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September 21, 1963 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-09-21

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Partly cloudy and cool
with a chance of showers

_._ _
. _ _ . , _._ ,o


VOL. LX IV, INo. 18





Ww a t

Pierpont Details
Outlay Proposal
See $12.7 Million for Buildings;
Delay Announcement of Budget
Vice-President for Business and Finance Wilbur K. Pierpont
announced that the University would seek $12.7 million in capital
outlay funds for the 1964-65 academic year at the Regents meeting
The regular operations budget for the next academic year will be
released before Oct. 1, University President Harlan Hatcher said
..after the meeting. The deadline

Bartlett Hits
Fiscal Plan
"I am greatly concerned that
Gov. George Romney's fiscal re-
form program will not produce
more money," Superintendent of
Public Instruction Lynn M. Bart-
lett declared yesterday.'
Warning that-, education. at all
le eels is urgently in need of funds,,
Barteltt said that "a mere trans-
er of fundsvifajioug. Rm. -
ney proposes to maintain an ap-
proximately $580 million revenue
level while juggling taxes.
He added that he appreciated
Romney's desire to change the
state's archaic tax structure into
one .for a "modern dynamic so-
city," but he noted that the state's
universities and school boards are
preparing budgets now and must
know if they are getting any more
Cannot Wait
They cannot wait until the regu-
lar session of the Legislature for
more money; he said.
Bartlett pointed to a recent sur-
vey by his office which showed
that state support of public schools
had slipped from 52-41 per cent
in the last dozen years and noted
that the school boards had to make
the difference up.
But "something must be done
to releave the burden of the prop-
erty tax," Bartlett declared. He
said that Romney's proposed 20
per cent state! refund on school
taxes will help, but not bring in
needed new revenue.
Blue Ribbon Committee
Bartlett said that he hoped
Romney's "blue ribbon" Citizens'
Committee for Higher Education
will come up with the same con-
clusion that educators have, lend-
ing their support to the "urgent
needs" of higher education.
He noted that the lay citizens'
group had "undoubtably learned
much" in their study of the state's
higher education system and
should point out the urgency of
its needs.
Denying that recent Michigan'
Co-ordinating Council for Public
Higher Education studies of en-
rollment, faculty and capital out-
lay needs was designed to head off
the "blue ribbon" committee's
work, he said that, all the council
wanted was to inform the group.
Any other assistance the coun-
cil can provide is available, Bart-
lett added.
Appeals Case
Prof. Quin Mcboughlin of East-
ern Michigan University, the first
civil rights sit-in demonstrator toy
be tried in Ypsilanti on a loiter-
ing charge, has appealed his mu-
nicipal court conviction to the
circuit court.

for submission of budget requests:
to the state comptroller's office is
the first week in October.
The capital outlay break down
includes $942,000 for campus re-
modeling and renovations and $8.1
million for new .construction. For
Medical Center facilities the Uni-
versity has requested $1.2 million
for remodeling and renovations
and $2.4 million for building.
Outlay Priority
First on the list of educational
construction is finishing thenew
Music School Bldg. Other high
ranking projects include, com-
pleting the Fluids Engineering
Bldg., and final building for the
Medical Science Bldg. Unit II, the
dental building, the architecture
and design college, the mathema-
tics and computer center and a
psychology building.
Remodeling projects include ren-
ovation of the West Engineering
Bldg., a library service and storage
building, the start of building site
development for the central cam-
pus plan, preliminary planning for
future' use of the East Medical
Bldg. and general graduate facili-
ties renovation.
Concerning the Medical Center
the Childrens Hospital hs top
priority for new construction again
this year. The University tried un-
successfully to obtain funds for
the' hospital last year.
Medical Center Requests
Money for a clinical care and
teaching facility is the only other
construction request. General hos-
pital renovations are included in
the Medical Center requests.
The proposed new architecture
an'd design college building has the
highest priority for totally new
Last year the Legislature ap-
proved a capital outlay budget of
$4.9 million for the University and
about $180,000 in projects under a
"quick action" capital outlay pro-
gram for new construction.

Study Group1
To Analyze
The 11-member research policy
subcommittee of the Senate Ad-
visory Committee on University'
Affairs will begin soon to organize
a study of some basic questions of
-research at the University.
Prof. Gordon C. Brown of the
public health school chairs the
committee. In an interview yester-
day he outlined some of the ques-
tions he feels the group should
The first matter is "the whole
place of institutes at the Unver-
sity"-groups such as the Institute
of Science' and Technology, the
Mental Health Research Institute,
and many others whose purpose
is to do research in a particular
field. Do they have a responsi-
bility in teaching as well as re-
search? And what is their respon-
sibility and official association in
-th~ academic structure of the
University? T h.e subcommittee
would consider such questions by
inviting institute representatives
to meetings, Prof. Brown said.
Request for Grants
Second, the group may explore
ways of enabling faculty members
who want to do* research to get
grants more easily. This would in-
clude studies of application pro-
cedures and of the Office of Re-
search Administration, which is
supposed to expedite these pro-
This also would include inquir-
ies into the problem of indirect-
costs-the administrative expenses
of a particular research project,
generally amounting to 20-25 per
cent of the project's cost. The fact
that indirect costs must be in-
cluded in grant requestsmakes
grants harder to get, Prof. Brown
Third, the group should evalu-
ate the relationship between re-
search and teaching, Prof. Brown
continued. This would include con-
sidering the potential dangers of
a "research squeeze," in which re-
search would eclipse the teaching
function; and a "teaching squeeze"
in which a faculty member wants
to do research but lacks the time
or: funds.
SACUA has authorized its sub-
committees to admit students
named by Student Government
Council as observers to their meet-
ings. Prof. Brown expressed doubt-
that many students would be in-
terested in the areas the subcom-
mittee will explore.

In the face of the expected
increased enrollment of in state
students next year, the University
will be forced to restrict the num-'
ber of out of state students ad-'
mitted to roughly the same num-
ber admitted this fall, University
President Harlan Hatcher said
Vice-President Marvin Niehuss
had tentatively outlined such a
policy earlier this month.
At a press conference following
the Regents meeting, President
Hatcher explained that although
the percentage of out of state stu-
dents on campus would be re-
duced somewhat by the influx of

in state students, the decrease
would not be a significant one.
Cosmopolitan 'U'
He reiterated his belief in the
value of a cosmopolitan university
and said the University had not
lost sight of its desire to maintain
itself as such.
He also pointed out that the
difference in ratio from this year
to next between the in state stu-
dents and the out of state students
would not be significant enough
to warrant any meaningful criti-
Vice-President Marvin Niehuss
said the Regents had discussed the
situation during their informal
meeting Thursday night.

"Theme is no disposition on the
part of the Regents to cut down
on either out of state or foreign
students," Niehuss said.
He indicated that the Regents
see the realities of the situation
and, while hesitant to enidorse a
policy which might be construed
as lessenening the cosmopolitan
appeal of the University, they are
in general agreement that there
is no other solution.
"Had a better solution to the
problem of out of state student
enrollment been offered, it would
have been adopted," Niehuss said.
The vice-president expressed
pleasure that concern about the

change had been evidenced, but
he cautioned against looking at
the situation too dramatically.
He pointed out that fluctuations
have always occurred in the in
state-out of state student ration
and that, so far, no important
changes were foreseen.
Niehuss also cautioned against
assuming that because the Uni-
versity held the line on out of
state students one year it would
automatically do so each following
year. The policy will be a flexible
one, he said.
Not Peculiar to State
The expected enrollment in-
crease is not peculiar to Michigan

but to the country at large.
view of this fact the vice-preside
pointed out that the situati
might be eased if all states agre
not to raise the barriers agair
out of state students.
"But very few jople see beyo
the first step," he said.
Surveys by the Michigan Boa
of Education indicate that the
wil be a 20-25 per cent increa
over last year in the number
graduating seniors in Michig
high schools this spring.
Assistant Director of Admissic
Byron Groesbeck said the Unive
sity expects a corresponding i
crease in the number of app
cants to the University.

U efines Enrollment Limit


dy Suggests S., Russier o

By The Associated Press
LANSING - The tax plan pro-
posed-by Senate Taxation Chair-
man Clyde H. Geerlings (R-Hol-
land) is "ingenious and merits
study," according to Gov. George
Romney, who has also submitted a
fiscal reform program to the
But Romney added that he did
not consider Geerlings' program
"as adequate, clean cut and direct"
as his own plan. "It does not
assure property tax relief the way
our plan does. There is no- assured
relief for senior citizens.I
"In addition, it appears that'
Geerlings' plan would be very
burdensome administratively for
the state and for the taxpayer,"
the governor added.
Local Option PlanI
The major feature of Geerlings'
rival plan is a local-option two
per cent personal income tax. This
contrasts with Romney's plan,
which calls for a two per cent
statewide personal income tax and
a 3.5 per cent statewide corporate
income. tax.
A foe of state-levied income tax-
es, Geerlings had said new taxes
should be levied "at the option of
those concerned intimately" and
should be under their direct con-
trol at the local level.
The Geerlings plan would retain
some of the business taxes Rom-
ney's proposed $308 million ad-
justment in the tax structure
would repeal. However, Geerlings
planned several modifications of
existing levies.
Food Stays Put
Geerlings' plan would exempt
prescription drugs, but not gro-
ceries, from the sales tax, whereas
Romney's plan would exempt both
commodities. Nor would Geerlings'
plan make a 20 per cent state
payment of local school taxes.
Romney said Geerlings "sought
chiefly to do something for the
revenue needs of local government.
But I can't see that he does much
to eliminate injustice in the tax
structure to low-income families
and inequities in business taxes."
The governor added that Geer-
lings' plan to make local units
share in the cost of mental patient
care might "pretty much" force
the statewide use of county in-
comes taxes.
"We backed off the local option
idea (in the area of mental health)
because of administrative difficul-
ties," he added.

-Asociated Press
POLICY SPEECH-President Kennedy delivered a major policy speech to the United Nations yester-
day which gained praise from UN diplomats. because of what they termed its. moderate tone.
Among the topics the President covered was a proposal that the United States and the. Soviet Union
send a joint expedition to the moon.
Two Areas ExpandesearCh


Bartlett Gives Criteria
For EMUPresident
National Concerns Editor
A combination of administrative and scholarly orientation and
ability as a lobbyist stand out as two major criteria of the state Board
of Education's search for a new Eastern Michigan University president.
Superintendent of Public Instruction Lynn M. Bartlett stressed
these two qualities in outlining the 10 criteria the state board set

Expanded research and gradu-
ate programs in two fields-space
and oceanography - were an-
nounced at the Regents meeting
To oversee the University's
growing space program, a Space
Science Committee, chaired by
Prof. Wilbur C. Nelson of the en-
gineering college, has been set up.
The group will find and denote
the areas of space research in
which the University should con-
centrate. It will also consider ques-
tions of administration and liaison
with industry in space research,
Vice-President for Research Ralph
A. Sawyer explained.

He also announced that the
$1.75 million National Aeronautics
and Space Administration space
sciences building will be under
construction on North Campus by
next fall.
Vice-President f o r Academic
Affairs Roger W. Heyns comment-
ed that the establishment of the
committee is not necessarily the
first step toward setting up' a
space research center at the Uni-
versity. Later developments will
determine whether the University
will seek such a center, Heyns said.
Sawyer added that the Univer-
sity now has 15 new predoctoral

State Schools
Jloin Council
Every college and university in
the state has joined the newly
formed Council of Michigan Col-
lege Presidents, Vice-President and
Director of the Dearborn Campus
William E. Stirton announced yes-
T h e voluntary coordinating
body for higher education was
created last spring in order to
'bring together presidents of pri-
vate, public and religious support-
ed institutions.
The executive committee met
Monday and set the first meeting
date for Oct. 28 at the University.

Thursday night for selection of
the new EMU president.
He also announced that the state
board will consult with an EMU
faculty committee in the selection
of a successor to Eugene B. Elliott,
fired by the state board last June.
Lists Criteria
The criteria include:
1) Scholastic stature. Bartlett
explained, that the -state' board
seeks a president with "proven
competence as a scholar," prefer-
ably holding a doctorate;
2) Interest in college level, re-
3) Support of "responsible aca-
demic freedom";,
4) Age of 50 or younger. Bart-
lett said that the state board was
looking for a younget man that
would stay many years with the
See LISTS, Page 2

Education Committee Plan.
May Miss October Deadline
The newly appointed staff director of Gov. Romney's Citizens
Committee on Higher Education said yesterday that there is "little
hope" that the committee's interim report will be ready by the dead-
line date of Oct. 1.
Harold Smith of the Upjohn Foundation, appointed to the posi-
tion of permanent staff director last Saturday, said that any hope
of meeting the deadline is quickly
"fading" away.
The interim report, dealing with
the short term problems of Michi-
" . gan highereducation, is presently
being prepared by a 12-man sub-
S o c ievcommittee. It will have to be ap-
proved by the full committee be-'
fore being sent to the governor.

students in its NASA domestic
traineeship program, bringing the
total to 25. The students are in
engineering, astronomy, chemistry,
geology, physics and psychology.
Complete Mysis
The oceanography program was
expanded with the completion of
the 50-foot Mysis, an $86,000 ves-
sel built under a National Science
Foundation grant:
The Mysis will join two other
University ships in the $289,000
Lake Michigan project headed by
Prof. John C. Ayers of the zoology
department and the Institute of
Science and Technology. Sawyer
said the total cost of the four-year
Public Health Service-sponsored
project may be over $1 million.
"These new facilities and re-
search activities, and their scope,
are perhaps the best indication of
how the inland oceanography pro-
gram at the University has grown,"
Sawyer remarked.
Accept Boat
The Regents also accepted a 46-
foot boat from Bruce L. Simpson
of Chicago, which probably will be
added to the research fleet.
Other members of the space
committee are Professors Samuel
D. Estep of the Law School, H. R.
Crane of the physics department,.
Paul M. Fitts of the, psychology
department, Fred 'T. Haddock of
the 'astronomy department and
J. L. Oncley of the Medical School.
A group of Regents incon-
spicuously dropped in at West
Quadrangle for. lunch Thurs-
day and suffered onoapparent
distress, the participants re-
vealed at a press conference
Among those who ventured
into the quad was Regent Irene

Outlines Ide;
in Address
before UNI
Gromryko Withholds
Comment on Project
Until Further Study
dent John F. Kennedy propos
yesterday that the United Stat
and the Soviet Union dramati
the pause in the cold war by sen
ing a joint expedition to the moo
The Soviet Union said it wou
give the -idea thorough study.
Kennedy made the proposal
a major policy speech to the Uni
edJlions General Assembly th
was conciliatory in tone but sp
cific in setting out basic Uniti
States-Soviet differences,
Praise Speech
United Nations diplomats pra
ed the speech for its moderato
just as they did Thursday. aft
the policy speech delivered by S
viet Foreign Minister Andre ,
Gromyko said that "The gener
tone of the speech is conciliate:
and this is good. As to the concre
proposals made in toe speech,
would not prefer to edmment nc
because I would like to study the
Sen. Clinton P. Anderson (
NM), chairman of the $ena
SPRO~ Committee, said Preside'
Kennedy's proposal for a jo
United States-Soviet expedition
the moon should be 'welcomed.
Cites Possibilities
"This scientific and technic
enterprise is one which offers tr
mendous possibilities for the ben
fit of- all mankind," Ariders
"I have long felt that the va
cost, although , essential, of ti
'manned landing on the mo
might well be shared among tha
nations which have demonstrae
competence in space," he added.
Some officials who are doing ti
spade work at Cape Canaveral fi
the lunar landing effort express
surprise at the President's propo
aal. They agreed that a combin
United States-Russia effort wou
help world tensions, but they we
disappointed at the indicati
Kennedy is ready to abandon t]
great national goal of being fir
'on the moon.
But in general, it was a day
East-West cordiality with Or
myko relaying to Kennedy "war
personal greetings" from Sovi
Premier Nikita S. Khrushche
Gromyko did so at a receptiongi
en by Kennedy' for- all, heads
the United Nations delegation.
The only jarring note came fro
Cuba, which boycotted the spee
iri the Assembly. Carlos Lechug
head of the Cuban delegation, sa
he did not want to hear "disto
tions of truth" from Kennedy
regards to the Cuban revolution,
It was also a day in which ti
approximately 1500 Americans wl
work for the United Nations g
a warm pat on the back-from the
President. Most foreign dignita
les visiting the United Nation
take time out to greet their n:
tionals working for the organize
tinn hut this wn th fist tin


CapeNoe IerDirected

Germany is currently developing
into an "inner directed" society
after experiencing the rule of five
different regimes in the last 60
years, a German teachers' college
professor said last night at the
Guild House.
Prof. Walter Cappel, who teaches
psychology at a teachers' college
near Heidelberg, used author-
sociologist David Reismen's theory
nf the individualized society to

"After World War I' the tra-
ditions of society were disrupted
and the people had no basis for
social order. The Weimar Republic
tried to replace these traditions,
but Hitler came and erected an
outer directed society where the
people were compelled to follow his
Prof. Cappel explained that
'Hitler had it easy, because in 15
years, traditions cannot be built
un and anvwhwsau h waainst

new institutions characteristic to
a democratic society.
Idea of Democracy
Prof.. Cappel said it was diffi-
cult for him as a teacher to com-
municate the idea of democracy to
his students. The whole education-
al system is different than that of
the United States, he commented.
Prof. Cappel, who attended Yale
University, gave as an example,
+hn rrnfac ,n,,4.1farV a Afin Q ..

No Action
The full "blue ribbon" commit-
tee held a session last week at
which time the subcommittee pre-
sented its report. However, no ac-
tion was taken and presumably the
subcommittee was asked to do fur-
ther work.
Smith has been working with
the subcommittee in the capacity
nf assistant staff director under


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