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September 17, 1963 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-09-17

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LAY. hr hMLK , 1963~,i~



Voice Views Social Problems

'U' on Airborne TVI

Norway Faces School Pinch


Special To The Daily
party concentrated on issues
il rights and economic stag-
n at a weekend retreat at the
rsity's Fresh Air Camp.

The 70 persons taking part,
ranging from graduate students to
freshmen, and including students
from Wayne State University, also
examined issues of peace and uni-
versity reform.
Todd Gitlin, Grad, president of

Across Campus

Yyll!rwr re rw .r s. . r

rof. Milton Mayer Will speak
"Atomic Man and the Moral
sis" at 4:10 p.m. today in Aud.
in a program sponsored by the
ice of Religious Affairs.
rof. Mayer, who has taught at
University of Chicago and the
versity of Frankfort, is, a reg-
r lecturer for the American

Prof. Jennings is currently de-
veloping a new fountain form by
molding water into sculptural
shapes using only a pump and im-
Membership ..,
Voice political party will hold a
membership meeting at 8:00 p.m.

Students for a Democratic Society,
keynoted the retreat with a dis-
cussion of the radical left.
Radicals go to the root of prob-
lems and try to uproot them, he
said. Suggesting that SDS aims for
a society that brings out the best
in men, he declared that "we carry
within ourselves the seeds of the
society we want."
This is a remarkable time for
students to enter society, Gitlin
said, because the economy is "on
the rocks," the Cold War is "get-
ting tiresome," social mores are
collapsing, and the civil rights is-
sue is bringing political life into
the country.
Speaking on peace, Richard
Flacks, research associate at the
center for conflict resolution, not-
ed that the test ban came at about
the time when the Birmingham,
Ala., racial crisis exploded. "For
the first time since World. War
II," he commented, "people are
organizing independently of the
national establishment and de-
manding that their needs be met."
Nuclear weapons now are obso-
lete because nations cannot use
them in the situations that are
coming to be, Flacks continued. As
an example, he cited "the social
revolution" in Viet Nam.
There is much discussion about
peace in the press, the movies and
even popular records, he pointed
out, and the danger of nuclear war
is receding.
Discussing the civil rights move-
ment in the South, Paul Potter,
Grad, described the c o m p 1 e x
change that is taking place. Two
years ago, the Student Non-Violene
Coordinating Committee was bare-
ly able to sustain itself under in-
tense pressure, he said; now, its
personnel are able to operate in
the face of burgeoning crises.
The movementis made complex
by the problems of automation,
leadership preparation, political.
pressure and citizenship education,
Potter said. Violence is no longer
easily controllable, he added.
Sharon Jeffrey, '63, who now
works for the Northern Student
Movement, spoke on civil rights
activities in the North. She said
that none of the things about the
ghetto that she learned since
working had she been told in her
sociology classes at the University.
Political Base
A political base is essential to
achieving changes in the cities,
Miss Jeffrey said. She urged stu-
dents to devote their lives to al-
leviating problems of the cities.
Former SDS President Thomas
Hayden, Grad, analyzed the Amer-,
ican economy. It is progressively
weakening, he commented, and in-
creasingly it will be unable to em-
The American labor movement
is caught up in a suicidal complex
of internal division,. automation,
inability to get anything out of
Congress and erosion of its mem-
bership, Hayden said.

-Daily-Ed Langs
AIRBORNE TV-A. University student (center) is interviewed
against the background of the Lawyer's Club as a part of a film
being made for junior high school students showing the character
of a state-supported university. The film will eventually be shown
on a television network broadcasting to six states from a plane
flying above Lafayette, Ind.
Report Cites Pressures
On State Higher Education
(Continued from Page 1)

Norwegian institutions of higher
learning are experiencing prob-
lems familiar to United States
schools, for they too will suffer
a shortage of educational facili-
ties for some time to come.
Although construction of new
school buildings continues at a
fast pace, it cannot meet the in-
creasing number of Norwegians
who want a higher education. As
a result, there are many so-called
closed studies, which include med-
icine, dentistry, veterinary medi-
cine, pharmacology, engineering,
business administration and agri-
culturial science.
Up 100 Per Cent
Since 1956, enrollment in Nor-
wegian schools has gone up over
100 per cent. Over the last five
years liberal arts and natural
science show the greatest gains
with increases ofe66per cent and
over 100 per cent respectively.
Several years ago, the so-called
Kleppe committee predicted Nor-
way would have 18,000 university
and college studentsby 1970. This
number is now expected to be
reached by 1965. For 1970, the
total is now estimated to become
Ac'cording to Johan T. Rudd,
director of the University of Oslo,
the doubling of freshmen enroll-
ment in the 1963-64 ,school year
reflects Norway's increasing living
standard and various social meas-
ures initiated to facilitate higher
education such as the State Stu-
dent Loan Fund.
Plant Expansion
Even though Oslo's current
plant expansion program will go
far to alleviate over-crowded fa-
cilities, it will not prevent re-
stricted admission to certain
Of such closed studies, medicine
shows the greatest increase in de-
mand. This fall only 130 out of
408 applicants could be admitted,
as compared with 90 out of 290
in 1962.
The University of Bergen and
the Norwegian Institute of Tech-
nology at Trondheim are also suf-
Brown rTo Visit
Organ Meeting
Prof. Marilyn M. Brown of the
music school will perform at the
International Congress of Organ-
ists in Spain this week.-
The congress features leading
organists from throughout the
world and features recitals on his-
toric and modern pipe organs as
well as lectures on organ music
and organ building.
Prof. Brown will give a recital
on the organ in the Cathedral of
Zaragoza as a part of her con-
tribution to the gathering.

fering similar problems. Rector
Arne Selberg of the latter school
said the biggest obstacle to great-
er admittance was not the lack of
facilities, but the shortage of
qualified scientific personnel.
Much is being done to provide
housing for Norwegian students.
In Trondheim, a new student vil-
lage that will provide 864 single
rooms and 144 apartments is be-
ing developed.
The Bergen student village now

has 247 single rooms and 39 apart-
ments. Oslo can house 1950 stu-
dents. Despite these efforts, how-
ever, student accommodations are
still in short supply.
One possible means of solving
this problem is state-built student
housing. Plans have been made
and will be implemented for con-
struction of 5000 student rooming
units, providing Parliament fi-
nances the 100 million kroner

woodcuts, wood engravings
201 Nickels Arcade Ann Arbor, Mich.






OUNTAIN SCULPTURE-Prof. Richard Jennings will discuss
his ideas on fountain design on a program sponsored by the Uni-
rersity Television Center. He is currently developing a new type'
if water sculpture, using only a pump and a propellor.

is Service Committee,
ship of Reconciliation
wish Peace Fellowship.


Dance Classes . .
The Concert Dance Organization
will hold a mass meeting at 8 p.m.
today in the dance studio at Bar-
bour Gymnasium.
Led by Hermine Drezner, '64Ed,
the group offers a series of class-
es each week, with the following
Tuesday-7-8:30, modern dance,
8:30-10, choreography perform-
ance. Thursdays-7-8:30, advanc-
ed ballet; 8:30-10, modern dance
for men and group and choral
Fountains .
Prof. Richard Jennings of the
architecture school will discuss and
describe his ideas on fountain de-
signing on a University television
program which will be presented
at 6:30 a.m. Wednesday on chan-
nel two.
The University Television Cen-
ter's program, "Sculpture from a
Pump," will be hosted by Prof.i
Charles O'Donnel of the English!

today in Rooms K, L, M and N of
the Michigan Union.
All wishing to join are invited
to the meeting. Officers will be
elected and campus and communi-
ty programs will be discussed.
Fellowships .. .
The graduate school will hold an
open meeting for undergraduate
and graduate students interested
in graduate fellowships for the
1964-65 school year at 3:30 p.m.
today in Rackham Amphitheatre.
Rules of Order -. -
How to use parliamentary pro-
cedure to, achieve clearness and
order in making motions, amend-
ments and voting will be discussed
by Prof. Hugo Hellman, director
of Marquette University's school
of speech at 6:30 a.m. Wednesday
on channel four. I
Hellman, one of the nation's ex-
perts on parliamentary procedure,
will explain the technical ins and
outs of the subject on the Uni-
versity's television series, "Speak

additional teachers may be re-
duced somewhat.
But more important, the in-
creasing class size and the placing
of more responsibility on the in-
dividual student for his own learn-
ing will also reduce the need for
"It must be kept in mind, how-
ever, that newer teaching devices
have limited use within the broad
curriculum of higher education,"
the report states.
All studies and reviews of the
use of large lecture sections using
modern teaching machinery con-
clude that these newer teaching
devices cannot be depended on to.
reduce costs - the equipment is
very costly, requires expensive
space and maintenance and can-
not supplant the teacher, the re-
port warns.
Greater Use
Year-round operation will pro-
vide for greater utilization of
plant and faculty resources.
But the costs of providing addi-
tional manpower for 33-50 per
cent of the existing school year
will not be small. Several colleges
and universities, however, are ade-
quately prepared and "tooled up"
for year-round operation at the
undergraduate level and will begin
as soon as adequate financial sup-
port is provided, the report states.
It is becoming increasingly dif-
ficult to attract properly prepared
graduate students to enter teach-
The report cites a nationwide
study prepared by the National
Educational Association in 1961
which said that only 231 per cent
of the new doctorates enter edu-
cational institutions, with the re-
mainder entering business, indus-
try and government service.
Level Drops
Furthermore, the level of fac-
ulty preparation has dropped in
every segment of higher education,
according to a research report of
the NEA.
"It is clear that since 47.6 per
cent of all faculty members in
state institutions held doctorates
in 1953, and only 29.7 per cent of
the newly-employed faculty mem-
bers in 1960 held doctorates, there

has been a decline of almost 20
per cent in the intervening seven
Teaching salaries are low com-
pared to employment opportuni-
ties elsewhere. In 1962 scientists
engaged by business and industry
in the United States received an
annual salary of about $13,000.
Those engaged by state and fed-
eral governments received an av-
erage salary of $10,000.
Student Initiative
Library facilities and services
must be improved, especially if
greater reliance is to be placed on
student/ initiative in learning and
less on lecturing in the-classroom.
The officers of the Michigan
Library Association have not made
a formal survey of library facili-
ties within the state. However, the
coordinating council report esti-
mates that Michigan is below na-
tional standards.
Since no qualified faculty mem-
ber can remain content with his.
job unless he finds congenial and
compatible scholars of his own lev-
el for association of ideas, a "com-
munity of scholars must be provid-
ed on each college campus."
"The needs for higher educa-
tion in Michigan can be met only
by the provision of adequate
funds," the report says. "Present
'appropriations to higher education
in Michigan are below the nation-
al average."
Appropriation Levels
The average United States ap-
propriation per student enrolled
regardless of class level or of cur-
riculum for the school year 1962-
63 was $907. In the same year the
average appropriation in the four
year tax-supported institutions in
Michigan was $898.
In the Midwest, Illinois approp-
riated $1,468 per student; Iowa,
$1,384; Indiana, $930; Wisconsin,
$752; Ohio, $650; and Minnesota,
$621 per student.
"Colleges and universities can-
not provide low salaries, poor li-
brary facilities, few research op-
portunities and restrictive intel-
lectual atmospheres and expect to
attract or retain better trained
teachers," the coordinating coun-
cil report concludes.

I~4A ~4ana

Pn'i e4


WEDNESDAY evening, September 18, 7:30 p.m.
Rockham Auditorium (Lecture Hlof)
Address: Dr. Abraham Kaplan, Professor of Philosophy
The Ethics of the Book of Job"

Thursday and Friday
Sept. 19, 20
9 a.m. in
Rackham Aud.
1429 Hill St.

10a.m. in
Zwerdling-Cohn Chapel
Tel. 663-4129


Et -


The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for wich The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3564 Administration Building
before 2 p.m. of the day preceding
publication, and by 2 p.m. Friday
for Saturday and Sunday.
Day Calendar
Bureau of Industrial Relations Per-
sonnel Techniques Seminar No. 94-Dr.
Robert House, Bureau of Industrial
Relations, Grad School of Business Ad-
min., "Management by Objectives-Re-
sults-Oriented Appraisals Systems":
Third Floor Conference Room, Mich.,
Union, 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Office of Religious Affairs Lecture-
Dr. Milton Mayer, author and lecturer,
"Atomic Man and the Moral Crisis":
Aud. A, Angell Hall, 4:10 p.m.
Department of Civil Engin. and Dept.
of Engin. Mechanics Seminar-Dr. Rob-
ert J. Melosh, manager, Engin. Mechan-
ics Dept., Western Development Labs,
Philco Corp., will speak on "Errors in
Finte Element Analysis of Structures."
In Itoom 311 W. Engin. today at 4:00

p.m. Coffee will be served at 3:30 p.m.
in the Faculty Lounge.
Univ. Lecture: Today at 8 p.m. in
Aud. of Childrens Psychiatric Hosp.
Speaker will be Dr. Milton Rosenbaum,
Prof. & Chairman, Dept. of Psychiatry,
Albert Einstein College of Medicine &
Dir. of Psychiatry, Bronx Municipal
Hosp. Center, New York. Topic, is "So-
cial Psychiatry & Psycho-Analytically
Oriented Depts. of Psychiatry-Areas of
Conflict in Residency Training."

Donors Move
To Establish
Cancer Center-
Grants from the Department of
Health, Education and Welfare
and the Berrien County Cancer
Service will enable the University
to establish a cancer research cen-
ter in its Simpson Memorial In-
The grants, totalling over $75,-
000 each will make it possible to
increase the institute's staff from
34 to 52 persons and establish fa-
cilities for a hermatology research
Announcement of the Berrien
gift was made jointly yesterday by
J. Richard Welton, president of
the cancer service and Dr. William
N. Hubbard, Jr., dean of the Medi-
cal School.
Welton said the group is pro-
viding the funds "in recognition
of the zealous efforts of the Simp-
son Memorial Institute staff to
develop means of effectively con-
trolling cancer in those persons
now afflicted and to ultimately
find a cure for this dread disease."


{ {!
( .

Students, Faculty and Administration .
October 25 and 26
Interview Forms Available for
Graduate and Undergraduate Students
SAB-SGC Office



_ _ _ _iShows at 1:00-2:45
4:45-6:50 and 9:00

Y *

Lecture: "The Structure of Lactoper-
oxidase" by Dr. Donald Hultquist, Dept.
of Chemistry, Univ. of Calif., today at
4:00 p.m. in M6423 Medical Science Bldg.
Coffee will be served in the Dept. of
Biological Chemistry M5410 Medical Sci-
ence Bldg. at 3:30 p.m.
General Notices
The Dearline for Submitting National
Defense Education Act, Title IV appli-
cations is Sept. 25, 1963. Applications
are accepted in Room 118 Rackham Bldg.
the office of Assoc. Dean Freeman D.
Foreign Visitors
Following are the foreign visitors pro-
grammed through the International
Center who will be on campus this week
(Continued on Page 5)





DIAL 8-6416
hilarity over
the screen."
A brilliant

ie Masterpiece
of Suspense CaTIT5vams



Positively Ends Today
saot 1 30-4:40-8:00 Last Feature 8:15 P.M.







wYfodt~M ,fA Jns ,







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