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September 05, 1963 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1963-09-05

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Seventy-Third Year
"Where Opinions Are Fe STUDENT PmuiCATIONs BLDG,, ANN ARBOR, MICH., PHONE NO 2-3241
Truth Will Prevail"
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Extremist Goldwater:
.Far from Nominated



A Newspaper's Ideal:
News of Importance

'H OSE WHO ARE CHARGED with directing
The Daily's news pages are from time to
time greeted by disgruntled folk who believe
that this newspaper is treating them unfairly in
'placement and emphasis of their particular
An Interfraternity Council official last spring
requested that The Daily print only favorable
news stories about fraternities.
Spring Weekend directors last year demanded
that The Daily devote more pictures and more
space to their gala, with the anguished com-
ment that the newspaper would "ruin" them
financially if more publicity wasn't extended.
A University vice-president suggested an
article on Mrs. Haber's reaction when Prof.
William Haber was appointed dean of the
literary college last spring.
Just a week ago, a person in Friends of SNCC
called up to urge, somewhat arrogantly, The
Daily rush a photographer over to the front
of the Union to snap 30 students in the excit-
ing act of boarding the bus to Washington for
the freedom march.
HE TASK of The Daily, I feel, is to dis-
seminate interestingly and completely the
most important academic and political events
in the University and outside world.
Blessed with financial independence and
relative prosperity, and having the most eru-
dite readership this side of The New York
Times, The Daily is able to print what it feels
like without having to appeal to sixth-grade
tastes and minds.
It concentrates on the things that will have
a lasting impact upon the studentand his edu-
cation; it clings to developments from the
Regents, faculty and student politics and shuns
campus dances and "human interest" features.
In addition, -the paper tries to record the
University as it really is. If a given event of
importance, factually and impartially reported,
will tarnish the University's image or make
someone look foolish, it is printed nevertheless.
Ot N NATIONAL and international news cover-
age, The Daily emphasizes policy decisions
and governmental strife while downplaying
automobile crashes and movie stars.
Last summer, for example, there was abso-
lutely no mention in The Daily about the
death of President Kennedy's baby. If there
had been, it would have been a brief one-inch
On the other hand, a nation-wide train
strike or the nuclear test ban treaty are stress-
ed highly.
DECIDING WHERE to put a story is a func-
tion-of how much news is occurring on a
given day. On some issues, stories are em-
phasized that wouldn't be on other days when
there are more important things happening.
Judging which story is the most important
of the day involves a number of value judg,
ments. Briefly, here's how the process worked
on three articles of recent years.
TUIT30N HIKE-In spring of 1962 the Re-
gents reluctantly decided a stiff increase in
tuition was needed to raise $1.5 million in
sorely-needed revenues.
Since this event obviously affected each Uni-
versity student and in the future might affect
the type and number of students to seek ad-
mission, it was given the largest play possible.
USNSA BOOKSTORE-In last Friday's Daily
was an article about the opening of a new,
non-profit bookstore in Ann Arbor.

Such a venture could alter students' buying
habits and lower prices in private bookstores.
On the other hand, the new store could very
easily be patronized by only a few students and
fold after a semester or two.
Hence, this story was given important but
not overwhelming play.
SPRING WEEKEND-This semi-annual ex-
travaganza occupies the interest of a large
number of students.
However, it has no bearing on curricular
programs or academic life, except to keep
people from studying for three days. Addition-
ally, it affects students for only that short
period. (A tuition boost, in contrast, has a
significant long-range impact.)
The University would continue to operate
in the same way it always has if there were no
Spring Weekend. Therefore, at the expense of
irritating the Weekend denizens, The Daily
put its news coverage here low on page one.
news leads to three problems.
First, of course, is dullness.
Second, some political groups on campus
which are well-covered apparently have come
to believe that anything they do is of crucial
significance. The editors spend a considerable
amount of time telling Voice, Friends of SNCC
and other such organizations that The Daily
is independent of them as well as the Young
Americans for Freedom.
The third problem is that the paper has
neither the time nor the space to cover every-
thing on campus that it would like to. Aside
from advancing campus events, covering im-
portant lectures and having reporters badger
deans, vice-presidents and large student or-
ganizations, there are some areas-mostly in
the graduate and professional levels-which by
sheer necessity are covered quite incompletely.
N ADDITION to the above problems, The
Daily staff, being human beings, each year
commits an assortment of errors of commission
and omission in news articles. The number is
small, however, and every effort is made to
prevent them.
The major internal control device is a critic
sheet-a 1000-word pungent commentary each
day by the city editors on the quality of the
morning's edition. This device also attempts
to improve writing, headlines and make-up by
pointing out inadequacies and suggesting im-
There will also be other endeavors and new
ideas by the editors to better The Daily.
IN CIRCULATION and typography, The Daily
rivals many a professional newspaper. In
staff and finances, it is the envy of virtually
every other college journal.
As for coverage, even those who don't like
The Daily will attest that it does a decent job
of capsuling the critical University and inter-
national events.
In adition, the paper often broadens its news
pages by getting first-hand out-of-town cover-
age. This summer, for example, three Daily
reporters travelled to Albany, Ga., to report on
the segregationist idiocies there.
BY ITS POLICY of stressing news of import-
ance and ignoring trivia, The Daily has
come to be regarded as the best student news-
paper in the country. By continuing this em-
phasis, I believe that The Daily will retain its
position of leadership.
City Editor

Salt on a City's Wounds

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first
of a two part series concerning last
summer's surge for civil rights in
New York City.)
OPEN ANY cheap novel set in
New York City, especially New
York in the summer, and you find
yourself almost overwhelmed by
a parade of bitter, incisive and
usually trite metaphors. The city
becomes a restless giant, a 'steam-
ing jungle," whose creatures,
crazed by the heat and their own
unfulfilled desires, stalk the land
in search of violent and apalling
While a string of glamorously
arranged words doesn't seem to de-
serve much attention, these par-
ticular words do become significant
when one realizes that they are
alarmingly accurate. You will not
surprise many New Yorkers if you
tell them that the city is a hell-
hole in the summer. Those who
can afford it get out-they spend
eight weeks at a hotel in the
mountains or take a seaside bun-
galow in R ockaway Beach-leav-
ing the steaming jungle to the
tourists and the slum kids who
Bever seemed to make it to the
Fresh Air Camps.
The canyons formed by the tow-
ering concrete seem to fill with
a heavy, sticky, dirty mist that
transforms the wilting city into
an enormous, nearly unbearable
steam bath. Tension is high; col-
lars are saturated with sweat;
traffic noise increases. And into
this great tense oven are dumped
nearly a million idle school chil-
The city officials know that
such a situation can breed only
trouble. The problem is not a new
one; it has been around for many
summers past.
BUT THIS YEAR there was yet
another ingredient tossed into the
boiling kettle, and it made the
broth quite a bit spicier: the long-
suppressed, and now nationally
exploding, surge of energy for civil
Ever since World War II authors
and newspapermen have been not-
ing the "Revolution of Rising Ex-
pectations" in the underdeveloped
nations. The old white colonial
powers slowly rescinded, giving
Black Africa and Yellow Asia
measures of self-government and
self-respect. Everyone now speaks
of the new era in world affairs:
the Age of Independence.
Yet no one seemed to notice
that Black America was still in
chains. The great colonial powers,
Great Britain, France, the Nether-
lands and Belgium, were ending or
being forced to end their domina-
tion of nonwhites. But puny colon-
ial powers like Mississippi, Ala-
bama and Arkansas were still in
complete control of people who
had every right to be free.
IN THE PAST Negroes received
little support or recognition in the
battle for civil liberties. Demon-
strations in schools, bus stations,
lunch counters and the famous
Freedom Rides were regarded by
the general public as acts of "civil
disobedience." Americans were too
busy with the world situation, the
Soviet Union and the rise of na-

couraged to fight harder. Even
politicians are being forced at least
to recognize the problem of dis-
crimination if not to do something
about it. Some people were even
conjecturing that we were seeing
the results of some gigantic plot,
formulated by joint efforts of the
NAACP and the Communist Party.
The American people are finally
seeing or being forced to see that
there are Revolutions of Rising
Expectations in South East Brook-
lyn as well as South East Asia.
THE PERSONALITY of the civil
rights struggle in New York City
this summer was unique in a num-
ber of ways. Certain outside fac-
tors, especially the migration of
Puerto Ricans, have been making
possible the formation of an un-
usually large Negro middle class in
New York. Migrations of Negroes
from the South to New York have
been discouraged by the influx of
Puerto Ricans, who work for lower
wages and take up most of the un-
skilled jobs.
Consequently, Negro neighbor-
hoods are relatively stable, popu-
lated mostly by high school edu-
cated, second and third generation
New Yorkers, many of whom are
civil servants or hold other white-
collar jobs. The Negro middle class

in New York provides a large,
powerful and sympathetic audience
for demonstrations. Newspapers
must give complete coverage to all
racial issues in order to retain
their Negro subscribers.
* * *
THE VERY SIZE and scope of
the city has given the civil rights
movement opportunity to expand
into many areas: housing, educa-
tion, employment, politics; and to
be expressed in various media,
from the militant CORE pickets
at the White Castle stands to the
wave of sweeping reforms care-
fully enunciated by state and city
And a third factor is the city
itself-the steaming jungle with
its short tempers and bored kids.
Summer unemployment was at an
unprecedented high in New York.
It was practically impossible for a
youngster of 14-17 to land a sum-
mer job. The city's youthful labor
force spent the summer on the
sidewalks looking for something
exciting to do.
Nowhere in the United States
are Negroes so successful and in-
fluential as in New York; and at
no time in the city's history as
this summer was there so large a
store of restless, youthful energy
looking for an excuse to explode.

THERE ARE reasons for think-
ing that, in spite of his rating
in the polls, Senator Goldwater is
still a very long way from the
Presidential nomination.
His spectacular spurt occurred
recently when Governor Rocke-
feller's remarriage seemed to re-
move the leading contender. It is
probable that the senator has been
the beneficiary of the old rule of
politics that you can't beat a horse
with no horse.
If there is no other horse, ex-
cept a lame horse, Senator Gold-
water might get the nomination
by a default. But he is not likely
to get it by default.
For the moderate Republicans,
who compromise the big majorities
that elected Eisenhower, are not
likely to hand over the party to an
extremist. They would probably
lose not only the election itself,
but also their own position in the
THE CAUTIOUS thing to say
would be, of course, that anything
can happen and that, . given
enough troubles at home and
abroad, anybody could be elected.
But more and more it looks to
me that Senator Goldwater's rec-
ord on public questions will not
stand the kind of full public ex-
posure that takes place in a nom-
inating campaign.
For the Goldwater philosophy is
radically opposed to the central
tradition of the Republican party
and is wholly alien to the moder-
ate and conservative character of
the American party system.
The core of his philosophy is
opposition to the federal govern-
ment as a guarantor of personal
liberty and as protector of the
national welfare.
To the senator, the federal gov-
ernment is a kind of foreign power
which must be reduced and dis-
trusted. Senator Goldwater re-
gards himself as a Republican.
But to be the kind of a Republican
he professes to be, he must dis-
avow and disown the whole heri-
tage of Hamilton, Lincoln and
Theodore Roosevelt,
For Hamilton was the principal
founder of the federal union. Lin-
coln was the preserver of the fe'1-
eral union. And Theodore Roose-
velt was the first President to see
that the United States would be
involved as a world power and that
the federal government would
have to become the regulator of
an industrial society.
These men, the greatest of the
Republicans, stood for a strong
and evolving federal power, not
for a loose and impotent confeder-
ation of states. They stood for one
nation under a federal govern-
ment which served its vital in-
leave the racial problems to te
individual states, the federal gov-
ernment to cease all intervention.
He would repeal the progressive
income tax, a measur so extreme
that it would dismantle the na-
tional defense and de roy the
credit of the United States.
He would repeal the welfare
measures as fast as he could, thus
opening the country to vast misery
and vast disor'ier. He wuld seiP
TVA. In foreign affairs,-he would
cut loose from our allie, and he
would then challenge the S.Viet
Union aggressively.
These are some of the ci~ings he
says he would do. In fact, if by
some quirk of fate he were nom-
inated and elected, he could do
almost none of the things he says
he would do.
For they are not a pogram of
government that can oe enacted
by Congress and administered by
the executive branch. They are a
vast confusion, and they are a
recipe for panic.

more serious threat to the Repub-
lican Party than he is to the Dem-
ocratic. For the odds are heavy
that President Kennedy would de-
feat him, especially after Senator
Goldwater's radically reactionary

views have been explained to the
But the Republican Party would
be a shambles after a Goldwar
nomination. The party of Lincoln
would have become the rallying
point of the racists. The party of
Hamilton would have become the
Anti-Federal Party. The party of
Theodore Roosevelt woudi have
become the Anti-Progressive. Sec-
tional and Anti-National Party.
It would then take some inge-
nuity to write statements su-
porting a Goldwater nomination
for men like Eisenhower, Nixon,
Rockefeller, Scranton, Thruston
Morton, John Sherman Cooper,
Keating and Javits.
It does not seem likely ti at
these eminent Republicans will let
themselves get into such a pre-
(c) 1963, The washington Post Co.
YOU ARE the German High
Command during the latter
days of World War II. You have
a problem. In fact you have several
hundred problems, each of them
an officer in the Allied forces,
each of them your prisoner, each
of them sworn to escape.
You are.a little tired of rounding
up each individual when he suc-
ceeds and so you get smart and
construct ,an escape-proof prison,
transfering all the troublemakers
from their scattered positions into
this one well watched prison camp,
You cleverly call this "putting all
your rotten eggs into one basket"
And thus begins the Golden Egg
of adventure movies, "The Great
Escape." Now showing at the
Michigan Theatre, "The Great Es-
cape" is among the very finest of
that special American movie genre,
the adventure story. The photo-
graphy and direction are keyed to
excitement and thrills while never
losing sight of the pathos of war.
* * *
however, just another war picture
in which thegood guys win. Com-
parison to that other classic es-
cape movie, "Stalag 17," revals the
glaring chasm between the two in
their approach. "Stalag 17" ended
with good o1' Bill Holden happily
on his way to freedom. But not
so with "The Great Escape." The
courage of the prisoners in "Stalag
17" seems like that of boy scouts
compared to that of the group in
"The Special Camp."
The acting is generally excellent
with a cast oftall your favorite war
movie bit actors included. Steve
McQueen isagreat. He finally gets
to ride his motorcycle and every
minute of it seems worthwhile.
James Garner often seems like the
kindly doctor who married Doris
Day, but there is enough of Mav-
erick left to him to carry his role
successfully. Richard Attenborough
is as cold and British as ever and
for once it seems to fit perfectly.
based on an' actual incident in
which 76 men escaped and, by
official German records, kept close
to half a million Axis soldiers di-
verted from the efforts of war.
The film remains admirably faith-
ful to the facts and this obviously
adds to its polish and success.
Yet as a tribute to those hun-
dreds of Allied prisoners of war
war who lost their lives attempting
to continue to combat the enemy,
it still seems slightly like a high
school pageant. It is too glossy,
too glorified, too pat really to show
the horror and tension that exists
as a commonday companion to
the wartime soldier.

a great film in its own right. It
thrills, excites and amuses without
sacrificing itself to a happy end-
ing. "The Great Escape" is a great
-Hugh Holland





'Falcon' Move s Fast

English 123 Worthless

MOST FRESHMEN begin classes with at least
a vague hope of finding intellectual ex-
hilaration at the University. Then they take
Freshman English.
English 123 and, to a lesser extent, English
124 are aimed at what Prof. Warner G. Rice,
head of the department, calls "the semi-liter-
ate students." The English department is not
the instrument of student extermination by
failure here as it is at other state universities.
Therefore, the staff, rather than searching for
flunk-outs, must try to elevate the semi-liter-
.ates to a minimum writing competency. Though
this may well be a worthwhile task, is the sac-
rifice the "literates" must pay justified.
MANY OF THESE so-called literates are ill-
motivated in the 123 classroom. They are
required to take the course from sincere though
inexperienced teaching fellows who, for the
most part, repeat high school exercises. The
atmosphere is certainly hostile to creativity.
Can the students of lesser proficiency raise
their writing ability appreciably in the fresh-
man course? Undoubtedly writing practice en-
ables them to improve slightly but it is rather
late for the basics to be taught.
Besides often being a bore, freshman Eng-
lish is also a financial drain which burgeons
t tiitit4 6 it

with the enrollment. Though the cost per stu-
dent is relatively inexpensive, in the total it is
a major expenditure. When money is squeezed
like rare perfume from the Legislature so much
should not be spent on freshman English as it
now exists.
ly aware of the shortcomings of the 123
course than anyone. A Freshman English Com-
mittee studied the situation and submitted a
report recently which contained several sugges-
tions. Some short range actions it proposed
included using an English proficiency exam-
ination, exemptions from English 124 for all
students who get A's and B's, and concurrent
exemption from 123 into 124 for students who
score high on entrance tests and the proposed
proficiency exam. These suggestions would sift
out many of the better writers but would not
provide a full solution.
Perhaps the best remedy would be abolition
of the course as it now stands after a transi-
tional curtailment using the alternatives men-
tioned above. Other departments of the Uni-
versity could then assume the burden of in-
corporating extensive writing into their intro-
ductory courses. If students elect a particular
course, they most likely have at least a kernel
of interest in that discipline. This seed could
be nourished by an instructor in that specific
f4-1 _.e,- - avk- nif niiA gl,_ mY_ _ _ hi

FILMS SUCH AS "8%" which
demand serious consideration
are extremely rare; the majority
are intended to be nothing more
than distraction for the mass au-
dience. Nevertheless, there are to
be found many cinematic dia-
monds in the rough. "The Maltese
Falcon," at the Cinema Guild to-
night and tomorrow, is a gem.
This film has no serious pre-
tensions whatsoever, and one must
abandon all elevated criteria in
order to enjoy it. The plot, the
characters and the dialogue are all
silly, but that's the point. This is
a slick, fast-paced action film,
and, considered as such, is
thoroughly delightful.
Spade, the creation of Dasniell
Hammet, played by Humphrey Bo-
gart at his tough, cynical best.
The lines he speaks are in the
terse post-Hemingway style. Spade
to his secretary: "Listen precious
... Miles has been shot . . . yea,
dead." Does the murder of his
partner fill him with a sense of
loss? "Move his desk outta here
and take his name off the door."
Bogart dominates throughout
and he is great; always tough, al-
ways cynical, always moving. He
laughs contemptuously in the face
of the villains and talks tough to,
the law, never at loss for a fast
quip or a quick punch.
The plot is complicated, but al-
ways fast-paced, this being the
major virtue of the film. Two men
are murdered in the first five min-
utes, bizarre characters come and
go (the "Fat Man" and "Mr.
Cairo," played by Sydney Green-
street and Peter Lorre), and it is
the search for a priceless gold

ed graphically. Before Archer is
murdered, he stands on a misty
street; a gun darts in from the
left, fires and withdraws. Cut. All
in a matter of seconds; never a
wasted moment.
-Sam Walker
W HAT ARE the responsibilities
of Negro leadership?
Certainly the first is to keep
pressing for first-class citizenship
status-an inevitable goal of those
who accept the values of this na-
Another responsibility of Negro
leadership is to encourage and as-
sist Negroes to prepare for the op-
portunities that are now and will
be opened to them.
The ultimate responsibilities of
Negro leadership, however, are to
show results and maintain a fol-
lowing. This means that it can-
not be so "responsible" that it
forgets the trials and tribulations
of others who are less fortunate or
less recognized than itself. It can-
not stress progress-the emphasis
which is so palatable to the major-
ity group-without, at the same
time, delineating the unsolved
business of democracy.
.. .But Negro leadership must
also face up to the deficiencies
which plague the Negro commun-
ity, and it must take effective
action to deal with resulting prob-
lems. While, of course, crime, pov-
erty, illegitimacy and hoplelessness
can all be explained, in large
measure, in terms of the Negro's

"And When

Do You

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