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September 13, 1963 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-09-13

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13, 1963





Thant Describes Seriousness
Of Crisis in South Viet Nam




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Integrated Classrooms
In Birmingham Locale)

tary-General U Thant declared
yesterday the situation in, South
Viet Nam is going from bad to
worse under a government which'
he said has abandoned democratic
processes for use;.of force.
UAW Leader,
Gets Position
Special To The Daily
LANSING--Gov. ;George Rom-
ney completed the Civil Rights
Commission, established under the

Thant said also he has been
keeping in constant contact with
United States Ambassador Adlai
E. Stevenson on events in South
Viet Nam, where the United States
is trying to persuade the govern-I
ment to lest up on harsh treatment
of the predominantly Buddhist
News Conference
Thant, a Buddhist, made the
statement in response to a question
at a news conference.
Asked if he planned to confer
with any visiting Vietnamese lead-
ers, Thant said none had request-
ed a meeting with him, but that
if they asked "I would be glad to
receive them here.''
Mrs. Ngo Dinh Nhu, sister-in-
law of President Ngo Dinh Diem,
is planning to come to New York
after her European visit.
Belgrade Speech
In a speech in Belgrade, Mrs.
Nhu defied what she called an
"international campaign of black-
mail and terror" aimed at South
Viet Nam. In spite of this cam-
paign, she declared, her country is
building democracy.
She denounced the Communist


new constitution by appointing
Kenneth W. Robinson of Grand
Rapids to its eighth seat.
Robinson, a UAW regional di-
rector, is the fourth Democrat ap-
pointed to the bi-partisan group.
He has been on the executive
boards of the Grand Rapids Na-
tional Association for the Ad-
vancement of Colored People and
Urban League.
Romney appointed the other
seven members of the commission
late last month.

I- -I

Jack Purcell Oxford

Viet Cong guerrillas for waging a
"most virulent, subversive war"
and claimed there had been no
oppression of Buddhists by the
"Influences from East and West
infiltrated the Buddhist movement'
to deviate it to ideologies contrary
to Buddhism itself," she said.
"Viet Nam," she told delegates
to the 61-nation Interparliamen-'
tary' Union, "is erecting a demo-
cratic regime in spite of war, with
war and against war."
Speech Well Received
Delegates gave her a thunder-
ous ovation at the end of her 10-
minute speech.
Mrs. Nhu did snot mention the
United States, although earlier
she had told newsmen South Viet
Nam's troubles were the result of
a plot against Diem's government
and President Kennedy. She did
not go into detail.
She said that it was the deter-
mination of the people to be Viet-
namese only which had made them
"the target at which are aimed
from all directions the most pow-
erful, cruel, unjust and cunning
State House
Passes Bill
National Concerns Editor
Special To The Daily
LANSING-Old feuds on legis-
lative reapportionment flared yes-
terday as the House passed a $3 8,-
000 supplemental appropriation fi-
nancing the Legislative Apportion-
ment Commission.
The House suspended its rules
to provide the Money for the con-
stitutionally-required commission.
With the $38,000, and law grant-
ing it legal status until January 1,
the bi-partisan group can begin
operations now.
Requests Appropriation
Gov. George Romney requested
the appropriation and the law
Wednesday night in a message to
the special session of the Legisla-
If a delay in implementing this
commission would be permitted, "it
would be obviously impossible to
complete the reapportionment to
permit the orderly working of the
election process."
Romney's relating of his contro-
versy with Democrats over ap-
pointment of their members rais-
ed the hackles of Democratic leg-
islators and party officials.
Violated Spirit
State Democratic Chairman Zol-
ton Ferency declared that Rom-
ney's message violated the bi-par-
tisan spirit of an agreement be-
tween him and the governor to
begin the work of the apportion-
ment commission.
Rep. Joseph Gillis (D-Detroit)
objected to immediate considera-
tion of the supplemental appropri-
ation bill, declaring that the Leg-
islature had to answer all the le-
gal questions surrounding the ap-
portionment commission's work
before money should be spent.
The House easily agreed to act.

'Roam Cit y
Demonstrator Pulls
Knife on Policeman
BIRMINGHAM (P)-A massive
boycott of newly. integrated class-
rooms gained momentum in Ala-
bama yesterday and left one high
school with only Negro pupils.
Hundreds of screaming, rebel
flag-waving teen-agers roamed
from school to school in Birming-
ham, trying to stir up sympathy
walkouts from classes still segre-
gated. They gained some followers
at two schools, but failed at others.
Pulls Knife
One white man was arrested aft-
er pulling a knife on policemen
trying to break up a crowd at
Banks High in Birmingham.
White students numbering an
estimated 300 refused to attend
class at Mobile's Murphy High in
the first mass protest against in-
tegration there. Nearly 50 pupils
were arrested in an hour-long
demonstration near the campus.
The others returned to class.
All 270 of the white boys and
girls previously registered at Tus-
kegee High School stayed away,
and only the 13 Negroes enrolled
there by federal court order went
to class yesterday.
Walk Out
Some of the white students walk-
ed into the two-story red brick
building to get their books, but
quickly left, said Principal E. W.
At the adjoining Tuskegee Ele-
jmentary School there was no or-
ganized walkout. All of the Ne-
groes are enrolled in the high
school grades.
A yelling crowd of students -
most of them from integrated West
End High, where attendance for
the third day in a row was more
than 1000 below normal - drove
from one still-segregated school
to another in Birmingham, de-
manding that boys and girls there
join the boycott.
Meanwhile in High Point, N.C.,
Mayor Floyd Mehan told city coun-
cil members they must "put a
brake on the problem" of racial
demonstrations. Then he present-
ed councilmen with two ordinances
establishing stringent controls on
picketing and parades.
Situation Grave
The mayor told councilmen who
quickly gathered for an emrgen-
cy session that the situation was
grave. His remarks came after 2,-
000 white persons massed Wednes-
day night in downtown High Point
during an anti-segregation demon-
stration by Negroes.
Police used tear gas bombs to
subdue the outburst after eggs and
rocks were thrown at Negroes. At
least one shot was fired, but there
were no injuries. Nine Negroes and
two white men were arrested,
Reds Desire
Lecture Dates
At Institutions
to obtain invitations for Commu-
nist speakers on college campuses
is reported in a publication put
out yesterday by the Senate In-
ternal Security subcommittee.
The publication is a 62-page
account of the Communist youth
movement written by Herbert
Romerstein, identified by the sub-
committee as a former Communist

who broke with the party in 1950
and has since been a consultant
to state and federal agencies.
He also quoted from a letter he
said had been sent to all college
newspapers including The Daily
by a member of the national com-
mittee of the Communist party.
He said the letter read, in part:
"May we request you to invite
representatives of the Communist
party to speak at forums of the
student body of your school in the
1962-63 college year, either in the
form of lecturers, participation in
symposia, or in debates.

news conference was the nuclear
test-ban treaty, and Kennedy
pleaded for a thumping ratifica-
tion by the Senate.
Breathe Easier
The Senate, he said, will enable
"all of us who inhabit this Earth,
our children and children's chil-
dren, to breathe easier." If it gets
only grudging support, he said,
then this nation "cannot offer
much leadership or hope for the
Not once during his lengthy re-
marks on school desegregation did
the President mention Gov. George
C. Wallace of Alabama, whose at-
tempts to keep schools segregated
in Birmingham, Mobile and Tuske-
gee were thwarted this week when
Kennedy took from the governor
control of the Alabama National
Impressive Story
Instead, Kennedy emphasized
what he called the "impressive
story," the step-by-step desegre-
gation in the South. Ie emphasiz-
ed that "most of the work has
really been done by Southerners
In the 150 cities, he said, the
task was not easy.
"The emotions underlying segre-
gation have persisted for genera-
tions, and in many instances lead-
ers in these communities have
had to overcome their own per-
sonal attitudes as well as the in-
grained social attitude of the com-
Nevertheless, he said, what fin-
ally prevailed was not emotion but
respect for law.
World News
By The Associated Press
quietly reduced its forces in Europe
by anotheL5300 men since the first
of the year, it was disclosed yes-
BRASILIA - Loyalist Brazilian
army and air force troops yester-
day crushed a rebellion by non-
commissioned officers which left
at least one rebel dead and two
AMSTERDAM-A convention of
the world's socialist parties wound
up yesterday with a call for sup-
port of India in its border struggle
with Communist China.
*. * *
NEW YORK - Retreating from
its peak, the stock market yester-
day showed plenty of vitality. Dow
Jones 30 industrials down .08; 20
railroads up .03; 15 utilities up .19;
and 65 combined stocks up .16.

Basement SAB

Kennedy Praises Action
Of 150 Southern Cities
WASHINGTON (A)-President John F. Kennedy poured praise
yesterday on 150 Southern cities which, he said, have integrated schools
in the past two weeks with "courage and responsibility."
At a news conference devoted in large part to the hot issue of
civil# rights, the President also predicted that the American people
will not make the "fatal mistake" of splitting along racial lines when
they go to the ballot box. Aside from civil rights, the prime topic at the

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