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October 10, 1963 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-10-10

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A total of 4,356 votes were cast in the Student Government Council
election yesterday which saw SGC Administrative Vice-President
Thomas Smithson, '65; Elaine Resmer, '64, and Howard Schechter, '66,
elected to Council seats on the first ballot.
Although voters favored a referendum proposal to revise the
method of selecting SGC executive officers, they amassed only a 60
per cent support, short of the two-thirds majority needed to pass it.
In winning on the first ballot, Smithson, Miss Resmer and
Schechter received 784, 749 and 505 first place votes, respectively. They
placed well over the quota of 474 notes needed for election on the first
Second Ballot
Elected on the second ballot were incumbents Russell Epker,
'64BAd, and Fred Rhines, '64, with 546 and 469 first and second place
votes, respectively. Douglas Brook, '65, was elected on the third ballot
with 474 votes.
These first six candidates, Smithson, Miss Resmer, Schechter, Ep-
ker, Rhines and Brook, will sit on Council for a full year term.
Elected to half-year terms were Scott Crooks, '65, on the eighth

ballot with 507 votes and Gary Cunningham, '66, on the ninth ballot
with 442.
In the referendum, 2,580 of 4,181 voters marked "yes" on the
ballot, short of the required two-thirds majority necessary for passage.
The referendum asked students to vote "yes" or "no" to a pro-
posed change in the Council Plan which would have had the two top
executive officers of Council elected on a campus-wide slate.
Since the referendum also was not defeated by a two-thirds ma-
jority, it may be placed on the ballot again in the spring election, ac-
cording to Student Government Council Executive Vice-President Ed-
win Sasaki, Grad.
Sent to Regents
Had the referendum passed, it would^ have been automatically
sent to the Regents for approval and incorporation into the Council
In accounting for the referendum's failure to be passed, SGC Presi-
dent Thomas Brown, '66L, said, "I don't think enough people knew
what it was. A lot of people have a tendency, when they don't under-
stand an issue, to vote against it."
In the victory camp, Smithson noted that he "was certainly
pleased with the election results" although he had certain reservations.

"I'm hesitant to regard this election as a mandate from the people.
The write-in candidates distorted what the real outcome would have
been." He explained that "Council is in real trouble and this election
can be taken with "only a vague sense of happiness."
Schechter accepted the news of his victory as a mandate from the
student body. He explained that "I feel this election has demonstrated
that students definitely feel they are capable of handling the responsi-
bilities due them as students at this University."
In order to be elected on the first ballot, a candidate had to
receive a quota of 474 votes. When the three first-ballot candidates
were elected, the quota dropped to 462 and the margin of votes they
received over the quota was redistributed among the remaining can-
didates. Votes were redistributed according to second-choice prefer-
ences indicated by voters.
Total Number
The quota for the first ballot is determined by dividing the total
number of votes cast by one more than the number of seats open. For
each succeeding ballot, a new quota is established.
Jeffrey Davis, '65-on the fifth ballot-was the first candidate
dropped. After that came Robert Shenkin, '65BAd, Douglas Baird, '66,
and Barry Kramer, '65E.


... second

See Editorial Page


Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom


Continued sunny
and mild




Tax Reform Scheme Faces Compromise

Differences Center
On Levy Exemptions
Legislative Committee Stays Split
On Details of Governor's Measure
Special To The Daily
LANSING-As public hearings on Gov. George Romney's tax
program drew to a close last night, it became increasingly apparent
that someone is going to have to give in. The main points of differ-
ence seem to center around the sales tax exemption on food and
tdrugs, the twenty per cent rebate














'I I





Court Denies
Tax Demand
LANSING (P)--The State Su-
preme Court yesterday denied a
demand by the Vigilance Tax
Committee that would have re-
quired the Legislature to consider
anti-city income tax legislation
during the current special session.
Without comment, the high
court rejected the organization's
request for a writ of mandamus
and a show-cause hearing on the
The committee, composed of
officials from several Detroit
suburbs, had collected some 240,-
000 names on initiatory petitions
in its latest effort to curb De-
troit's power to impose its one
per cent income tax on non-
The petitions were sent earlier
,to Secretary of State James M.
Hare. But Attorney General Frank
J. Kelley ruled they were invalid,
because they should have been
'submitted first to county clerks.
The suit, filed in the Supreme
Court, asked that Hare be required
to turn the petitions over to the
Legislature for action at the spe-
cial session called by Romney.
Hare, informed of the court's
decision, said it ended chances for
the petitions being submitted to
this fall's session, but he expected
they would be submitted again for
the regular session beginning in
Another Point
Hare saw an additional question
of whether initiatory petitions
could legally be submitted to a
special legislative session anyway.
The petitions will be returned
to Berkley Mayor George Kuhn,
who chaired the Vigilance Tax
Committee. '
Kuhn complained that "they
are making a major issue out of
a minor matter, which in our opin-
ion is just a procedural question."
'One More Try'
However, he said the committee
would make one last attempt to
get the petition before the Legis-
lature, possibly through introduc-
tion in the House or through the
House Elections Committee.
If this, too, fails, Kuhn said his
committee would submit the peti-
tions to the county clerks and
then present the documents to

on local school taxes, the two per
cent personal income tax and
whether or not the people should
vote on the income tax.
Legislators were specifically non-
commital on what to expect after
the taxation committees complete
their deliberations next week, but
legislative sources see the problem
on the two tax committees this
way :
The Senate committee is split
three ways. Senators Farell E.
Roberts (R-Pontiac) and William
G. Milliken (R-Traverse City) will
vote for the governor's program.
Senators Clyde H. Geerlings (R-
Holland) and Stanley F. Rozycki
(D-Detroit) will oppose it. This
leaves Senators Charles S. Blondy
(D-Detroit) and Emil H. Lock-
wood (R-Saginaw) undecided.
Reportedly Lockwood is holding
out for no sales tax exemptions,
while Blondy wants more sales
tax exemptions and also some in-
come tax exemptions. If these two
senators can compromise on per-
haps a four per cent sales tax on
all but some items (such as food,
drugs, clothing) which would be
taxed at two per cent, with per-
haps some income tax exemptions,
they could team up with Roberts
and Milliken to report the bills
out to the floor.
Against Exemptions
In the House, however, opposi-
tion on the committee is strong
against any sales tax exemptions,
due to the feeling that these pro-
vide a necessary stable tax base.
In addition, both committees are
anticipating amendment proposals
from the governor's office, which
are thought to include such
changes as dropping the beer tax
exemption, the county license fee
and the real estate transfer tax.
See TAX, Page 2

Attacks U.S.
Wheat Sales
BERLIN (MP)-Chancellor Kon-
rad Adenauer last night assailed
Western wheat sales to Russia as
President John F. Kennedy was
approving deliveries of up to $250
million of United States wheat to
the Iron Curtain nations.
"We must connect the wall in
Berlin with the sale of food-
stuffs," the 87-year-old chancellor
See earlier stories, Page 3
declared on his last visit to the
divided city as head of the gov-
ernment. He said the wall must
go before there is any easing of
Adenauer told a news confer-
ence the West should exploit the
economic and political difficulties
of the Soviet Union.
He said the Soviet Union must
now fight on three fronts:
1)' Arming against the West.
2) Arming against Red China.
3) Raising the living condition
of its people.
Therefore, all Western coun-
tries should carefully reconsider
whether to sell any foodstuffs or
other goods to the Soviet Union,
Adenauer added.
"The Soviet Union must show
by deeds that it wants peace," he
Adenauer said that the entire
question of trading with the Soviet
Union was discussed yesterday by
the West German cabinet in
"I urged that the NATO coun-
cil be requested to examine the
situation," Adenauer said.
He heatedly attacked the sale
of wheat by Western countries to
the Soviet Union in the midst of
talk about easing of world'

Much Ado' and Notables, Too

-Daily-Ed Langs
GREETERS - President and Mrs. Harlan Hatcher (left) greet General Motors Vice-President Ed-
ward N. Cole at the President's Preview of "Much Ado About Nothing" by William Shakespeare last
night. The preview inaugurated the second year of the Association of Producing Artists at the Univer-
sity. The play will make its public premier tonight.
Demonstration Protests Foreign Policy,

Richard Flacks, Grad, and Prof.
William Livant spoke at the dem-
onstration protesting United States
foreign policy in South Viet Nam
yesterday on the diag.
According to moderator Richard
Magidoff, the demonstration was
one of a nationwide series called
by Students for a Democratic So-
ciety and the Student Peace Un-
ion. Its purpose was to "air is-
sues and stimulate discussion."
Flacks, director of the Peace
Research and Education Project of
SDS called America's action in
Viet Nam, "in violation of every
basic tenet of our national tradi-

Animal Appeal' Gets Votes

tion." He explained that we are
neither protecting the people's
freedom nor "protecting them from
Decadent Elites
America has not yet figured out
any way of keeping people from
revolting against decadent elites
than to put them down with
force," Flacks explained. He call-
ed the move an experiment to see
whether this tactic would dissuade
further revolutions.-
Flacks proposed three alterna-
tives to continuation of the war.
"First, we could implement the
1954 agreement forfree elections
in Viet Nam." Second, we could
institute some sort of coalition
government, possibly including the
Viet Cong and Buddhsts.
The third possibility is to pull
out completely, and let the Veit
Cong take over. This, the worst of
the three possibilities will probab-
ly happen," he said.
Strange Policy
"It is strange government poli-
cy," he noted, "that we can inter-
vene in Viet Nam, but we do not
stop the Birmingham bombings."
Prof. Livant of the Mental
Health Research Institute cited
"American innocence," as "our
greatest virtue and vice." He point-
ed to the parallel situation of Ko-
rea 10 years ago, and urged the
group not to "forget the events
of history which we have lived

As Flacks was speaking, three
students burned a Buddhist monk
in effigy, protesting the demon-
stration. The three; two men and a
woman, carried the cloth dummy
into the crowd, soaked it with
lighter fluid and set it ablaze.
Little attention was paid to the
side demonstration. The names of
the participants were unknown
and there was no attempt to no-
tify the police of the harassment.
A similar Viet Nam protest has
been tentatively set for Oct. 19, at
Washington, D.C. Voice is hoping
to send two busloads of people.
The nationwide series of SDS,
SPU sponsor'ed protests are timed
to coincide with Mme. Ngo Dinh
Nhu's visit to this country. Flacks
commented, however, that he is
in favor of her visit. "It is a really
fine thing for the people of Viet
Nam to be rid of her."
Carried Signs
Some students at yesterday's
demonstration carried signs and
posters protesting United States
support of the "tyrannical regime."
Also, there were pictures of Mme.
Nhu with obscene words scrawled
around them.
The demonstration was official-
ly over at 5 p.m., but a crowd re-
mained until after 6 firing ques-
tions at Flacks and Prof. Livant.
Society Sets

Submits Record
Budget Pr-oposal
Additional Appropriations Desired
To Augment Services, Expansion
The University has requested a record general funds
budget of $47.6 million from the state for the fiscal year
This is an increase of approximately $3 million over last
year's request of $43.3 million. Of this, however, the Univer-
sity received only $38.2 million.
The requested increase over this year's appropriation
has been divided into two sections, according to University
President Harlan Hatcher. A total of $2.8 million is scheduled
for what the Department of-
Administration in L a n s i n g
calls "allotted levels of service, H R C States
hqwever inadequate these services,
or the funds available for them, R a i l Tew
may appear." iica vews
Rest for Improvement
The remainder of the increase, The Ann Arbor Human Rela-
$6.5 million, is for expansion and tions Commission has written to
improvement of the University's about 60 local groups expressing
program of instruction, research its views on the racial problem in
and public service. Ann Arbor.
These items account for most In the letter written to various
of the requested increase: $3.8 religious and civil rights groups,
million to provide for higher en- the commission backed an increase
rollment and augmenting pro- and wide range of members on the
grams, $3.2 million for salary in- commission, asked for a full time
creases for faculty and staff, and director, and said that non-
$1.25 million to provide for year- commission members should be
round operation. allowed to serve on proiect com-
Of the first figure $2 million mittees of the commission.
would go for new faculty and staff. The groups were also asked to
The remaining sum, $480,000, answer a questionnaire, asking
would be used for the adjustment about the plans they might have
of faculty salaries during the in the future.
summer session to prepare for full The City Council had asked for
year-round operation. statements from the groups when
Adjustment it met September 16 to adopt the
Executive Vice-President Mar- fair housing ordinance.
vin L. Niehuss explained that Paul Wagner, commission chair.
during the normal summer session man, said that "effective commun-
the salaries of lower-ranking fac- ications" should be something to
ulty are smaller than during the strive for as "constructive activity"
regular year. becomes a main goal.
Should the University go into The council had also urged the
full-time operation, their salaries commission to notify the State
would have to be brought up to Civil Rights Commission of the
the level of the fall and spring city's willingness to cooperate with
semesters. it, which has been complied with.
The requested figure for in- The HRC expressed condifence
creasing the faculty and staff was that it will have the full support
accompanied to Lansing by the of the City Council in a new and
information that in an annual expanded program.
study made by the American Asso-
ciation of University Professors
the University's ranking in salary McWilliams
levels dropped from fourth in 1958
to 20th in 1962.f G ee
Niehuss pointed out that the
third item, $1.25 million for funds Prof. W. Carey McWilliams of
to allow the trisemester to go into the political science department of

In addition to electing two write-
in candidates yesterday, voters in
the Student Government Council
election indicated that a new
breed of SGC candidates has
caught their eye.
These candidates apparently
have animal appeal.
Leader of this new write-in spe-
cie was South Quadrangle turtle
Walter Gottlieb who polled 28 first
place votes.
Among his more successful run-
ning mates were Harry the Hany


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