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October 03, 1963 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-10-03

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Staubach Poses Challenge to M' Secondary

Buckeyes Stress Halfbacks

Speculation this week amongt
most armchair quarterbacks andt
most of the Michigan coaching
staff is centering around one big
problem - can the Wolverines
contain the vaunted offense of
sixth-ranked Navy's quarterback
Roger Staubachy
No one is claiming that the re-
ports on the Middies' one-man
threat isn't a lot of propaganda'
I coming from Annapolis. Quite to;
the contrary, Staubach has suffi-,
cient credentials to strike terror
into the heart of any coach.
In the two games Navy has
played thus far, Staubach has at-
tempted 39 passes and completed
30. In total offense he has racked
up 482 yards, of which 297 came
against William & Mary last week.
In that contest, Navy won 28-0.

Michigan's pass defense has not
been as good as it might be and
the task of shaping it up for this
weekend's encounter falls to de-
fensive backfield coach Don Du-
fek. "From our scouting reports,
Staubach is no fluke," Dufek com-
mented. "He's played in two games
and is a proven signal caller."
Southern Methodist f o u n d
themselves stymied on the ground
most of last Saturday afternoon,
so coach Hayden Fry sent his see-
ond string quarterback, Danny
Thomas, into the game to test the
Wolverines' pass defense. It proved
to be a good test for both squads
as Thomas lead the Mustangs to
two touchdowns. More important
though was the fact that Thomas
attempted 24 passes, completed 13,
and picked up 213 yards via the
aerial route. In all, Michigan's op-

ponent gained 253 yards throughs
the air.,
One cannot sneeze at such sta-1
tistics. They tend to point outa
that Michigan's secondary is quitet
vulnerable and that Navy will nor
doubt take advantage of this situ-Y
D u f e k has announced -nok
changes in his personnel, althoughE
the secondary might be bolsteredz
by the return of junior Bob Tim-t
berlake. Timberlake has been
bothered by a shoulder injury for
the past few weeks and limited his
activities to kickoffs and conver-
sion tries in Michigan's home
opener. During yesterday's prac-
tice, he alternated as third string
quarterback with Tom Pritchard
and did a little passing.
Wolverine safety men against
Southern Methodist were Jack
Clancy, Dick Rindfuss and John!
Rowser with Harvey Chapman
Dufek assessed Staubach as one
of the "best quarterbacks in the,
country today. Staubach is a very
versatile individual. You never canj
count on what he is going to do
next. Sometimes he'll run a roll-
out option or sometimes he'll drop
straight back for a pass. What,
makes him especially dangerous is
that he's a very good runner."
In the hands of a capable quar-
terback, the rollout option is a
dangerous play for a defensive
team to handle. "Not only will our,
pass defenders be tried," Dufek
The University of Michigan
Fencing Club will hold an in-
troductory meeting tonight
from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. in the
Women's Athletic Building. All
students are invited. Equip-
ment and experience are not
necessary. Exhibitions of the
foil, epee and sabre will be
stated, "but the fact that Stau-
bach can run well is something
our defensive ends must guard
against. If his patterns aren't run-
ning just right, he'll take off for
some big yardage around the end."
The picture isn't quite as bleak
as it may appear. After all, other
exceptionally good quarterbacks
have been stopped and Dufek em-
phasized several tactics.
"With pass defense there are

several ways to stop a guy who's
pretty good at flinging the ball,"
he stated. "First, nothing beats
a good rush. If you can catch him
behind the line a few times or
make him hurry his throws, then
he'll stop and reconsider before
be calls some more aerial plays.
Besides picking up the quarter-I
back's intended receivers as soon
as they leave the line of scrim-
mage, a defensive unit must also
try to delay the receivers from
getting out into the open."
Dufek concluded, "Staubach is
very good because he has good
balance and can turn nothing
into something. A lot of times.
he'll be trapped behind the line

of scrimmage or he'll be knocked
off balance, but he won't go down.
He'll regain his form by scrambl-
ing a lot and keep on going. I'd
probably compare him, to a cer-
tain extent, with Sandy Stephens,
who quarterbacked Minnesota a
couple of years ago. Both are
great scramblers."
Dave Kurtz, who was in health
service earlier this week with an
infected knee, was released yes-
terday, but whether or not he'll
play Saturday will be determined
by the medical report. Dennis
Jones, sidelined off and on with
minor ailments, is coming along
according to Dufek, and may play
this week depending on how the
game is going.

Rindfuss Moved Up;
Two Cincy Stars Meet

By The Associated Press
COLUMBUS - The fight for
halfback positions on the Ohio
State football squad behind start-
ers Paul Warfield and Ty Barnett
turned into a scramble among five
candidates d u r i n g yesterday's
Coach Woody Hayes, preparing
the Buckeyes for their Big Ten
opener Saturday at Indiana, list-
ed senior Bob Bruney, juniors
Bennie Espy, Don Harkins and
Doug Drenik, and sophomore Bob
Lykes as halfbacks in the running
for game duty.
* * - * -
CHAMPAIGN - Coach Pete El-
liott stressed blocking yesterday as
he put his Illinois gridders through
an offensive drill for the North-
western football game.
Quarterbacks Mike Taliaferro,
Fred Custardo and Ron Acks fired
long and short passes in a tuneup
against the frosh and jayvees.
* * *
Irish Coming
LAFAYETTE-Purdue's football
squad concentrated on line block-
ing and passer protection yester-
day as the varsity stressed offense
in a controlled scrimmage with
the reserves.
Coach Jack Mollenkopf indi-
cated he would face Notre Dame
with the same comparatively light
line that lost 3-0 to Miami last
halfback Dick Harren, a starter
in last week's Nebraska game,
missed practice yesterday with a
knee injury and appears a doubt-
ful starter against Army this week.
Aaron Brown, the Gophers' No.

2 right end, went out with an
ankle injury and was replaced by
John Rajala. Reserve fullback
Mike Orman is still out with a
knee injury.
' * *
Taper Off
EVANSTON--Northwestern be-
gan tapering off football practices
a day earlier than usual in groom-
ing for Saturday's invasion of
The usual Wednesday scrim-
mage was scrapped while the
Wildcats concentrated on signal
drills and specialty assignments.
Prime attention was given to punt-

ing with Tommy Myers and
Rector sharing these duties
No. 1 punter, Merlin Norei
will not make the trip becau
an ankle injury.
* * *
Punting Needed
versity Coach Phil Dickens
yesterday it appears sopho
end Bill Malinchak has wo
punting assignment in Satu
football home opener againsi
Dickens said qutrerback
Stavroff or halfback Mary
son may share the booting



Junior Dick Rindfuss has nailed
down the starting assignment at'
right halfback for Michigan's
football game against Navy Sat-
Michigan Coach Bump Elliott
made the announcement yester-
day as the Wolverines continued
to work on pass defense.
Rindfuss, of Niles, Ohio, was
ranked behind sophomore backs
Dick - Wells a n d Bob Quist,
throughout practice. But he erupt-
ed for 58 yards in four carries
and played a sound defensive
game as Michigan whipped South-
ern Methodist 27-16 last Saturday.
During last season, Rindfuss
carried 20 times for a meager 57
yards net gain.
The former high school All-
American scored only six points
last year, a touchdown run in the
opening game with Nebraska.
Against Southern Methodist he
got into the scoring column from
the outset with a 19-yard gallop
off tackle in the second quarter
for Michigan's first touchdown
of the game.
When Michigan meets Navy
here Saturday, a pair of former
Cincinnati high school stars will
face each other once more.
The two are Navy's great quar-
terback Roger Staubach, who stood

out at Purcell High, and Michi-
gan's Mel Anthony, junior full-
back, a former big gun for Roger
Bacon. In their last clash An-
thony's outfit downed Purcell, 9-8,
although Staubach scored a touch-
down for his team.
Anthony, now 25 pounds heav-
ier than in high school at 202,
scored 13 touchdowns in high
school, nine of them in his senior
year when he /also gained 789
yards. Four touchdown dashes of
from 10 to 74 yards featured his
junior year. A bad ankle handi-
capped him last year but he's ap-
parently come into his own show.
Regarding Staubach, he said,
"He's big-like Bob Timberlake
for us-and hard to bring down as
I remember and he can hit the
bullseye awfully good with the
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shevski holds the ball as Bob Timberlake attempts an extra point.
Bump Elliott is still undecided as to which quarterback-he will
start against Navy next Saturday. Both men have been hampered
by injuries, Timberlake with asore shoulder and Evashevski with'
a slightly twisted ankle.


Elliott, Hardin Expect Tough Battle

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Michigan each put foith a maxi-
mum effort in their football game
at Ann Arbor Saturday, it may be
a- standoff.
At least, that's the impression
you get listening to their coaches,
Bump Elliott of the Wolverines
and Wayne Hardin of Navy.
"I think we're going to be tested
to the utmost this week," Elliott
told sportwriters at Navy Wednes-
day through "a telephore hookup.
"Navy has a lot of striking power."
"Michigan has a real fine foot-
ball team-frozi reports we have
received their best team in the

last seven years," responded Har-
din. "We know that we're going
to have our hands full and will
have to play to our very, very
best in order to do the job."
Aside from these typical oppos-
ing team build-ups, they agree on
three basic points:
1) Roger Staubach of Navy is
a great quarterback "probably as
good as there is in college ranks,"
Elliott says.
2) Michigan is a vastly improv-
ed team over the Wolverines' 1962
Big Ten. entry, which won only
two games while losing seven. It

has greater depth and its sopho-
mores give it an enthusiasm re-
flected in last Saturday's 27-16
opening win over S.M.U.
3) Each coach is looking for-
ward to beating the other.
Hardin believes the game is a
pivotal one for sixth-ranked Navy
after victories over West Virginia,
51-7, and William and Mary, 28-0.
"We usually play one of the
better teams in the country for
our third game, and if we do well
in it we do well for the season,"
he said. "When we haven't done
well, we've had a poor season."


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