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September 13, 1963 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-09-13

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Vows Air Attack for OSU Offense


(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is t
second it a series of articles as
alyzing the upcoming Big Ten fo
ball campaign. Today's article dea
with Ohio State.)



Coach Woody Hayes has vowed
there will be more passing at Ohio
State this year, but most football
prognosticators have taken the
"sit-back-and-wait" attitude.
With an impressive 278.9 yard
rushing average per game last
year, the Buckeyes won the NCAA
rushing championship. They fin-
ished in a tie for third in the Big
Ten with a 4-2 record and 6-3
Graduation of 18 lettermen, in-
cluding the first three men at
offensive quarterback, fullback
and center, has placed a heavy
burden on the sophomores. The
further loss of four assistant'
coaches and only 19 returning let-
termen listed on the roster
prompted Hayes to remark, "This
is my biggest rebuilding job in 13
"Four yards and a cloud of dust"
is not about to be dusted from the
football annals at Columbus.
Although the Buckeye coaching
staff has bemoaned the loss of
their experienced fullbacks, who
carried 47.7 percent of the rush-
ing plays last year, there are prime
candidates for the job.
Willard Saxnder, 6'2" 210-pound-
er, has received more than passing

praise from Hayes in recent scrim-
makes. His main challenger is an-
other rookie, Bob Hartley, 5'11"
and 202 pounds.
Warfield Returning
In the past, Hayes has centered
his rushing game around the full-'
backs, but the presence of senior
All-American candidate Paul War-
field at halfback may force a
change in his strategy.
Warfield without a doubt is the
fastest man on the team. In last
year's campaign, he averaged 6.4
yards per carry with 57 attempts
and caught eight passes for 139
yards and two touchdowns.
Returning letterman Ben Espy
will fill, most likely, the other
backfield position. Espy saw reg-
ular action in the final two games


'EYE TO 'EYE-Ohio State's grueling defense, led by safetyman
Arnold Chenko (23) and end Matt Snell (41), stops Iowa's Robert
Sherman (33) during last year's Buckeye-Hawkeye game. Both
defenders return this season to haunt OSU's opponents.

'Nine' reps for Spring Duty
Bump Elliott isn't the only,
Michigan coach conducting prac-
tice sessions this fall.
For those who come out to
watch football practice, a look
down to the southeastern end of { '
Ferry Field reveals a group of
about 30 baseball players engaged
in various drills. Coach Moby
Benedict and his new assistant
Dick Honig have been instructing
their charges for two weeks now.
According to Benedict the pur-
pose of fall baseball practice is
similar to that of spring football-
drills. "We have two goals in mind
for fall practice," he said. "First,
we want to teach the basic funda- 4
mentals. Second, we want to get
a line on our personnel. ZI:.U.
Easier Job
"Fall practice makes our job


Reed Names
'M' Gridders
Top Students
Quarterback B o b Timberlake
and guard Joe O'Donnell put
Michigan on the list this week as
Big Ten Commissioner Bill Reed
announced the nominees for the
1963 All - Conference Academic
football team.
Timberlake and O'Donnell are
two of the 37 student-athletes
selected-the largest in the his-
tory of the program which is spon-
sored by the Big Ten Sports In-
formation Directors. The official
All-Conference team will be se-
lected by a panel of sports writers,
at the close of the season.
Nomination for election for the
team is based strictly on scholastic
proficiency-a B or better aca-
demic average. After that, athletic
ability is the sole gauge and 49
of the past winners have received
All-Conference honors and nine
others have ganed All-American

last year, averaging four yards in
17 carries.
Lack of Experience
For the first time inhmany years,
Hayes is faced with a drastic
shortage of experienced linemen.
The tackle slot in all probabil-
ity will be filled by Bill Kohut,
who had one minute playing time
last year, and sophomore convert-
ed end John Palmer.
Tom Jenkins, 6'1" 226-pound
senior from Dayton, perhaps is
Hayes' only blessing. Jenkins is
returning with 250 minutes of
playing time and is regarded to
be one of the top guards in the
Big Ten this season.
Incorporation of the air game
this fall is conceivable as the end
position is considered by many to
be the Buckeyes' strongest asset.
Top receiver on last year's squad
is senior Ormonde Ricketts, who
caught nine passes for 79 yards
and played 200 minutes. Sopho-
more John Stock, an All-Ameri-
can, and letterman Matt Snell will
give the Bucks some much-needed
Quarterback Problem
The lack of a good passing
quarterback most likely will dam-
pen Hayes' passing plans.
Sophomore Tom Barrington, 6'
1", 208-pounder, has been men-
tioned most recently to take over
the signal calling duties. Barring-
ton is a converted fullback, better
known for his running ability, and
regarded only as an average
thrower. Another rookie, Don Un-
verferth, 6'3", 205 pounds, is con-
sidered a good passer and better
than average runner. Third can-
didate is Arnold Chonko, a junior
defensive specialist and high
school quarterback.
Strongest point for Ohio State
this year is the offensive and de-
fensive backfields, but the lack of
a good line probably will hinder
the Buckeye famed ground attack
quite considerably. There appears
to be little relief in sight through
the air lanes, thus a losing season
may be looming on the horizon.
Next: Illinois

Set For
Net Finals
DENVt i()- Dennis Ralston
of University of Southern Cali-
foiknia and Marty Riessen of
Northwestern University w e re
picked yesterday to represent the
United States in singles tennis
matches against Venezuela in the
American Zone Davis Cup finals
beginning today.
Riessen is defending Big Ten
champion and has held the top
conference spot ever since he be-
gan playing in the conference two
years ago. He is also titlist at
first doubles (with teammate
Clark Graebner).
At the draw at Cherry Hills
Country Club, Riessen was pitted
in the opening match at 2 p.m.
today against Venezuela's Iyo
Ralston meets Orlando Braca-
monte, Venezuelan attending Mis-
sissippi State, in the second match.
The pairings will be reversed
in the two singles matches Sun-
day with Riessen and Bracamonte
meeting in the first match, Bra-
camonte and Pimental are the
only Venezuelans here.
However, Capt. Robert Kelleher
of the U.S. team also has avail-
able besides Riessen and Ralston,
Arthur Ashe Jr., Richmond, Va.,
and Eugene Scott, St. James, N.Y.

TO Rival
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK - A rebel move-
ment by a pair of disgruntled out-
casts is threatening to put a big
crimp in the famed Olympic
Thi instigators are Indonesia,
suspended by the International
Olympic Committee, and Com-
munist China, which walked out
of the ICC in a huff because of
the recognition of Formosa.
Smack in the middle of the
squabble is the Soviet Union.
Officials of the International
Olympic Committee declined im-
mediate comment, but it was ob-
vious there was widespread con-
cern over the explosive situation,
which is this:
Apparently out of spite over his
country's suspension by the .IOG
growing out of .Indonesia's snub
of Israel and Nationalist China in
the Fourth Asian Games last year
President Sukarno of Indonesia
has announced plans for a giant
sports spectacle to be known as

The letters stand for "Ga
of the New Emerging Forc
The site is Jakarta, Indone
The dates are Nov. 10-22 this y
These games are being set
blatantly in opposition to the
called "imperialistic" Olympic
Plans are to stage them ev
four years-just as in the case
the Olympics-falling the year
fore the Olympic year. The :
Olympics are scheduled for Tok
Forty-three nations have b:
invited to the GANEFO gar
principally those in Asia, Af
and Latin America.
This presents a problem for
Soviet Union-much to the deli
of Communist China, now e
broiled in a battle of ideolo
with the sprawling Russian nat
Russia is a happy member
the Olympic family-winner,
fact, of more gold medals t]
any other country at the 1
games in Rome. The Olymp
give the Soviet Union a thea
for its power struggle with
United States.

Start New Games

easier in the spring. We're leaving
for our spring trip to Arizona on
March 21 and we'll have little
chance to evaluate our players out-
doors before we leave.
"It's true that we'll have some
practice in Yost Fieldhouse before
we leave. But how can you judge
the fielding ability of an outfield-
er when you're indoors? We want
to see how our players have im-
proved by playing this summer.
We're testing their fielding ability,
their speed, and their arms. Then
we'll have a better idea about
which players will make the team
next spring."
Benedict plans to continue prac-
tice as long as there is good
weather but not over four or five
moe weeks. He pointed out that
the players are getting tired of
baseball after a spring and sum-
mer of competition and practice.
Squad in Training
The squad that Benedict has in
training includes veterans .from
last season's team, other hopeful
upperclassmen, plus sophomores
and a few freshmen. Only Cap-
tain Dave' Campbell, a' senior in
the education school who is prac-
tice teaching in the afternoon, is
unable to attend the fall sessions.
Benedict said that the great
value of fall practice was that he
is able to give individual attention
to his players. "Once the season
starts in the spring, you don't
have time for this type of istruc-
During the four years that Don
Lund was head coach, he and
Benedict conducted practices in
the fall. Lund's predecessor, Ray
Fisher, did not conduct fall prac-
tices in the latter part of his 38-
year coaching career and probably
# never did. Thus, the idea of fall
training is relatively new.
Indoor Practices
In past years also, indoor prac-
tices in the Fieldhouse for pitch-
ers started just after Thanksgiv-
ing. The new calendar may change
the starting date according to
Benedict but pitchers will begin
limbering- up their arms before
the other players turn out for in-
door practice..
Benedict commented that hav-
ing Honig as an assistant coach
was a great help. "Last spring I
felt I was without a right arm.
Now I've got a right arm. Dick
was brought up under our sys-
tem. He's played here four years
and he knows how we operate.
"Dick will act as an assistant
varsity coach with the responsibil-
ity also for the freshman team.
When the freshman team comes
out next spring, Dick will work
with them in the last half of each
afternoon after helping me with
part of the varsity in the first

Major League Stcnig


New York
Kansas City I
Los Angeles

W L Pet. GB
97 51 .655-
84 64 .568 13
83 65 .561 14
78 70 .527 19
72 75 .490 241
70 79 .470 27112
70 80 .46t 28
67 80 .456 291,
67 82 .450 30%
53 95 .358 44

W L Pct.
Los Angeles 89 57 .610
St. Louis 87 61 .588
Milwaukee 80 67 .544
San Francisco 79 68 .537 ]
Philadelphia 77 70 .5241
Cincinnati 78 72 .5201
Chicago 74 73 .5031
Pittsburgh 69 77 .473'
Houston 54 93 .3673
New York 49 98 .3334


. . Northwestern star

New York 5, Kansas City 2
Minnesota 3, Cleveland 2 (10 inn.)
Los Angeles 2, Boston 0
(Only games scheduled)
New York at Minnesota (n)
Chicago at Washington (n)
Baltimore at Detroit (n)
Cleveland at Los Angeles (n)
Boston at Kansas City (n)

a -t

St. Louis 8, Chicago 3
Los Angeles 5, Pittsburgh 3
San Francisco 6, New York 0
Philadelphia 4, Houston 1
(Only games scheduled)
Los Angeles at Philadelphia (2-n)
Milwaukee at St. Louis (n)
San Francisco at Pittsburgh (n)
Houstonat New York (n)
Cincinnati ot Chicago

--Daily-Jim Linei
IN FULL SWING-Practice for the coming spring season on the
diamond is now going on at the athletic field. Here are newly
appointed assistant coach Dick Honig and catcher Charlie
Adams at practice this week. Sessions will continue through winter
months indoors.

half of the afternoon. He'll make
all trips with the varsity as well
as assisting me at all home
Tough Years
Honig admitted that it was a
bit difficult getting used to coach-
ing players that were his team
mates just last season. "These will
be my toughest two years," he
But on the other hand, he com-
mented that practically all last
season he assisted Benedict after
having broken his wrist in the
season's first Big Ten game. Ho-
nig was hit by a pitched ball and
missed the rest of the season be-
cause of his injury.

Honig said that professional
baseball was never, on his mind
either before or after his injury.
"If I had been good enough to
step right into the major leagues
it might have been different," he
said. "But I wasn't that good. Be-
sides, coaching here is what I
want to do. This is a wonderful
As a junior, Honig was one of
the players that led Michigan to
an N C A A a n d International
Championship. He and Joe Jones
sparked the team to 60 double
plays which led the nation in that
category. His batting average of
.292 was second highest on the




in Men's Alpaca.
Knit Cardigan
or in



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are being taken


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