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August 27, 1963 - Image 29

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1963-08-27

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North Campus Gains Major Buildings

1951, the acres now compris-
he North Campus of the Uni-
by were farmlands, their gen-
olling hills given over to pas-
and grain fields.
day the area is the site of
a half-dozen laboratory and
ce buildings and of apartment
ing for 700 student families.
the drawing boards of archi-
are detailed plans for addi-
l educational buildings as
as long-range proposals for
opment of the entire North

Enrollmenrt Needs
In recent years, discussions of
higher education have tended to'
concentrate upon questions of
mounting enrollments, and the
need for more teachers, more
buildings, more books and equip-
-ment, and more money. These
needs are very real, but University
faculty and administrators have
also seen in them a tremendous
opportunity to expand the services
of higher education to a society
?requiring an ever-growing source
of educated manpower. '
To accept this opportunity and
to fulfill its obligation to future
generations of students, the Uni-
versity began early to plan for.
the years of growth which lie
/ ahead.
The Regents commissioned the,
first action to acquire land for the
development of a new campus area
north of the Huron River in Ann
Arbor at the meeting of December,

1949. At the May 19 meeting the
Regents authorized a contract-with
Eero Saarinen and Associates of
Birmingham, Mich., to provide
outside consultation in the devel-
opment of the area north of the
huron River. There followed a
period of intensive preliminary
planning for campus development
under the direction of Eero Saari-
nen. On Nov. 23, 1951, Saarinen
made his report to the Regents
and presented the first .elements
of a plan which gave form to the
North Campus project.
Industrial Liaison
A unique feature of the North
Campus is the close liaison with
industry which both the Univer-
sity and the City of Ann Arbor
are encouraging. Both Parke-Davis
and Company, andthe .Bendix
Corporation have already con-
structed research centers which
make possible an exchange of per-
sonnel and information beneficial
to both education and industry.
This past year the University
sold a tract of land to the Cli-
max Molybdium Corp. which will'
be using it for research purposes.
The Bureau of Fisheries has
also been given land by the Uni-
versity for a research center, which
will be completed within the next;
few years.
Thee Public Health Department'
Water Pollution Control Center is
now in the= planning stages and
will be completed within. the next
three years.

I ROBOT-A robot controlled mechanical arm manipulates
radiocative' chemicals in the Phoenix Memorial Laboratory on
North Campus. Housing an experimental nuclear reactor whose
power will shortly be boosted, the laboratory is the center for
nuclear studies at the University.

it's That Time Again!
Whether you're student, teacher, cafeteria employee, the
dean's secretary or room-mother . . .yours are the footsteps
soon to be heard echoing in halls of learning all over the
country. And what do you wear if you want your feet to look
smart as you are? New sports, flats, boots and stacks that are
an education in themselves! Never before have back-to-the-
books skimmers and ties been so interesting . . . so beautifully
coordinated with everything you wear . .. so well prepared with
detailing to collect compliments for, you by the bushel!
Mocs aren't "just mocs" with careful hand .stitching on
vamps and the new gleam of rich bronze wax, winey cordovan
or greened-almost-to-black leathers. Imagine how smart your
pleated plaid skirt will look with these, not to mention that new
spice brown jumper!
You'll love suede ties and slip-ons in gay'n giddy colors . , .
on zippy foam rubber soles. Bounce smartly up school steps in
these and your knit "fisherman's shirt" pullover. Enjoy 'em for
active sports with your slim-jims.
There's nothing but exciting surprise on your flats curri-
culum! Show off your soft mohair dress, your picture-frame
neckline suit in flats which show off you. Skimmers are sleeker.
Straps are sensational. In dressy new flats the line's the thing!
Open-work, cut-outs, tricky ties and swooping sidelines flatter
your classic sweaters and dresses from eight o'clock classes
through eight o'clock dates!
Don't forget your boots! Dressy heel weather proofs, gaudy
in red and black patent tall checkerboards, sassy multicolored
scalloped suedes, furry topped warmers, convertible tops and
button-downs! Casual boots are everywhere . . . climbing the
stadiums, starring at the most fashionable corn popping and
coke get-togethers, ankle caressing boots rate loud cheers! You'll
want btter-than-ever boots with kiltie skirts, culottes and, of
course, your grey flannel pants.
You'll need regulation gym shoes, comfortable, easily
cleaned styles for cheerleaders and good-looking band shoes for
this new season. Look at your tennis shoes! They're canvas or
flannel, but they're news in brass or grey; cranberry, brown or
red and black plaid and rave-making in herringbone weaves on
rope trimmed soles!
This Fall sees a little heel strolling gracefully through school
doorways. Little heels covered or stacked lead the fashion class
whether one-and-a-half or half-inch high! Small heels take new
shapes .. .the better to showcase your All-American "leggy
look" and make every soft casual outfit more charming. The
"Country Look" of Vogue comes to the campus. Little heels have
that air of understated sophistication every girl yearns for!
Wait'll you see what they do for your pinafores and pull-over
Colors? Academic shoe hits are colorful as a football. game!
Reds from lipstick to old wine . . . deep greens, platinum greys,
vivid blues, warm spicy brown tones, beautifully grained or an-
tiqued treatments, basic blacks and well-educated combinations!
Big event dress-up pumps? Naturally! Fragile, softer and more
feminine from demi-heels to high with lush touches of stitchery,
perforations, appliques and peep-eyes to make you irresistible.
Slip into a gorgeous variety of gleaming leathers to silks and
brocades. Choose your colors and feel like a party!
Shoes to make everything you wear lovelier . . . styles to
make you glad school's open so you can show 'em off.., shoes
you see in Seventeen and Mademoiselle are by famed designers
Jacqueline, Connie and Paris Fashion. You can see them locally
at Carman's.



YIou'll Be Pleasantly Suprised





Financed in part through a pub-
lic grant, an addition to the Fluids
Engineering Bldg. is now under-
Nearing completion is the School
of Music Bldg., scheduled for oc-
cupancy this summer.
This building, occupying 111,000
square feet of land, will consoli-
date music school facilities which
are now interspersed throughout
17 campus buildings.
Former plans for the North
Campus coeducational living unit,
Bursley Hall, have been put aside
in favor of offering students a
wider choice of housing than is
now available.
The University is planning a se-
ries of smaller buildings, designed
to hold about 500 students each.
These-buildings will be for upper-
classmen, graduate and foreign
Broken down, each will have 100
single occupancy rooms, 100 suites
having a stnudy and a bedroom
designed for two occupants and
100 double rooms. Bathing and
toilet facilities will be located be-
tween the rooms..
Food services will be provided in
a separate project close to the
buildings and will be designed to
acconmodate food needs for all
students at North Campus. This
building will also serve as a stu-
dent center.
It is not expected that the North
and Central Campuses will ever
be completely divorced from each

other, even though an effort is
being made to centralize the vari-
ous schools and colleges of the
University on one campus or an-
Connects '
The number of the University
switchboard is Normandy 3-1511.
Calling this number will enable
students to be connected with pro-
fessors and administrators, along
with college, school and depart-
ment offices.
Starting in September of next
year the University will utilize a
centrex telephone system. Under
this plan, anybody may dial any
University extension directly from
an outside phone without having
to go through the current Univer-
sity switchboard.
Under the current system, pri-
vate branch exchange or PBX,
anyone inside the system may dial
direct to anyone else also within
the system without having to go
through the switchboard.
The PBX system has just been
expanded to the University facili-
ties at Willow Run Airport in or-
der to make connections with the
main campus faster and more ef-


306 S. State

9:00 to 5:30 and Mon. Ni


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For Michigan Daily


SOUND OF MUSIC-This is a model of the new School of Music
buildiig which will be completed this summer on North Campus.
The building will consolidate all facilities of the school which are
now scattered throughout 17 campus buildings,.

Call NO 2-3241

Welcome to MICHIGAN

-Welcome to CARMAN'S



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Whatever you wear.. . Wherever you go, there's a

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