the functions of a faculty senate.
The subcommittee later will pre-
sent its final recommendations to
Prof. Eggertsen said the sub-
committee has two basic issues to
resolve in the recommendations:
1) What should be the mechan-
isms by which members of certain
University-wide committees are


There are many opportunities for engineers in law, especially
patent law, Robert A. Choate of the Law School said last night.
- Choate, in speaking before the Tau Beta Pi professional frater-
nity, said that opportunities exist in such fields as municipal law,
communication law, torts (law of negligence) and patent law. En-
gineering students have knowledge in these fields and can represent
them easily, he added.
Choate, an engineering graduate and now a practicing patent
attorney said that although an engineering student may not be

Choate noted that, contrary to popular belief, there has been
a "tremendous increase in the number of patents in the last year
and a half."
This step from "research to the finished product on the loading
dock," Choate commented, is a big step, and few engineers are
able financially to support such a venture. He said that since the
money must be supplied by an outside source, the engineer must
be able to deal with the company which will produce the item.
Patents benefit the engineer, Choate said. They protect his de-
signs and ideas, and they serve as a stimulus to invent new ones.

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