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September 15, 1963 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-09-15

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CTT VAV Qlvt mlvA*nv'b sr van"A

TH..C IG N DAL...'Y' * 7 ~ --.

', 4EPTEMBER 15, 1963

inois Should Improve Status in Big Ten Race

TOR'S NOTE: This is' the
a a series of articles analyz-
upcoming Big Ten football
gn. Today's article deals with

Lothridge Leads in
IGeorgia Teelh Win,

a crunching 208-pound fullback
who can hit the line like a knife.
Key Position
The key to the Illini plans for
this year is the quarterbacking.
Mike Talliaferro and Ron Fearn
are contesting for the starting
spot. Neither have brilliant ca-
reers behind them.
Taliaferro threw 212 times com-
pleting 80 for 1139 yards in 1962.
The percentage is not electrifying,
but neither was his line and ends.
Fearn sat out last season with in-
juries, but at this moment he is
considered number one at the po-
sition. Not spectacular, but a
steady performer, he does more
handing off than passing.-
The Illini are still weak at end,
Thurman Walker, having grad-
uated, Sophomore Eddie Russell
might help out, some, but the
position is undoubtedly soft.
Beef Trust
The Illinois passers and runners
will be helped by the league's
largest line. Center Dick Butkus
is the anchor of this aggregation.

Butkus is a former Chicago
grid star who played quarterback
in his high school days. Elliott
switched him to,.the line and he
took to it like a termite in a se-
quoia. Many observers see Butkus
as a future All-American as a
center and linebacker.
Butkus is flanked by mountain-
ous Archie Sutton, 260-pound
tackle, Bill Minor and Todd Ga-
bert. A crew of other huskies ,in-
cluding Dick Deller and Bob Easter
vie for guard spot.
Rich Callaghan is solid at de-
fensive end, but the other end
spot may be, weak. Elliott has mov-
ed fullback Greg Schumacher to
the position in an attempt to bol-
ster it. Opponents may do a lot of
running around end this season.
Illinois has fair depth in the
backfield with fleet Trenton Jack-
son, Cecil Young and George
Wineland at the halves and Al
Wheatland at full. Fred Custardo
is supposed to be a coming sopho-
more quarterback, and Dick Kee
is a promising scatback.

ATLANTA ().- Georgia Tech
kept its string of 37 consecutive
home opening football victories
intact yesterday, beating the
Florida Gators 9-0 in the nation-
ally televised first major college
game of the season in a cold,
steady rain.
Tech's strong defense kept the
Gators bottled up in their own ter-
ritory most of the game. Florida's
deepest penetration was to Tech's
30 at the start of the second half.
Quarterback B i 11 y Lothridge,
Tech's "Mr. Do-It-All," booted a
35-yard field goal with 3:30 re-
maining in the first half. Halfback
Joe Auer drove over from the 9-
yard line with 5:35 remaining in
the third period. Lothridge missed
the extra point.
Tech's powerful defense held the
Gators to minus five yards rush-
ing. The Gators also were hurt
badly by several crucial 15-yard
penalties. Florida was penalized
75 yards.
Florida's left-handed quarter-
back, Tom Shannon, was time and
again thrown for big losses by
Tech's hard-rushing line.
The Gators also rushed Loth-

ridge hard and he was able to
complete only four of 11 passes
for 41 yards.
Tech went into the shotgun of-
fense in the second period with
Lothridge passing from several
yards behind the line of scrim-
mage, but they were unable to
Florida attempted to make a
first down on fourth and one at
its own 34, but a mixup in signals
gave Tech the ball. On fourth
down halfback Joe Auer ran 13
yards around left end for a first
down at Florida's 14. However, the
Gators held and moved Tech back
to the Florida 18.
On fourth down Lothridge boot-
ed a 35-yard field goal for Tech's
first score.
Tech missed another chanceto
score a few plays later when a
blocked punt rolled out of the end
zone. The play was called back
when Tech was penalized five
yards for being offside. Then a
bad snap from center on the next
play gave Tech the ball at the
Florida 8, but back Ken Russell
intercepted a Lothridge pass and
Florida ran out the clock.



B eman Defeats Sikes 2 and I,
Takes Second Amateur Title


DES MOINES, Iowa (P)-Clock-
steady Deane Beman defeated an
erratic Dick Sikes 2 and 1 yester-
day in a tense 36-hole final for
the United States Amateur Golf
The 25-year-old Bethesda, Md.,
insurance man annexed his second
national title mainly because of a
five-hole winning streak that
started late in the morning round
and carried over into the after-
However, it was his trusty put-
ter that brought him a birdie on
the 32nd hole from 18 feet and
closed any chances that Sikes
might have had of staging a late
The five-hole surge lifted Be-
man from 3 down to 2 up over
Sikes, the National Collegiate
king from Arkansas, who eight
times drove off the fairway before
lunch and then fought a bulky
putter most of the way in the
day's second trip over the wooded
hills of the Wakonda Club's 6,896
Beman first won the U.S. Ama-
teur in 1960; a year after he had
taken the British title. Since, his
1960 triumph overseas, the stocky,
father of three daughters has been
the low amateur in the 1962 U.S.

open, played on three Walker Cup
teams, three America's Cup teams
and two world amateur squads.
The restless Sikes, who charges
from tee to green like a fireman
answering a general alarm, looked
headed for a runaway before Be-
man started his five-hole rally on
the 15th by sinking a 10-foot
birdie putt.
Beman cut his deficit by another
hole on the 16th when the former
Public Links champion missed the
green and lost to a par. Beman
stuck a No. 6 iron shot 30 inches
from the flag for a birdie deuce
on No. 17, and then wedged one to
eight feet from the hole on the
18th for a birdie three that gave
him a 1-up edge before they went
to lunch.
When play was resumed, Sikes
sent his second on the 19th over
the green and the ball rolled
down the steep incline into a
pocket in a gravel path below. A
study of the rule book showed that
it was not a hazard and the slen-
der Arkansan chipped out, the ball
going only half way up the slope.
Sikes' desperate try for a par
from the uphill lie was short and
Beman posted a calm par for an-
other winner. That made Beman's
edge 2 up, but he missed the
green with his approach on the
24th and Sikes drew even on the
26th when he knocked in a 13-foot
downhill putt for a birdie.
Beman went ahead again on the
28th when Sikes' strong second

shot bounced on the green and
hopped into a trap. Then came
Beman's decisive deuce on the
Only twice during the day did
the poker-faced Beman, whost pe-
tite wife trudged ,all of the 10
rounds the winner needed to re-
gain the crown, show any emotion.
The first time was on the sixth
hole of the morning round when
his second shot wandered slightly
off the line into the rough and the
ball was imbedded in the soft turf.
He showed displeasure when he
found that a spectator had stepped
on the ball while trying to get out
of the way. He finally was per-
mitted to lift.
The second time came at the
ninth hole when Deane looked up
just before putting and saw his
father and mother, whom he
thought to be in Bethesda. They
had flown in unexpectedly. The
incident interrupted his concen-
tration and Beman missed the
He was one over par for the
final two rounds while Sikes was
three over.
"I only had one bad hole-the
sixth this afternoon where I hit
the wrong club out of the rough,"
Beman stated. "I'm very happy I
played this steady-usually in
match play I'm up and down.
"Boy, I got a couple of bad
breaks I didn't think I had com-
ing," said Sikes. "But I didn't
putt very well."

St. Louis Whips Dallas
In NFL Opener, 34-7

--Daily--Jim Lines
FIGHTING ILLINI-These four Illinois players are expected to be in the vanguard of a bid by the
Illini to make the first division of the conference. Ron Fearn (11) and Mike Talliaferro (14) are
seeking the quarterback position on Coach Pete Elliotts team. Fearn sat out all of last season with
injuries while Talliaferro completed 80 of 212 passes in 1962 for Illinois. Dick Butkus (50) is a center
and linebacker. He received considerable acclaim as a sophomore and stardom is predicted for him
this year. Sam Price (47) is a highly touted sophomore halfback with plenty of speed and power.

By The Associated Press
DALLAS -- Charley Johnson's
passing, Bill Triplett's running, a
58-yard dash with an intercepted
pass by Jimmy Hill and Dallas
mistakes gave the St. Louis Cardi-
nals a 34-7 victory in an opening
National Football League game
last night. ,
Jim Bakken also kicked field
goals of 43 and 45 yards.
Dallas continued frustrated. It
never has been able to beat St.
Louis although heavily favored to
make it this time.
. The best opening crowd in Dal-
las' four years of NFL member-
ship--36,432-turned out in the
Cotton' Bowl to be disappointed
once more.
The Cowboys drew first blood,,
scoring a touchdown in the sec-
ond quarter' as Don Meredith
found the passing range. He threw
for 49 yards in a 69-yard march,
with the payoff a 15-yarder to
Pettis Norman.
But from there on Dallas had.
little chance with the hard-run-
ning Cardinals, guided by John-
son, who chipped in with some
crucial runs himself.
St. Louis jammed 20 points into
the second period with Bakken's
43-yard field goal coming first
after Johnson had sent the Cards
42 yards.
As soon as St. Louis got the
ball again it went ahead with a
79-yard drive, a screen pass from
JJohnson to Triplett that ate up
38 yards getting the surge going.
A 30-yard dash by Triplett got
the ball to the. Dallas two and
Joe Childress finally ran a yard.
around right end for the touch-
St. Louis made it 17-7 when
Hill intercepted the Meredith pass
and ran to an easy touchdown.
With two seconds left in the half,
St. Louis scored again as Bakken
booted his 45-yarder.
A short kick by Sam Baker set
St. Louis up in business in the
third period. Johnson's 14-yard
pass to Bobby Joe Conrad and a
14-yard run by Johnson got most'
of the distance. Dallas was pena-

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lized to its four-yard line for
roughing the passer, then Johnson
Passed te~Conrad for the score.
The final St. Louis touchdown
came on a 60-yard drive with
Childress running for 11, Johnson
passing to Triplett for 13 and to
Conrad for 14 as the big plays.
* * *
SAN DIEGO-The San Diego
Chargers scored twice in the sec-
ond quarter on long touchdown
passes to defeat the Boston Pat-
riots 17-13 last night in an Amer-
ican Football League game.
Flanker back Lance Alworth
hauled in a 43-yard pass from
Tobin Rote for the first San Diego
touchdown after Keith Lincoln
set it up with a 47-yard punt
About four minutes later San
Diego halfback Paul Lowe took a
Rote pitchout and heaved a 71-
yard touchdown pass to end
Jerry Robinson.
Boston drew within one point
of San Diego in the fourth quar-
ter on a 36-yard field goal by,
Gino Cappelletti. Reserve quarter-
back Tom Yewcc replaced Vito
Babe Parilli throughout most of
the second half and scored the
only Boston touchdown. He went
over from one yard out on a
quarterback sneak.
George Blair's 31-yard field
goal iced the game in the fourth
quarter for the Chargers.
Boston played ball control in
the first half, running 43 plays to
the 'Chargers' 17. But they trailed
14-10 at halftime as the Chargers
used the long passes to wipe out
a 35-yard Cappelletti field goal
in the first quarter.
* * *
GREEN BAY, Wis.-The Green
Bay Packers launch their bid for
an unprecedented third straight
National League title by meeting
the Chicago Bears today in the
B8the"renewal of an old rivalry.
The Packers, who won five
straight pre-season games after
an opening upset to the College
All-Stars, rule a two-touchdown
favorite to make the Bears their
first victims of 1963. Chicago had
a 3-2 record, including a 26-7 de-
feat by Green Bay, in tuneups
for the regular campaign.
With 28 veterans of the 1962
club which lost only one game en
route to the championship, the
Packers are loaded with talent.
Halfback Paul Hornung, suspend-
ed for betting 'on league games,
and defensive end Bill Quinlan,
traded for a future draft choice,
are the only regulars missing.
Hornung; the Golden Boy who
holds the NFL record of 176 points
scored in a season, will be re-
placed by' high-stepping 'fom
Moore, a three-year veteran from
Vanderbilt. Quinlan's spot will be
taken over by Lionel Aldridge, a
rookie from Utah State.
The Green Bay attack again
will be directed by quarterback
Bart Starr, the league's top passer
a year ago, and powered by full-
back Jimmy Taylor, who captured
NFL ground-gaining and scoring
honors last season.
geles Angels, who already had two
pitchers named Lee, acquired a.
third yesterday.
They purchased right-hander
Bob Lee from the Pittsburgh Pi-
rates. Lee, who had a 20-2 record
this season with Batavia of the
New York-Pennsylvania League,
will report to the Angels next



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U.S. Whi1
DENVER P) - The United
States doubles team of Marty Ries-
sen and Dennis Ralston defeated
Venezuela yesterday, 7-5, 8-6, 6-3,
and clinched the American Zone
final Davis Cup matches with a 3-0

ps Venezuela Gently


Two final singles matches are
scheduled for today, but are a'
mere formaliyt.
The losing Venezuela doubles
team was made up of Iyo Pimen-
tel and Orlando Bracamoite, who



Writers, photographers,
sale people
Yearbook Staff
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lost their singles matches Friday
to Riessen and Ralston.
The victory sends the United
States against England in the
interzone finals at Bournemouth,
England, Sept. 20-28.
Double service faults plagued
the South Americans. The only
service break in the first set came
in the 11th game when Braca-
monte .double faulted twice, in-
cluding the game point. The
United States wentahead 6-5 and
Riessen held his service.
The Venezuelans broke Ral-
ston's serve in the second game of
the second set and went ahead
3-0, but the. United States: won
the next three games by breaking
Pimentel's service in the fifth
game. The Americans also captur-
ed the 13th game on Pimentel's
serve when he double faulted.
U.S. Capt. Bob Kelleher said he
was seeking permission to sub-
stitute Eugene Scott, St, James,
N.Y., and Arthur Ashe Jr., Rich-
mond, Va., for Ralston and Ries-
sen in today's final singles matches
against Pimentel and Bracamonte.






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