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October 06, 1963 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-10-06

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New Honduras Regime
Plagued by Resistance;
Snipers Begin Violence

Patman Crticizes
Investigating Team
WASHINGTON (Pj)-Rep. Wright, Patman (D-Tex), a persistent
critic of tax exemption rules for private foundations, says he thinks
a Treasury task force looking into the question is stacked in favor of
the foundations.
Patman's comment came as sources disclosed that the group of
experts have held two closed-door meetings at the Treasury Depart-
ment, the second one Friday. Patman said he asked more than three

Sees Japan Student Split

U.S. Severs Relations
With New Governments.
WASHINGTON (P)-The United States has raised a warning
flag for any more Latin American military leaders contemplating a
grab for power.
It made an example of the Dominican Republic and Honduras,
whose governments were toppled in quick succession.
Going further than merely suspending aid and diplomatic rela-
tions, the United States ordered withdrawal of their economic and
Atmilitary aid missions from the

views with alarm

Aidit Wants
Red Summit
TOKYO (AP)-The Chinese Com-
munists gave their blessing yester-
day to a proposal for bringing the
Soviet Union and Red China be-
fore a court of world Communists
to settle the two countries' ideolog-
ical differences once and for all.
Indonesian Communist boss D.
N. Aidit, leader of the largest Com-
munist party outside the Iron and
Bamboo Curtains, had called for
world Communists to sit as jury
and decide who is right in the
Peking-Moscow feud which has
split the Communist world move-
ment. Up to now, he said, the mud-
slinging has only hurt the move-
ment toward world domination.
Similar but less forceful appeals
for a Communist summit meeting
have gained attention" recently in
Moscow. Peking has demanded a
world meeting all along in the be-
lief it could document from the
writings of Marx and Lenin its
claim that world Communism
must foster violent revolution.
As Aidit sees it, the time has
4 / come to determine which is the
villain and which is the hero.
Nothing has been solved, he said,
by meetings between the two Com-
munist powers.

two countries, making it that
much more difficult for assistance
to be resumed.
'Utmost Gravity'
"We view the recent military
coups in the Dominican Republic
and Honduras with the utmost
gravity,"" Secretary of State Dean
Rusk said in a statement announc-
ing the action.
Earlier, the State Department
suspended diplomatic relations and
deliveries of military and eco-
nomic aid to Honduras.
The rapid series of actions came
within a day after the Honduran
army overthrew the government of
President Ramon Villeda Morales
and forced him into exile in Costa
Bosch Ousted
The Honduras coup came on the
heels of a military clique's ousting
of Juan Bosch from the presidency
of the Dominican Republic late
last month.
The State Department's an-
nouncements showed that admin-
istration officials have become
alarmed that military leaders, en-
couraged by the coups in Hon-
duras and the Dominican Republic
might try to take over otherLatin
American governments.
Rusk said, "the establishment
and maintenance of representative
and constitutional government is
an essential element in the Alli-
ance for Progress.
Critical Factor
"Stable and effective govern-
ment responsive to the popular
will is a critical factor in the at-
tainment of social and economic
"Tnder existing conditions in
the Dominican Republic and Hon-
duras, there is no opportunity for
effective collaboration by the
United States under the Alliance
for Progress or for normalization
of diplomatic relations."

Lopez Coup
Cites Policy,
Against Reds
Government States
Army Has Control
TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras ()-
Anti-junta sharpshooters opened
up with machine guns and small
arms on the army yesterday in a
show of defiance of the new re-
As if by a pre-arranged signal,
snipers began their sudden attack
at 2 p.m. in various sectors of the
Hp9nduran capital. Hours later the
shooing continued.
The violence came on the heels
of a statement by new government
chief Col. Oswaldo Lopez Arellano
that' the army was in full control
of the' situation throughout' the
Col. Lopez led a coup Thursday
that, overthrew the six-year-old
regime of President Ramon Ville-
da Morales. He said yesterday. his
government-eight civilians and
two military men -- would keep
power for about a year or "until
the conditions which caused the
move against the Villeda govern-
ment are eliminated."
The military claimed the depos-
ed president was soft on Commu-
The new government declared
itself ready to crush any uprising.
The warning came amid reports
that a pro-Communist student or-
ganization was planning demon-
strations in protest of the ouster
of President Ramon Villeda Mor-
ales in a pre-dawn strike Thurs-
The government is also reported
to have gained the support of two
right-of-center political parties,
the National, Party and the ortho-
dox Republican Party.
Party officials said they had sent
their declarations of 'support to
Lopez. Iellano but that a ban on
political activities prevented offi-
cial publication.
Coupled with the military over-
throw of President Juan Bosch in
the Dominican Republic Sept. 25,
the armed forces' seizure here set
off fears of governmentupsets in
other key Latin American coun-
tries. It attracted attention to
troubles in Brazil, Venezuela and

French Give
To Ben Bella
ALGIERS (P-The French gov-
ernment is reported- to have as-
sured President Ahmed Ben Bella
of support in his struggle against
the Berber rebellion in Kabylie.
Highly reliable French sources
said the assurances were given yes-
terday by French Ambassador
Georges Gorse after his return
from consultations in Paris. Presi-
dent Charles de Gaulle apparently
feels Ben Bella should be backed
as the best available statesman in
post-independence Algeria.
The French sources stressed the
backing will not be impaired by
continuing nationalization of
French property and plans to
block French bank accounts.
Reliable reports say the main
reason for the French attitude is
continuation of French atomic ex-
periments in the Sahara. France
apparently plans to explode five
more bombs before completion of
its atomic program in the desert.
Despite criticism of the French
experiments and occasional threats
-mainly for African consumption
-the Algerian government has
done nothing to prevent France
from continuing this program.

... support for Ben Bella

weeks ago for a list of who is on
the task force but has not yet
been informed.
All-Star Cast
However, congressional sources
reported that among its members
-Chairman Morris Hadley of
-Chairman Morris Hadley of
the Carnegie Foundation.
-Vice-Chairman Barklei M.
Henry of the Carnegie Institute of
-President Henry A. Moe of the
Guggenheim Memorial Founda-
-Vice-Chairman Walter M. Up-
church, Jr.,of the Shell Co. Foun-
-President Donald Young of
the Russell Sage Foundation.
-Director F. Emerson Andrews
of the Federation Library Center,
a kind of trade center for foun-
Other committee members are
reported to include at least three
prominent attorneys, a Harvard
Law School professor and three
persons recommended by Patman.
Investigation Outgrowth
The study is an ;outgrowth of
several investigations held by Pat-
man, who headed the House Small
Business Committee before he be-
came chairman of the House
Banking and Currency Committee.
Under Patman, the House Small
Business Committee issued several
reports that criticized the founda-
tions as a powerful but virtually
unregulated force in the nation's
economy and in some cases a tax-
dodging device.
Early this year, Assistant Sec-
retary of the Treasury Stanley
Surrey proposed creation of a task
force to look into the matter and
asked Patman to suggest some
Patman recommended Robert
Mueller, an Austin, Tex., lawyer;
James G. Patton, president of the
National Farmers Union;-and Jack
S. Seidman, head of a New York
firm of certified public account-
Patman was reported to have
heard nothing more until Sept. 12,
when Surrey called him to say the
committee had been formed and
would meet for, the first time the
next day.
Both Mueller and Patton are
understood to have complained
they were given so little notice of
the first meeting that they were
unable to attend.

The ideological differences be-
tween the Soviet Union and Coin-
munist China have had a pro-
found influence on left-wing stu-
dent groups in Japan, Prof. Yuichi
Takano of Tokyo University said
Prof. Takano is an authority on
international law and serves as an
advisor to the Japanesesministry
of foreign affairs. He is visiting
this country to attend the Ameri-
can Society of International Law-
yers' current conference at Prince-
"The Communist and Socialist
youths in Japan, bisected at first
by the Sino-Soviet split, are now
further subdivided over issues of
: World News
By The Associated Press
SHANNON, Ireland - Secret
flights by giant Soviet military
jets on the Cuba run have gravely
imperiled trans-Atlantic air traf-
fic, aviation sources said yesterday.
The Soviet flights, according to
Shannon air traffic control offi-
cials, cut right through the Atlan-

less international importance, Prof.
Takano said.
Position Weakened
These student groups enjoy more
political significance and national
importance than do similar orga-
nizations in Western countries, he
noted. However, the increasing dis-
unity in their ranks has tended to
weaken their total position in Ja-'
pan, Prof. Takano added.
"The young Communists and
Socialists comprise but a small
fraction of the total Japanese
student body, and their actual
numbers tend to vary Inversely
with their degree of fanaticism,"
he observed.
"As the left-wing students be-
come more militant and hostile to-
ward the government, their pop-
ularity within university circles
declines," he said.
Still Neutral
A further problem facing the
left-wing student groups is the
fact that the Communist Party of
Japan has not yet taken a side
in the Sino-Soviet dispute, Prof.
Takano said.
"Two student groups may agree
on the Communist domestic poli-
cies in Japan, and yet differ in

tic lanes which at peak times carry'
a plane a minute between the
United States and Europe.
* * *
WASHINGTON-President Chi-
ang Kai-Shek says the split be-
tween Red China and Russia;
makes this an opportune- time for
his Nationalist Chinese forces to
try to regain the Chinese main-
He said there is no chance of
the split between the two Commu-
nist nations healing until either
Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev
or Red China's Mao Tse-Tung is
Passman (D-La) has criticized the
State Department for withholding
from the public the names of some
countries that receive United
States military aid.
In secret hearings by his House
appropriations subcommittee last
May 17, Passman noted that the
government had classified the
names of five of the 70 nations
that receive grants of military aid.
Since the hearings, the department
has revealed one of the countries,

209 S. State St.

respect to the conflict between
Russians and the Chinese," he4
Prof. Takano observed that
splits among the Communist-
cialist student groups have da
aged some of the worthy proje
they had helped foster in the p
To illustrate this, he cited the fI
ure of this year's Hiroshima a
Test Protesters
This conference. is an ann
gathering in Hiroshima, on the
niversary of the atomic explos
there, to protest the internatic
testing of nuclear weapons.
participants in this traditic
demonstration are the citizens
Hiroshima as coordinated by s
dent groups.
"As a result of the recent dis,
tion among the Japanese 1
wing, this year's gathering in H
shima fell into a session of bi
ering between the several facts
of the young Communists and
cialists," Prof. Takano said.
"Furthermore, no signific
discussions or motions toward
creation of world peace were
solved during the conference,"





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DiCivil Rights Cases on Docket




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preme Court reassembles tomor-
row for a new term destined to
bring historic decisions in racial
sit-in cases and in litigation over
state legislative and congressional
The high tribunal already has
agreed to hear several -appeals in
which the justices 'face the basic
issue of whether a private busi-
nessman may on his own volition,
refuse service to Negroes and
whether he- then may be backed
up by prosecutions under state
trespass laws.
The court also has granted hear-
ings in seven appeals attacking
the way Virginia, Maryland, New
York and Alabama have divided
the seats in their legislatures and
the way New York and Georgia

have divided their congressional
Rural Sections Favored
Basic complaint in these cases
is that metropolitan area voters
are discriminated against by divi-
sions that favor rural sections.
Final Supreme Court decisions are
expected to substantially -affect
the kind of state governments that
develop in the future and to set
new standards for congressional
Questions left unanswered when
the court decided the famous Ten-
nessee apportionment case in
March, 1962, are now before the
justices in the new cases.
In the Tennessee decision, the
tribunal said for the firpt time that

the division of seats in state leg-
islatures is subject to challenge in
federal courts. But it gave no
suggestions as to what degree of
equality or fairness the Constitu-
tion requires.
Unanswered Questions
Similarly, the court left unan-
swered important questions when
last May it decided a group of sit-
in cases, saying demonstrators de-
manding service may not be ar-
rested under local segregation lyw
or policy.
The court then had nothing to
say about private segregation poli-
cies. The sit-in cases to be heard
in the new term include trespass
convictions of demonstrators in
areas where, so far as is known,
there are no segregation laws.
In 1883 the Supreme Court
struck down a statute passed by
Congress to requite equal accom-
modations for all persons in inns,
transportation facilities and thea-
tres. The Supreme Court then said
the Constitution's 14th Amend-
ment allowed Congress to prohibit
only state discrimination and not
private action.
One Black Muslim
Eighteen, new appeals asking
hearings for Negroes also wait
court action. They involve a va-
riety of charges resulting from ra-
cial demonstrations and include


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the case of a Louisiana Black Mus-
He was indicted on an allegation
he desecrated the United States
flag. The Negro was charged with
"displaying publicly a picture of
the flag of the United States as
representing a place of 'hell, slav-
ery and death'."
Similarly, eight new appeals
asking hearings on apportionment
issues were docketed during the
court's summer recess. The new
appeals are from Oklahoma, Ohio,
Washington state, Delaware, Flor-
ida, Michigan, 'Colorado and
Queens in New York City.
Chief Justice Earl Warren, be-
ginning his 11th year on the high
bench, will supervise the handling
of a record-breaking , number of
docketed cases. At the start of the
new term they total almost 1200
cases.. At the same time last year
the total was only a few over 900
The court's work load has more
than doubled during Warren's 10-
year regime: In the 1952-53 term,
only 1,426 cases were docketed.
Each of the last 10 years has seen
a sharp increase in appeals filed.
In the closing weeks of the last
previous term, the court agreed to
hear arguments in 95 cases.
A Few Choice Words
Argument sessions begin Oct. 14
and the court has allotted 124 half
hours to hear the 95 appeals al-
ready granted. By long tradition,
Monday's session is_ devoted to
brief opening ceremonies.
Among the appeals- soon to be
argued is that of Gov. Ross R.
Barnett of Mississippi. He wants
the court to rule he is entitled to
a jury trial in the criminal con-
tempt case pending against him
and Lt. Gov. Paul B. Johnson, Jr.
They were accused of refusing to
obey lower .court orders not to in-
terfere with admission of Negro
James H. Meredith to the Univer-
sity of Mississippi last year.



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