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September 07, 1963 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1963-09-07

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& t Bail
Seve,.ty-Tbird Year
Truth Will Preval
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

"Dear Nikita - It Was Interesting To See Your
Test-Ban Treaty, Which You Can Put Away In
The Same Place You Keep Your Missiles"

The Weak State
Of ..Fair Housing




Morse'sP i

Wallace's Privacy

HE NAME-CALLING controversy between
Alabama Gov. George Wallace and Sen.
ayne Morse (D-Ore), while being a little en-
htening and ludicrous, also reveals an ex-
?mely serious breach in the American citizen's
ht to privacy. Morse revealed Thursday that
allace, while an Air Force sergeant in World
ar II, developed a tension-caused psycho-
urosis and receives a 10 per cent disability
yment monthly from the Veterans Adminis-
Morse got this choice bit of information from
e Veterans Administration. A VA spokesman
lained that its records are closed to the
neral public, but are open to the veteran's
ctor, family, legal agencies or an investigat-
member of Congress.
[his last classification of access leaves a wide
mning for snooping Congressmen, bent on de-
oying the reputation of their opponents.
rse apparently has used this loophole to


its fullest advantage although it is not clear
what the Oregon senator is investigating.
MEDICAL RECORDS, especially psychological
records, are generally considered private.
Generally, they are not even seen by the pa-
tient himself. The first two of the VA's per-
missible viewers maintain the privacy of these
records and allow the proper personnel to use
them when necessary.
The third group-legal agencies-is more
questionable. While some, such as courts pre-
preparing to sentence a criminal or to commit
a mentally ill individual to a state hospital,
have a proper use for these records, other
agencies do not.
Investigating Congressmen have no business
looking at records. Probably, they were allowed
to see the record so that they could aid con-
stituents dealing with VA, but apparently the
agency has not used even limited discretion in
letting the lawmakers see the records.
WHAT GOOD does an individual record do in
lawmaking? Laws deal with general sub-
jects, the records deal, with individuals. Since
Congressional investigations are supposed to be
concerned with legislation, these individual rec-
ords have nothing to do with their work.
Being a public official does not cause one's
medical record to be public. A public official
should be judged on what he does in his
offices, not in his private life. His official
position considerably reduces his private life
and makes many activities, usually private,
public, but this does not extend to his health
unless his health prevents him from fulfilling
the duties of his office.
Whether Wallace is neurotic or not i not
the concern of the voter. His actions as gov-
ernor of Alabama are the citizen's concern
and if his neurosis does not affect them, it is
unimportant. If his illness does, then his ac-
tions speak for his removal.
[HOPEFULLY, this incident will cause the VA
to change its unfortunate policy. Snooping
congressmen can do hardly anything good for
the health of veterans.
National Concerns Editor

Relations Coordinator for the
Human Relations Commission, re-
signed her post at last week's City
Council meeting charging, on two
points, that the HRC is ineffective.
First, she maintains that com-
plaints of discrimination are im-
properly handled. The HRC has
little punitive power, and it is
reluctant to use what it has. The
HRC's power to hold public hear-
ings in cases of discrimination is
a measure that members of the
commission seem to have forgotten.
Second, Mrs. Talayco charges
the HRC with lacking a program.
More specifically, the commission
is in the dark over what the coun-
cil expects of it, and fails to make
use of the talents of its members.
* * *
TO AN EXTENT, this second
charge is valid. Communication
between the commission and coun-
cil is weak, often almost non-
existent. This problem was the sub-
ject of a recent commission meet-
ing, Mrs. Talayco points out.
However, it is good that Ann
Arbor has a Human Relations
Commission-in the same way that
it is good that the city has a fair-
housing ordinance. For the most
part agencies and individuals out-
side the council who have taken an
interest in Ann Arbor's struggle
for a fair housing ordinance are
against passage of what has been
termed a "weak, watered-down
At least two council members
have voiced 'sympathy for Mrs.
Talayco's action. Others inthe 11
man council are probably privately
understanding of the resignation.
Almost to a man the council was
willing to praise Mrs. Talayco for
her work on the HRC.
An important member of the
HRC believesthe ordinance in its
present form will fail, but has
strong hope that a more complete
form will be passed before Christ-
The council indicated desire to
negotiate with leaders of the
movement for a better ordinance
when Fourth Ward Councilman
Wendall Hulcher moved for a
meeting with these leaders to be
held before a final vote on the or-
dinance was taken.
* * *
cher's motion unanimously, it is
hoped that the council will demon-
strate sincere intention of working
for the best fair housing ordinance
possible. It must be clear to the
councilmen that sit-ins and dem-

onstrations against the present
weak ordinance will not stop until
a satisfactory piece of legislation
is passed.
speare's "The Tempest": "We
,are such stuff as dreams are made
on, and our little life is rounded
with a sleep." This perhaps is the
main vision behind Ingmar Berg-
man's 1958 film "Wild Straw-
berries," the Saturday and Sunday
feature at the Cinema Guild.
An old doctor (well acted by
Victor Siostrom) is invited to re-
ceive recognition, at a college, for
the humanitarian services he has
given others during his lifetime.
The actual ceremony, however, is
only an interlude if compared to
what comes before it, and after.
* * *
RIDING TO the college with
his daughter-in-law, the old man
lapses into thoughts and dreams of
his youth, of his brothers and
sisters, and of the girl he almost
These many dreams are provok-
ed and sustained by incidents
along the road: twice they take on
passengers; most importantly, they
pay a short visit to his boyhood
Here, I think, the film welcomes
comparison with a well-known
type of adventure story, namely
one that follows a theme of "in-
trigue on a moving train" or
"drama and humor on a cross-
country bus." Route 66 stuff, if
you will, but handsomely done by
Bergman in that each episode on
the highway is tied to the next by
virtue of its effect on the old
man's reveries. Indeed, without
this excellent thread the entire
picture would separate into num-
erous isolated patches of unrelated
The old doctor accepts the
award of recognition, whereupon
the story becomes more domestic
in flavor, as he tries to ease the
strained relation between his son
and hiss daughter-in-law.
THE FILM, for definite reasons,
did not evoke in me a feeling
among other film critics. Perhaps
commensurate with its reputation
I wasn't in the mood; equally per-
haps, I cannot be expected to ap-
preciate the fears of old age. But
I think the most plausible reason
is this: the film concentrates. on
thoughts more than actions. And
thoughts, while nolt necessarily un-
cinematic, are difficult things"to
put before a camera lens. They
flirt, but sometimes you can't,
touch them.
The radius of Bergman's reach
is admirable, but his actual grasp
is ten a cold withdrawal from
-Gary 'T. Robinson





the grand old tradition of "good clean fun"
as they recently proved again at Seaside,
Oregon, and the Newport Jazz Festival.
Young men and women in their early twen-
ties tore up Seaside, littering its beach with
beer cans and rioting wildly in the streets. In
a fit of unusual passion and energy they ripped
up a twenty-foot lifeguard tower and carried
it through the town's streets. Riot police and
a harassed town council attempted to negotiate
with the students whose money was all too
nice, but whose manners, they felt, left some-
thing to be desired.
THE RITE of spring usually held in Fort
Lauderdale or Datoria Beach now seems to
have been joined by end of summer festivities
on both coasts and more collegiate "horsing"
There seems to be little reason why Seaside
should be so upset, since each spring the Tribe
of Michigamua does exactly the same thing
and with University sanction to boot.

The War in Viet Namt


An Impractical Senator

day against the present terms of the test
ban treaty constitutes one of the first con-
crete issues he will be judged on both at the,
Republican Presidential Nomination Conven-
tion and, possibly, at the polls next November.
By calling for the removal of Soviet weapons
and men from Cuba asia prerequisite for ratify-
ing the treaty, Goldwater demonstrated cour-
age. Although the Cuba situation has resulted
in a lingering uneasiness, the popularity of the
treaty is formidable to any of its opponents.
Yet when political stakes are as high for the
test ban's opponents as they are for Goldwater,
courage approaches foolhardiness.
SENATE Democratic leader Mike Mansfield
of Montana argued in Senate debate that
Goldwater's qualification "would require nego-
tiations not only with the Soviet Union but
with over $0 other nations."
Mansfield also predicted that about half
the world would then demand reservations of
one kind or another, and "we wil be back,
where we started from."
Whether or not this is true, Goldwater cer-
tainly appears to be acting out of conviction
rather than political motive. However incon-
ceivable such action may seem for the veteran
politician, how could his motives be otherwise?
PUBLIC RESPONSE to the treaty, which has
poured into Washington both for senators
and President Kennedy, has overwhelmingly
favored the test ban.I
In addition, Senate testimony has lent
scientific validity to important contentions of
the treaty. After Dean Rusk initialed the
treaty, it was predicted that President Kennedy
would have a tough battle on his hands to in-
sure its passage. However, judging from sena-
torial polls, its passage now appears certain.
Thus it is doubtful that political advantage
will accrue from Goldwater's demand.
But his reservation is more than politically
impractical. He is not merely lessening the
chances of his success at the polls.
GOLDWATER WILL probably emerge as one
of the last of a fading clan-an American
Revolutionary. He has, however, amended
slightly a famous slogan of the American Revo-
lution: "Give me liberty or give me death."
Goldwater's version must be, "Give me my
ideology all over the world or give the world
Editorial Staff

death." Thus his political tactics bear con-
siderable resemblance to those of Red Chinese
Premier Mao Tse Tung.:
THAT THIS VIEW, and Goldwater's quarrel
with the nuclear test ban, have achieved a
measure of impracticality on the American
political scene brings faint hope that world
peace may not, be as impossible, as Edward
Teller would have us believe.
THE FREE PRESS in America is in large part
a myth. What is published in a newspaper
rests as much or more upon the whim of its
publisher as on the newsworthiness or even
truth of a given news item.
To a great extent, this is to be expected. A
publisher runs a newspaper not only to make
money, but also to express his views. He is able
to do this not only on the editorial page but,
more dangerously, on the news pages as well.
He plays up information he favors, withholds
that which he disfavors, and distorts any and
all of it to put his views in the best possible
Anyone who doubts this might compare a
typicl day's edition of The New York Times
with that of The Chicago Tribune.
IN THE EVERYDAY world of American free
enterprise, such moves would be not only
unabashedly accepted, but even expected. How-
ever, a newspaper is more than a business. In
its role in American democracy, it is a vital
public service, essential to the success of the
system. An informed citizenry is a prime re-
quisite of our form of government, and this is
why a free, uncensored press is a necessity.
But clearly there must be more than this. A
case in point is coverage in the Sept. 4 Detroit
Free Press of the return of a Michigan girl
from a summer in Cuba. Was there, anywhere
within that fairly long column of print, any
mention of her impressions of the Cuban
standard of living, of her saying that there
was a colony of 300 American technicians on
the island, of her favorable impression of the
Cuban government?
There was not. Such views, whether accurate
or not, do not appear to be popular with the
publisher of The Free Press. So instead of
reading of what was at least a very skillful
propaganda job by Cuba, we are told of Cas-
tro's skill at the ping pong table and that the
State Department failed to carry out its threat

IN HIS television interview with
Walter Cronkite, President Ken-
nedy said, so at least it sounded,
that South Viet Nam can win the
war if the Saigon government re-
forms. It must recapture the pop-
ular support which it has lost in
the past two months by "changes
in policy and perhaps with, per-
sonnel." This amounted to telling
Diem to disentangle himself from
the clutches of his family.
It is hard to believe the Presi-
dent really thinks this will or
can be done, or that he thinks
that if it were done, South Viet
Nam could proceed to win the war.
For the objective of the military
operation which we are support"-
ing is not to win the guerrilla war,
but to contain it.
This is not because President
Kennedy and President Eisen-
hower have not wanted to win,
but because it is for all practical
purposes impossible to win a guer-
rilla war if there is a privileged
sanctuary behind the guerrillas
onstrated in another big guerrilla
war in which we have intervened.
That was the war in Greece. That
war was won by the non-Com-
munist Greeks, but-and the but
is crucial-only after Tito closed
the Yugoslav frontier against the
Communist Greeks. When the
guerrilla fighters could not longer
retire into Yugoslavia to be re-
equipped and rested, they were de-
It is reasonably certain that the
Communist guerrillas, the Viet
Cong, cannot be defeated in South
Viet Nam as long as they have an
open line to North Viet Nam. The
key question about winning the
war is whether the Viet Cong can
be cut off from its base of supplies
in the north. If it cannot be, a
military solution is most improb-
We can be sure that it is quite
beyond the capacity of Diem's
government, or of any other Sai-
gon government, to cut the supply
lines to the north. If we decided
on a military solution, we should
have to operate directly against
North Viet Nam, presumably by
occupying its capital of Hanoi in
order to cut the supply lines to
the guerrillas.
But we should have to expect
and be prepared for a Red Chinese
retort in the form of invasions
anywhere along the frontier of
what used to be called Indo-China.
For us, this would almost cer-
tainly mean a war of the type and
on the scale of the Korean war.
If we then escalated the war by
using nuclear weapons, nobody
can predict the end of it all.
THE PRICE of a military vic-
tory in the Vietnamese war is
higher than American vital in-
terests can justify. The Chinese,
of course, know this and fortunate-
ly they know, too, that the price
of a military victory for them is
Speaking for ourselves, we have
made it manifest that Indo-China

Carson's Book May Be a Catalyst

Our intervention in Indo-China
is to prevent Red China from ab-
sorbing the great natural resources
of Southeast Asia. In this we'are
not alone. This is also the interest
of Britain and of Australia and of
the Commonwealth.
;It is, as General de Gaulle has
just reminded us, an interest of
France that the countries of Indo-
China should be independent and
unconquered. It is a vital interest
of India, which would be dan-
gerously out-flanked if Red China

swept down through Burma and
Indo-China to Singapore.
Last but not least, it is a very
great interest of the Soviet Union
to limit the expansion of Red
China during its present aggressive
ASSUMING' that4 no dramatic
collapse of the present position in
Saigon is imminent, we shall have
time to begin talking about these
larger considerations.
(c) 1963, The Washington Post Co.

1 1

UIPTON SINCLAIR jolted a com-
placent nation in 1906 with
his expose ofethe meat-packing in-
dustry, "The Jungle," and ulti-
mately aided in the passage of
legislation to rectify the injustices
brought out in the novel.
Now, 57 years later, an ever-
growing segment of the population
is once again being aroused to
concern-and even indignation-
by a controversial account of the
uses and misuses to which insec-
ticides are being put in this coun-
to the
To the Editor:
HERE'S A FUNNY coincidence:
Lloyd Graff ("English 123
Worthless") offers as his own pro-
posal the "abolition" of Freshman
English and suggests that "other
departments of the University
could then assume the burden of
incorporating extensive writing in-
to their introductory courses."
The same proposal, in virtually
the same language, can be found in
an article by Prof. Warner Rice,
head of the English department,
entitled "A Proposal for the Aboli-
tion of Freshman English, as It
is Now Commonly Taught, from
the College Curriculum." ("College
English," April, 1960)
Graff seems unaware that an-
other of his recommendations (a
proficiency exam for exempting
students from the Freshman Eng-
lish requirement) has already been
in effect for about five years. The
CEEB Advanced Placement Exam-
ination in English may be taken
by any prospective freshman; if
he does well he will be granted
not only exemption but credit for
the course.
ONE FINAL NOTE to former
Freshman English students who
may have found the course diffi-
cult and now feel slighted by what
appears to be a sneer from the
department chairman himself.
Graff says "English 123 and, to a
lesser extent, English 124, are
aimed at what Prof. Warner G.

The book, "The Silent Spring,"
is the most recent work of Ra-
chel Carson, a professional biolo-
gist who was catapulted to prom-
inence from an obscure position in
the United States Fish and Wild-
life Service with her award-
winning book, "The Sea Around
Us," in 1951. Now she has turned
her attention to "the fog around
us," a phrase which might apply
equally well to the mist of chemi-
cal poisons which daily enshrouds
our countryside or to the fog of
controversy which has begun to
envelop scientists and laymen
alike where this vital issue is con-
made such chemicals as mala-
thion, dieldrin, chlordane and lin-
dane household words and ex-
panded the fight against frivolous
application of toxic chemicals be-
yond the usual number of con-
servation groups and bird-
watchers' societies.
It was this book which United
States Supreme Court Justice Wil-
liam 0. Douglas termed "the most
important chronicle of this cen-
tury for the human race." And
now it appears that history will
repeat itself, and it will be this
book which will bring about need-
ed legislation to keep a large
portion of our nation's landscape
from turning brown and withering
This latest development in the
conservationists' effort has as yet,
unfortunately, brought .forth as
little fruit of any worth as the
sun - drenched - and parathion-
drenched-orchards which dot the
countryside. However, the issue is
being discussed by a Senate sub-
committee; and passage of new
legislation in this area has been
urged by several experts in the
field, as well as one layman of
major importance, President John
F. Kennedy.
IN A REPORT issued by his
Science Advisory Committee, the
President called for "a buttressing
of federal laws on pesticides, in-
cluding those laws that control
their marketing, as well as new
steps by federal agencies respon-
sible for control of pesticide use."
The report called these agencies'
work "inadequate" and noted that
approximately 150 persons are
killed by the misuse of these

wildlife, our agriculture industry
and even ourselves, in addition to
the pests for which the poisons
are actually intended.
Nor need one look very far for
examples of this hazard, either.
There is the case of more than 60
fruit pickers in the Sacramento
and San Joaquin Valleys of Cali-
fornia who became violently ill
from inhaling parathion or ab-
sorbing it through the skin.
Or one might point to the case
of an eight year old Washington,
D.C., girl who died under circum-
stances "implicating" a lindane
vaporizer as the fatal instrument.
It is not illogical to assume that
such examples of human, misery
as these might arouse those indi-
viduals who do not care about the
immense numbers of birds and
other "dumb animals" who have
met death at the hands of these
same chemicals.
* * *
THE conservationists have only,
begun to fight; with ever-increas-
ing support from legislators and
the general public, it appears that
they are not alone in their struggle
against eventual eradication and
inundation. It is to be hoped that
Miss Carson's book will serve as
a "reverse catalyst" to show down
the rate of chemical reactions in
our fields and forests.

Ro bot?

free political system and* a free
economy is moral. Unless, man is
inwardly free-able to distinguish
between good and evl, right and
wrong, capable of making intel-
ligent and prudent decisions in his
own interest on his own account-
the whole fabric of free institu-
tion rests on a foundation of sand.
This concept of the self-reliant
individual, able within reasonable
limitations to shape his swn des-
tiny, with the choice between suc-
cess and failure mainly in his own
hands, has been under heavy at-
tack from many ;modern theorists.
They would substitute for the
self-reliant individual who helps
himself the image of a!semi-robot
who must be helped and guided in
every step he takes by the state
and its proliferating welfare agen-
-William Henry Chamberlain
in The Freeman


"Bad News, Chief-Education Is Breaking Out
In Another Area"



44C,..r. w








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