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October 08, 1963 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-10-08

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___________________________________ THE MICHIGAN DAILY


" House Approves, Move
To Continue Existence
Of Civil Rights Group


House Committee Debates
Omnibus Civil Rights Bill

WASHINGTON-The full House
Judiciary Committee will begin
discussion next week of the most
sweeping civil rights legislation
ever to be considered seriously in
Congress, the New York Times
reported recently.
A subcommittee approved the
bill last week, but the full scope
of the measure was not known
until, at the weekend, the panel
published a committee print, the
first official text of the legislation
worked out by the subcommittee.
The subcommittee bill covers 62,
printed pages. It has 10 substan-
tive titles, covering virtually every
major aspect of the race problem
except housing segregation.
Many of the titles were pro-
posed by the -administration, but
the subcommittee bill adds some
new ones and carries others sig-
nificantly beyond the administra-
tion's proposals.
Following is an analysis of the
10 titles.
Existing law forbids voting of-
ficials to discriminate against Ne-
groes and allows the Justice De-
partment to bring civil suits
against descriminatory practices.
This has been the department's
major weapon since its enactment
in 1957.
The bill, following administra-
tion recommendations, singles out
some specific discriminatory prac-
tices and bans them. The aim is
to simplify and shorten lawsuits.
State officials are forbidden to
apply different standards or pro-
cedures to different voters or to
refuse registration because of im-

material errors on forns. South-
ern registrars have rejected Ne-
groes for errors in punctuation.
If would-be voters are given a
literacy test, it must be in writing.
And the applicant must be given
a copy of his test.
Moreover, the bill sets up a "re-
buttable presumption" that any
graduate of the sixth grade is lit-
erate for voting purposes. This
means that the state would have
to prove the contrary.
Under the Civil Rights Act of
1960, federal voting referees may
be appointed toregister persons
in - any area where state officials
continue to discriminate, but no
federal judge has yet appointed
any referees.
The bill carries an administra-
tion proposal to appoint such ref-
erees at once, before the extended
trial of a voting case, in any coun-
ty where fewer than 15 per cent
of voting-age Negroes are register-
Referees would be chosen from
a list of names drawn up by the
judges of the court of appeals for
that circuit. This is a change from
the administration bill, which
would have had the list drawn
by the appellate and the district
judges. District judges are some-
times less favorable to civil rights
complainants than are appellate
The subcommittee bill would
make all these voting sections ap-
plicable to all elections. The ad-
ministration's draft covered only;
elections for federal office-Presi-
dent, senator, representative.

Clears Body
By Big Vote
Some Southerners
Cast Ballots for Unit
kept the Civil Rights Commission
in business yesterday, sending
President John F. Kennedy a bill
extending its life for one year.
The emergency measure was'
made necessary when the com-
mission's statutory authority ex-
pired Sept. 30.
A 10-part civil rights bill now
before the House Judiciary Com-
mittee includes a provision that
would make the commission a per-
manent agency.
Wide Margin
The one-year extension passed
the House 265-80, with 136 Demo-
crats and 129 Republicans joining
to provide far more than the two-
thirds majority required under the
emergency procedure followed.
Seventy-one Democrats, all from
Southern or border states except
Rep. Walter S. Baring (D-Nev),
and nine Southern Republicans
voted against the measure.
An additional 10 Democrats, in-
cluding Majority Whip Hale Boggs
(D-La), did not vote but were re-
corded against the bill.
More surprising were the 14
votes cast by Southerners in favor
of the bill. These included five
members from Texas, three from
Florida, two each from Tennessee
and Kentucky and one each from
Virginia and Georgia.
No Clues
The heavy majority provided no
clues as to how the omnibus civil
rights bill will fare, however. As it
now stands it is probably the most
sweeping civil rights bill ever con-
sidered by a congressional com-
mittee--Even if it is trimmed, as
expected, by the judiciary commit-
tee, it should emerge as a formi-
dable - and controversial - mea-
The judiciary committee starts
working °on the bill today. As;
drawn by a subcommittee it con-,
tains things which the Kennedy
administration asked, such as a
ban on discrimination in public
accommodations, as well as some
items not sought by the adminis-
tration, such as a Fair Employ-
ment Practices Commission.
A handful of southerners spoke,
against ,continuing the civil rightsE
commission's life during the brief
debate yesterday.

PARIS -Preliminary negotia-
tions in the so-called "Kennedy
round" of tariff talks have been
slower, more difficult and less
successful to date than tle ne-
gotiators say they expected, the
New York Times reported re-
There appear to be two major
hurdles. One is that a new bar-
gaining technique is being tried
and negotiators are moving slowly
to avoid misstepping.
The other hurdle is the bar-
gaining nations' attitude. It is
not yet clear that these countries
are genuinely enthusiastic about
the major trade liberalization that
is proposed.
The prolonged dispute between
the Common Market and the
United States over the chicken
tariff is viewed as evidence sup-
porting this view.
France is another question.
President Charles de Gaulle has
not let it be known how the Ken-'
nedy round fits into his scheme
of things.
The new bargaining plan is to
have one big across-the-board cut
on all items, with limited excep-
tions. The nations are still pre-
paring lists of exceptions that they
want to claim and of exceptions
that they do not want others to
claim in the formal negotiations
next *year.
The fact that the Common Mar-1
ket has not achieved full unity yet,
is another obstacle to the nego-
tiations. During the years of tran-
sition, Common Market decisions
come only by prolonged negotia-
tions between the six nations., 1
One major subject on which the
six still have to make their de-
cisions is agriculture policy. The
United States has insisted, as in
the chicken war, that there must
be a substantial easing of tradet
curbs on farm products.t

viet Union threw a roadblock yes-
terday into plans for sending a
United Nations fact-finding team
to South Viet Nam to investigate
alleged ill treatment of Buddhists.
The United States and Britain
were caught by surprise by a last-
Soviets Note
Wheat Loss
MOSCOW-An official Soviet
source indicated yesterday that
grain supplies available to the
government from domestic pro-
duction this year would be as
much as 18 per cent below the
1962 level, the New York Times
reported yesterday.
This disclosure, by a commenta-
tor of Tass, the official press
agency, was the first to be made
publicly by an official source on
the extent of the Soviet crop fail-
Meanwhile in Washington, it is
expected that the Kennedy ad-
ministration will reach a policy
decision on the sale of American
wheat to Russia in the next day
or two, high ranking government
officials said yesterday.
There has been no formal ap-
proach by the Soviet Union to buy
United States wheat, but commer-
cial traders reportedly have been
sounded out by the Russians on
the prospect. And there have been
reports that such Communist sa-
tellite nations as Hungary, Czech-
oslovakia and Bulgaria are also
seeking United States wheat.
Administration officials said
yesterday at a State Department
foreign policy briefing session that
the Russians are seeking roughly
$250 million worth of wheat-
about 100 to 125 million bushels.
This would be -in addition to the
$700 million worth of grain the
Soviet Union already has oon-
tracted from Canada and Aus-

minute Soviet proposal to give the
fact-finding job to the Vietnamese
Control Commission set up by the
1954 Geneva Conference and thus
sidestep a direct UN role in the
Under the Soviet plan the con-
trol commission-made up of In-
dia, Poland and Canada--would
make the survey and report to the
commission cochairmen, Britain
and the Soviet Union.
There was no immediate com-
ment from the United States, but
British sources expressed surprise
that the Soviet Union made the
suggestion without consulting
them. They added that this cast
doubt on the seriousness of the
Soviet proposal.
In another move at the session,
Cuban Ambassador Carlos Lechu-
ga declared his country would re-
fuse to sign the limited test ban
treaty while the United States
waged what he called an un-
declared war against Cuba.
United States Ambassador Adlai
E. Stevenson promptly accused
Cuba of cold war tactics and lin-
ing up with the Chinese Com-
munists in rejecting "the greatest

Russians Move To Alter Viet Nam Plan

advance in world relations in the
last year-the nuclear treaty."
Lechuga delivered a bitter anti-
United States speech in the Gen-
eral Assembly and Stevenson spoke
in reply.
"The malevolence and the per-
fidy which characterize the gov-
ernment of the United States have
been displayed through their op-
portunistic, hypocritical and
Machiavellian policy," Lechuga
"The United States errs, how-
ever, when it imagines that a cli-
mate of peace in the world is com-
patible with a policy of war against
Stevenson called the speech an
example of intemperate, cold war
rhetoric that was in marked con-
trast with "the new look in inter-
national relations."
He suggested that Prime Min-)
ister Fidel Castro instructed Le-
chuga to make such a speech be-
cause the Castro regime fears the
Cuban people.
"It has good reason to, for Dr.
Castro knows well that the love of
liberty runs deep in the Cuban
soul, and he knows that a people

who have risen before to cast c
tyrants will rise again," Stevi
son added.
Lechuga accused the Uni
States of pulling strings in
United Nations and said a "gl
ing example" was the blocking
Red China's admission to
world organization.
He assailed United States e
nomic pressure on Cuba
"shameful behavior-brutal, g
State Records
Drop in Jobles
By The Associated Press
LANSING - State unemplc
ment as of Sept. 15 hit an eig
year low, figures released by t
State Employment Security Cc
mission Saturday show.
Booming auto sales were cited
the cause of the 3.9 per cent u
employment rate. Only 113,000 o
of 2,710,200 workers in the st
are without jobs.

are- wihout;jobs.

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World News Roundup
RIO DE JANEIRO-Facing mounting political opposition, Presi-
dent Joao Goulart withdrew yesterday a request for Congress to
authorize a 30-day state of siege to keep order in Brazil. Goulart said
extreme measures were no longer necessary but his military ministers
called on the armed forces to maintain their guard'and remain
faithful to their commanders. Opposition to the measure has mounted
over the weekend from practically all political quarters, including
Goulart's own Brazilian Labor _ _____--_-_

-- ~ I



& Discussion Group

7:30 P.M., Multi-Purpose Room UGLI


The military chiefs voiced full
support for the 44-year-old presi-
dent and said he had dedicated
himself so fully to his task that
his physical state was being sac-
f WASHINGTON - The limited
nuclear test ban treaty was for-
mally ratified yesterday by Presi-
dent John F. Kennedy, who pledg-
ed that the United States will
observe it "in letter and in spirit."
SAIGON-President Ngo Dinh
Diem declared yesterday Commun-
ist guerrillas are losing the war in
South Viet Nam and had stirred
up the Buddhist crisis hoping to
avert "inescapable defeat."
Despite another fiery suicide,
the sixth among Buddhists, the
president insisted that the reli-
gious problem had been settdel.
He pretested the proposal of 16
Asian, African and Latin Ameri-
can nations to have United Na-
tions Secretary-General U Thant
intercede in behalf of the Budd-

I1 11

^ , 44' w
' \ A ,4



Department of Psychology-

NEW YORK-The New York
Stock Exchange lost early gains
and 'closed slightly down yesterday.
The Dow-Jones averages showed
30 industrials down 1.20, 20 rails
1.19, 15 utilities down .20 and 65
stocks down .74.

. . .::



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