define Character
)f Super Patriots
Y. C
Israeli Minister Eshkol
Shows Firm Leadership
Studies Aid County's Economic Planning
iper-patriots a r e Americans
go beyond ordinary conserva-
views, two University faculty
ibers declared recently in the
ent Journal of Social Issues.
Lchard A. Schmuck, grad, and
k -Chesler, grad, of the Re-
ch Center for Group Dynam-
part of the University Institute
Social Research, define "super-
lots" as individuals or organi-
)ns in which pro-American and
-foreign sentiments are dom-
t and unifying themes.
lese people are not "rightist"
the economic sense of the
i.They hold 19th century lais-
faire and free enterprise be-
Schmuck and Chesler said.
Patriot Characteristics
ur super-patriot characteris-
cited by the authors are:
They exhibit sincere rever-
for what they conceive to be
rican principles and tradi-
They sincerely wish to save
country from what they see
destruction by government
They are convinced that their
pretation of American ideals
e only true one;
They are opposed to anything
may change America in a
tion different from their own.
tthermore, super-patriots are
fly critical of one or more of
following areas:
America's Role
rst, they will be critical of
rica's role in international re-
ns. "Many super-patriots be-
that absolutely no compro-
or negotiation is possible be-
n Communist countries and
nations of the free world,"
authors say.
ny such cooperation is seen
iding Satanic forces in their
to 'enslave' America and de-
Christianity. International
nization and nuclear disarma-
negotiations are perceived
ading to a loss of national
'eignty and autonomy," Sch-
and Chesler said.
condly they will argue domes-
political change and social
Ility. "Super-patriots often op-
pose federal governmental influ-
ence in the local and regional af-
fairs. Supporters of the states
rights position they see local auto-
nomy being threatened."
Oppose Economic Change
Thirdly, super-patriots oppose
economic changes in private and
public enterprises. They tend to
fear encroachment of private pro-
duction and free enterprise, the
authors say.
Fourth, they criticize religious
institutions and social change.
"Some super-patriots are critical
of those institutions that do not
join them in a holy Christian war
against Communists."
Also, they are critical of changes
in educational institutions and
practices. Some charge that chil-
dren are not being educated in
the basic academic fundamentals.
"Schools are seen as emphasizing
irrelevant social adjustment goals
and in the process are brainwash-
ing children in anti-moral and
anti-American values," Schmuck
and Chesler note.
Critical of Mental Health
Lastly, super-patriots are criti-
cal of mental health of individ-
uals. They also criticize federal
a n d community - based mental
health programs. They are con-
cerned "that liberals, socialists and
Communists are using mental
health theory and practices as a
hidden umbrella from which to ex-
ercise thought control."
Schmuck and Chesler point out
that the number of visible super-
patriotic groups has grown in the
last few years to almost 1500 for-
mal organization, located in all 50
Schmuck and Chesler also sug-
gest that this "subculture of con-
servatives who are deviant from
the broader conservative segment
of the population" could "shift
the spectrum of politics in
They say that conservative poli-
ticians such as Sen. Barry Gold-
water (R-Ariz) and Sen. Everett
M. Dirksen (R-Ill) or Rep. Charles
Halleck (R-Ind) are not super-
S. medical library
Name Dean
To .Position
Dean William N. Hubbard, Jr.
of the Medical School was recently
nominated by President Kennedy
to membership on the board of
Regents of the National Library
of Medicine.
Hubbard, one of three men nom-
inated to the board, will serve a
four-year term.
The board consists of ten mem-
bers appointed from various
-scientific fields and seven govern-
ment employes who serve in an
ex officio capacity.
The latter are the Surgeons
General of the Army, Navy, Air
Force and Public Health Service,
the chief medical director of the
veterans Administration,rthe as-
sistantldirector for biological and
medical sciences of the National
Science Foundation and the li-
brarian of Congress.
The board meets bi-annually to
advise the Surgeon General and
to make recommendations on pol-
icy matters concerning the Na-
tional Library of Medicine.
The National Library of Medi-
cine was founded in 1936 as the
Library of the Surgeon General's
Office and made a part of the De-
partment of Health, Education
and welfare in 1956.
The only other University man
to serve on the library's board of
regents was Thomas Francis, Jr.
Associated Press News Analyst
JERUSALEM (P)--Israel's new
prime minister appears to have
surmounted his first big obstacle-
the giant shadow of his peppery
predecessor, David Ben-Gurion.
The consensus is the Russian-
born Levi Eshkol is his own boss
with the reins of government in
firm control.
Eshkol will have been in power
three months Sept. 27.
Israeli Victory
His admirers point to what they
call a political and moral victory
for Israel when the Syrian-Israeli
border dispute came before the
United Nations Security Council.
The domestic program also is mov-
ing ahead at a good clip.
Ben-Gurion was a world figure
when he resigned at age 76 to go
into semi-retirement. In a half-
century of public service he had
left his imprint on Israel just as
clearly as the Jordan River.
Obviously weary of .political
bickering and anxious to devote
more time to writing and study-
ing, Ben-Gurion stepped aside for,
his longtime friend and protege,
who is 67. Although officially only
finance minister in the Ben-Gurion
coalition government, Eshkol was,
in reality, deputy prime minister.
Treasurer's Reportsj
"Following B.G. could have been
like making a treasurer's report;
after a Winston Churchill speech,"
an Israeli politician said. "Only it;
wasn't that way."
The two men, coming from the1
same Eastern European stock and#
shaped in the same hard crucible
of frontier Palestine and its rough-
and-tumble labor and nationalist
movements, think alike on many
political and philosophical issues.
Their methods of operation are
far apart.,
Negotiation Favored
Where Ben-Gurion tends toward
the olympian and arbitrary deci-
sion, Eshkol solves his problems
through negotiation or coordina-
tion. '
Where Ben-Gurion is often ex-
plosive, Eshkol is reserved, with an
off-beat sense of humor.t
Both read philosophy, history
and current events, but Eshkoli
likes a novel or poetry.1
Washtenaw County leads all
other Michigan counties in eco-
nomic and manpower planning for
the future, director George S.
Odierne of the Bureau-of Indus-
trial Relations of the Graduate
School of Business Administration
said recently.
"Several different studies over
the past two years in the areas of
manpower and economic develop-
ment for the county and for Ann
Arbor have brought out most of
the important information needed
for bold planning for the future of
the economy locally," Odierne told
the Ann Arbor Manufacturer's As-
The Joint Manpower Study of
Washtpnaw County has provided
information on the present in-
ventory of skills, identification of
skills in critical supply, specific
occupational guides to job and
man requirements for key jobs
and an estimate of the future
supply of trained persons in these
critical positions, Odierne said.
'U' Team
This study, being conducted by
a team of University investigators
of the Bureau of Industrial Rela-
tions, will be completed by. the
end of October and will be then
be given to government, labor and
industry officials of the area.
The work of the Central Busi-
ness District Master Planning
Committee of Ann Arbor is a sec-
Today: 4:10 P.M., Promptly
Arena Theatre
ond source of oommercial and re- power Commission, Odiorne said.
tail data, Odierne added. All indications are that Ann
A valuable part of this wvorkAro wilcnnu tob a
was an economic study conducted Arbor will continue to be a
on behalf of the Ann Arbor growing, prosperous community,
Chamber of Commerce. Also in- Odiorne stated. When filled, the
cluded was a study of the future new research park will employ an
of central Ann Arbor with recom- estimated 15,000 new people, he
mended changes in the character predicted, including several thou-
of the district. sand engineers and scientists. This
The third major source of eco- will be in addition to growth on
nomic planning information is the the North campus area and is ex-
investigations of the Ann Arbor clusive of University research
Economic Development and Man- growth.
Frieze Building
.. . his own boss
Like Ben-Gurion, Eshkol re-
tained the defense minister's port-
folio for himself. Knowing that
Israel's survival depends upon the
readiness of its armed forces, Esh-
kol plunged into a busy round of
conferences and tours of border
Posts, defense installations and
schools. He also familiarized him-
self with the special problems of
the foreign ministry.
-When two Israeli farmers were
killed Aug. 19, Israel charged ag-
gression against Syria before the
Security Council. Syria counter-
charged with accusations of Israeli
It was the first time in a decade
that Israel had gone before the
Council to protest Syrian border
raids. Expecting a Soviet veto,
Israel had always relied onretalia-
tory raids against Syria and thus
had come in for censure from
many of her friends.
Significant Victory
Even though Russia cast its
101st veto Sept. 3 to block adop-
tion of a resolution condemning
the "wanton murder" of the two
Israelis, the foreign office here
felt it had won a significant vic-
What does the future hold for
the new prime minister?
"One of his biggest jobs will be
in the economic field," an aide
"when by now and tree. by leaf'.
(an experiment in poetry and dance)
Department of Speech
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Aongress Faces Longest Session To Cleai
Associated Press News Analyst
WASHINQTON-With the lim-
ited nuclear test ban ratified and
President John F. Kennedy's $11
billion tax cut launched on its
perilous Senate journey, Congress
may be about to hurry up and
wait itself into the longest session
in 13 years.
After nine months in session,
Congress faces a pile of unfinished
business-including a batch of ap-
propriations measures that must
be passed this year-that far out-
weighs what's been done so far.
In prospect are more weeks of
waiting while committees clear key
legislation, flurries of floor action,
then more waiting.
Long Session
It coul dadd up to the longest
session since the 150 Korean War
session ran around the calendar
and collided with the session that
Senate Democratic Leader Mike
Mansfield (D-Mont) has renewed
his pledge to keep the current ses-
sion going until the. new one con-
venes if that's what it takes to
get the tax cut and the adminis-
tration's civil rights program en-
Kennedy has said those two
bills, coupled with the test ban
vote, would make this session of
Congress an historic one.
Next Year
But Republican Leader Everett
M. Dirksen (R-Ill) says the civil,
rights bill may not make it this
It still has a long way to go in
the House, where a judiciary sub-;
committee has endorsed a version
tougher in almost every respect
than the one Kennedy proposed
to protect Negro rights in voting,
education, employment and public
If the Senate doesn't start on
the measure until November, Dirk-i
sen said, it may tangle with the1
tax bill and "I don't know how you
can get it done."1
..E congressional slowdown
In the Senate, the Kennedy tax
plan must clear a finance commit-
tee headed by Sen. Harry F. Byrd
(D-Va) who doesn't like it. Byrd
has forecast two months of com-
mittee consideration. Mansfield
says he hopes the committee won't
take that long.
The Senate leader says he still
wants civil rights .considered be-
fore the lawmakers take up the
tax bill.
And while Senate strategists
plan a move to bypass the judi-
ciary committee of Sen. James O.
Eastland (D-Miss) and send the
House civil rights measure directly,
to the floor, Southern Senators
stand ready to stage a filibuster
against the measure.
Medicare Shelved
Shelved, at least for this year,
are such Kennedy administration
favorites as medical care for the
aged under social security, federal
aid for public schools, aan overhaul
of the unemployment compensa-.
tion program and a Peace Corps-
style organizations to aid under-
privileged Americans.
Most of the legislation Congress
has passed this year extends pro-
grams that were already on the
books: the draft, a series of tem-
porary excise and corporation tax-
es and the feed grains crop con-
trol-subsidy system.
Two new ventures that have be-
come law guarantee equal pay for
women and authorize a $236 mil-
lion program of aid for medical
and dental education.
Other Prospects
Others in prospect include:
-A $1.2 billion military pay
raise, expected to go to the White
House soon.
-A vast new program of federal
aid for mental health facilities
and research. It has cleared both
branches, but the Senate approved
a far more ambitious version than
did the House. That might snag
efforts at compromise.
-A $175 million program of fed-
eral subsidies for fallout shelter
construction. Cleared by t h e
House, it has yet to face a Senate
Another administration bill, the
$355 million area redevelopment
T h e Divine, communicative
acts were not wholly condition-
ed by man's responses, for God
determined to establish in the
Church, a body which would re-
veal personal aspects of His
character. In the dialogue, God
revealed not only His character,
but also His perspectives on
man's involvement in the world,
and His Redemption, as He un-
folded His purposes for the
Church. The appropriate re-
sponse for the community in
dialogue with God was to ac-
cept God's redemptive remedy
for their particular problem in
the form that it was offered.
Thus, their identity became
also the community of the re-
What does redemption mean?
In what form is it offered to
the Church today? How does
the community of the redeemed
mediate God's redemption to
the world?
Next Sunday, Northside Pres-
byterian Church will observe
Communion during its 10:45
a.m. worship ;service. T h e
church meets in the dining
program, could sink in the wake
of the tax bill. The Senate has
approved it. But in the House,
where a more costly version was
turned down earlier this year,
economy-minded lawmakers may
point to the tax cut as grounds
for another no vote.
The chairman of the House ap-
propriations committee guesses it
may be November-or even later
-before Congress clears all its an-
nual appropriations bills. Two of
the 12 have been enacted.
"I would hazard the guess that
five months or more of the fiscal
year may have gone by before
these bills are enacted," said Rep.
Clarence Cannon (D-Mo)'
Cut Spending
Cannon added in a House state-
ment the delay should cut spend-
ing-by at least $3 billion.
Key Bills
"The longer these bills are de-
layed, the more the possibilities
of further reducing them and, in
consequence, the less the drain on
the Treasury," he said.
Only the Post Office, the Treas-
ury and the Interior Department
have received their 1964 approp-
riations. Other agencies have been
operating since July 1 under reso-
lutions which generally peg spend-
ing rates at the levels approved by
Congress last year.
"In countless instances," Can-
non said, "that indicates they are
operating at a rate below that
contemplated by the budget." And
with that evidence in hand, coup-
led with the months of operation
at below-budget levels, Cannon
argued Congress should be able to
make substanital reductions in the
$98.8 billion budget President
Kennedy proposed.
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