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October 13, 1963 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1963-10-13

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Wisconsin .. .,38 Ohio State .... 20 Northwestern .15 Iowa ...... .
Purdue .......20 Illinois ........20 Minnesota .... 8 Indiana... .

.. 37 Notre Dame.. .17I Texas.........,
.. 26 So. California .14 Oklahoma ....

28 | Florida ...... 10 Slippery Rock .27
7 Alabama ..... 6 Calif. St., Pa... 7



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High- 4
Fair, with
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See Editorial Page

Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom


Ben Bella Sees Revolt's End

ALGIEIS (P)-President Ahmed
Ben Bella claimed yesterday his
troops have captured all rebel-
lious Kabylie towns and "for us,
this affair is finished."
The president, at a news con-
ference, ignored the threat of
continued guerrilla warfare and
reports that part of his army re-
fused to fight the Berber rebels
in the Kabylie region.
At the same time, Ben Bella
said he hoped his country's fron-
tier dispute with Morocco will
soon be over. The Moroccans
claim France arbitrarily assigned
some Moroccan territory to Al-
geria when she ruled. both coun-
Reflects Determination
His statement about the "end".
of the Kabylie revolt _obviou sly
reflected the government's deter-
uination to stop attracting atten-
tion to the movement which
threatened his regime.
The next few days should show
whether the Kabylie opposition
really suffered a blow or whether
it is preparing for long guerrilla
The president appealed to all

.. claims victory,
"militants" to return to the party,
apparently referring to those who
took to the hills with the dissi-
dent leaders.

Golwater Dec les Ofer
y r*
To Debate GOP Principles
EUGENE, Ore. (T)-Sen. Barry Goldwater (R-Ariz) said "no"
last night to New York Gov. Nelson Rockefeller's challenge to debate
Republican principles.
Instead, Goldwater said, the governor should join him in chal-
lenging Democrats to debate the issues that face the nation.
"If it would be a debate together with new frontiersmen, I'm all
for that," Goldwater said. "I see

Yale Names
New Leader
NEW HAVEN (IP) - Kingman
Brewster, Jr., a Yale graduate
who switched to rival Harvard to
get his law degree, was named
president of Yale University yes-
Brewster came back to Yale in
1960 when he was appointed pro-
vost-designate and professor of
law. Until then he was a law pro-
fessor at Harvard.
As Yale's 17th president, he
succeeds A. Whitney Griswold,
who died last April 19. Brewster,
44, had been university provost
since 1961, and when Griswold
died was in effect acting presi-
The Yale Corporation, govern-
ing body of the university, an-
nounced Brewster's selection after
a formal meeting here.
The announcement came as no
surprise, since Brewster, who
ranked second only to the presi-
dent as provost, was regarded the
likely successor to his close friend,
Brewster's selection follows the
tradition that the Yale president
must be an alumnus. There has
been only one exception in mod-
ern times--in 1921, James Row-
land Angell, a University graduate,
was named.
Brewster also follows the path
taken by the late Charles Sey-
mour, who was provost under Ai-
gell before becoming president,
The new president; who was
chairman of the Yale Daily News
as an undergraduate, received a
bachelor of arts degree in 1941.

nothing to be gained by'Republi-
cans debating Republicans."
Same Platform
Goldwater and Rockefeller came
to Eugene to speak from the same
platform before the Republican
western conference. But Rocke-,
feller flew out of the Oregon
college town before Goldwater
flew in.
In his noon address, Rockefeller
invited Goldwater "to join with
me in a series of debates on how
our party can best deal with the
vital issues before the American
people today."
Goldwater, who first got wind
of the challenge in San Francisco
as he traveled to Eugene, told
I don't see any grounds that
we could debate on."
No Point
"I see absolutely no point in
it," Goldwater said, adding Rocke-
feller "must agree with me because
he refused to debate his opponent
in New York."
"I prefer to spend my time
fighting the 'New Frontier'," Gold-
water said. Ie said debates be-
tween two Republicans could split
the party.
Both Candidates
When he first heard of the
challenge at a San Francisco air-
port news conference. Goldwater
said it might be a good idea if
both he and Rockefeller became
candidates for the Republican
"It could be productive if Rocke-
feller wanted to use the forum
to attack Democrats and not other
Republicans," he said.
Goldwater also said he doesn't
think there is any serious split in
the Republican Party now.

Hocine Ait Ahmed and Col.
Mohand Ou El Hadj, the leaders
of the revolt, willbe arrested by
the army, Ben Bella said.
Referring to the trouble at the
Moroccan frontier, Ben Bella said,
"Our problems can only be solved
through negotiations.".
Asked about the expulsion of
foreign newsmen from Algiers,
Ben Bella said, "We are far from
the situation as described by a
certain alarmist and pessimistic
press. We have asked certain
journalists to go away and use
their poisoned pens elsewhere."
Use Light Armor
Ben Bella's troops were backed
by light armor and advance scouts
when they penetrated Berber
strongholds yesterday.
The loss of the towns was po-
litical rather than strategic. The
towns served as the platform for
rebel news conferences and com-
muniques and presented no stra-
tegic objective in guerrilla war-
fare .
At the same time, informed
sources said the commander of
one government military region
refused to allow his troops to take
part in the anti-Berber opera-
Fighting Erupts
Unconfirmed reports reaching
Algiers said fighting erupted in
the town of Les Ouadhias, about
20 miles from Michelet, the aban-
doned Berber headquarters that
government forces occupied ear-
lier in the day.
There was no definite informa-
tion on the scale of fighting in
Les Ouadhias or of the casualties.
The Berber tactic has been to
avoid a direct clash with the heav-
ily armed government troops and
to rely on hit-and-run operations,
which the Berbers used 'success-
fully against the French in the
war for independence.
Rebel leaders had pulled back
into caves or other hideouts in
the nearly inacessible heights of
the Kabylie Range.
These heavily-wooded moun-
tains, stretching along the Medi-
terranean coast between Algiers
and Bougie, formed a bastion of
resistance against the French
army for more than seven years of
revolt against French rule.
Long Proposes
Sharp Decline
In Tax Limits
sell B. Long (D-La) will propose
that the present 91 per cent max-
imum income tax rate be set at
50 per cent, his administrative as-
sistant said last night.
Robert Hunter, the assistant,
said Long hopes to offer his pro-
posal-still in the development
stage-as an amendment to the
administration's income tax reduc-
tion proposal now before the Sen-
ate finance committee. Long is a
member of the committee.
Hunter said details of the pro-
posal are still being worked on but
that basically it would call for
a top income tax rate of 50 per
cent. However, it also would pro-
vide high income earners with
fewer deductions and fewer capital
gains tax options.
The administration's tax bil
would, among other things, reduce
the top rate to 70 per cent, ef-
fective in 1965.

MSU Seeks
$40.5 3Million
For Budget
Requests Increases
To Meet Demnands
By The Associated Press
LANSING-Michigan State Uni-
versity will ask the state Legis-
lature for a 25 per cent increase
over this year's appropriations,
seeking a total of $40.5 million for
next year's operations.
The hike of $8.2 million will be
of vital importance because of "in-
creasing enrollment and urgent
needs for new faculty members
plus salary increases," Philip May,
MSU vice-president for business
and finance, said.
The university plans to use $31.6
million of the requested state con-
tribution to operate the East Lan-
sing campus. This sum represents
an increase of. $6.1 millio'n over
this year's allotment.
Funds for Experiment
Additionally, MSU proposes to
use $3.9 million for the agricul-
tural experiment station, $2.8 mil-
lion for the Cooperative Extension
Service and $2.2 million for Oak-
land University at Rochester.
In comparison with MSU's pro-
posed request, the University's
budget, as submitted earlier in
the week, asked for $47.6 million
from the state. This sum also rep-
resented a 25 per cent increase
over the present appropriation for
28,500 students.
This increase is to be devoted
to two areas. $2.8 million is sched-
uled for "allotted levels of service"
and $6.5 million is for expansion
of University programs.
Wayne State University seeks
$22.8 million from the Legislature.
This $5.4 million increase over
this year would be used for capital
outlay, salary increases and higher
costs of current programs.
Expect Enrollment
The increase in the MSU budget
is based on an expected enroll-
ment of more than 30,000 in 1964-
1965, May said. The present num-
ber of students attending MSU is
Last year, MSU requested $31.2
million from the state for the
East Lansing campus but was only
appropriated $25.5 million.
This year's proposed budget in-
cludes $2.3 million for 224 new
faculty members and 86 new office.
employees and $1.2 million in pay
Set Budget
MSU's over-all budget is set at
$56.1 million with $10.1 million
coming from student fees, federal1
grants for the experiment station
and extension service along with
miscellaneous other income. {
Last year's higher education ap-'
propriation was $112.9 million. The
University received $38.2 million,
Michigan State $32.2 million and
Wayne State $17.6 million.

The University is attempting
to improve the Negro's position
in higher education on three
1) It has hired Leonard F.
Sain, formerly an assistant
principal at Detroit's Eastern
High School, for its admissions
office to increase the Univer-
sity's sensitivity to educational
problems of counseling, en-
trance and academic success;
2) It is sponsoring an Oct.
21 conference here amopg Mid-
western institutions on the role
of the Negro in higher educa-
tion; and
3) It is seeking possible areas
of cooperation with the Tus-
kegee Institute in Tuskegee,
Ad Hoc Committee
In addition, Vice-President
for Academic Affairs Roger W.
Heyns last spring set up an ad
hoc advisory committee as a
means of identifying some of
the minority group problems
that the University should con-
cern itself with.
The general function of the
highly informal advisory com-
mittee is to carry on discussion
that would be of some help to
Heyns, Prof. N. Edd Miller,
assistant to the vice-president
for academic affairs, said re-
The committee attempt.; to
put workable limits on what
research the University should
undertake and what action
programs it should institute.
Since it is purely advisory, it
does not necessarily conduct
research on its own but may
point to areas that another
University unit should investi-
One of the topics that the
committee is considering is
the problem of motivation:
Why do some Negro students
drop out of high school, and
why do some decide not to
come on to college when they
are capable?

Higher I

£ducation Funds

Included in this problem is
the difficulty of financing a
college education.
The committee is presently
concerned with finding out in
which fields Negro students
choose to do their work. The
question then arises of why
they select certain fields rather
than others.
Fight Drop Outs
Among other topics discussed
by the committee are what can
be done to increase the num-
ber of undergraduate and
graduate Negro students and
how the University can help
prevent students from dropping
out of high school.
Members of the committees
are Professors Ralph Gibson of
the Medical School, Ronald
Lippitt of psychology depart-
ment and program director for
the Research Center on Group
Dynamics, Alvin Loving of the
Flint College education school,
Frank Maple of the social work
school, Albert McQueen of the
Institute for Social .Research,

... ad hoc committee

.::..***..........**.. ............r.... ..r. .....~....,rr.A.
See k To Elevate Negro Role,

William Morse of the educa-
tion school, RobertVinterof
the social work school and
Stephen Withey of psychology
and program director for the
Survey Research Center.
Admissions director Clyde
Vroman and Prof. Miller also
sit with the advisory commit-
One concrete action growing
out of the committee was the
hiring of Sain, Prof. Miller
Sain's Work
Eventually Sain's work is
1) To assist high schools in
developing counseling programs
and curricula that are effective
in keeping promising students
in school;
2) To be sure that the Uni-
versity is aware of students
capable of coming here; and
3) To work with University
schools and colleges to insure
that special problems of adjust-
ing to the first year programs
are met.
Sain works closely with the
advisory committee.
Negro Role,
The committee is expected to
participate in the Oct. 21 con-
ference on the role of the
Negro in higher education.
This conference -sponsored
by the University-will be at-
tended by all the Big Ten
schools as well as the Univer-
sity of Chicago, Wayne State
University and the Tuskegee
Beginning with an introduc-
tion and welcome by Hobart
Taylor, executive vice - chair-
man for the President's Com-
mittee on Equal Employment
Opportunity, and Heyns, the
morning discussion will center
on the role of a university in
increasing the flow of prepared
Negroes into the job market.
In the afternoon the confer-
ence will consider possible co-
operative efforts among colleges
See 'U,' Page 2

lTwo Plans
May Include
Tuition Rise
Seek $10 Million Hike
Through Full, Partial
Appropriations Raise
Gov. George Romney's adminis-
tration is reportedly considering
,two plans for boosting next year's
higher education appropriations
$10 million-$5 million by forcing
a tuition hike-but state and Uni-
versity officials caution that it is
too early for anything final to jell.
According to the report, two dif-
ferent education budget plans were
being investigated by the governor.
One would allot to higher educa-
tion $10 million more than it is
now given. The hike in funds
would be keyed to an increase of
about 10,000 students and a two
per cent faculty salary boost.
The plan would give the Univer-
sity and other four-year colleges
and universities about $9.3 million
for 7500 additional students,
whereas two - year institutions
would be allotted $700,000 more
for 2800 additional students.
Increase in Funds
The other proposal would also
amount to a $10 million increase
in funds for higher education, with
the important difference that the
schools would be "urged" to han-
dle half of the cost by raising stu-
dents' tuition $50 across the board.
This plan would be more in keep-
ing, with the governor's campaign
for economy in state government
than would the first idea.
However, University President
Harlan Hatcher doubted that any-
onein the executive office was ser-
iously considering any such pro-
posal. He noted that official Uni-
versity comment would be conting-
ent on what Romney's "blue rib-
bon" Citizens Committee on High-
er Education decided.
"I will be very surprised if the
committee's recommendations do
not turn out to be any more in
keeping with the needs of higher
education than the report would
indicate," President Hatcher not-
Preliminary Request
The University alone has made
a preliminary request for almost
$9 million more'than it presently
gets, and President Hatcher ob-
served that he doubted that even
a minimum of $20 million would be
enough for all higher education.
Romney administrative aide for
education Charles Orlebeke noted
that the governor "has made ob-
lique references to a possible tui-
tion hike. This might be one ap-
proach to the situation if the pub-
lic is unwilling to assume the ris-
ing costs of higher education."
He added that Romney is not
yet thinking in specific terms
about the education budget and
has not yet narrowed down his
thoughts on the matter to spe-
cific considerations of one plan or
Negative Reaction
Executive. Vice-President Mar-
vin Niehuss warned that $10 mil-
lion would be "inadequate" and
noted that an official reaction to
even getting this amount would
surely be negative if it meant that

the University would'have to raise
its tuition fees once again.
"We've had no proposal from the
governor and no suggestion of any
specific figures where the educa-
tion budget is concerned. We've
just put in our preliminary re-
quest," he.noted.
Niehuss added that the Univer-
sity might support Romney's pro-
posed fiscal reform program "be-
cause it is desirable and not be-
cause we might get more money
for the University that way."
Without setting up an elaborate
lobbying machine, "we will pre-
sent the'needs of the University to
the Legislature as' vigorously as
we know how," he said.

Governor Cites 'U' Research

"I think we need to take someV
steps to acquaint the state with
Ann Arbor and University research
activities," Gov. George Romney
said yesterday at the ground-
breaking ceremony for a new 24,-
000 square foot research rental
facility in Ann Arbor's research
Although Romney called for a
widespread public information pro-
gram of the research activities at
the University, he did not say
specifically what kind of public
information he wanted.
He cited, however, the vast
space, engineering, nuclear and

electronics research activities at
the University. He also noted the
Institute for Social Research as
a widely recognized research de-
Projects in Progress
Romney praised the 1600 re-
search projects presently in. pro-
gress at the University and refer-
red to the researchers as having
"your 'head' in the stars and your
feet on the ground."
Romney said that they are con-
ducting more research than any
other university in the nation to-

Wolverines, Spartans Fight to 7-7 Standoff

He also commented that the co-
operation between the,.University
and the state has a "tremendous"
effectdon the research being con-
'Seed Form'
This research is the "seed form
of the future." Romney concluded
that the new research facility will
give added impetus to the re-
search. Its significance is "well
beyond its size," he said.
Romney is scheduled to make
the keynote address at a noon
meeting during the Conference on
Industry-University research to be
held Oct. 23-25 in Detroit.
The conference will see Michi-
gan firm presidents and other,
executive leaders, government of-
ficials, scientists and educators
participate in the second such
University-industry conference.
University President H a r I a n
Hatcher and Wayne State Uni-
versity President Clarence B. Hil-
bprry will also address the con-
ference. The gathering is designed'
to further industrial sponsored
research in the state.
Albania Asks
China Seat
bania proposed, in a resolution
published yesterday, that the Gen-
eral Assembly immediately oust
Nationalist China and seat Com-
tnnkd Cthina. in all Unitda tonsn,

Associate Sports Editor
Michigan's Wolverines scored a touchdown in the first period yes-
terday and then hung on tenaciously to salvage a 7-7 tie with Michi-
gan State before 101,450 fans in Michigan Stadium.
The brilliant defensive battle was the 16th consecutive sellout
in the annual game between the two intra-state rivals. The draw pre-
vented the Spartans from garnering their fifth straight victory over
the Wolverines, a feat they've never before accomplished. Michigan,
however, has yet to win over MSU since 1955:K
The draw left the season record of both teams'at one victory, one
loss, and one tie. It was the first deadlock for Michigan since its 12-12
game with State in 1958.
The lone Wolverine score came with 10:09 elapsed in the opening
period on a 15-yard pass from quarterback Bob Chandler to John Hen-
derson, who has emerged as Michigan's leading pass receiver. On the
play, Henderson, starting from his split right end position, angled left
+to roher in the nays cn the five anrd then cut right and romped into

Sports Editor
Coach Duffy Daugherty w a s
sitting morosely in the Michigan
State locker room yesterday after
Michigan had held his Spartans
to a 7-7 tie.
He was still wisecracking,
quoting the old saw that "playing
a tie is like kissing your sister,"
but he wasn't eating his tradi-
tional after-game apple, and he
wasn t as pleased with his team
as Michigan Coach Bump Elliott
obviously was with his.
Elliott was all smiles across the
tunnel in the Michigan locker
room, even though he was -un-
happy with the tie.
"We were disannointed sabout

. ~':

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