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October 08, 1963 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-10-08

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- . 1 I

Reserve Yours Now !
only$0 per month
Satisfaction guaranteed
Free installation
Free delivery and service
NO 8-6007s

(Continued from Page 2)
Dec. and May grads. Seeking: Econ.,
Poli. Sci., Engl., Soc., Psych., Hist., &
Liberal Arts majors. Positions in: Res.
& Dev. Design, Project Mgmt., Elec.
Computing, Personnel, Statistics, Mgmt.
Trng., Publ. Admin.,. & Transportation.
U.S. citizenship required. (Will be in-
terviewing at Engrg. Placement Offices
on Oct. 11).
U.S. Coast Guard-Officer Candidate
School, Yorktown, Va.-Seeking men
only with any degree major. BA re-
quired, although students may apply
during their senior year. Will train for
general duty officers. U.S. citizenship
U.S. Air Force-San Antonio, Texas-
Men and women, Dec. and May grads.


Seeking: BS & MS level Chem., Physics,
Geology, Math, Bacti., Biochem., &
Architecture. Positions: Officer Train-
ing School; Pilot, Navigator, Science
& Engrg. Officer. U.S. citizenship re-
Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance
Co.-Thrdughout U.S.-Men, Dec. and
May grads. Seeking General Liberal
Arts, Econ., Law & Educ. for positions
as Life Insurance Sales Reps., possibly
leading to sales management.
Internal Revenue Service, Washing-
ton, D.C.-Men and women, June grads.
Seeking: General Liberal Arts, Econ.,
& Poli. Sci. for positions in Banking,
Econ., Foreign Trade, Labor Econ.,
Mgmt. Trng., Office Mgmt., Personnel,
Publ. Rels., Pub. Admin., Stat., Writ-
ing, Technical and those that lead to
Admin. type opportunities. U.S. citizen-
ship required.
FRI., OCT. 11-
No interviews.
The Chicago Public School system
announces that their teachers' examina-
tions will be held on Dec. 27, 1963, for
secondary fields. The deadline for fil-
ing application is noon, Dec. 6, 1963.
Candidates are requested to file appli-
cations as soon as possible. Write: Board
of Examiners, Room 624, 228 North La-
Salle Street, Chicago, Ill.
For additional information, contact
the Bureau of Appointments, 3200 SAB,
663-1511, Ext. 3547.
VIEWS-Seniors & grad students, please
sign interview schedule at 128-H W.
Engrg. for appts. with the following.
OCT. 10-
American Air Filter Co., Inc. Louis-
ville, Ky.; Moline, Morrison, Rock Island
Ill.; St. Louis, Mo.; Montreal, Canada
& Sales offices throughout U.S. - BS:
ChE, CE, EE, EM, E Physics, IE & ME.
Dec. grads. - R&D., Prod., Sales &
American Electric Power Service Corp.
Ind. & Mich. Electric Co. - Sys. T & D
Dept., Fort Wayne, Ind., Div. T & D
Depts., Marion & Muncie, Ind.; Com-
mercial Depts., Elkhart & Munci, Ind.
-BS: EE. Transmission, Distribution,
Substation, Commun., Metering.
American Oil Co., Standard Oil Div.,
Entire Mich. Area. BS: ChE; BS-MS: IE
& ME. - Sales.
Corning Glass Works--Company-wide
oppor. including those of wholly-owned
subsidiaries - Corbart Refractories &
Corning Fibre Box. All Degrees: ChE,
CE, EE, EM, IE, Instru., ME, Met., Chem.
(all phases), Geol., Bact. MS: Construc-
tion; BS: E Math, E. Physics & S.
Engrg.; BS-MS: Mat's & Wildlife Mgt.
Men & Women. - R&D, Des., Prod.,
Sales Mktg., Mfg. Engrg., Staff Mfg.
Ex-Cello-O Corp., Detroit area for
Mgmt. Trng. Prof.; other oppor. which
may be available in entire Corp.-BS-
MS: EE, EM, IE & ME. BS: E Physics.
Dec. grads. Men & Women. R. & D.,
Des., Prod., Sales, Mgmt. Trng. Prog.
Surface Combustion DCv., Midland-
Ross Corp., Toledo, Ohio-BS: ChE &
ME. R. & D., Des., Prod. & Sales.
Alpha Phi Omega, Pledge Meeting,
Oct. 8, 7 p.m., 3510 SAB.
* * *
German Club Coffee Hour - German
Conversation, Music; Singing, Refresh-
ments, "Herzlich Wilkommen," Oct.
9, 3-5 p.m., 4072 FB.
* ' *
JJC Petitioning for student members
of Committee on Standards & Conduct
begins Oct. 7. Deadline date Oct. 17.
Interviewing time & place will be an-
nounced at a later date. Petitions avail-
able from Mrs. Belaire, 1011 SAB.
Young Democrats, Meeting, Oct. 10,
7:30 p.m., Union. Speaker: Pat Sopiak,
informal talk on her trip to Cuba.
International Students Association,
Lecture Discussion Series, Oct. 8, 4
p.m., UGLI, Multipurpose Rm. Speaker:
Dr. G. Wilson, Political S. Dept.,
"Cultural Integration in a Changing,
World," Japan.

For Direct Classified Ad Service, Phone NO 2-4786
from 1:00 to 3:00 P.M. Monday through Friday, and Saturday 9:30 'til 11:30 A.M.
FOR SALE-Microscope "Zeiss' mono- RIDERS WANTED to Detroit Mon.-Fri. 3 BDRM. APT., fireproof, la,
cular-binocular, excellent cond. Ph. ATTENTION STUDENTS Call 5-2170. G9 cilities, garage. In SW Ann
542-6431, Detroit. B9 1-6958.
Furniture, bookcases, books, chests, NEED RIDE to Columbus, O. any
RCA-VICTOR clock-radio for sale. AM, desks; Appliances; Antiques; Musical weekend soon. Will share expenses. 3 ROOMS AND BATH near car
almost new, works very well. White instruments. Bought, sold. DARWINS, Call Chuck, 668-7659. G10 street parking. NO 5-7215
with gold numerals. 5-9761, Ext. 104. 2930 S. State. NO 8-7744. F11 after 6.
Bli WANTED-Ride to Miami of Ohio in
GARGOYLE (gar'goil), n. 1. Arch. A Oxford, Ohio, the weekend of Oct. 25. GIRL ROOMMATE Wanted
HOUSE-Three bedrooms, $14,000, terms waterspout, often carved grotesquely, Call Judy at 3-7541, Ext. 761. G7 furn'd. apt. near campus.
to suit. Lakewood, 115 Highlake, city, projecting at the upper part of a 5-7112 after 5:00.
gas heat, full basement, fenced back- building, usually from the roof gut- WANT RIDE Tuesday and Thursday
yard, wooded lot, near elementary ter. 2. Hence, a grotesque figure re- from Ypsi to campus and arrive by 9 ROOMMATE WANTED - 2-1
school, lake, shopping center, bus line. sembling a gargoyle. - gar'goyled a.m., to leave at 6 p.m. Will share $32.50/mo. Center campus. 2"
Almn. storm screens - screen porch, (-goild), adj. And all this for only expenses. Call 483-4452. G1 4 p.m.
tool shed, electric stove, dishwasher. a quarter! On sale everywhere Wed-
NO 5-5839. B15 nesdayl P13 BIKES AND SCOOTERS GRAD STUDENT (1 or '), to
SAVE 40c-This ad and $1.60 good for ._modern apt. 3 blocks fron
PERSONAL 1 giant 14" cheeze and pepperoni 1960 CUSHMAN SCOOTER-New paint 453-3287.
pizza. Free delivery. Pizza King, 665- job. Call 662-7880. Z22 ROOM FOR RENT--Clean,
FURNITURE for Sale. Call 30175. F5 9655 or 665-3800. 1308 S. University.2arage included. Male stu
This offer good until Thurs., Oct. 10. FOR SALE-196 Honda 305 Super Hawk gerred. 223 Buena Vista.u1,
RONI, HOW 'ye ya' BEEN? P45 p9 Call 2-0050. Reasonable. Zlit fre.23Bun it,
DIG the MET-TET! F48 WANT TO WORK abroad? With eco- 1958 VESPA-In good running cond. GARAGE and open parking
DO YOU PLAY the Ukelele? Call 8- nomics or business background, you $125 Call Andy, 66-28573 after 4 on nAR nd pen parin:
8141 between 4 and 8 F28 are eligible to spend 2-6 months at a weekdays. Z26 and Geddes. Also next to H
8141__between ___4_and__8.__F28 foreign job. C omne to Mass Meeting of CnexNOt2-778
RICK-Martha is willing to go to the A.I.E.S.G.C. Tues., Oct. 8, :i5 at FOR SALE-Bella Motor Scooter, like Ca NO 2-7787.
MIU-M MIXER. hlO Bus. Ad. Bldg. new. One of the finest made. MustPR N PLACE
MSU-M MIXER. F10 us. d. Bldg. F see to appreciate. 665-3291. Z12 PARKINGB fa E
a n SCADAL"is pefumefortheBlock front Law Quad. $4.5
GET YOUR "Activities Booklet" NOW-- "SCANDAL" is a perfume for the197LMRTAalotsemylie N 3-28$45
Student Offices-Michigan Union. Fl woman of discerning taste who dares 1957 LAMBRETTA, almosV assembly line NO 3-7268.
to wear the bold assurance of glowing condition. All extras included. 5100
WELCOME BACK, H. NEIL! From your sunlight. Available at the Village actual miles. Call Bob Rodes, 5-2501. LOOKING FO GIRL RM
ardent ethnic readers. F18 Apothecary, 1112 S. University Ave. Z25 new, spacious apartment I
______________________________ P. pus, Excellent facilities. I
P12 CYCLES & SCOOTERS-BMW-r50-'59, 5-2167 after 6 p.m. if inter
Phi Delts want it! SGC READING and Discussion Group all white, extras. Harley tricycle, great ROOMATE(8 WANTED, rofE
Kappas want it! presents number four in the current for campus and winter; carries 4.
Quaddies want it! series: Frantz Kafka: His Art and giant luggage compartment. Vespas, student, to share 3 bdrm. h
Nurses want it! Meaning. Tonight, 7:30 p.m., Multi- Cushmans and Lambrettas. NO 3-1714' gle bdrm. available Call
(Thetas don't, though.) purpose Room, UGLI. Speaker: Dr. cmd 80m
State will have it soon! Fredrick Wyatt, Department of Psy- USED CARS and 8 p.m.
Even Markley wants it! chology. F17 BEL-AIR APTS.-1 and 2 bed:
Don't you wish you had it? TODAY is somebody's birthday! Whose '60 FALCON 2-dr. deluxe, standard new. Danish modern furni
Well, you can get it! birthday? Bunker Carp's birthday. shift. Clean. Evenings 662-5931. N3 conditioning, balconies, wa.
Wednesday, for only 25c. How old is she? 1, 2, 3 .. I'll never carpeting. Campus locatia
What? Gves.2-51. tell. It's just too bad she can't have 1 AT good condition, ess than Eves. 2-5140.
The GARGOYLE, of course! tl.I' uttobdsecnthv 10,000 miles. Phone NO 2-2625. N50 _____________
F15 a P-Bell. Have a really happy happy.
From all of your kind, wonderful, 1929 HUDSON super 6, 4 door sedan. LOST AND FOUL
COALESCENCE needs COORDINATION. considerate friends. F11 Call 449-7051. N48
YOU can be my PATRONESS. NO 8- LOST--Dawson & Harvey, "C
6807. P47 1959 VW KARMAN GHIA. Good cond. Casebook. 663-8209.
$895. NO 2-8584 after 5:30 p.m. N47
$1.25 LOST-Keys in vicinity of Fr
HAIRCUT, Mon. thru Thurs., 347 May- SHORT STOR I ES 1960 PORSCHE-1600 coupe, absolutely State. Call 3-1561, Exti 1275.
nard, near Arcade. $1.50 Fri. and Sat. like new. 5 new tires. NO 2-0280, eve-
_nings. N49 LOST-Three keys on a chari
JOE CUTRO-Condolences on getting NOW BEING considered for publi- to Lost and Found of Ad. 3
the booby prize! But a 32-A isn't cation in the campus inter-arts mag- 1958 DODGE Convertible. Beautiful floor.
much of a booby prize, is it? F19 azine, GENERATION. All material cond. Full power. Must sell. Call 663-
Dear Percy: submitted will be carefully read, 9883 after 5:15 p.m. N1 HELP WANTED
Do you -like Michigan Songs? criticized, and returned if not used. 1962 FALCON, stick, heat, music, deluxe FULL OR PART TIME HE
Rosemary F22 Manuscripts may be left at the main trim. Clean and sharp. Student must McDonald's Drive In, 2000
Dear Rosemary: office, Student Publications Bldg. sell. 665-2280. N45 dium.
Yea, Why? First issue in October. 1963 BUICK LE SABLE-4-door hard- PART-TIME-10 a.m. to 12 'n
Percy F20 top, power brakes and steering, many Wed., Fri. 8:30 p.m.i to '
extras. Excellent condition, low mileh 3 nights. Apply in persor
Dear Percy: R Tage, private owner. HU 2-0405. N37 p.m., Drake's Sandwich She
Then go to the fishbowl and buy a GEN ERAT ION
1963 Sunbeam Alpine: Engine and
DIAMONDS-Highest quality at com- trans. just rebuilt; a very competi- TRY THE DAILY
petitive prices. Call C. K. Reaver Co. tive race car. AND SEE THE WOR
of Ann Arbor, 300 S. Thayer, NO GREETINGS DEARIE-I can't help but Call Bill Wooding - NO 3-4213. 62
2-1132. F18 think of you as I sit here taking pot (Through an
shots at the DGs as they go by. It AP machine,
NEED MC for World's Faird Variety just conjures up thoughts of you and ALFA-ROMEO'S . that is)
Show, November 8-9. Sign up for that terrible mess you had with the
interview this week at Union Student Gargoyle last year . . . but, I mean 1964 models on display now. ALSO: 1960 Talk to the editor
offices. F8 really! I don't think they quite Alfa '2000 roadster, sharp, 28,000 miles,
expected them to be used for THAT! 1959 Alfa Giulietta Spider, black, p er s onn e I d i reci
AUSTIN DIAMOND CORPORATION - (As I recall, it was quite unreadable radio, nice, $1495. 1958 Alfa Super about trying out I
"Where marginal prices buy, quality afterward . . . if you know what I Spider, red, engine overhauled, nice,
diamonds!" 1209 S. University. 663- mean!) Well, you have another $1495.t*
7151. F73 chance, yes.., .the GARGOYLE will
' be on sale again this Wednesday .. . Overseas Imported Cars Inc.
STUDENT WIVES or Housewives - and for only a quarter ... if you can 331 S. 4th. 662-2541 BARGAIN CORNI
Pleasant part-time work. Excellent fathom that! Well, back to the ba- N
pay. No experience, no investment. zooka! I hope they're letting you out
Must have car and phone. NO 3- on these nice weekends, Dearie! F14 BUSI NESS SERVICES
0633, 6-8 P.M. or weekends. H42 B SN S EVCSS M S S O
GRADUATE DELEGATE positions still Meet The Right People HARPSICHORD instruction by graduate Has Genuine LEVI's G
open for the Conference on the Uni- of Yale School of Music. Instrument"I
versity. Petitions available at SGC The purpose of our organization, using available for practice. 8-8309. J10
office in SAB. Undergraduate slots established techniques of personality SLIM-FITS
all filled; F34 appraisal and an IBM system, is to AVON REP. now on N. Campus. Will
,.i i ,mmn ia.. a o ,. service dorms. Xmas gift specials. 4 4

300 S. Thayer
Serving German Food

p II

Eaton's Corrasable Bond
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Tom Thomsen wanted challenging work

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Western Electric's wide variety of challenging
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and process control techniques to reduce manu-
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Tom is sure that Western Electric is the right place
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If you set the highest standards for yourself,
enjoy a challenge, and have the qualifications
we're looking for-we want to talk to you! Oppor-
tunities for fast-moving careers exist now for elec-
trical, mechanical and industrial engineers, and

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