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September 08, 1963 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-09-08

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mAJ tr t 09 an


Partly sunny,
little temperature change

Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom


Romneys Join GOP Ox Roast





Of Relations with Diem Regime

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-Daily-Kamalakar Rao
FIRST FAMILY-Gov. and Mrs. George Romney arrive at the annual Republican ox roast held yester-
day at Delhi Park. The governor greeted his fans, autographed footballs, and addressed the assembled
Republicans on topics ranging from his upcoming fiscal program to the aid given him by Rep. Gilbert
Bursley (R-Ann Arbor) and Sen. Stanley Thayer (R-Ann Arbor).
Rights Debate May Eclipse Other Bills

Associated Press Staff Writer7
WASHINGTON - Of President
John F. Kennedy's principal pro-
posals still pending before Con-;
gress, civil rights legislation now is;
being given the best chance of en-4
actment this year.
But key legislators who make
this prediction do not go so far as'
to say all portions of the admin-
istration civil rights program will
survive the trip through House'
and Senate. The provision to bar
racial discrimination in hotels,
restaurants and other private es-
tablishments open to the public is
considered especially vulnerable to
The other proposal that shares
top priority on the administration's
list-the $11-billion tax cut-could
be pushed over into next year by
an all-out filibuster in the Senate
on civil rights. If the bill were
enacted in 1964, the cut could be
made retroactive to apply to all
1964 income. But the taxpayer
countingwhat is left in his pay
Dirksen Notes
A-Ban Position
WASHINGTON () - Senate
Republican 1e a de r Everett M.
Dirksen (R-Ill) said last night
that former President Dwight D.
Eisenhower did not. intend to in-
fer he wanted a formal revision
to the limited nuclear test ban
He said "the word 'reservation'
is not quite what Eisenhower had
in mind. What he wanted was a
statement of assurance in respect
to use of atomic weapons in time
of war or some other emergency."
Dirksen added that he had re-
ceived authority to interpret the
f o r m e r President's statement,
which was contained in a letter
to the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee two weeks ago.
Sen. Russell B. Long (D-La) has
said he will offer a reservation to
the treaty giving the United States
the right to use nuclear weapons
when and how it chooses.
The foreign relations committee
stipulated this in its report on the
agreement and contends a formal
reservation is unnecessary.
Supporters of the test-ban treaty
were concerned yesterday with an-
other reservation, one which Sen.
Barry Goldwater (R-Ariz) said he
will offer. They are counting on
a possible new statement of
Cuban policy by President John
F. Kennedy to help kill it.
Kennedy has scheduled a to-
morrow morning meeting with
Dirksen and Senate majority lead-
er Mike Mansfield (Mont).
30 Votes Lost
With the Senate opening for-
mal debate on the pact Monday,
administration strategists con-
ceded that if Goldvwater goes
through with his plan to offer a
reservation he might attract as
many as 30 votes. They hope to
cut into this total of nearly a
third of the Senate.
Even if they can't, they said
they remain confident no more
than 20 members finally will op-
pose ratification, which would re-
quire 67 affirmative votes if all
100 senators participated.

envelope after withholding wouldc
not feel it as soon.f
Health, Schools Outt
Among major proposals givent
no chance of enactment this year
are health care for the aged un-
der social security and general
school aid.
The present outlook on civil
rights legislation, still in com-
mittee, is that the House may act
in October. Senate supporters plan
to start their campaign as soon as
the bill reaches that chamber.
Southern delaying tactics can be
expected to, begin immediately.
House Democrats express con-
fidence that they can pass the tax
bill. They have set the end of this
month as the target, though there
may be further delays.
The ways and means committee
is expected to approve it Tues-
day. But it then must clear the
rules committee before being con-
sidered by the House.
There appears no chance, how-
ever, that the Senate Finance
Committee, headed by Sen. Harry
F. Byrd (D-Va) will finish its
work on the bill before the Senate
floor is pre-empted by the civil
rights fight.
So even a session running close
to the end of the year could well
not be long enough to see the bill
Education May Survive
Some educational legislation
stands a good chance of enact-
ment, especially building and stu-
dent-loan authorizations for medi-
cal and dental schools, on which
the .Senate may vote next week.
The House already has passed this
In addition, the Senate passed
this week legislation for special
educational opportunities for low-
skilled unemployed. Closely relat-
ed to the civil rights program,
these bills stand a good chance in;
the House.
Financing for college buildings
could be enacted this year; the
House already has approved it.
As for general federal aid for
elementary and high schools,
there seems to be no disposition to
tackle the attendant religious and
other problems.
House leaders hope for votes be-
fore too long on President Kenne-

dy's proposals for aid to local ef-
forts to cope with mental retarda-
tion and for increasing the effec-
tiveness of the Securities and Ex-
change Commission.
The House Rules Committee re-
tains two major administration
bills passed by the Senate: one to
set up a domestic Peace Corps
and one to help cities attack their
mass transportation problems. Ad-
ministration leaders may push
these later in the session.
Additional financing for area re-

Hits Policy
On Buddhists
Ask Kennedy Help L
To Depose Leader E
SAIGON (P)-Students demon-
strated against President Ngot
Dinh Diem's government at sev-x
eral Saigon schools yesterday, re-c
viving open opposition, and com-
bat police arrested about 300t
jeering, stone - throwing young-
"Help us! Help us!" several1
youths screamed to foreign news-
men as they were hauled away in
army trucks., "President Kennedy
supports Diem beating and arrest-
ing students."t
Direct intervention of t h e
United States in South Viet Nam's
politicas-religious crisis is a major
aim of Buddhist and student ele-
ments that the government accus-.f
es of seeking-like the Viet Cong
Communist guerrillas afield - to
overthrow Diem, a Roman Cath-
Echoing a sentiment expressed
by civil rights demonstrators in thel
United States, a sign displayed by1
one youth said:9
"We want freedom."
Eight Schools
T h e teen-agers' insurrection,
broadening a pro-Buddhist pro-
test movement launched at the
University of Saigon last week,
flared at eight or more schools.
Helmeted combat police-back-
ed up by marines, plainclothes-
men and army special forces-
raided the Vo Troung Toan boys'
school -nd adjoining Trung Vuong
girls' school. They carried shot-
guns and submachine guns, but
no shooting was reported.
Noisy demonstrations erupted in
at least a half dozen other" large
Saigon schools, reopened only last
Wednesday after a four-day recess
occasioned by previous manifesta-
tions of student distaste for
Diem's administration.
Among them were the Marie
Curie and Jean Jacques Rousseau
high schools, mainly attended by
the children of high-ranking civil
servants and government officials.
According to the official Viet
Nam press agency, "A certain
numberofsstudents of some Sai-
gon high schools yesterday morn-
ing were incited by the Viet Cong
or political spe' ulators to refuse
to enter their classrooms".
Meanmhile, in Washington, Sec-
retary of the Army Cyrus Vance
canceled plans to visit South Viet
Nam on Far Eastern tour begin-
ning Wednesday, and it was learn-
ed that several other defense de-
partment officials are putting
aside plans for trips there.
The moves follow a state depart-
ment announcement last Wednes-
day restricting official travel to
Viet Nam because of the current
"unsettled conditions" there.

George Wallace vowed last night
he would take any risk in fight-
ing racial integration but he left
unansweredthe questionof wheth-
er he would bar Negro pupils from
white schools tomorrow.
"I'll go the last mile with you,"
the scrappy little governor told
more than 500 cheering members
of the United Americans for Con-
servative Government, a segrega-
tionist group.
"I'm willing to take any risk,"
Wallace said. "But you help me
keep the peace."
Wallace said he was determined
to continue his fight which for
one week has kept four Alabama
cities from obeying court orders
to desegregate some of their high
schools or grammar schools.
Best Interest
"I assure you we shall continue
to take action I believe to be in
the best interest of all the people
of Alabama," he said.
"I shall continue to resist for
you within the law."
Wallace's remarks very closely
paralleled speeches he made before
taking a doorway stand against
integration at the University of
Alabama last June when he defied
federal officials but yielded to
federalizedrnational guardsmen.
Wallace refused to say what he
would do tomorrow when schools
are scheduled to open in the cities
facing desegregation.
"You can refer back to our!
executive orders," he said.
Four Cities
Jnless Wallace does intervene
again-as he has four times in
the hectic week gone by-white
and -Negro students arc scheduled
to attend class together in Bir-
mingham, Huntsville, Mobile and
Thy~ crisis, if it continues, could
bring United States marshals, or
troops, to Alabama again to carry
out federal court orders to admit'
a total of 24 Negroes to previously'
all-white schools for the newly
started fall term.
Fall Rushing
Session Opens
Hundreds of prospective affili-
ates will visit fraternity open
houses today as fall rush opens.
Open houses run from 2-5 p.m.
today and from 7-10 p.m. today,
Monday and Tuesday. Luncheons,
dinners and smokers continue
through Sept. 19, the last day of
rush. Bidding will begin next Sun-
day, with pledge cards being cir-
culated Sept. 18.
The only requirement for rush
is that the rushee register with
Interfraternity Council, and have
the required grade-point average.
Sign-up at the Union and on the
diag continues from 9 a.m. to 5
p.m. tomorrow.

The fiery segregationist gover-
nor - whose inauguration eight
months ago brought a defiant
promise of "segregation today, seg-
regation tomorrow, segregation
forever'"-found himself confront-
ed with a swelling chorus of pub-
lic protest and legal action because
of his use of armed state troopers
in the past five days to keep
schools closed.
Invoked Power
At one Tuskegee school Monday
and at four in Huntsville Friday,
Wallace invoked his police power
to prohibit the schools from open-
ing. He said there was grave dan-,
ger of violence.
Helmeted troopers kept students:
away even though school boards
in both communities rejected the
closing orders and, technically,
kept the schools open.

ME// i 1

Wallace Faces Nhowdown


At Birmingham, still jittery in
the wake of earlier violence grow-
ing out of Negro demonstrations,
the three schools ordered to break
the racial barriers were permitted
to open for registration Wednes-
day without the presence of state
police already assembled in the
And as night fell, the home of
Negro attorney Arthur Shores
was dynamited for the second
time in two weeks, and rock-
throwing mobs of Negroesroamed
the streets again. One Negro was
killed by gunfire and 20 persons
were injured.
The Birmingham Board of Edu-
cation, at the governor's request,
closed the three schools indefin-
itely, but Board Chairman Robert
C. Arthur expressed hope they
would reopen tomorrow.

Integration Moves Quietly
For Most Southern Regions
ATLANTA (A)-School integration spread voluntarily in some
communities and made slow but steady headway in others under
federal court orders, in the opening week of a new school year.
Court-ordered integration brought compliance without disorder
except in Alabama. That deep. South state faced the prospect of
federal enforcement of court directives unless Gov. George Wallace
permits reopening of schools he.

..' tax cut sidetrack?

development, the program to help
businesses get started where un-
employmen* is high, was defeated
once in th Ho:ise. Senate passage
gave it another chance and it, too,
now reposes in the House Rules
Foreign aid, in one form or an-
other, is considered certain of
passage. The House drastically cut
the President's requested author-
ization; the Senate, if it runs true
to form, will restore part of the
An administration measure in-
tended t help stem the outflow
of dollars and gold by taxing cer-
tain United States investments
abroad awaits action by the House
Ways and Means Committee.
Hearings have been completed.

closed to prevent desegregation.
T h r e e Birmingham schools
scheduled for integration were
closed after rioting flares follow-
ing the bombing Wednesday night
of a Negro attorney's home, the
second bombing in recent weeks.
One Negro was killed in the riot-
ing but Birmingham police refused
any help from state troopers in
quelling the riot.
Token Integration
In Georgia, token integration
spread outside of Atlanta for the
first time. Additional Negro stu-
dents were admitted to Atlanta
. Two high schools in Savannah
quietly accepted a handful of
Negro pupils and five Negroes
attended three previously white
schools at Athens, home of the
University of Georgia. Two years
ago, Athens was the scene of
rioting when that university was
integrated for the first time.
Texas saw integration for the
first time in nearly 60 school dis-
trict's of the state's 1,440 districts.
Integration moved ahead quietly
in N o r t h Carolina, although
Negro pupils boycotted segregated
schools in Williamston and Mon-
roe for a brief time.
Integration Progress
Desegregation of public schools
in Tennessee is now in its ninth
year and schools in 18 counties
and 19 cities have been integrated.
In Louisiana, 28 Negroes enter-
ed four previously white schools
at Baton Rouge. It was the first
See PrACEFUL, Page 3

Fears Loss
Of Prestige
Americans Ponder
Means of Forcing
Ref ornin Viet Nam
nedy administration has started
what one official termed a "mas-
sive resurvey" of its relations with
South Viet Nam.
Its aim is to find ways of achieve
ing the reforms which President
John F. Kennedy considers neces-
sary to victory in the Southeast
Asian war against the Commu-
The problem is especially criti-
cal not only because of the situa-
tion in Viet Nam itself but also
because the United States seems
to be suffering a decline in influ-
ence all over Asia.
Pressure or Prestige s:
Effective influence-the ability
to get other countries to take ac-
tion without having to threaten or
pressure them-is what is meant
by United States prestige abroad.
This prestige, the capacity for
strong leadership, has been dam-
aged by several recent events.
These include failure to unseat
strongman Ngo Dinh Nhu from
his position of power in the gov-
ernment of his brother, Ngo Dinh
Diem. They also include the al-
most contemptous disdain shown
for United States advice and cri-
ticism by the military junta rul-
ing South Korea. Relations be-
tween the United States and Paki-
stan are on a more dignified plane
but in terms of hard political reali-
ties cannot get much worse short
of an actual break.
Undersecretary of State George;
Ball is evidently returning empty-
handed from his talks this week
with Pakistan President Moham-
mad Ayub Khan. America's differ-
ences with its key Asian ally are
centered on Pakistan's bitter op-
position to United States military
help to India and its consequent
flirtation with Communist China
againstwhich the Indian defenses
are being raised.
Indian Intransigence
Even in relations with India,
which has long received kid-glove
treatment from Washington, the
United States has found itself un-
able to make assistance a two-way
street. The Indians have resisted
American efforts to set up a broad-
casting station in their country
lest this somehow infringe their
asserted neutrality in the cold war.
The spread of difficulties in re-
lations between the United States
and countries it is closely associat.
ed with are not limited, of course,
to Asia.
France is the outstanding exam-
ple in Europe. Under President
Charles de Gaulle's leadership she
long since decided to go her own
way. But France is not dependent
on American support. Nor is an-
other NATO ally, Portugal; the
situation there is rather reversed
since this country hardly needs
See U.S., Page 5
Raps Kennedy,
'New Frontier'
OREGON, Ill. (JP)-Gov. Nelson
A. Rockefeller of New York attack-
ed the Kennedy administration
yesterday for what he termed fail-
ures at home and abroad.

He called for a Republican vic-
tory in 1964 to "fill the void-in na-
tional leadership."
"America is bogged down in
terms of our world leadership, and
it is bogged down at home," he
said. "All of this has happened un-
der an administration whose most
vaunted boast was that it would
get the country moving again."
"We are not on the New Fron-
tier," he jibed. "We are lost. in


Music School's New Building Nears Completion

... another crisis?
SGC Opens
Sets Rules
Petitions for the upcoming Stu-
dent Government Council election
will be available starting tomorrow
in Rm. 1541 SAB, according to
SGC Elections Director Nina
Dodge, '64BAd.
The election will be held Oct. 9
with seven seats to be filled. Pe-
titions will be due Sept. 21.
The petitions, in compliance
with the election rules establish-
ed by Council last Wednesday
night, require each candidate who
is not an incumbent to file 250
nominating signatures.
Off Limits
In obtaining these signatures,
the election rules specify, the can-
didates may not iirculate the pe-
titions in classrooms, libraries, the
Michigan Union or the Michigan
These signatures, an election fee
of $5, a platform statement and a
signed affidavit stating that the
candidate is aware of the election
rules, must be submitted to Miss
Dodge by the last day of petition-
ing, Sept. 21.
Infraction of any of the rules
will subject the candidate to ac-
tion by the SGC credentials and
rules committee. Disqualification
is the highest penalty that this
body can impose.
In addition to choosing the sev-
en Council members, voters will
participate in a referendum asking

The music school's new building on North Campus will be com-
pleted by Dec. 1, according to Dean James B. Wallace of the music
However, due to the time required to install large equipment such
as organs, the building will not be in regular use until the next year's
summer session.
The building at completion will house facilities for instructing
students enrolled in the music school.
Burton Tower Restoration
Burton Tower will be renovated and used to serve those in other
schools wishing to take music school courses. The program for these
students is being expanded to include courses not offered to non-music
students since 1945, Dean Wallace noted.
Faculty members from other schools will commute to the new
building, enabling music school students to have all classes in one
The new facility, replacing 13 separate buildings scattered across
the central campus, will contain teaching studios, practice rooms,
chamber music hall and a music library which, according to Dean
Wallace, will be "the largest and most significant in the nation."
Lacks Large Auditorium
The only item lacking in the building is a large concert auditor-


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