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September 17, 1963 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-09-17

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-See Editorial page


Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom


Warmer tomorrow,
with clear skies



Speakers Debate
SGC's Bias Rules'
Sorority Representatives Oppose
Proposed Membership Regulations,
Several hundred students looked on last night at an open
hearing where sorority presidents, a practicing lawyer, a Negro stu-
dent and a member of the Office of Student Affairs addressed
Student Government Council on proposed regulations over member-
ship selection practices among student groups.
The proposed regulations, contained in a set of working papers,
will be formally legislated at tomorrow's regularly scheduled Council
They call for the establishment of a membership committee to
initiate procedings against those groups suspected of discriminatory
(practices and for a membership

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Report Urges Appropriations Increase

"The comparative level of appropriations to higher educa-
tion in Michigan must be improved if the present assignments
to Michigan institutions are to be carried out in an acceptable
manner," a report released last night by the Coordinating
Council for Public Higher Education said.
The comprehensive report of faculty needs in Michigan
higher education was prepared by the University's Robert Wil-
liams, assistant to the vice-president for academic affairs.
Two more reports on enrollment and admissions and phy-
sical plant needs will be submitted to Ira Polley, executive
director of the Michigan Council of State College Presidents.
Aid Groups
The \report was prepared "for the purpose of assisting the
Legislatuie, governor and the governor's Citizens Committee on
Higher Education and other interested parties to understand
the present acute needs for adequate financial support and the
impact of the tidal wave of students who will enter Michigan
colleges and universities in 1964 and thereafter as freshmen."
Michigan colleges and universities today enroll 180,000 stu-
dents apd employ 9000 teachers, the report states.
Total freshman enrollment at all Michigan institutions has
remained steady at about 40,600 students .for 1961-63. But for

1964 the number of entering freshmen is estimated to jump to
50,750. And for 1965 the estimate is 63,400.
Need 4000 Teachers
Michigan institutions will need an additional 4000 instruc-
tors to provide four years of undergraduate education to the
increased freshman classes of 1964 and 1965.
The teacher-student ratio has decreased 10.7 per cent in
the last five years, from 1:18.5 to 1:20.5. To reduce the current
ratio to that of 1957-58 would require approximately 1000 more
teachers than are currently provided.
As an illustration of the problems, the report creates two
theoretical institutions formed over a four year period. The in-
coming freshmen classes of 10,150 and 12,650 represent the
enrollment increases over present figures for 1964 and 1965.
The resulting institutions would be larger than the University.
Graduate Needo
Michigan colleges and universities will need 1500 addi-
tional teachers to provide for the increase in graduate enroll-
ment between 1963-68, the report continues.
The enrollment in post-baccalaureate programs in Michigan
is estimated in the report to increase at a rate of approximately
3000 each year for the foreseeable future. At a minimum accept-

able graduate teacher-student ratio of one to 10 there will be
a need for 300 added teachers each year, or 1500 for thIe com-
ing five year period.
"At least one year of 'lead time' is required to locate and
employ faculty personnel," the report states.
Hire Teachers
The professional year is currently composed of the period
from September to June. The better qualified persons are en-
gaged by November to begin work in a new situation the fol-
lowing September. Only in unusual circumstances are arrange-
ments made in February or thereafter to engage qualified per-
sons to enter a new situation for the following year, the report
"This requirement of a year of lead time makes it imperative
that Michigan institutions be authorized by November, 1963, to
engage the additional faculty required for the increase in en-
rollment which will occur in fall, 1964," the report concludes.
Studies made by the United States Office of Education
indicate that nationwide, greater utilization of faculties is be-
ing secured by studies of television instruction, use of audio-
visual aids and the use of teaching machines. So the need for
See REPORT, Page 2

* OSA Seeks
New Changes
In DIocumzent
The Office of Student Affairs
yesterday suggested possible
'changes in a series of rules pro-
posed by Student Government
Council for regulating membership
selection practices among student
The suggested changes were in-
troduced at a public meeting call-
ed by Council to hear discussion
on. its proposals. They Were in-
troduced to the meeting by Direc-
tor of Student Activities and Or-
ganizations John Bingley..
Major Reforms
The major reforms they call for
are two:
1) The replacement of the pro-
posed single membership judge to
try cases of alleged discriminatory
practices by a membership tri-
bunal. Such a tribunal would con-
sist of three members: one stu-
dent, one faculty and one adminis-
trative member. It would be better
able to deal with matters of Uni-
versity concern "within the con-
text of the University," said Bing-
ley, and,
2) The elimination of an entire
section in the SGC working papers
which would condone the use of
the blackball system.
Eliminating Sanction
Interpretation of this system,
which SGC proposed to sanction
as long as it was practiced in a
non-discriminatory manner, should
be eliminated from the papers, the
OSA indicated, since any dis-
criminatory practices are explicitly
Other suggestions submitted by
the OSA called for certain pro-
cedural changes in the trying of
cases before the membership tri-
The OSA further recommended
the deletion of all unnecessary
legal phrases in favor of language
familiar to the layman.
To Support
GOP Choice.
Goldwater (R-Ariz) said without
qualification last night that he
would support Gov. Nelson Rocke-
fellei- (NY) if Rockefeller is the
Republican Party's presidential
nominee next year.
Rockefeller said he would sup-
port "Barry or anyone else" who
ran on a 1964 Republican platform
"that faces realistically and posi-
tively the problems of today and
the opportunities of tomorrow."
The comments were made in
separate television interviews.
Hasn't Talked to Governor
Asked why Rockefeller was "re-
luctant" to make a flat statement
that he would support Goldwater,
the Arizona senator said:
"I don't know. I haven't talked
to the governor . in several
months, now."
Rockefeller conceded in inter-
views over the weekend that his
remarriage had seriously damaged
his chances for the nomination.
Not Afraid of Battle
Rockefeller said he is not afraid
that a rough battle for the nomi-
nation between himself and Gold-
water would result in a serious
split in the Republican party.
1.... If we had a monolithic par-
ty where everybody had but one
point of view there would be no
discussion, there would be no de-
bate. There would be no public in-
terest," the New York governor
said. "The best thing we can have
is life in our party, is competition


judge to decide cases initiated by
the committee.
Suggest Reforms
Among those addressing the
Council last night were several
local sorority presidents,- suggest-
ing specific reforms in the propos-
ed regulations.
One such reform called for a
more -severe penalty for those
members of the Committee on
Membership who might willfully
divulge secret information includ-
ed in a sorority's membership
Another asked that the mem-
bership judge be replaced by a
tribunal consisting of student,, fac-
ulty and administration members.
Burns Asks Legislation
Council also heard the remarks
of William Burns, '65, acting
chairman of SGC's Committee on
Burns, who noted that his com-
mittee did not see itself as being
involved in a partisan struggle,
said that the question of regulat-
ing discrimination among student
groups should transcend political
He called upon Council to legis,-
late against outside control over
membership selection practices so
that final authority rests in the
hands of the local group.
Burns' remarks were prefaced by
those of Beverly Baker, '64Ed, who
asked Council to pass the "strong-
est :possible -legislation.-for -the-
abolishment of discriminatory
practices against students.".
End To Interference
Miss 'Baker asked for an end to
interference by national fraternal
groups which "prevent local fra-
ternities and sororities from .meet-
ing me as a person because I am
a Negro."
Speaking as legal counsel for
10 fraternities and sororities was
Lawrence Smith, '37L, of the
Grand Rapids law firm of Schmidt,
Smith, Howlett and Halliday.
Smith urged Council not to
adopt the proposed rules. He not-
ed that they are unacceptable to
his clients who do not recognize
the Regents' delegation of author-
ity to SGC.
Calls Rules Penal
He called the rules "penal in
nature" and charged that they
do not provide due process of law.
Smith suggested two alternative
plans of action:
1) That SGC return the entire
issue to the Regents and ask them
to deal with it as "representatives
elected by the people of Michigan
to handle the affairs of this Uni-
versity; or
2) That an attempt be made by
several Regents, a rules committee
and some of the attorneys repre-
senting national groups to formu-
late a set of rules that "everyone
can live with."
Director of Student Activities
and Organizations John Bingley
asked for questions on the "Office
of Students Affairs" proposed
changes in the working papers,


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-Robert B. Ellery
PROTEST ORDINANCE-Demonstrators at last night's City Council meeting mill around trying to get into the council chamber be-
fore council consideration of the fair housing ordinance and later join hands to sing in protest of passage of the ordinance before being
arrested. Fifty-two demonstrators were arrested by city police.
Alabama Negroes Plan Protest March

Negroes, after hearing Gov. George
Wallace blamed for the bombing
deaths of four Negro girls, voted
last night to stage a protest march
on the statehouse in Montgomery.
Twelve hundred Negroes-all
those attending a rally at a Bap-
tist church-rose to their feet in
favor of the march when a vote
was taken. No date was set for the
The rally - at which three
champions of the Southern inte-
gration movement spoke - came
shortly after the two white teen-
agers were arrested in the fatal
shooting of a 13-year-old Negro.
Order Probe
A federal grand jury was order-
ed yesterday to probe the tense
city's racial troubles.
Speaking at the rally, Dr. Mar-
tin Luther King, Jr. said that
"words and actions of Gov. George
Wallace" were to blame for the

deaths of the four girls in a
church bombing Sunday.
The governor, King said, "had
allowed himself to defy the law
of the land and to deal with Ne-
gro citizens in Alabama as if they
didn't live in the state.
The Rev. Ralph Abernathy,
treasurer of King's Southern
Christian Leadership Conference,
told the rally that "you and I
must join a march . . . We must
take a wreath to the state house
at Montgomery."
Government Failed
He also said that if the federal
government "had done its job,
Wallace would be in jail right
There was no immediate com-
ment from Wallace on the propos-
ed march or on the attacks on
The president of 'the Alabama
Christian Movement for Human
Rights, the Rev. Fred L. Shuttles-

worth, said "There is a breakdown
of law and order in Birmingham
and we need the power of the
United States."
He also announced that a mass
funeral will be held Wednesday
afternoon for three of the girls
killed in the blast. Services for the
other girl will be held today.
No Basis for Troops
Shuttlesworth's call for federal
power came after the government
said-at Washington there was no
legal basis for sending regular
Army troops to Birmingham.
President John F. Kennedy ex-
pressed "outrage and grief" over
the bomb killing of the four chil-
dren. He said he hoped the inci-
dent would awaken the nation to
"the folly of racial injustice and
hatred and violence."
Kennedy said if there is this
realization, "then it is not too late
for all concerned to unite in steps

toward peaceful progress before
more lives are lost."
In a special statement, Kennedy
said the United States stands for
"domestic justice and tranquility.
"I call upon every citizen, white
and Negro, North and South, to
put passions and prejudices aside
and join in this effort."
Unit Affirms
SGC Seating,
The Senate Advisory Committee
on University Affairs yesterday
confirmed its last year's proposal
giving S A C U A subcommittee
chairmen the authority to allow
students delegated by Student
Government Council to participate
in committee meetings.
The first SACUA meeting of the
fall also saw reports from com-
mittee chairmen describing future
plans, Prof. William Kerr, chair-
man of the nuclear engineering de-
partment and new SACUA chair-
man, said.
To Study Rules
The research policy subcommit-
tee has indicated its plans to make
a study of the role of institutes
and centers in the research and
educational programs of the Uni-
The subcommittee on university
freedom and responsibility will be
continuing its search for some
body structure which would oper-
ate between the University Sen-
ate and SACUA.
Problems of SACUA
SACUA, an elected body of about
20 members, serves in an advisory
capacity to the University admin-.
istration but is too small to speak
fnrh a n,,i, Pr f ,... P_-

y GroupVotes
To Approve Measure
Police arrested 52 sit-in demonstrators last night at City
Hall. City Administrator Guy C. Larcom Jr. warned the
protesters of their arrest at 11:45 p.m. and police arrested
the demonstrators\about one hour later.
, Although the Ann Arbor City Council accepted, 7-4, t
fair housing ordinance proposed by the fair housing cor
mittee last night, about 70 people remained after the meeti:
to stage a sit-in demQnstration.
. During the council meeting, the Rev. Henry 'Lewis r
signed his membership on the Human Relations Commissic
First Ward Democratic Councilmen Eunice Burns ar
John Teachout voted against the ordinance claiming it w,
not sufficientlyinclusive. The remaining councilmen, all1
publicans, split, 7-2, for the"
ordinance, with Third Ward
Councilman Robert Meader e ra e
and Paul H. Johnson deciding Epker, Bake
against passage.
Favored Ordinance e Petition
Second Ward Councilmen Wil-
liam Bandemer and John Dowson, Two more students request
Fourth Ward Councilmen Wendell nominating petitions for elect:
Hulcher and Richard Walterhouse,~ to Student Government Coun
Fifth . Ward Councilman John SGC Elections Director Ni
Laird and Bent Nielsen and Mayor d,
Cecil O. Creal all cast ballots in day.
favor of the ordinance. They are incumbent Russell
The ordinance makes it a mis- Epker, '64BAd, and Beverly Baki
demeanor to discriminate in the '64Ed.
rental or sale of five or more The two additional petition
housing units owned by the same brings to eight the total numi
person. It also prohibits discrimin- of students seeking election
atory practices by financial insti- SGC Oct. 9.
tutions and real estate brokers. With the resignation of Kenn
The council passed an amend- Miller, '64, elections will dec
ment deleting the provision of the eight seats on Council-sixe
ordinance stating that an owner of and two half term positions.
a dwelling unit must have a pre- Miss Dodge noted that petitii
vious conviction before aninjunc- will be available in the SGC
tion could be brought against him fices in the Student Activid
requiring that he hold the dwelling Bldg. now through 5 p~m. Frid,
unit in question until the case -is She stressed petitioning ru
decided. Under the accepted ordi- requiring all candidates to c
nance, an injunction ofathis na- culate their, petitions persona
ture can be brought as soon as a and forbidding candidates to c
complaint is made. culate petitions in classrooms,
Reject Proposal braries or the Michigan Union
However, the council decisively League.
'rejected a proposal that a popular In residence units, petitions m
referendum be held on the fair be circulated only in, the hot
housing ordinance. lounges.
The Ann Arbor Fair Housing As-
sociation - Congress of R a c i a l T 9.
Equality-sponsored picketing of Citizens Unit
City Hall and later sit-in demon-
stration were held because AAF- Hears Report
HA-CORE feels the ordinance is
inadequate and is primarily a tok-
cates, CORE spokesman LamarS bgr p
en gesture to civil rights advo -UtsICRIpoemn/aa
Miller said. Gov. George Romney's Citize
After the ordinance had passed, _Committee on Higher Educati
council passedia four-point mo, met Saturday and received at
tion designed to deal with discrim- port from its interim subcomn
ination in Ann Arbor through the tee
HRC. The subcommittee, chaired
Expand Work Alvin Bentley of Owosso, subn
The HRC will be expanded with ted a report on the short to
mnrp funi d and n arsnnel the needs of state higher education

but received none.


-a wE-A"-I

DETROIT--The raw material is
available for the American econo-
my to make a major stride for-
ward, Prof. Paul W. McCracken
of the business administration
school said yesterday.
There is tangible evidence that
business activity is in for a vigor-
ous expansion that could well car-
ry through 1964, he said.
McCracken told a group of bank
credit- executives that "in the fin-
al quarter of 1963 the nation's
output of goods and services will
be running at the annual rate of
close to $595 billion per year. If

acken Sees Economic Gain

evidence pointing toward further
1) The data indicates expendi-
tures by business on new machin-
ery and facilities are rising at the
rate of about 15 per cent per year.
2) The retail, sales outlook is
brighter than seemed probable
only a few months ago.
3) The price level has been hold-
ing steady, and in spite of this
profit margins have not generally
narrowed further.
Firmer Base Established
McCracken expressed the, hope
that a firmer basis for stable cost
price level has finally been es-

However, McCracken found two
reasons for optimism.
First, he said, a stronger econo-
my at home (further buttressed
by tax reduction) would probably
reduce the deficit since still higher
interest and profit rates make the
domestic economy a more attrac-
tive place for investing both Unit-
ed States and foreign capital.
Second, he pointed to inflation
which is emerging as a major prob-
lem for some other major indus-
trial nations notably France, Italy
and Japan.
"Because of these comparative-
ly unfavorable price developments,


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