Temporary Accommodations
Study Seeks
Law Changet
For Rivers
The Huron River WatershedI
Intergovernmental Committee re-t
plied to charges made by countyf
drain commissioner John H. Flood£
that existing water laws should be3
tried before new water laws are
The watershed committee state-
ment, issued by acting executiveI
secretary Robert D. Carpenter,
made the point that no other group
of people had "exercised more care
and consideration in investigating
all the ramifications of a proposed"
river management act than this
The existing water codes con-
tain nothing quite as broad as the
committee seeks. Organizing water
management under districts comest
the closest, but flood control and1
drainage are the primary purposes
for justification of such a district
Nothing of this nature has ever
been carried out under this section
and it probably should be amend-
ed, a water control official noted.
The Local River Management
Act proposed by the Huron water-
shed committee has been reviewed;
by numerous individuals and or-
ganizations, including a University.
study group and an advisory sub-
committee headed by Ann Arbor,
City Administrator Guy Larcom,.
Others on the Larcom subcom-
mittee were Darwin Kureth, sup-,
ervisor of Van Buren township in
Wayne County, and Joseph Price,
Washtenaw County public health
The chief necessity for a water-,
shed committee is to propose some
legislation which would enable lo-,
'cal agencies to work in harmony
with state agencies working to
solve water problems in the Hurion
River area.
A major criticism of the exist-
ing water laws is that they do not
give the necessary guides for co-
operation in the field of water
-Daily-Sam Haberman
UXURY-Approximately 50 men are still living in temporary residence hall quarters like those pie-
tred above. A regental bylaw requires that the University house all freshmen for, at least, their first
ear of residence in Ann Arbor. In order to accommodate all the new students measures like convert-
tg double rooms into triples have already been taken. Other possibilities are being studied.
U.S. Business Seeks Negro Graduates
t ____________________________________________
Shriver Cites Difficult Task
For Peace Corps Workers
Collegiate Press service the initial enthusiastic response to
the Peace Corps idea will not les-
WASHINGTON - The funda- sen as the Corps loses its first
mental question facing the Peace glow of romanticism.
Corps at the start of its third year, "The bloom is off the rose,"
according to Director R. Sargent Shriver said, "and there's no long-
Shriver, can be stated simply, "as er the thrill of being the first vol-
young Americans realize how un- unteer in many areas. But the
glamorous and unromantic the second, or the tenth, wave of vol-
work of developing nations can be, unteers will find their work cut out
will they be tricked into believing for them, and will often find
it is also unimportant?" themselves in a position to achieve
This was the problem as Shriver more meaningful results because of
outlined it at two major student the groundwork of the pioneer
meetings in August, the National volunteers.'
Student Congress of the United
States National Student Associa- "The job of a volunteer today is,
tion, and the convention of the in a way, more difficult than it
National Federation of Catholic was two years ago," he said. "The
College Students. first volunteers could afford to
It is also a problem which gains make mistakes, now the situation
increasing attention in the Peace is different. Yet there is a greater
Corps Washington offices as re- potential for success, and I have
turning volunteers report that confidence that the achievements
their greatest adversaries in the of the Peace Corps in the coming
field were boredom, loneliness and years will justify the sacrifices
a sense of futility. and hopes of the first two."
Loathful Americans
"Americans are loath to take Club To Hold
things slowly, and Peace Corps
volunteers are no exception,"Ms
Shriver said in a recent interview
"We're all used to quick results,
and we forget that most societies There will be an open meeting
around the world are moving at a tonight for a new International
walk. It takes longer to achieve Folk and Square Dancing Club at
results, and make them stick." 8:00 p.m. in the Women's Athletic
Shriver said any progress, re- Bldg. Folk singing will also be in-
gardless of how little, is often cluded as part of the new club's
more than some project areas have fare.
seen previously. "Volunteers may Ted Brott, '64, who has worked
beiapint esthpeadsbe-inthese fields since 1949, will head
cause in two years they had suc-thnegru.Tecbwile
ceeded only in moving the ball the new group. The club will be
from the 50-yard line to the 49 jointly financed by the Women's
yard line,'' Shriver said. Athletic Association and the Wo-
The Peace Corps director point- men's Physical Education Depart-
ed out, however, that young crea- ment.
tive volunteers often have an edge
on the experts in underdeveloped
"We ~are finding," Shriver said,
"that in many of these areas our
young, adaptable volunteers are
gaing better results than the ex-
perts. The experts require backing,
support, assistance and equipment, Transportation
and then, more often than not, from Union
they discover that the society
simply does not respond to expert 3:30-5:00 50c
He went on to say, "our volun-
teers, on the other hand, go into Refreshments .
an area and work with the tools
at hand. They adapt to a situa-
tion. And most importantly, they
work and live with the people,REE E
' gaining their confidence and co-RESERVE
Glow of Romanticism
Shriver and other top Peace
Corps officers are confident that
- Business and industry are ini-
creasingly searching for qualified
Negro college graduates to filll
managerial and staff positions,
Prof. George S. Odiorne, director7
of the Bureau of Industrial Rela-
tions, said yesterday.
The-demand for Negroes who are
qualified to assume such positions;
has not been met because gener-
ally the Negro college student
doesn't pick a business administra-
tion curriculum. This is undoubt-
edly because until the recent past,
businesses did not seek out Ne-
groes and there were few openings
for them, he said.,
Now the door is "wide open" for
Negroes in many capacities. Those
who obtain a master's degree in
fields such as accounting, financ-
ing, marketing or industrial rela-
tions are at a "distinct advantage."
,Prof. Odiorne noted 'that the
trend for business and industry to
recruit Negroes for training and
supervisory positions is "at least
five years old." "The business
community has been ahead of
many other segments of the com-
munity in demonstrating civil
rights leadership by providing fair
This is probably due to the "eth-
ic" of the business community
which feels a social responsibility,
he asserted.
Many large companies have vol-
untarily committed themselves to
stay ahead of the minimum re-
quirements of the Fair Employ-
ment Practices Commission laws
and are actively trying to "recruit"
Business schools have been in-
fluential in bringing about this
recruitment of Negroes because for
some time they have been train-
Union Council
To Fill Posts
Petitioning is now open for the
positions'of international relations
chairman and social chairman of
the Michigan Union Executive
The posts were vacated by the
resignations of Social Chairman.
Paul Erickson, '65, and Interna-
tional Relations Chairman Michael
E. La Sovage,'65.
The posts are traditionally held
by juniors, and the Union Board
must ratify their appointment.
"We hope to appoint people with-
in two weeks at the latest," Union
President Raymond Rusnak, '64,
Rusnak added that no exper-
ience in the Union is required, and
that written petitions would be
replaced with longer interviews.
DIAL 5-6290
This Week-End
ing businessmen to be socially-re-
sponsible, he pointed out.
While the large companies have
been actively seeking out Negroes
for work in personnel, industrial
relations and managerial func-
tions, business schools must now
take a more active role in find-
ing qualified people for these po-
It is important that Negro col-
lege students be made aware of
the positions available in the busi-
ness world through careful coun-
seling, Prof. Odiorne maintained.
The unavailability of qualified
Negroes in various positions is a
real dilemma for industry which
has frequently found in the past
that Negroes have exceptional
ability in these capacities.
One of the most interesting
things taking place in business to-'
day is the training of Negro col-
lece graduates for positions in
which they supervise white em-
ployes who have less professional
Prof. Odiorne estimated that
for the Negro who has earned his
master's degree in business admin-
istration, there are perhaps five
to twenty-five job offers, all of
which are attractive.
These opportunities have existed
for some time but are just coming
to light with recent pressures from
civil rights groups, he commented.
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The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3564 Administration Building
before 2 p.m. two days preceding
ay 'Calendar
Bureau of Industrial Relations Per-
sonnel/Techniques Seminar No. 93 --l
W. Richard Bryan, Director of Manage-
ment Development, Goodyear Tire &
Rubber Co., Akron, Ohio, "Increasing
the Effectiveness of Business Decisions":
Third Floor Conference Room, Michigan
Union, 8 a~m.-5 p.m.
Cinema Guild - Toshiro Mifune in
Akira Kurasawa's "Th Magnificent
Seven": Architecture Aud., 7 and 9 pm.
Doctoral Examination for Robert Ma-I
cormac Caddell, Mechanical Engineer-
ing; thesis: "An Experimental Study of
Magnetohydrodynamic Flows Induced
by Appiied Electric and Magnetic
Fields," today, 2310 E. Engin. Bldg. at
2:30 p.m. Co-Chairmen A. G. Hansen
and M. S. Uberoi.
Doctoral Examination for Cyril Wil-
liam Hirt, Physics; thesis: "The Plasma
Test Particle. Problem," today,, 629
Physics-Astronomy Bldg. at 3 p.m.
Chairman, G. W. Ford.
General Notices
All Teacher's Certificate candidates:
The Teacher's Certificate Application
is due at the beginning of the junior
year. It should be turned in to the
School of Ed. by Sept. 15. The address
is 1203 Univ. High School.
Open Meeting on Graduate Fellowship
Programs for undergradute and graduate
students. Univ. and national fellowship
programs will be explained by faculty
campus representatives on Tuesday,
Sept. 17, 3:30 p.m. in the Rackham
A.A.U.W. Fellowship for Women. For
postdoctoral study and for support dur-
ing preparation of doctoral thesis. Re-
quest applications from: Fellowships Of-
fice, AAUW Educational Foundation,
2401 Virginia Ave., N.W., Washington 7,
D.C., stating present academic status.
"Robert Frost Confronts Khrush-
chev": Long before he reached
Moscow, Frost knew what he wanted
to say to Khrushchev. F. D. Reeve,
poet, critic, and Frost's interpreter,
tells the story.
"The Rand Corporation and our
Policy Makers": Saul Friedman's out-
spoken article on our most influential
organization of cold war strategists
"Tanganyika: African New Frontier":
An essay on Tanganyika's successful
self-government, by Martha Gelhorn
"Mr. Dooley's Friends: Teddy Roose-
velt and Mark Twain": Some leisurely
reminiscences bya famous bartender,
recorded by Finley Peter Dunne
Applications must be filed by Dec. 1,e
Woodrow Wilson Dissertation Fellow-I
ships. Former Woodrow Wilson Fellowsc
(including Honorary Fellows) in Hu-
manities and Social Sciences who will
commence fulltime dissertation work
in Dec. 1963 or Jan/ 1964 may be nomi-
nated for a Dissertation Fellowship. To1
become eligible for nomination, see
Assoc. Dean Miller, 118 Rackham Bldg.,
not later than Tues., Sept. 26.
Placement '
Department of Public Works and Bldg,
State of Illinois. Landscape Architect I,
as assistant to District Landscape Archi-
City of Grand Rapids, Michigan. Hu-
man Relations Assistant. Experience in
the intergroup relations field; gradua-
tion with specialization in social
Management Consultant Firm. Junior
Executive-Organizer, Merchandiser, New
Business Developer. Age to early 30's.
So..uth of Boston. Leadin gmanufactur-
USE OF THIS COLUMN for announce-
ments is available to officially recog-
nized and registered organizations only.
Organizations who are planning to be
active for the Fall Semester should reg-
ister by Sept. 24, 1963. Forms available,
loll Student Activities Bldg.
If you wish to be listed in the Student
Directory, please give the president's
name, address and telephone number
to Miss C. Bilakos, 1011 SAB by Sept. 16,
* * *
Baha'i Student Group, "Those Who
Help Themselves," Sept. 13, 8 p.m., 500
E. William, Apt. 3.
International Students Assoc., Inter-
national Mixer, Sept. 13, 8 p.m., YM-
YWCA, 5th & William Sts.
Latvian Students' Club, Meeting: Elec-
tion of New Officers, Sept, i3, 8 p.m.,
Union, Rm. 3D.
Mich. Christian Fellowship, Sept. 13,
7:30 p.m., Union. Speaker: Paul Eilittle,
"How to Get the Most Out of College
* * *
Congregational Disc. E & R Student
Guild, Luncheon & Discussion, Dr. Fred
Luchs, Sept. 13, 12 Noon, 802 Monroe.
* * *
Student Governors of Alumni Asso-
ciation, Student Governors' Conference,
Sept. 14. 9:30 a.m., Henderson Rm.,
Michigan League.
er related to food and non-alcoholic
beverage field (could be woman) to take
over full development of a unique "pi-
lot" retail store. Background in store
or merchandising or related experience
U. S. Civil Service, Chicago. Business
Analyst and Loan Specialist. Closing
date Sept. 24, 1963. Graduate study may
be substituted for experience. GS 9, 10,
and 11.
County of Santa Barbara, California.
Physical Therapist for physically handi-
capped children. Santa Barbara and
LompocVandenberg areas.
Continental Aviation and Engineering
Corporation, Toledo, Ohio. Metallurgical
Engineer to work in laboratory. Manu-
facturers of small gas turbin engines
(jet engines). Analysis of metals and
processes involving air craft engines
BS, exp. not necessary.
** *
For further information call the Bu-
reau of Appointments, ext. 3544, Gen'l.
U. S. Marines will be at the Univer-
sity of Michigan in the Fishbowl from
9:00 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. daily from 18
September through 20 .September 1963
They will furnish information on Offi-
cer Training Programs.
The following sponsored student events
are approved for the coming weekend.
Social chairmen are reminded that re
quests for approval for social events
are due in the Office of Student Affairs
not later than 12 o'clock noon on th
Tues. prior to the event.
SEPT. 13-
Adams House, Mixer, W.Q.; Betsy Bar
bour, Mixer, 420 S. State; Gomberg
House, Mixer, S.Q.; Greene House, Pic
nic, Isle Park; Hayden House, Party
E.Q.; Hinsdale House, Mixer, E.Q.
Reeves House, Dance, S.Q.; Scott House
Mixer, S.Q.; Stockwell Hall, Mixer
Stockwell Hall; Van Tyne House, Dance
& Open Open, Markley Hall; Delta Sigmc
Delta, Party, 1502 Hill St.
SEPT. 14-(Later permission night-part:
stops at 1 a.m.)-
Adams House, Open Open & Party
W.Q.; Allen Rumsey House, Hay Ride
W.Q.; Alpha Delta Phi, Record Party
556 S. State St.; Alpha Sigma Phi, Anti
Hootenanny Party, 920 Baldwin; Delti
Sigma Delta, Dance, 1502 Hill; Deltf
Tau Delta, Party, 19281Geddes; Evan
Scholars, Band Party, 1004 Olivia; Gom
berg House, Open Open & Party, S.Q.
Huber House, Open Open & Dance, w.Q
Michigan House, Open Open, W.Q.
Phi Alpha Kappa, Record Party, 1010 E
Ann St.; Tau Delta Phi, Party, 201
washtenaw; Taylor House, Canoe Pic
nic, S.Q.; Theta Chi, After Party, 135
Washtenaw; Scott House, Open Open &
Party, S.Q.; Van Tyne House, Wiene
Roast, Island Park; Williams House
Open Open. W.Q.; wincheil House, Oper
Open & Party, W.Q.
DIAL 8-6416
Ends Saturday
"Unqualifiedly a Masterpiece"
-David Zimmerman
Michigan Daily
"Brilliant . . ,. Masterwork"
-N.Y. Herald Tribune
--N.Y. Times
SHOWS AT 6:45 and 9 P.M.
Continuous Saturday
and Sunday from 1 P.M.
in the devasting
i _ _ _
at 1-30-4:40-8:00 P.M.
Class in a glass
CSnema quil (jeent4
Last Times Tonight at 7 and 9
Akira Kurasawa's
(The Magnificent Seven)
Starring Toshiro Mifune
- - a .
f J