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September 27, 1963 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-09-27

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Graduation Losses, Dropouts
WeakenWarmath's Gophers

Canham Predicts Track Federation Succe

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is another
in a series of articles analyzing the
upcoming Big Ten football season.
Today's article concerns Minnesota's
outlook for the season).
Minnesota's Murray Warmath,
who has guided his team to 22 vic-
tories and one tie in 29 games
over the past three years, faces the
greatest rebuilding task of his
coaching career.
His Golden Gophers have been
hit by the graduation of 24 letter-"
men, 10 of them 1962 starters. His
hopes have also been dimmed by
the desertion of promising sopho-
Comparing the new squad to last
year's 6-2-1 team he says, "We're'
slower, lighter, smaller and mostly
sophomoric."'He says he has "11.
or 12" lettermen returning but
with 'the exception of tackles Carl
Eller and Milt Sunde, "there isn't
a topflight Big Ten player in the
5u -.Bell All-American
Murray drools when he men-
tions Eller. Last year his tackles
were All-American Bobby Bell and
Eller-"no college team ever had
tackles that good."
Bell is gone now, but because of
Eller, Warmath still rates tackle
his strongest position. "Eller is a
lean, rugged 245 pounds, stronger
physically than Bell. I can't find
a weakness in his play. He's just
the best football player in the
Bell's replacement this year is
Sunde, the team's captain, who
was not heavy enough to challenge
Bell or Eller last year. "He's up to
222 pounds now. Do you know that
kid has grown 40 pounds heavier
in three years? He came to us at
Many Changes
During the first weeks of prac-
tice Warmath shifted his charges
from one string to another and
from position to position in an at-
tempt to evaluate their strength. It
was a case of a candidate being
first string yesterday, third string
today, and ? tomorrow. At present,

The United States Track and
Field Federation spent a quiet
summer making friends, solidify-
ing gains and slowly but surely
shoving the AAU out of the driv-
er's seat in track and field.
Or at least that's the feeling
of Don Canham, Michigan's track
esach and an outspoken leader of
the federation movement, gives in
summing up the federation's sum-
mer activities.
Bound by the MacArthur agree-
ment to start no outright control
fights with the AAU until Novem-
ber, 1964, the USTFF has thrived
on the interim of quiet until the
1964 Olympics are safely past.
Gains Internationally
Even in the only section of track
and field of which the AAU can
claim control now-international
track relations-the federation,
according to Canham, is benefit-
"We are hurting the AAU be-
cause we don't have to pay their
$10 to $25 membership fee any-
more, and we don't have to pay
the $1 to $2 fee to enter their
meets," he says. Canham had spe-
cific reference to the AAU meet in
St. Louis last June, which quali-
fied members for the American
track team for the U.S.-USSR
meet at Moscow. None of the
members of the USTFF present
had to belong to the AAU also.
Locally the federation ran four
state meets *ithout any AAU in-
terference. Canham plans to have
six to eight meets in Ann Arbor
next summer since this summer's
meets met with great success.
Federation 'King'
The USTFF controls local track
so thoroughly in Michigan that
Canham boasts, "I am the Michi-
gan track coach, but I don't know
I-M Football
Alpha Sigma Phi 32, Sigma Nu 0
Phi Upsilon 12, Chi Phi 0
Phi Gamma Delta 28, Delta Sigma Phi
P1 Lambda Phi def. Kappa Sigma
Sigma, forfeit
Zeta Psi 14, Delta Upsilon 0
Phi Rho Sigma 30, Alpha Kappa Psi 0
Phi Delta Phi 8, Phi Chi 0
Torts 14, Pioneers 0
Radiology def. Badgers, forfeit
Giants def. Sportsman, forfeit
AFIT def. Misfits, forfeit

a single AAU officer in the state. deciding how track and field York. The Chicago and Detroit powers it claims the AAU
Good track and field men that should be governed-the track papers have been terrific," he says. ercising.
were in the AAU have joined the men themselves. One of the main claims of the Canham is quick to re
federation. Midwest Papers 'Terrific' "adverse publicity" is that the this attack, however. "High s
"States like Texas are even more "We have a closer link with the USTFF is a puppet of the NCAA. have as much to say as ar
behind the federation movement. sports press than the AAU does With 4.5 million of the 6 million in the federation. Our presi
The East Coast is not really because the press is more depen- participants in USTFF activities in the high school group. Ti
strongly for the federation, but dent on news from the colleges in high schools, there is the argu- schools were disgusted wil
then there is not a heck of a lot than it is from the AAU. The ad- ment this would make the USTFF AAU 'nickle and diming' the
of track run in states like Con- verse publicity comes out of New guilty of the same dictatorial to death."
necticut and Vermont.
We have concentrated on the
major track areas like the Mid-
west. the Southwest and the Far
West. Texas is more active (than V

GOPHER STALWART--Minnesota senior tackle Carl Eller is
expected to be the strong man on the Gopher's forward wall this
year. Eller's play last year was overshadowed by that of teammate
and All-American tackle Bobby Bell, although they were consider-
ed to be the best pair of college tackles in the nation. Eller, at
6'5/" and 241 pounds, is surprisingly agile, and it is thought
that he will follow Bell to the top of the ladder in tackle play.

... vows AAU doom

most of the positionsare settled
with sophomores holding down
several first string berths.
The first-string end spots are
being held by sophomores Bob
Bruggers and John Rajala. Brug-
gers is also expected to do some
of the punting for the Gophers.
At guard, lettermen Willie Cos-
tanza and Larry Hartse have an
edge, "but Hartse is injury prone."
Behind them are Charlie Killian
and Bill Dallman. Lettermen
Frank Marchlewski and Joe Pung
hold down the center spot.
This season's starting backfield
will include sophomores Fred
Farthing and high school All-
American Dick Harren at halfback,
Bob Sadek at quarterback, and
Mike Reid at fullback. Sadek and
Reid are seniors but have not won
letters, so the backfield is very

MSU Notes
more quarterback, a lightweight
backfield and a soccer kicker will.
be among the experiments Mich-
igan State will use in its football
opener Saturday against North
Duffy Daugherty, starting his
10the season at MSU, explained
his gambling this way:
"We'll go into the season with
fewer players of demonstrated
Big Ten quality than any year
since I've been head coach. We
have to find a passer to keep the
opposition honest so we can run
our fast, light backs.
"Our line is some 20 pounds
lighter, man-to-man than last
year. We will have to rely on
speed and deception."

SPE Wins Social Fraternity Track Title-

Sigma Phi Epsilon, paced by
Fred Knapp's record-breaking per-
formance in the high jump, scor-
ed 27 points yesterday to win the
Intramural Department's social
fraternity track meet at Ferry
Sig Eps
MILE RUN-1. Petrick (LCA); 2.
Pahl (PGD); 3. Rashleigh (SPE); 4.
Henger (DU); 4: Frerichs (PKP).
HIGH HURDLES - 1. Molhoek
(ATO); 2. Spaly .(PGD); 3. Clawson
(LCA); 4. Barrett (SPE); 5. Black
(TXi). Time-:08.5.
SHOT PUT-1. Frayne (SAE); 2.
Birch (TDC); 3. Carlson (DTD); 4.
Aland (ZBT); 5. Spaly (PGD). Dis-
tance-40'7 ".
100-YD. DASH-1. Crouse (ATO);
2. Donaldson (Z. Psi); 3. Holmberg
(DU); 4. Schuneman (DTD); 5. Bur-
son (ZBT). Time-:10.7.
440-YD. RUN-. Henry (SAE); 2.
Sandstrom (PGD); 3. Palmer (BTP);
4. Crouse (ATO); 5. Scheldt (SAE).
880-YD. RUN-1. Boos (SPE); 2.
McMullin (ADP); 3. Gowdy (SPE);
4. Pinnsel (SN); 5. Marshall (PGD).
BROAD JUMP-1. Morawa (DU);
2. Russell (SAE); 3. Schueller (D-
TD); 4. Schwartz (ADF); 5. Burson
(ZBT). Distance-20'8".
HIGH JUMP-1. Knapp (SPE); 2.
Reppert (SC); 3. Kinder (LCA); 4.
Tie: Frayne (SAE), Bone (SPE),
Brown (LCA). Height-6'1" (new
I-M outdoor record).
POLE VAULT-1. Jencks (DU); 2.
Raymer (DU); 3. Gray (SPE); 4.
Cooper (SPE); 5. Steen (PKP).
LOW HURDLES - 1. Molhoek

Knapp's jump of 6'1" broke the
old record of 5'11" set by Doug Liv-
erance in 1951.
The winners scored in six of the
ten events, capturing two first
places. Al Boos won the 880-yard
run in 8:11.3 to give the Sig Eps
their other first.
(ATO); 2. Clawson (LCA); 3. Knapp
(SPE); 4. Morawa (DU); 5. Clauser
(ATO). Time-:12.1.
ATO, 18; SAP, 16; LCA, 16; PGD, 14;
DTD, 8; ADP, 6; TDC, .4; SC, 4;
ZBT, 4; Z. Psi, 4; BTP, 3; SN, 2;
PKP, 2; T. Xi, 1.

Defending champion Alpha Tau
Omega took three first places, in-
cluding a double victory in the
hurdles by Dave Molhoek, but had
to settle for third place with 18
Molhoek won the high hurdles in
a fine time of 8.5 seconds and
came back later to win the low
sticks in :12.1. The ATO's receiv-
ed another first from Barney
Crouse who took the 100-yard
dash with a :10.7 clocking.
Hollis Jencks' win in the pole
vault and Larry Morawa's victory
in the broad jump helped Delta

Upsilon to a second place finish
with 21 points.
Varsity basketball player Ed
Petrick of Lambda Chi Alpha won
the mile in 5:11.9 to take the ad-
vantage in his personal 'battle with
Phi Gamma Delta's John Pahl who
finished second. Petrick took the
event in last year's outdoor meet
but Pahl gained revenge by win-
ning the mile indoor title.
In one of the closest races of the
afternoon, Sigma Alpha Epsilon's
Jack Henry nipped the Pi Gam's
Mark Sandstrom for the 440-yard
title. Henry's time was 56.3 sec-

Michigan). New York is less ac-
tive but that is the last strong-
hold of the AAU," he continued.
Press, Publicity Okay
Concerning public and press re-
lations after the summer, Canham
is also satisfied.
"If you do your job, your public
image isn't important. All college
and high school athletes know
they're getting more competition
now than ever before. During the
summer we ran more meets than
the AAU."
With 448,934 athletes participat-
ing in USTFF meets last year, the
USTFF is getting in good with
the only ones that really count in
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