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October 03, 1963 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-10-03

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We miigatt ]ail#
SerVnty-Tkird YAW
3sere Opinions Are FitSTUDENT PuauCAnoNs BLDG., Aiiw ARBOR, MICH., PHONE NO 2-3241
T"ruth Will Prevail"
litorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Latin-American Showcase
{ 1 ,

Chilly 'Marienbad

AY, OCTOBER 3, 1963


Green's Education Vision
A Bit Shortsighted

LAST YEAR AT Marienbad" is
a film that resists interpreta-
tion as much as it seems to de-
mand it. In a baroque palace a
man pursues a woman, saying that
they met last year at Friedrichs-
bad (or maybe it was Marienbad),
and arranged to go away together
a year hence. She demurs, insist-
ing that she has never even been
in Friedrichsbad, but finally is
The story is this simple-little
more than a pretext. The real con-
cern of the two Alains, Resnais
and Robe-Grillet, is a rendering of
TECHNICALLY, and even the-
matically, the film is a logical
extension of "Hiroshima Mon
There is a major change, how-
ever. Resnais has completely elim-
inated the dimension of external
reality. It is a little spurious to
ask whether or not the man really
met the woman last year, or
whether it was really in Fried-
richsbad or Marienbad. There is
not, therefore, the usual discrep-
ancy between the length of time
the events take on the screen and

the length of time they would
take in reality. Screen time is ab-
solute, in the sense that no other
temporal orientation is possible.
IN "MARIENBAD," will is more
important than knowledge. The
flow of consciousness is a process
of wish fulfillment. The man
wants the woman to fit into a
certain conception of things; the
woman wants to resist this. In
this context, the game that the
husband always wins becomes a
conflict of wills. I oversimplify
tremendously, of course. Resnais
never quite allows this easy assign-
Technically, "Marienbad" is a
tour de force. Resnais employs
some really breath-taking effects,
such as overexposure and repeated
motion shots. But while technically
brilliant. "Marienbad" remains a
very unengagir~g film. It is obvious
that Resnais is not much interest-
ed in his characters. As a result.
they remain ciphers, objects. Their
situation is a pretext. The film
succeeds most completely on a
purely visual level. "Marienbad"
is a beautiful but chilly film.
-David Zimmerman


Green, the most powerful Republican
in the House, displayed a laudable con-
cern for education Tuesday. But his pro-
posals for changes in Gov. George Rom-
ney's fiscal reform program are short-
sighted and will defeat the very aims he
seeks to promote.
Green, the Speaker of the House, told
a Cass City hearing of the House taxation
committee that Romney's proposal for
state payment of 20 per cent of school
taxes is a "poor plan for distributing the
money." He declared that it would help
some areas of the state more than others
and suggested a flat $50 per pupil or up
to 3 per cent in county taxes.
In virtually the same breath, Green
warned that he would not support a state-
wide income;tax without substantial pro-
perty tax relief, hitting the props of both
state and local finance upon which a good
educational system must depend. Gov-
ernments without a strong tax base can
hardly support education.
GREEN ARGUES that state money
should be evenly distributed to all
school districts, regardless of individual
need or tax burden. He fails to account for
UNIVERSITY President Harlan Hatcher
took timid steps Monday night to de-
fend the University against the possible
ravages of current fiscal reform proposals.
Unfortunately, he did not warn of the
University needs strongly or clearly
Hatcher praised the basic concept of
fiscal reform without going into specifics
and praised Gov. George Romney for
"courageously" working toward a "more
rational and equitable tax apparatus."
He also warned that higher education
can no longer afford the governor's policy
of "paying off the mortgage" before
"feeding the children."
BUT THAT IS ALL he said. He did not
decry the at least $13 million cut
Romney made in his own $610 million
"minimum" budget that gravely threatens
the growth of the University and higher,
educatoin. Nor did he strongly come out
for more revenue in fiscal reform to raise
future appropriations.
Further, President Hatcher did not use
his prestige as a statewide leader nor the
resources of the University to point out
that the only way meaningful fiscal re-
forn for the decades ahead lies in a
statewide income tax.
RRTHER, President Hatcher dealt in
vague generalities and analogies where
forceful language was needed. If the Uni-
versity is to remain strong and adequate-
ly serve state and nation, wishy-washy
statements will not do.

the more extensive programs of urban
school districts and the larger number of
students they serve. He also fails to re-
lieve the burden on the property owner
who pays the higher urban tax rates.
The speaker has basically come to the
defense of low tax-rate school district.
Romney's proposal will pump more money
into the high-tax districts as the 20 per
cent rebate is computed on a percentage
of the tax rate. But tax relief would also
be greater in these districts and Green's
assertion seems parochial even in terms
of his own aims.
The flat rate rebate proposal, while it
would help somewhat, is not an adequate
solution. This sort of state help can be
implimented next spring by ,revising ahd
increasing the state school aid formula.
Basic and more drastic relief is needed.
The best proposal to aid hard-pressed
school districts and property owners was
suggested by Detroit Board of Education
member Roy L. Stephens' proposal for
returning one per cent of a three per cent
statewide income tax to local school
boards. His proposal should be slightly
modified to return one-quarter per cent
of this tax to higher education, giving it
an assured steady income base..Stephens'
scheme will at least stabilize the burden
on property taxpayers while giving school
-boards the money needed to educate
properly an increasing number of stu-
HOWEVER, giving further relief to pro-
perty taxpayers will undercut Green's
attempts to aid education and will harm
local government in general, forcing in
the long run, more costly services upon
the state. While overworked, the property
tax is still the basis of local finance and
any reduction will mean only a cutback
in local services and their transfer to
the state or federal government.
Aside from removing the financial bur-
den from the local to the state and federal
levels, the shift of local services to the
higher levels should be repugnant to
Green and fellow Republicans who have
long cried for local responsibility. This
result of property tax only relief will
further negate Green's aims.
Property tax relief will come through
the extensive use of income, corporate
profits and payroll taxes. These taxes,
more realistically related to wealth and
ability to pay than property taxes, yield
greater revenue and are more flexible
than property and sales taxes. With in-
come-related taxes forming the bulwark
of the tax system, property taxes can be
stabilized or reduced while services are
Unfortunately, Green's narrow concern
about property taxes obscures the ad-
vantages of income-tax based fiscal re-
form. The governor should take strong
steps, both in his current state-wide tour
and in his legislative lobbying, to counter-
act this shortsightedness.
National Concerns Editor


East and West
Grope Toward Future


A Turn Toward Moderation

Assembly Moves Forward

IN ITS FIRST newsletter, released this
week, Assembly Association writes that
the purpose of the letter is "to inform
house councils and staffs of what we are
"However, it has a second aim broader
in implication and more important: we
do not want this newsletter to be a one-
way conversation with you; we want you
to respond to the content of the letter
when it discusses matters of policy, plans


ARGOYLE has received approval to sell
its next issue at Michigan State Uni-
ersity. ;
I guess that's what is meant by aid to
nderdeveloped areas.
Editorial Staff -
Editorial Director City Editor
ARBARA LAZARUS.............. Personnel Director
HILIP SUTIN............. National Concerns Editor
ArL EVANS .................. Associate City Editor
ARJORIE BRAHMS ...... Associate Editorial Director
LORIA BOWLES.................Magazine Editor
ALINDA BERRY .............Contributing Editor
AVE (300D............... ..... ... Sports Editor
IKE BLOCK...............Associate Sports Editor'
M BERGER ............... Associate Sports Editor
)B ZWINCK.............Contributing Sports Editor

we are considering regarding future hous-
ing, women's hours, programs to be im-
plemented, etc."
THUS ASSEMBLY has taken a second
meaningful step this semester toward
a stronger and more legitimate organiza-
tion: the first was the proposal approved
to convert the body into a president's
With the latter step, the group can be
assured of stronger, more informed lead-
e'rship. The newsletter, to come out bi-
weekly, is a big step toward widening
communication channels between AHC
and its constituency-who it claims to
represent. These chanels were notably
absent last year.
Among matters discussed in this news-
letter are the Assembly-Inter-Quadrangle
Conclave this Sunday, the Big Ten Resi-
dence Halls Conference, the sing to be
held with IQC and openings still to be
filled on executive committees of AHC.
IN CLOSING the newsletter, Assembly
President Charlene Hager says, "All too
often we discover that students do not
understand Assembly's function on cam-
pus. We have information that is avail-
able to anyone wanting to know more
about Assembly. Please call us at 2-8890
if you would like to learn more about
what we are doing, or refer anyone else
interested to the same number."
4 There is no guarantee that students
will read the newsletters made available
to them, or that they will inform house
presidents at house meetings or at other
onnnortinitiaqe f thi+ ' ninin n- "r-


(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the
second in. a series of articles evalu-
ating the Sixteenth National Stu-
dent Congress last summer. Howard
Abrams is a member of the Con-
gress Steering Committee, the group
that will lead plans for next year's
Congress. Abrams is a former Stu-
dent GovernmentCouncil member
and is chairman of the Michigan
region of United States National
Students Association.)
Daily Guest Writer
THE CONSENSUS evaluation of
this summer's United States
National Student Association Con-
gress is that it marked a turn to-
ward "moderation." This is far
from an adequate description of
the events of the Congress, but is
useful as a basis of discussion.
What is significant is that the
legislation that was passed on the
crucial issues of civil rights and
civil liberties did not reflect the
intensive concern with these is-
sues that had characterized pre-
vious Congresses. The resolutions
concerning education reflected an
inability to cope with the com-
plexities of contemporary higher
education. The policy of the US-
NSA on international issues re-
mains unchanged in its most basic
elements and shows some tendency
of trying to come to grips with
some of the questions raised in the
cold war among international stu-
dent groups.
* * *
DURING THE recent school year
USNSA came under severe attack
from the well-financd far right
groups of the student world, Young
Americans for Freedom, Intercol-
legiate Society of Individualists
and others. Since, on most cam-
puses, USNSA does not have a
strong campu program to rely
on, the Association has found
itself extremely vulnerable to
these attacks. As a result, USNSA
lost five more member schools dur-
ing the year than it gained-the
most serious setback the Associa-
tion has had since many southern
white schools walked out when
USNSA took a stand strongly
favoring integration. The import-
ant referendum victories at New
York University, the University of
Michigan and the University of
New Mexico were largely over-
It is my belief that this was sig-
nificant in impelling the past
officers of the Association to make
an effort to tone down the poten-
tial explosions of this year's Con-
gress. Committees and sub-com-
mittees were juggled in an attempt
to achieve a "political balance,"
The officers often intervened, us-
ing the prestige and influence of
their positions, and gravely af-
fected the course of debate-not
only on the Congress floor, but in
committee and sub - committee.
These actions were far more ef-
fective than anyone would have
anticipated and helped to stifle
debate rather than channel it.
* * *
painfully obvious that the dele-
gates to the Congress were inade-
quately prepared to confront the
issues that the Congress raised.
USNSA policy is right now in a
state of transition. Having con-

is impossible for USNSA to deal
with the issue on a strictly moral
basis and simply re-affirm the
dignity of man and the right of
James Meredith to attend the
University of Mississippi.
It is now necessary for USNSA
to do a serious analysis of the
political and economic structures
of our society and make an ana-
lytic evaluation of the crucial
factors which create and main-
tain the overall pattern of racism
and bigotry that permeates Ameri-
can society.
In turn, this means that a clear
and detailed understanding of the
economics and politics of educa-
tion must be developed, not only
for the South but for the North as
well. The role of educational sta-
tus as a factor in social mobility,
problems of educating the chil-
dren of underprivileged families
adequately and other factors must
all be analyzed on an intellectually
rigorous basis.
It was painfully apparent that
the average delegate, prepared on-
ly by the sandbox experience of
student government, was un-
equipped to discuss these issues.
The same comments are equally
applicable to academic issues, civil
liberties, university reform, aca-
demic freedom and others.
* * *
ANOTHER MAJOR cause of the
lack of controversial issues was
the simple fact that people who
should have known better came
unprepared. Neither liberals nor
conservatives had any concrete
notion of legislation that they
THIS WORD "coexistence" is a
misunderstood one. Can we co-
exist with the Cubans, the Rus-
sians, the East Germans? We have
to as people. But do we have to
coexist with the philosophy of
Communism? No.-..
-Sen. Barry Goldwater

wanted to see passed or issues they
wanted to have discussed. The lib-
erals were so badly disorganized
that they did not form a working
caucus until two days after, the.
committee and sub-committee ses-
sions were over.
Also, it was unfortunate that-
people with special interests at
the Congress were unprepared to
talk to the majority of the dele-
gates in any way that would have
provided a decent interchange of.
ideas. Groups such as the Student
Civil Liberties Committee were un-
able to articulate effectively. Their
concern about the problems of civil
liberties were not made to the
delegates and their problems on
their campuses. The delegates, in
turn, were unprepared to seek out
these relationships for themselves
and were largely unable to place.
the parochial concerns of their
campus student government in any
broader context.
Finally, the lack of any serious
contention among candidates for
the office of president detracted
from the quality of debate and leg-
islation. With only one serious
contender, Greg Gallo, there was
not the normal delineation of is-
sues during the debate process as
candidates strove to make their
positions distinct and appealing.
* * , a
THE CONGRESS was "moder-
ate" in the sense that the delegates
were often unsure of the issues and
problems that they were voting on
and for this reason often tried to
avoid making a positive commit-
ment towards any definitive
Much of the "moderation" was
merely confusion. Yet this will
probably carry through' in the fu-
ture, for the issues that now con-
front USNSA will grow more and
more complex and demanding in
the foreseeable future. Nor is there
any reason to believe that student
governments will improve as a
training ground for preparing peo-
ple to discuss intelligently the
problems of education and stu-
dents in a societal context.

BOTH EAST and West, the pace
of- change is growing faster,
and the future of both alliances
is now in question. If all the
trouble were onone side, it would
be a triumph for the other. But,
as a matter of fact, the Chinese-
Russian rift is running parallel
with increasing divisions between
Europe and America.
F1or that reason, in neither
Moscow nor Washington is there
as yet a view of the future suffi-
ciently clearly defined to form the
basis of ' a long-range foreign
policy. Both are waiting and won-
dering and trying to feel their
* ,
IT IS MORE agreeable to begin
by talking about the troubles of
the other side. It is now apparent
that the conflict between Red,
China and the Soviet Union has
widened and has come to include
the historic rivalry of the Rus-
sians and the Chinese in Central
and Eastern Asia.
The origin of the quarrel, so I
am told by men who have reason
to know, was the refusal, indeed
the inability, of Russia and the
European satellites to subsidize the
Chinese Communist revolution.
Mao seems to have assumed that
as Communists these Europeans
would make all the necessary sac-
rifices to bring the backward
Chinese abreast of the European
standard of life. Khrushchev re-
fused to make these sacrifices.
This, said a very knowledgeable
Communist whom I know, was
politically impossible for Khru-
shchev toldo.-The Russian people
have suffered too long and too
much to be made to suffer more
for merely ideological reasons.
* * *
THERE IS NO such issue with-
in the Western world. But there
is /a rivalry of the affluent and
a contest for little advantages
(e.g., chickens and carpets) and
to the
To the Editor:
IN ANSWER to Marjorie Brahms'
article in The Daily of Oct. 1, I
would like to point out:
Although Miss Brahms justifies
the anger expressed by the leader
of DAC and his followers as "nat-
ural to anyone when continually
deprived and degraded, when
promised something never to be
delivered" she denies the method
they use in resorting to violence
when provoked, as non-successful
and alienating to whites.
* *' *
lem in a different light. I think -
it is hypocritical and cowardly for
anybody concerned with justice to
stand in a way that so indicated
a readiness to believe they will
obtain what they are aching for,
mainly their own rights, by ask-
ing for them with the right kind
of spile or a polite attitude.
The defenseless have always
been treaded upon in all centur-
ies and repetitive pleads for mercy
from them have never moved the
tyrants very much. If people are
angry, let it be known that they
are, and let them show that they
are. Let them stand and wait for
the first blow, which is sure to
come, and answer with whatever
is needed at the time.
A blow is a blow is a blow, and
I think that turning the other
cheek or putting your whole heart
on your sleeve to try and change
the current will only get you an-
other blow from another current.
* * *w
HUMANITY IS A weak organi-

for status. There is no reason to
think that the Western alliance
is breaking up as is the Sino-
Soviet alliance.
General De Gaulle has been so
explicit and so wounding that it
is altogether too easy to assume
that, but for him,there would be
business as usual inside the West-
ern alliance. This is not true. Gen-
eral De Gaulle is not making his-
tory, he is recognizing history and
declaring it.
It may be that the Germans will
follow our line on NATO, though it
will be from expedienc and not
from conviction. But the British
under Macmillan, even more so
under Harold Wilson, are not with
us on the multilateral nuclear
gadget, so beloved in this adminis-
tration. As for the rest of the
alliance, it will abstain unless we
corral one or two countries by
sufficient subsidies.
laration of independence against
the two "colossi"-the USSR and
the United States of America-
is a w y of announcing the end
of the postwar era in which Europe
depended on America.
The President would be well
served if in his talk about foreign'
policy he began to introduce
among the stereotypes of the
1950s a certain awareness that
the postwar era is ending and that
in fact we have crossed an old
frontier. 1
(c) 1963, The Washington Post Co.
v.IP. '5
THE "V.I.P.'s" is a good example
of a bad type of movie.
Personally I rail against people
who make blanket statements
dripping with intellectual scorn
about "those Hollywood movies";
but there definitely are certain
problems common to most Holly-
wood-type productions-and the
"V.I.P.'s" has most of them.
There is a difficulty involved in
making an overall judgment of
this movie and others of its cate-
gory, because it deals with valid
questions, the acting is quite pass-
able, tle sets lavish and the tech-
niques perfect. However, the movie
just. doesn't come across.
* * *
PERHAPS Hollywood is too
good. Hollywood has gotten too
adept with the formula and left
all the soul out of the picture.
The mechanics are too obvious.
One can just hear the director
saying-"well, that's enough tear,
time to put in the comic relief."
There is perfect balance-Mar-
garet Rutherford is quite funny,
where she's supposed to be and
properly maudlin elsewhere.
Another problem with this movie
particularly is- the stress on aes-
thetic distance. It's hard to think
of the business magnate who gives
his wife $10,000 trinkets as want-
ing to throw himself off a bridge.
One could look at the theme of
this movie as being conspicuous
consumption. It's very difficult to
feel much empathy; and the at-
tempt to make these vip's just or-
dinary people under the fur is
failing is the dialogue. The prob-
lems of human emotions, needs
and vacillations certainly can be
dealt with in terms of the "upper
classes," but only if the dialogue
can carry it and this one can't.
Every conceivable trite phrase .is
used, and each scene is predictable
consequently there is no suspense.
Richard Burton is a fine actor




"You Mean Help Americans Twice
In One Year?"

;: i.

4f*'' t &4






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