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September 10, 1963 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-09-10

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Seventy-Tbird Year
orials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Student Activities Must Keep Autonomy

e, SEPTEMBER 10, 1963


The Whole University
Must Tea ch Teachers

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first
of a two part series about the
Union-League merger as seen in the
overall context of the future of stu-
dent activities at the University.)
University stand at a perilous
crosroads. Whether their flexibil-
ity and freedom are to be sacrific-
ed for the sake of efficiency is an
important question-a question
Vice-Presidents Lewis and Pier-
pont are pondering today.
A movement to increase the ef-
ficiency of activities by subor-
dinating them to the Office of
Student Affairs and the Office of
Business and Finance could be-
come a reality in the immediate
future. If such a prospect ma-
terializes, all students-together
with sympathetic faculty, alumni
and Regents-muest unite now to
oppose it.

THE THREAT to activities ap-
peared when the Regents referred
the Robertson Report for a Union-
League merger to Lewis and Pier-
pont. Rather than deciding on the
future of only the Union and
League, the Regents wisely chose
to make long-range plans for all
Thus, along with evaluations of
the Robertson Report, the Regents
requested from Lewis and Pierpont
a long-range prospectus of all as-
pects of non-academic life at the
University. They asked Lewis be-
cause of his obvious connections
with all student activities, Pier-
pont because of the money involv-
ed in activities.
According to Regent Irene Mur-
phy of Birmingham, Lewis and
Pierpont should submit their
"master plans" within the next

ACHER EDUCATION is easily the most
used academic area in the University.
ation majors, non-education school fac-
members and a vast number of laymen
feel no compunction about making all
of insulting remarks where the "educa-
ts" are concerned.
r the most part, these amateur critics
pitifully lame-brained solutions. Anybody
has ever gone to school fancies himself an
t on education, how teachers should be
it, what teachers should be taught and
's wrong with public education today.
miral Rickover has become a sort of enfant
le by throwing around glittering generali-
about American education. Everybody
ems about "progressive education" without
ling what the words mean. Above all, the
problems of educating teachers are lost
e shuffle of charges and counter-charges.
ST, there is the problem of giving teachers
solid academic background. At the Uni-
ty, this depends on voluntary cooperation
seri the education school and the individual
rtments. They must work together to form-
suitable academic programs for. future
fortunately, some departments have
n to shirk their responsibilities in this
While some disciplines have extensive
ams of cooperation with the education
ol, the growth of these relations has been

sporadic and haphazard. Some departments
only produce teachers because one or two in-
terested faculty members have taken it upon
themselves to work in this area.
It is the responsibility of each academic area
to give future teachers a suitable academic
background. Not enough of them have realized
this yet.
A SECOND, more controversial question is
just how much training in education a
teacher needs. Certainly, a teacher needs some.
The value of practice teaching, for example, is
obvious. A certain amount of methodology and
psychology is also necessary. I'm sure we can
all recall high school teachers who knew their
subject matter but could not communicate it.
The best rule of thumb is probably whether
or not education courses overshadow the rest
of the student's education. Majoring in edu-
cation is for the most part useless; it gives
form without content.
Again, a balanced educational program neces-
sitates \cooperation * between the education
school and the rest of the University in the
creation of suitable programs. For example,
methodology courses should constantly be up-
dated to fit new developments in the field.
They should bear a direct relation to what the
student has learned within his discipline.
A THIRD PROBLEM lies in the area of pro-
viding education for teachers who have al-
ready graduated and who must continue their
education at night or on weekends.
Here, the University has failed grossly. Most
faculty members would agree that these teach-
ers ought to do their graduate work in their
fields, as opposed to doing work. in education.
Yet the University's offering of weekend grad-
uate courses for these teachers is pathetically
The teacher who wants to get an advanced
degree at the University is in a real bind. He
is almost required to do his work in the
field of education since most of the alterna-
tives are closed to him. In most cases, his
only chance for an academic degree is to come
back during the summer, a period when many
teachers have to work to make ends meet.
Of course, these difficulties do not in any
way absolve the education school. In many
ways, the education school and education
schools in general have failed. Their material
is not vital, their courses uninteresting and ir-
rfelevant. They admittedly have a great deal
of house-cleaning to do.
BUT THESE FAILURES are largely a result
of the University community's abdication
of responsibility. If the University is going to
be a leader in producing teachers, every faculty
member has to take some of the responsibility
upon himself. Every department that can pro-
duce teachers has to take a good look at its
policies. -DAVID MARCUS
Editorial Director

Congress Converts
Council Moderates


8 THE STRUGGLE over integration of
Alabama's public schools reaches its inevit-
l climax, President John F. Kennedy has
mcessfully manuevered with patience and
ssure to bring desegregation with a minimum
federal intervention and violence.
3y declining to intervene actively while Ala-
na Gov. George Wallace surrounded Birm-
,ham, Mobile, Tuscaloosa and HIuntsville
cools, but making it clear in justice depart-
nt statements, that the administration was
,dy to back desegregation orders, Kennedy
owed local groups more determined to main-
n law and order than segregation to take'
initiative. Wallace's high-handed efforts,
erriding the careful local planning for peace-
desegregation, has placed the public against
Yesterday,Wallace allowed Huntsville schools
desegregate under the face of a court order
: potential federal action. As court orders
hg the critical decision to Birmingham,
scaloosa and Mobile, Kennedy with luck
ms to have brought desegregation without
ssive federal intervention. Hopefully, this
nbination of pressure and publicity will bring
end to future school desegregation crises.

A SURPRISING new group of
cheerleaders has begun raising
support for the United States Na-
tional Student Association.
That is the campus moderates.
There was a time when Univer-
sity liberals alone carried the US-
NSA banner while moderates'tried
to tear it down. This struggle was
highlighted last year when mod-
erates tried unsuccessfully to have
the University vote itself out.
But now the moderates are root-
ing a new tune.
THE NEW CROP of influential
moderate leaders, namely Union
President Raymond Rusnak and
Interfraternity Council President
Clifford Taylor, underwent a strik-
ing reversal in attitude toward
USNSA during the congress ses-
sion this summer.
As Taylor succinctly phrased it,
"the tenor of the Congress was
interesting, alive and vibrant. All
in all I was very impressed."
He explained that his past ob-
jection to the association-its un-
democratic nature-had been cor-
rected by structural revisions les-
sening the power of the highly
centralized national executive
These revisions were a series of
structural and procedural reforms
which removed almost all decision-
making power from the National
Executive Committee and gave
that power to the more inclusive
and democratic congress itself.
S * * *
Congress with a likewise glowing
report in one hand and a plan
for further improvement in the
Commenting on the "responsible
and intelligent moderation" which
the Congress exercised, he is now
calling for a continued democra-
tization of USNSA as a forum for
all political groups and not just
as a tool for militant ones.
His plan is to get withdrawn
members back into the association
as well as to solicit new members,
concentrating in the South. For
this purpose he has taken the un-
official leadership in organizing
a nationwide "committee for stim-
ulating interest in USNSA."
that they can point with pride to
the record of the Congress, includ-
ing the academic freedom legisla-
tion partially authored by Rusnak
and a bill condemning discrimina-
tion in Southern fraternities back-
ed by Taylor.
The liberals meanwhile find that
they still strongly back the con-
cept of a union of students, al-
though their dissatisfaction with
the last Congress is acute.
As Howard Abrams, the Univer-
isty's most powerful liberal dele-
gate explained it, "the liberals at
the Congress felt as if they were
sold down the river."
He was referring particularly to

the work of USNSA President Den-
nis Shaul and other executive
leaders in splitting liberal power.
Foremost in this task was the
placing of legislation on civil
rightsrand academic freedom-
formerly prepared in one com-
mittee-before several committees,
thus fragmenting liberal strength.
From these committees emerged
"watered down and irresponsible
legislation," Abrams lamented. He
particularly criticized the accepted
National Security and Civil Liber-
ties bill which permits strong in-
fringement upon free academic ex-
pression for purposes of national
ANOTHER powerful liberal,
Daily Editor Ronald Wilton, also
expressed grave reservations about
the Congress. Its general fault, he
felt, was the absence of "a strong
enough stand" on civil rights and
civil liberties. One example was
the deletion of an anti-McCarron
Act section from the national se-
curity bill.
Wilton also ound fault with the
Congress' un illingness to criti-
cize the Kennedy administration's
policies in South Viet Nam.
In their dissatisfaction, liberals
have by no means abandoned their
support of USNSA. Abrams, as
head of next year's Congress steer-
ing committee, promises "a vastly
different and more exciting Con-
* *
support shapes up. With conser-
vatives like Rusnak and Taylor
hoping to campaign for USNSA at
other campuses and liberals such
as Wilton and Abrams vowing to
shape USNSA back into a more
militant body, the only beneficiary
can be the association itself.
I CANNOT place too much em-
phasis on the importance of
encouraging our students to think
for themselves, to endeavor to get
their information from a variety
of sources, to weigh conflicting
viewpoints where conflicting view-
points exist, and to develop their
own viewpoints where the posi-
tions taken by the press and offi-
cialdom do not satisfy them.
This proposal is not merely in
harmony with our democratic tra-
ditions and with the religious be-
lief in the dignity of the individ-
ual, but more than this, it may
very well be a condition of our
survival as a nation.
When we have a public that has
been taught to think critically,
we shall soon have a foreign ser-
vice and other government de-
partments manned by personnel
who consider it their prime duty
to think and to speak independ-
ently on the issues that are pre-
sented to them.
-Sen. Thomas J. Dodd

month or two. The Regents will
then publicize the "master plans"
and await public reaction before
making their decisions, much as
they are doing with the Central
Campus Plan or as they did with
the new trimester calendar.
THE REGENT'S method seems
admirable, except that in the area
of student activities, where stu-
dents are vitally concerned and
well-informed, some effort should
be made to gauge student opinion
and collect student ideas. Once
the administrators' reports are
made public, student reaction will
have less effect than if students
participated in the original study.
In overhauling student activities,
Lewis and Pierpont must be seek-
ing greater efficiency. This goal
could be desirable for students-
if it can be achieved without sac-
rificing the freedom and diversity
of activities.
The "master plans" Lewis and
Pierpont could come up with re-
main, at this early date, mere
speculation. But all possibilities
must be evaluated now, before in-
imical ideas are allowed to develop
into concrete proposals.
THE WORST possibility is that
the quest for efficiency could dic-
tate changing the largely 'vertical"
structure of student activities into
a "horizontal" structure.
Vertical refers to the decen-
tralized boards of directors which
control many students organiza-
tions and their physical plants:
the Union and League Boards and
the Boards in Control of Student
Publications and InterCollegiate
A horizontal structure would
eliminate or weaken these boards,
placing their student activities
functions under the OSA and their
physical plants under the Office
for Business and Finance.
The change from vertical to
horizontal structuring would in-
crease the efficiency of student ac-
tivities. It would also destroy their
autonomy and individuality-a
price no amount of efficiency
could justify.
This is not to suggest that Lewis
and Pierpont now want to level
activities onto two horizontal
planes. Both men are still in the
process of studying all possibilities.
But hopefully they will dismiss
the horizontal idea when it does
cross their minds, as it must.
* *# *
compromising on centralization.
Practically speaking, it seems the
most welcome alternative.
Falling under the compromise
category is Lewis' proposal for "an
all-campus calendaring group."
Calendaring is presently a messy
affair, with Student Government
Council doing much unnecessary
clerical work and such autonomous
groups as the Union cooperating
But even calendaring presents
dangers. A central calendaring
process naturally would fall under
OSA auspices. But a clerk in
charge of calendaring must never
be allowed to judge the activities
presented, but only the dates re-
quested. And whenever a conflict
arises, SGC, and not a calendar-
ing clerk, must make the decisions.
If these dangers were prevented,
central calendaring would solve
the dual purpose of increasing ef-
ficiency and retaining student in-
dependence. It could easily be
worked into the extant vertical
structure, with an OSA consultant
on the autonomous boards but
without any other OSA control.
Autonomous student groups could
then deal with the central calen-
daring group harmoniously.
*+ *
pont's office poses many more
problems. A horizontal arrange-
ment of such physical plants as

the Union, League and Student
Publications buildings would place
them completely under Pierpont's
all-University management struc-
ture, rendering their independent
boards powerless.
Under the vertical system, for
example, the Union hires its own
janitors, who are not kept busy at

all times but who are needed for
rush hours. A horizontal arrange-
ment would allow the Union build-
ing to draw janitors from the
University's maintenance crew
whenever they were needed. This
obviously would save money.
Food supplies could come from
one central store under Pierpont.
The same crews that renovate all-
University structures could ren-
ovate the Union. Pierpont could
plan long-range budgets ration-
ally. He could also invest more
money into the physical plants,
confident that his professional
staff and not laymen were respon-
* * * I
omy and efficiency are limitless.
They are also disastrous, for an
impersonal business complex would
be making management decisions
which only the parties .concerned
should make.
By way of example, the MUG
loses money by staying open late
at night. The Union Board had to
decide whether to raise food prices
to enable the MUG to stay open,
or to close the MUG early. A ser-
vice judgment, not a financial one,

was required. Only the people be-
ing served-the students, faculty
and alumni of the Union-could
make that judgment; Pierpont can
never be in a position to decide
such matters.
Hopefully there are alternatives
other than choosing between wast-
ing money or killing activity in-
dependence. Between Pierpont's
professional experience and the lay
ingenuity of the autonomous
boards, something should develop,
But if faced with the black-or-
white choice between money and
service, the University and its
Regents must be prepared to sa-
crifice a few thousand dollars an-
reached, a fight for the status quo
is imperative. Student activities
flourish under a proud tradition of
independence which must never be
sacrificed to money. The Univer-
sity must remain a citadel for the
exchange of knowledge and the
betterment of students, in which
activities play a prominent role;
it cannot be allowed to degenerate
into a $110 million a year corpora-


'"Dear Nikita - It Was Interesting To Seer
Your Test-Ban Treaty. Which You Can Put
Away In The Same Place You Keep
Your Missiles"

Magazine1 Jiews
Profumo, Baldwin

Gerald Storch, City Editor

NSIDE A CLASSROOM, a student is supposed
to have his mind broadened through inten-
sive contact with the written and oral products
of wiser men's minds. Outside the classroom,
he is supposed to have his outlook toward other
men shaped and matured through at least
token contact with individuals and cultures
completely different from those he has known
There are many times, however, when a
person is with only himself, away from other
minds and other men. A lot of the thinking a
student does at the University is about him-
From this introspection flow the basic deci-
sions a person makes for his life-goals he will
strive for, skills he will learn, people he will
associate with.
NOw, it makes sense the more an individual
knows about himself, the better his chances
for fruitful and satisfying decisigns. He must
know what he can and cannot do.
It is extremely unfortunate, then, that the
University does a pretty shoddy job of helping
students to learn about themselves, especially
in view, of all that it knows about each one.
The array of tests to which entering fresh-
men are subjected is not child's play or con-
trivance. The tests are deliberately designed to
elict fundamental personality and mental char-
acteristics of each student.
Likewise, the confidential evaluations filled
out by residence hall counselors, along with
the University's accumulation of factual data,
are intended to provide as complete a record
on each student as possible.
HE FILES are used in many ways: as a
guide for advisors when a student has aca-
-- ~n.,. c.r n,.."rnmnr is,... nnl.ivianer

factual data. The residence hall evaluations
have always been kept confidential, although
that policy is now under review by the Office
of Student Affairs; for the most part, academic;
counselors decline to let students see how they
scored on the psychological and aptitude "raw
or cooked carrots" tests taken during orienta-
tion week.,
p1ERE SEEMS to be only one main reason
for the secrecy: if counselors and adminis-
trators have made snide comments about a
given student, they surely don't want him to
know about it. This is an obvious injustice and,
unfortunately, happens all too often.
It is also rather difficult to understand why
a student can't be allowed to know what his
IQ is, for example. Why shouldn't he be per-
mitted-even encouraged-to know what the
tests have discovered about his intellectual
potential and degree of social adjustment?
Why do administrators have the right to know
things about a student which the student
himself is not allowed to know?
Additionally, it is a sad comment upon the
present situation that self-knowledge is of-
ficially aided only in abnormal cases-when
a mentally-disturbed or neurotic student is af-
forded psychiatric counselling, or when a stu-
dent gets into some sort of trouble. In "nor-
mal" cases-when a student only desires to see
his record and perhaps learn something from
it-he runs into extreme difficulty.
REFORM IS definitely in order. Students
should not only be allowed to see their
personal records, they should be invited to do
so. Qualified counselors should also be made
available to interpret the intricate test patterns.
No one can compute the harm and despair

Magazine Editor
zine will make its second ap-
pearance of the semester tomor-
The first issue came out with
the August 27 freshman edition of
The Daily. Following that issue,
and tomorrow's Wednesday pub-
lication date, The Daily Magazine
will settle down to a more regular,
bi-monthly Sunday appearance.
Daily staff members and indi-
vidual graduate and undergraduate
students have contributed to the
Magazine, which is geared to lit-
erature, music, the arts and poli-
tics and provides an opportunity
for lengthy, in-depth treatment
not possible in the pages of the
regular Daily.
*, * *
a consideration of the novels of
the controversial Negro novelist, is
undertaken by Marilyn Koral. Her
article is accompanied by the out-
standing photographic work of
Robert Ellery, whose series of pic-
tures taken in Georgia this sum-
mer provide a fitting backdrop for

Miss Koral's analysis of the liter-
ary figure.
Another prominent name on the
literary scene, this time from Rus-
sia, is Boris Pasternak. The writ-
er's sister, Mrs. Lydia Slater Pas-
ternak, lectured in Ann Arbor dur-
ing the summer session and grad-
uate student Richard Sheldon, who
interviewed Mrs. Slater, has writ-
ten about "The Poetry of Paster-
Memorial Hall is offering an expo-
sition of the sketches and drawings
of French artist Eugene Delacroix
concurrent with the publication of
Miss Judith Engel's magazine an-
alysis of this seventeenth' century
precursor of the modern period in
Richard Mercer, in a piece that
provides a change of pace from the
serious studies of Baldwin, Pas-
ternak and Delacroix, writes a
highly entertaining article, "All
The Best People Do It." He's talk-
ing about the Profumo scandal.
Mercer gathered materials for the
article during a summer of study
in Stratford-upon-Avon.

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