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October 06, 1963 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1963-10-06

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Illinois........10 Purdue .....7 OhioState.....21 Iowa.......
Northwestern.. 9 Notre Dame ... 6 Indiana....... 0 Washington

... 7

Minnesota.....24 Penn State ...

28 UCLA .......10Slippery Rock
7 Stanford ...... 9 Shippensburg

Army . .......

8 Rice

0 9 0 00 * 0.

See Editorial Page


:4Ia ii4

Sunny and

Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom

VOL. LXXIV, No. 31




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To Consider

The use of college board
achievement tests for admis-
sions, guidance and academic
counseling comes under review
tomorrow by the literary college
faculty at their regular monthly
In all likelihood, the tests will
be retained.
In their discussion of the
tests, the literary college fac-
ulty must necessarily consider
the University's needs for ade-,
qu'ate tests for. admissions.
Two-Year Study
This consideration comes at,
the end of a two-year study in
whic . applicants to the Univer-
sity were required to take col-
lege boards. A literary college
faculty admissions committee,
chaired by Prof. Hubert M. Eng-
lish of the English department,
will submit its final recommen-
dations on continued use of col-
lege boards.
The achievements tests -the'
afternoon examinations prepar-
ed by the College Entrance Ex-
amination Board-are intended
to rate a student's ability in a
specific field.
The worth of the Scholastic
Aptitude Test, given in the
morning, has generally been ac-
cepted. But the value of the'
achievement tests had been
challenged on the grounds that
they provide no additional in-
formation and that, in fact,
they are nothing but duplica-
tions of the SAT.
Abolish SAT
The University of California
came to practically the opposite
conclusion, deciding to put the
achievement tests under sur-
veillance and throw out the
SAT entirely.
One study connected by a
member of the Los Angeles
campus mathematics depart-
ment even found an inverse

correlation between the mathe-
matics score on the SAT and
later college grades in the sub-
Studies conducted by the lit-
erary college, the admissions of-
fice and the University Bureau
of Psychological Services show
that in general, the addition of
achievement test data to infor-
mation already available to an
admissions officer enables him
to improve only slightly upon
the accuracy of his predictions.
of a student's performance here,
admissions director B y r o n
Groesbeck explained recently.
E Pluribus Unum
* Studies of the achievement
tests will probably be contin-
ued because of the difficulty
of getting information concern-
ing one specific test from
among the many achievement
tests that are offered.
At present, all nine Univer-
sity schools and colleges admit-
ting freshmen require appli-
cants to take the SAT. Ex-
cept for the engineering col-
lege, all require three achieve-
ment tests.
Significantly, perhaps, the
engineering college originally
required the achievement tests
at the beginning of the two-
year study.
No Justification
Considering the cost of the
achievement tests, the Univer-
sity does not seem justified in
requiring them on an across-
the-board basis for admissions
purposes alone, Groesbeck said.
But for a small proportion of
applicants the admissions of-
fice finds it helpful to have the
achievement test information.
Students' SAT scores have
been used as supplementary in-
formation in admissions ever'
since about 1955, when some
students applying to the Uni-
versity first began submitting
test scores with their applica-

tions. The SAT scores are now
considered second to high
school grades in importance in
deciding acceptance of appli-
Grade-Course Correlation
In studying a student's high
school record, the admissions
office also notes any correlation
between good grades and sub-
stantial courses and any ten-
dency toward better grades as
a student progresses in his high
school career.
SAT scores tend to measure
ability. Low scores coupled with
high grades in high school in-
dicate either an unchallenging
high school or a diligent stu-
dent. The reverse would imply
that a student was not working
up to his abilities.
For obviously well-qualified,
students, the admissions office
may accept the applicant before
receiving his board scores.
Not as Important
Other information, such-as
recommendations from high
school counselors or principals,
is important, but it is less so
than high school grades or SAT
The use of achievement tests
comes into admissions only in
certain situations to aid deci-
sions, such as when the admis-
sions office knows absolutely
nothing about an applicant's
high school. Also, achievement
tests are looked at in some bor-
derline cases.
Thus, the admissions office
may choose to wait for the
achievement tests, which are'
often taken later than the SAT,
before deciding on an applicant.
This delay arises since tech-
nically the SAT scores are re-
quired for admission, and the
achievement test scores are re-
quired only for enrollment, thati
is, are required before an in-
coming freshman can be coun-
See TWO-YEAR, Page 2:

See Problems
In, Deciding
On Location
Beadle Cites Need
To Further Develop
Present Institutions
The state Legislature "will have
to be shown the need for a third
medical school" before any serious
thought can be given to the mat-
ter, Sen. Frank D. Beadle (R- St.
Clair) said last night.
Beadle, chairman of the Senate
Appropriations Committee, stress-
ed the need to develop the exist-
ing medical schools at the Univer-
sity and at Wayne State Univer-
sity. "I feel we have a definite
commitment to meet the needs of
the two existing medical schools
before we start thinking about
another one," he said.
A committee formed by the
Michigan Coordinating Council
for Higher Education will meet
here this Friday in hopes of fin-
ishing its report on the third
medical school. There is specula-
tion that the committee will cite
the need for the third school but
will urge that it shouldn't be
started until the present schools
are fully developed.
Problems, Problems
Any questions of the third medi-
cal school immediately raises the
problem of where and under which
institution it will be set up.
Michigan State University has
wanted a medical school on its
campus for a long time. Last year
it got the Coordinating Council's
approval to set up a two-year
"pre-Clinical" medical program. It
has been estimated that anywhere
from $30-60 million would be
needed to develop a four year
medical school at MSU.
Others Are Interested
Grand Rapids and Kalamazoo
are also interested in attracting
a medical school if and when def-
inite plans are made for it.
WSU is in line for more of the
total capital outlay than is the
University, Beadle said. The Uni-
versity already has a graduating
class of 200 students a year; WSU
has only 125. Money going to the
WSU medical school will be used
to bring that number up to 200.
The state will only have to pay
a part of the amount necessary to
expand the medical schools. The
rest will be taken care of through
a recently passed federal medical
education act. WSU is already
planning to apply for $11 million
under this act.
IQC To Support
SGC Candidates
Inter-Quadrangle Council has
endorsed the following can-
didates for election to Student
Government Council: SGC Ad-
ministrative Vice-President Thom-
as Smithson, '65, incumbent Rus-
sell Epker, '64BAd, and Douglas
Brook, '65.
Elections will be held from 8
a.m.-5 p.m. Wednesday.

New Medical School

in Doub










Of Record






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Hope Talks Ease NATO Split

Leaves Post
In Viet Nam
By The Associated Press
States intelligence chief in South
Viet Nam, John H. Richardson,
and some - other senior American
officials at Saigon probably will
be recalled in a shakeup of per-
sonnel under Ambassador Henry
Cabot Lodge.
Reporting this yesterday, in-
formed sources said Richardson
is being brought back to Washing-
ton "for consultation" but Lodge
has asked for a permanent re-
The others who may be replaced
in the diplomatic-military trouble
spot were not named. It was said
that Lodge, who took over as am-
bassador in late August, feels that
changes are needed for a more
effective performance in the pre-
vailing circumstances.
One major difficulty has been
dealing with the authoritarian re-
gime of President Ngo Dinh Diem.
At one point Washington hoped
Diem would get rid of his in-
fluential brother, Ngo Dinh Nhu,
who is regarded as a powerful ad-
vocate of tough tactics against the
regime's Buddhist opponents.
With Washington-~ trying but
failing to get Nhu out of the dlace
or to change his policies, it was
felt here that United States of-
ficials in Saigon who had worked
closely with Nhu are now in a
position of decreased influence.
Also, there have been reports of
conflict among United States Cen-
tral Intelligence Agency men in
South Viet Nam over whether
there should be changes in the
Saigon government.
In other recent developments,
16 countries were reported plan-
ning yesterday to propose that the
United Nations General Assembly
ask Secretary-General U Thant to
talk to the government of South
Viet Nam about better treatment
for the Buddhists of that country.
The United Nations move was
underscored by recent develop-
ments in South Viet Nam in which
which a young Buddhist monk
burned himself to death before
hundreds of stunned spectators in
Saigon and the political crisis
there hit a new and dangerous
peak of tension.
In addition, three American
newsmen attempting to cover the
grisly suicide outside Saigon's
teeming central market were brut-
ally beaten by plainclothes Viet-
namese police.

To Survey
Forms Used
Feldkanip To Repoi
On Various Practice
Now in Existence
The year-old University C(
mittee on Student Counseling S
vices is slowly moving. toward
examination of all student reco
-academic and non-academi
kept by University schools and
The first step is nearly cc
plete-an all-inclusive survey
the. various departmental pi
Non-academic records in p
ticular have been a source of c
troversy in recent years. As k
by different agencies, they mi
involve anything from factual
formation about a student's ac
ities while on campus (i.e. S
Show and Young Democrats)
comments on his political vi
points and/or emotional stabi
In most cases the student has
access to these records; Iinm
cases University personnel, g
einent agencies and prospec
employers do.

QUESTIONS WHEAT DEAL-GOP Senators Everitt M. Dirksen
(left) and John Tower seek to have wheat sales to the Soviet
Union or its satellites on a cash-only basis. They also caution
against any favorable terms for these nations.
Hungarians May Offer
To Purchase U.S. Wheat
WASHINGTON (WP)-Hungary has told the United States it is
ready to buy.800,000 tons of American grain, diplomatic sources report-
ed yesterday.
The next move is up to the Kennedy administration, a Hungarian
diplomat said.
Other diplomatic sources said the Czech and Bulgarian em-
bassies here also have expressed interest in buying American grain,
in an estimated total value of<a

WASHINGTON (R") - Washing-
ton officials voiced hope yesterday
that some means of reducing the
disarray in the Western alliance
will be found from next week's
visit by French Foreign Minister
Maurice Couve de Murville.
In advance of Couve de Mur-
,,ville's arrival for talks with Unit-
ed States leaders tomorrow and
Tuesday, President John F. Ken-
Stahr To Head
Attack on Bias
In Universities
Collegiate Press Service
nedy administration official was
named this week to lead an Amer-
ican Council on Education attack
on discrimination against stu-
dents and faculty in United States
colleges and universities.
9 Selected by the ACE to head the
committee on equality of educa-
tional opportunity was Elvis J.
Stahr, Jr., former secretary of the
army and now president of Indi-
ana University.
Logan Wilson, president of the
ACE, made the announcement at a
press conference before the open-
ing of the 46th annual meeting of
the ACE.
Need To Expand
Wilson said the eight-member
committee will "be concerned prin-
cipally with the need to expand
opportunities for Negroes in col-
leges and universities."
The committee would formulate
"a nationwide long-term plan to
expand opportunities for Negroes
in higher education at faculty, stu-
dent, and administrative levels in
all regions of the country."
t Wilson said the program spe-
cifically would: strengthen the
quality of academic programs in
! predominantly Negro colleges,
stimulate communications between
Negro higher education institu-
tions and the rest of the nation's
colleges and universities, and se-
cure greater opportunities for Ne-
groes in academic professions as
well as integrated student bodies.,
To Meet Soon

nedy conferred at the White House
with ambassador to Paris, Charles
E. Bohlen.
It was understood that Bohlen
had been unable to ascertain be-
fore leaving France just ;what an-
swers the foreign minister is pre-
pared to supply to a number of
questions United States authori-
ties have about the foreign policy
of President Charles de Gaulle.
De Gaulle vs. Kennedy
De Gaulle's go-it-alone course
has clashed over a wide front with
Kennedy's design for a tighter At-
lantic community.
The hope expressed here was
that by getting clarifications from
Couve de Murville about recent de
Gaulle pronouncements, at least
some areas could be found in
which United States and French
efforts could be brought closer in-
to step.
Couve de Murville is scheduled
to see Secretary of State Dean
Rusk tomorrow and Kennedy on
Tuesday,, afternoon. He also has
appointments with Undersecretary
of State George Ball and others.
In an apparent display of de
Gaulle's distaste for the United
Nations, the French emissary is

going straight back to Paris Wed-
nesday without a stop-off at the
General Assembly session now un-
der way in New York.
The State Department has pre-
pared a paper posing a number of
questions which it is hoped Couve
de Murville can clear up. Among
What did de Gaulle mean by his
warning in a Lyon speech last
week that Europe would be left
"without backbone, without soul,
and without roots" if it is left un-
der the "foreign hegemonies" of
either the United States or the So-
viet Union?
Willing To Share?
Does France intend to keep sole
control over its nuclear force or
will it be willing to share under
a system which would include oth-
er European nations without giv-
ing them independent atomic pow-
Will French representatives re-
turn to the Geneva disarmament
conference, and, if so, at what
Does de Gaulle have any imme-
diate action in mind to follow-up
his proposal for reunification of
Viet Nam? N

$60 million.
Neither price or conditions of
payment were discussed, these
sources said. They stressed, how-
ever that all three countries are
on the market for considerable
quantities, but, as one diplomat
put it, "we will buy where we get
the most favorable conditions.-
This, one source suggested, was
an indirect reply to Senate Repub-
lican Leader Everett M. Dirksen
(R-Ill), who endorsed a possible
grain sale to Communist countries
with the reservation that the ad-
ministration seek some "political
concessions" beyond the sale price.
Sen. John G. Towers (R-Texas)
charged meanwhile the sale of
American wheat to Russia would
amount to handing the Soviets "a
gift certificate worth many mil-
lions of American dollars."
"I predict that this administra-
tion will not only approve the sale
of wheat to Russia," he said, "but
will approve that sale at prices be-
low what the same wheat costs the
American government."
In Moscow, the Communist par-
ty central committee called. on the
chemical industry to start pouring
out more fertilizer to provide food.

Judie Asks
New Ruing%
Joint Judiciary Council has ask-
ed Vice-President for Student Af-
fairs James A. Lewis to make an
addition to their new egonstitu-
tion's first appendix.
Lewis has not yet replied to the
The proposed addition would re-a
quire him to notify Joint Judic
whenever he and his referral com-
mittee employ the power stated
already in the appendix to
handle cases where students are
"involved in actions of a severe
but delicate nature."
Joint Judic Unaware
This power was added into the
'appendix this summer without the
knowledge of Joint Judic.
Judic Chairman Harry Youtt,
'64, explained that the council
had writen a letter to Lewis re-
questing that he make the ad-
dition in the third section of the
first Appendix, entitled "Other'
Sources of Judicial Authority."
Don't Call Us ...
The letter was written in hope
that Lewis will at least notify the
council when the referral commit-
tee has taken cases "of a severe
but delicate nature," Youtt said.
They would otherwise be handled
by Judic.
{ He will sit on this committee.
However, Judic is making this re-
quest in order to have a formal
notification of actions which the
committee has taken, Youtt noted.
Joint Judic had considered and
rejected the idea of issuing a
strong statement condemning the
Office of Student Affairs for add-
ing in the "severe but delicate"
authority without consulting the
Youtt did not discover that the
addition had been made until he
received the final typed- copy of
the constitution upon his return
to school this fall.
At that time, Director of Stu-
dent Organizations John Bingley
defended the summer change as

Subcommittee Organized
The counseling committee la
year appointed a five-man sul
committee on "Student Recori
and Their Use."'Under the chai:
manship of John Hale, formi
assistant director of housing i
the Office of Student Affairs, ti
subcommittee authorized a que:
tionnaire which was sent to tI
various departments and agencie
(Hale has since moved to tY
University of Delaware, leavir
the group without a chairman.)
John Feldkamp, assistant to ti
director of student organizatioi
and activities in the OSA and r(
cording secretary for the con
mittee, has compiled the info
mation. He expects to have it
final form by Nov. 1-the ne
meeting of the counseling coa
To Each His Own
"We found that nearly all d
partments keep records," Fel
kamp said yesterday. "There a
no standard forms. Each depar
ment has its own methods."
Feldkamp said most files co:
tained either academic inform
tion or letters regarding studen
He added, however, that he hF
not yet examined the return
questionnaires closely. With
many different agencies involve
Feldkamp suspects he will fiL
much unnecessary duplication.
The OSA is the most compi
hensive non - academic reco
keeper. It has files on every st
dent. Both the information ax
the nature of the information a
Only the Facts
Last spring the OSA institut
a new policy whereby a prospe
tive employer or anyone else r
questing information on a certa
student could only receive factu
information of public knowledge
a student's major, the groups
belonged to while on campus, e
Prior to that time, various O
officials had discretionary autho
ity to open up a student's file
they wished.
A second area of records i
volving the OSA is the evaluati
forms of the students in mer
residence halls. The so-call
See TO REVIEW, Page 2
New Columnst
Today's editorial page fea


Staubach's Navy, Swamps



Associate sports Editor
Navy's one-man fleet, Roger
Staubach, set an all-time Academy
one-game total-offense record yes-
terday as the sixth-ranked Middies
handed Michigan its first loss of
the season, 26-13, before 55,877 at
Michigan Stadium.
Staubach passed for 237 yards
and ran for 70 for a 307 yard
total which -betters the 297 he
chalked up against William &
Mary a week ago. The junior
signalcaller accounted for three
of Navy's four touchdowns, pass-
ing for two and running for one.
He attempted 16 passes, com-
pleted 14, had one dropped and
one intercepted.
Michigan's two scores came from
passes from quarterback Bob
Chandler to end John Henderson.

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